divine talisman

Chapter 1447 Daoxuan Immortal King [Part 1]

Wei Xing's words were full of sarcasm and sarcasm, he was arrogant!

Hearing that Zuoqiu Feiming's face was blue and white, he was so sad and indignant that he was ridiculed even for committing suicide, this feeling is destined to be uncomfortable.

"Dog, do you think you can run amok with the name of the Supreme Master?"

Regarding this, Chen Xi's reaction was extremely forceful, and his words were not polite.

He had already accumulated infinite anger in his heart, seeing Zuoqiu Feng and these disciples of the Supreme Master Sect who were helping to abuse others, all the new and old hatreds of these years surged into his heart all of a sudden, how could he be polite.

"Little bastard, dare to speak hard when you are about to die!"

Wei Xing's face darkened.

"Mr. Wei, don't talk nonsense with this bastard, he is just delaying time!"

Zuoqiufeng reminded from the side, his expression was extremely gloomy.

He originally planned to capture and kill Chen Xi by himself, but when he saw Hua Jiankong beside Chen Xi, he immediately changed his mind. He was the disciple of the headmaster of the Dao Emperor Academy, and it would be best for Wei Xing to do it.

Wei Xing saw through Zuoqiufeng's thoughts at a glance, but he didn't point it out, and immediately nodded and said, "Of course I understand this."

As he said that, his face darkened suddenly, and he said coldly: "Little guy, you should know why I came here, so whether you beg for mercy on your knees today, or resist to the death, it will not change the outcome of your death. If you are obedient Hand over the treasures on your body, maybe I can make your death easier!"

"What treasure? I have more than one treasure on me, so it's impossible to hand them all over, right?"

With a calm expression, Chen Xi said casually.

"Hmph, at this point, I still want to play a game of delaying time with this seat."

A hint of disdain appeared on the corners of Wei Xing's lips, he turned his head to look at the mysterious cloaked men on one side, and said, "Everyone, who is willing to take action and capture and kill this son?"

However, to his surprise, his voice had already fallen, but no one answered!

This made everyone around slightly startled, even Chen Xi didn't expect this to happen.

"Because once they fight with me, they will reveal their identities." Hua Jiankong gave an appropriate explanation, which made Chen Xi suddenly stunned.

Only then did he finally understand that these mysterious cloaked figures must be pawns placed by the Supreme Master among the top forces in the fairy world.

Wei Xing's eyes shrank, and there was a flash of sullenness in his expression, and he said in a deep voice: "Why, are you still worried about revealing your identity? It's just Hua Jiankong, even if the old man Meng Xinghe comes, so what? Don't forget, if there is no cultivation by the leader, how can you wait for today?"

"Forget it, come from this seat!"

Suddenly, a mysterious black-robed man stood out out of thin air. He made a casual move, and a gleaming green-gold fairy sword appeared in his palm. In an instant, the whole man's aura changed suddenly.

Fierce and arrogant, majestic and immeasurable!

Like a peerless fierce soldier showing his edge in the silent and boundless years!

"Qingyan Jinming Sword! Zhonglifeng! Unexpectedly, you also took refuge in the Supreme Master!"

Hua Jiankong spoke suddenly, with a hint of disgust in his voice, and his face was extremely cold.

Zhong Lifeng!

Everyone in the room was shocked when they heard the words. This is an old antique from the Zhongli clan, one of the seven great families in ancient times. He has been hidden for many years, his strength is unfathomable, and his status in the clan is extremely high.

If Hua Jiankong hadn't recognized his identity, who would have thought that this person has now become a pawn of the Taishangjiao! ?

Doesn't this mean that the Zhongli family, one of the seven great families in ancient times, has already been infiltrated by the power of the Supreme Master?

If it gets out, I'm afraid there will be another uproar in the fairy world!

For all this, the mysterious black-robed man didn't give any explanation. He didn't say a word, and with a flash of his figure, he went straight to kill Hua Jiankong.


The green-gold immortal sword traversed the sky, and the sword energy seemed to rush out from the ancient times, enveloping the power of the immeasurable immortal king, smashing and crushing time, space, and even the heaven and earth, it was extremely terrifying.

The peerless demeanor of this moment vividly rendered the power and influence possessed by the Immortal King Realm.

And the target of his attack was actually Chen Xi!


Hua Jiankong let out a cold snort, and his figure flew upside down like frost and snow. He lightly shook the three-foot green blade in his hand, generating a sword energy that was pure to the extreme, and also extremely chilling. .


The confrontation between the two created a terrifying turbulent current that stirred up nine heavens and ten earths!

Taking advantage of this time, Zuoqiu Feiming and the others protected Chen Xi so that he would not be affected. Chen Xi did not refuse this, but he felt a little anxious.

When he witnessed the power possessed by Zuoqiufeng, Wei Xing and others, he couldn't help feeling extremely heavy in his heart, knowing that it would be absolutely impossible to turn things around with just relying on himself and Hua Jiankong.

Originally, he planned to procrastinate for a while, waiting for his help to arrive, but he never thought that the other party would have seen through his intentions early on, and started to do it without any nonsense.

If this continues, I'm afraid we don't have to wait for those helpers to come, they have already encountered an accident...


In the sky, Hua Jiankong and the identified Zhong Lifeng confronted each other. The contest between the two strongest sword cultivators in the Immortal King Realm was so horrific that the sky was dark and the sun and the moon were dark.

With Chen Xi's current half-step Immortal King Realm ability, he was unable to see what the battle situation was like!

Fortunately, in just a few breaths, Hua Jiankong took the upper hand in one fell swoop, swiped his sword to lift the sky, and chopped off Zhonglifeng's left arm with one strike!


