divine talisman

Chapter 1445 Tenacious Resistance [Part 1]


On the Iris Desert, the flames of war raged across the sky, all kinds of supreme fairy treasures flew across the sky, the fairy clouds exploded, breaking the sky and the earth, the void was pulverized, and all kinds of terrifying turbulent currents were filled with agitation, making the universe pale, and the sun and the moon dimmed.

This fierce battle has erupted for three days and three nights. Every inch of the soil in the Iris Desert has been soaked in blood and dyed the sky red. It is like a blood-colored purgatory. There is a strong atmosphere of war, blood, and death everywhere.

If it were left outside, such a duel between the peak powerhouses of the fairy world like this would have destroyed countless fairy cities and ruined many innocent lives.

Fortunately, this is the Iris Desert, which has a vast area of ​​tens of millions, and the environment is extremely harsh, so there are not many lives left in it. Only then did this terrifying battle not harm many innocent people.

But even so, when this world-shattering battle ends, the entire Iris Desert will surely be destroyed in the flames of war, disappearing from the world, and turning into a land of ruins and death.

It's been three days!

Outside the battlefield, Zuoqiu Clan Patriarch Zuoqiu Feng also watched coldly for three days. At this point in the battle, the core strength of Zuoqiu Feiming's department had been destroyed in sevens and eighties, leaving only a small number of people who were stubbornly resisting.

On the other hand, Zuoqiufeng also lost a lot of elite power, but in comparison, these losses were completely within Zuoqiufeng's tolerance.

But he still couldn't be happy. It's very simple. After all, this battle is a conflict within the Zuoqiu clan. No matter the enemy or us, they are all members of the Zuoqiu clan, and the blood of the Zuoqiu clan flows in their bodies. Can you be happy?

In other words, if the situation wasn't forcing him, Zuoqiufeng would definitely not have taken such ruthless measures!

But there is no way, who let these guys force themselves?

Zuoqiufeng was expressionless, looking at the battlefield in the distance, listening to the screams, fighting, and cursing from the battlefield... There was no trace of pity in his heart. Who can accomplish great things since ancient times, which one is not Iron-blooded, ruthless, cruel and merciless?

The so-called kindness does not control soldiers, it is like this.

Zuoqiufeng thought that if someone else was in his position, he would also adopt such cruel methods. After all... this conflict has seriously affected the internal stability of the family, as well as his position as the head of the family.

So, he had to do it!

"If you want to blame, blame you for opposing me. Even if the ancestor is resurrected, there is no reason to blame me..." Zuoqiufeng murmured in his heart.

"Patriarch Qi, the enemy has only 17 people left. The traitor Zuoqiu Feiming has never repented since he died, and he is stubbornly resisting, while we have lost six half-step fairy king realm elders, and another 35 half-step fairy kings and Huang Lin The ancestors are continuing to fight, and the situation is completely superior to ours."

At this moment, a burly middle-aged man appeared out of thin air, cupped his hands and said to Zuoqiufeng.

Zuoqiufeng suddenly woke up from his contemplation, and said indifferently: "Continue to suppress, we must not let anyone go!"


The burly middle-aged man accepted the order solemnly, turned around and left.

"Hahaha, congratulations to Patriarch Zuoqiu. According to this situation, the overall situation will be settled within an hour!" Seeing this, Wei Xing couldn't help laughing out loud, congratulating him endlessly.

Hearing this, Zuoqiufeng felt a little uncomfortable in his heart, but he said in a neutral manner: "This is thanks to Mr. Wei for his great support."

As he spoke, he casually glanced behind Wei Xing.

Standing there were nine figures wearing black cloaks with extremely obscure auras. The black cloaks were filled with a magical power, making it impossible to spy on the appearance of these nine people, which seemed extremely mysterious.

But Zuoqiufeng knew very well that these nine mysterious cloaked figures were the existence of the Seven Immortal Kings!It is the core pawn that the Supreme Master placed among the top forces in the fairy world in these boundless years!

It is naturally impossible for such a Tongtian character to reveal his identity.

Zuo Qiufeng didn't bother to care about the role these mysterious cloaked people played in the fairy world, but he didn't dare to have any carelessness in his heart. On the contrary, since Wei Xing brought these core chess pieces, he became extremely vigilant in his heart.

There are a total of nine of these mysterious cloaked figures. In addition, there are 69 strong men who are half-step fairy kings around Wei Xing. These strong men also wear black cloaks and are also placed in the fairy world by the Supreme Sect piece.

In short, among the strong men brought by Wei Xing this time, there are nine immortal kings and 69 half-step immortal kings. Such a terrorist force can even sweep away Those top powers in the fairy world!

Facing such power, how could Zuoqiufeng not be vigilant?

If it was only for the sake of cooperating with the Zuoqiu clan to capture and kill Chen Xi together, Zuoqiufeng would not be worried about anything, but the fear would be that after dealing with Chen Xi, the power of the Supreme Sect represented by Wei Xing would also kill them Zuoqiu. His penetration is under control!

This is what Zuoqiufeng is most vigilant and guarded against.

"Actually, if Patriarch Zuoqiu is willing, Wei can absolutely guarantee that the war in front of him can be easily resolved in minutes."

When Zuoqiufeng's thoughts were flying, Wei Xing spoke again with a smile, with strong confidence surging between his brows.