The rain of the golden fairy king splashed down, and the mysterious man in the cloak was severely injured, staggering backwards.

"Hmph, even a mere Sword God realm dares to wield a sword with me, I don't know how to live or die!"

Hua Jiankong was lonely and indifferent, he stepped forward, across the void in one step, the sword pointed directly at the injured Zhong Lifeng and left!


But at this moment, an incomparably alluring dark blue saber light shot up into the sky, abruptly blocking Hua Jiankong.

"Qi Daoxuan! Unexpectedly, even you were bribed by the Supreme Master!"

After Hua Jiankong swung his sword to block the blow, he looked coldly into the distance, where a man in a black cloak appeared again, holding a half-moon-shaped fairy knife overflowing with brilliance, protecting the injured Zhonglifeng forward.

"Qi Daoxuan!"

Hearing this name, except for Wei Xing and others, everyone present was shocked again!

Who is Qi Daoxuan?

I'm afraid there is no one in the entire fairy world who doesn't know him, because he is one of the four immortal kings recognized by the fairy world, Daoxuan Immortal King, and a supreme existence on par with the three great immortal kings Bing Qiong, Weiyang, and Xingwu!

Such a supreme figure has now joined the camp of the Supreme Master, one can imagine how shocking it was to everyone present.

Unbelievable even!

Even Chen Xi couldn't help being terrified at the moment, for he was able to infiltrate a person like the Daoxuan Immortal King with his tentacles, the method of the Supreme Master was too amazing.

Being identified, Qi Daoxuan didn't deny it, but also didn't admit it, he attacked again in silence, and killed Hua Jiankong.

At the same time, Zhong Lifeng, who had broken his left arm, had already recovered from his injury, and together with Qi Daoxuan, they flanked Hua Jiankong.

In an instant, the battle turned into a two-on-one situation!

Hua Jiankong also didn't say much anymore, he didn't even know what fear was, even in the face of two already famous Immortal King Realm beings, he still went his own way, charging forward with one sword at a time.

The battle broke out again!

But obviously, the attention of everyone present was no longer on this battle.

"Everyone, why are you still hesitating, take this opportunity, and quickly capture and kill that little bastard!"

Wei Xing shouted in a deep voice.

As soon as these words came out, the faces of Zuoqiu Feiming and the others immediately changed, and Qiqi covered Chen Xi.

But Zuoqiufeng and the others had a sneer on their faces. Under such a situation, they were happy to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight.


Immediately, two men in black cloaks came out again, and it was astonishing that there were two other Immortal King Realm existences.

"All of this...will end!"

Zuoqiufeng murmured in his heart, filled with a sense of revenge-like pleasure, which was indescribable.


The two Immortal Kings fought hand in hand, one stretched out a big hand that covered the sky, surrounded hundreds of millions of Immortal King Sheng Hui, and descended from the sky like a hundred thousand mountains.

In an instant, Zuoqiu Feiming and the others were completely enveloped!

The other parallel finger points to the void, and a bright beam of light breaks through the air, crosses the boundary of time and space, and stabs at Chen Xi from afar with an unstoppable force.

If such a blow is carried out, not only Chen Xi, but also Zuoqiu Feiming and others will be wiped out on the spot, leaving no bones left!


In the sky, Hua Jiankong's complexion changed slightly, and he wanted to help, but at this critical moment, a man in a black cloak shot again, together with Qi Daoxuan and Zhong Lifeng, he was surrounded forcibly, unable to escape!

This also made the situation of Chen Xi, Zuoqiu Feiming and others extremely dangerous!

"Protect Chen Xi well, I will take care of all of this!"

Almost at the same time, Zuoqiu Feiming roared furiously, leaped up, bursting out of his body like a sea of ​​burning energy, his momentum suddenly rose crazily, and a terrifying and dangerous aura surged in the rage.

At this very moment, an existence like him in the Immortal King Realm chose to blew himself up again!

It was too late, but it was so fast, from the two Immortal King Realm existences, to Hua Jiankong's exclamation, to Zuoqiu Feiming roaring into the sky, it happened almost at the same time, it was unbelievably fast, so quickly Others didn't have time to react at all.

From this, we can judge how dangerous the current situation is!

Even at this moment, Chen Xi didn't have time to stop Zuoqiu Feiming from doing all of this, and could only watch all of this happen. That pale and helpless feeling stimulated Chen Xi's eyes to become bloodshot, and he wanted to go crazy!

Since he practiced hard in the human world, he has spent so many years planning, isn't it just to revenge Zuoqiu clan today, isn't it just to save his mother Zuoqiuxue?

But when this moment really came, Chen Xi discovered that he still couldn't change this situation!Only then did I realize that I was still too weak, still so vulnerable, that I could only watch other people blew themselves up to protect themselves!

In an instant, the annoyance, remorse, and anger in his heart had reached the point where nothing could be added!

"A bunch of bastards! If you want to kill my Xuanyuan family's son-in-law, do you have the old man's consent?"

At this moment of urgency and danger, a rough voice resounded through the world, and faster than the sound was a fist, which seemed to rush out from the ancient times, filling the world.


ps: The second update is at 10 o'clock. Let me tell you that Goldfish is preparing for these two days. It plans to release a big update on the 31st. The minimum update is 10, and the maximum update is 14, so there are no children's shoes for monthly votes. In addition, Zongheng now has an activity to earn Zongheng coins, monthly tickets, and members by playing snowmen. Goldfish tried it, and the rate of violence is very high. I will say that I have earned 100 Zongheng coins after playing a few games... Want to join in the fight? Rewarded children's shoes, you can play~~

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