"No need, this is an internal matter of my Zuoqiu Clan after all, it's unreasonable for outsiders to intervene."

Zuoqiufeng shuddered in his heart, and flatly refused.

At the beginning of this battle, he refused Wei Xing to command those allied forces to deal with Zuoqiu Feiming and other traitors together.

The reason is just as he said, after all, this is Zuoqiu's own business, how could he just watch others slaughter his own people?

Once such a thing happens, even if he can continue to secure the position of Patriarch in the future, the Zuoqiu clan members are afraid that they will have all kinds of grudges about it.

To put it simply, the reason why Zuoqiufeng agreed to cooperate with Wei Xing this time is nothing more than to use the power of the Supreme Master to deter and beat those clansmen who are against him.

And when he really wanted to clean up these clansmen, he would never use the power of the Supreme Master, this was his bottom line, in order to prevent the power of the Supreme Master from infiltrating and controlling the Zuoqiu family.

Seeing this, Wei Xing stopped talking, but sneered in his heart.

In his opinion, Zuoqiufeng's actions were not only stupid, but outrageously stupid. If it wasn't for him rejecting him repeatedly, this civil turmoil would have been suppressed three days ago.

It's a pity that Zuoqiufeng refused to do so.

This made Wei Xing extremely dissatisfied. You must know that he tried his best this time to invite nine core chess pieces of the Immortal King Realm and 69 important chess pieces of the half-step Immortal King Realm.

Such a terrifying force, if it joins this battle, it is conceivable how powerful it will be, but now because of Zuoqiufeng's refusal, this force can only lie dormant here, just a bystander the ones.

How could Wei Xing be reconciled to this?

"Hmph, if you want to set up a torii even after being a bitch, if it wasn't for the fact that there are still two old immortals in the Conferred God Realm in your Zuoqiu clan, I would have killed you, you stupid idiot, a long time ago!"

Wei Xing was also quite resentful in his heart, but he could only endure it. Fortunately, this civil strife was about to be resolved, and his goal was to capture Zuoqiu Feiming and other important people to blackmail him. Chen Xi took the initiative to send them to his door, so as to achieve the goal of taking away the Dao'er Sword and the fragments of the river map.

This is what Wei Xing cares most about.

"Patriarch Qi, there are only nine enemies left, and they have been firmly trapped by Patriarch Huanglin and the others! Whether to completely wipe them out, or leave them alive, depends solely on the orders of the patriarch!"

After a stick of incense, the mighty middle-aged man came to report again.

"Finally this moment has come... It's time for this internal strife that has lasted for hundreds of years to be completely resolved!"

Zuoqiufeng lifted his spirits, took a deep breath, waved his hand and said, "Let's go and have a look together!"

After all, he and the mighty middle-aged man moved away out of thin air.

"We'll follow too!"

Seeing this, Wei Xing's eyes flashed brightly, and he conveyed it with his thoughts, and followed up with those mysterious cloaked men.


Deep in the Iris Desert.

There was a brief stagnation in the battle.

Headed by Zuoqiu Huanglin, the high-ranking members of the Zuoqiu family separated in all directions, forming a tight formation, trapping Zuoqiu Feiming and others in the center, completely cutting off all escape routes.

"Third brother, let it go. Our Zuoqiu family has shed too much blood and died too many people these days. You should be clear that it was your mistake that led to today's tragedy."

Zuoqiu Huanglin put his hands behind his back and sighed.

"Hmph, second brother, you must not have forgotten how your elder brother died back then, right? It was the Supreme Master! Until now, you are still obsessed with your obsessions, and using the power of the Supreme Master to harm the people of your tribe is simply a crime worthy of death." !"

Zuoqiu Feiming looked furious, his hair was swollen, his whole body was covered with blood, his eyes were filled with blood, like a trapped animal on the verge of desperation.

Beside him, the remaining eight high-level elders of the Zuoqiu Clan also had faces full of anger, and their expressions were filled with endless hatred. Many of their companions were ruthlessly slaughtered in the past few days, which had already made them extremely resentful.

"The thing that happened back then was that my elder brother did something wrong. I don't bother arguing with you about what is right and what is wrong. I will give you a chance because of the bond of blood. As long as you admit your mistake now, I can come forward to protect you Life."

Zuoqiu Huanglin looked at Zuoqiu Feiming and the others with a little pity, and there was a sense of superiority unique to the victors in his voice.

"What Patriarch Huanglin said is very true. As long as you are willing to surrender, I swear in the name of the patriarch that I will leave you a way to survive. I can't bear to let our Zuoqiu clan continue to be in turmoil, so as not to become an outsider. laughing stock."

At this time, Zuoqiufeng also arrived at the scene, and spoke out solemnly.

Not only Zuoqiufeng, but Wei Xing also arrived with a group of people, standing on one side, looking at Zuoqiu Feiming and the others playfully, like a vulture stalking its prey, cruel and ruthless.

"Surrender? Hahaha, do you think I will be like you, acting as a running dog for these Supreme Masters?"

Zuoqiu Feiming's eyes swept over Zuoqiu Huanglin, Zuoqiufeng, Wei Xing and others one by one, knowing that the situation was over, thinking of those clansmen who passed away these days, he couldn't help but feel sad, and couldn't help laughing angrily. Voice.


ps: The 2 updates were posted together tonight, refresh and you should be able to see the [-]nd update.


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