divine talisman

Chapter 1448 One after another [Part 2]

The sound was like thunder, rough and powerful, resounding through the world.

However, that fist was countless times faster than the sound, as if it came across the boundless time and space. Wherever it passed, time and space were disillusioned and chaos stirred up. It seemed simple, but its power was everywhere!

The power of one punch even fills the sky and the earth, and if he wants to break the shackles of the universe, it will shake the heavens and the earth, and shake the mountains and rivers.


A terrifying roar emerged, like a raging wave rolling across the sky, spreading for nine days and ten places.

At that moment, Chen Xi's head buzzed, his eyes were a vast expanse of whiteness, and he couldn't see anything clearly, only a burst of exclamation could be heard in his ears.

"Breaking Dao Fighting Fist!"

"Xuanyuan Shao, Patriarch of the Xuanyuan Clan!"


When Chen Xi's vision regained clarity, he saw that beside him was a majestic, tall middle-aged man in a purple robe, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, who looked down upon him with arrogance.

As soon as he stood casually, his body was filled with a domineering aura as towering as the sky, like an ancient god and demon, swallowing thousands of miles of mountains and rivers.

This person must be Axiu's father, Xuanyuan Shao!

Being on the verge of extinction and regaining his vitality, Chen Xi was relieved of the anger and remorse that filled his heart. Especially when he saw that Zuoqiu Feiming did not blew himself up to death, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

But above the sky, Hua Jiankong was still fighting hard, with one against three, he didn't lose the wind at all, and looked extremely powerful!

This is a showdown in the Immortal King Realm!

Among them is Daoxuan Immortal King who is famous in the immortal world, and an old antique Zhonglifeng who has been hidden from the world for an unknown number of years.

Although the other one doesn't know his name, his combat power is not inferior to Daoxuan Immortal King and Zhong Lifeng, and Hua Jiankong can fight three against one, which shows how amazing his combat power is.

Immediately, Chen Xi turned his gaze to the distance, and saw Zuoqiufeng, Wei Xing and others all looked at Xuanyuanshao on his side with gloomy expressions, and there was a coldness in their eyes.

Obviously resenting Xuanyuan Shao's sudden attack and disrupting their actions.

"Xuanyuan Shao! When did this scoundrel become the son-in-law of your Xuanyuan clan? Did you think that you alone could turn the situation around?"

Zuoqiufeng said in a deep voice, "I advise you to leave as soon as possible, and don't get involved in this muddy water, otherwise... I'm afraid you will never come back!"

"Haha, Zuoqiufeng, I haven't seen you for so many years and you are still so shameless. Who in the entire fairy world doesn't know what Axue promised me back then? But you old bastard pretended to be deaf and dumb, and now you are teaching these things with the Supreme Master. It's shameless for a bastard to join forces with others!"

Xuanyuan Shao looked up to the sky and laughed, his face was majestic and majestic, his eyes opened and closed like lightning, and his words and words were filled with the domineering arrogance of being the only one in the world. Although there are only a few people, they are powerful enough to hold back thousands of troops, which is very special. .

In particular, he unceremoniously scolded Zuo Qiufeng for being shameless, and scolded Wei Xing and others for being a bastard. His courage was amazing.

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of Zuoqiufeng, Wei Xing and others suddenly changed, and their faces were gloomy.

Chen Xi heard a wry smile to himself from the side. Of course he knew what Xuanyuan Shao was talking about, but he felt a little uncomfortable after being called out one by one by Xuanyuan Shao.

"Xuanyuanshao! Don't be so rampant! If you really think I am Zuoqiu, why don't you?"

Zuoqiufeng shouted in a deep voice.

"Patriarch Zuoqiu, stop talking nonsense with him, since Patriarch Xuanyuan is eager to come, then stay!"

Wei Xing smiled and waved his hand.

Swish swish!

Immediately, three men in black cloaks stood up, and it was worth mentioning that the two Immortal King Realm beings who attacked Chen Xi just now were also among them.

It's a pity that they were just a hair away from killing Chen Xi, but they were destroyed by a punch from Xuanyuan Shao who came suddenly.

"Yo ho, what a big tone! Just relying on these hide-and-seek things, they want to keep me, Xuanyuan Shao, if they want to fight, they will fight! I have endured for so many years, and I have long wanted to kill some dogs of the Supreme Master Vent, vent!"

Xuanyuan Shao snorted coldly in disdain, straightened his figure, and his whole body became more and more domineering, disturbing the world, causing all things to fall into mourning and trembling, as if surrendering to him.

"Kill! Kill this brazen bastard for me!"

Wei Xing was furious.

"Hmph! Do you want to bully the few with more? Do you really think my Xuanyuan family has no one?"

However, before the three mysterious cloaked men were dispatched, a surly and hoarse voice resounded through the world again. Accompanied by the sound, two figures tore through the void and came.

An old man with gray hair and silver robe, and a middle-aged man with a swallow jaw and a tiger beard, both of them look different, but they have the same powerful aura. They are indeed two Immortal King Realm existences!

"Xuanyuan Fengchen! Xuanyuan Tuobei!"

Zuoqiufeng narrowed his eyes, and recognized the people as the two old antiques from the Xuanyuan clan, who belonged to the same generation as Zuoqiu Huanglin and Zuoqiu Feiming from the Zuoqiu clan, and Zhonglifeng from the Zhongli clan!

Thinking about it, the Zuoqiu clan has several Immortal King Realm existences sitting in the town. As one of the seven great families in ancient times, how could the Xuanyuan clan be inferior to the Zuoqiu clan?

This doesn't include Xuanyuan Poxiao who has conquered the Immortal King's Dao. After careful calculation, Xuanyuan's family background is even three points thicker than Zuoqiu's.

Seeing these two antiques from the Xuanyuan clan appear, Chen Xi became more and more calm. He knew that Axiu should have informed the Xuanyuan clan of her actions.

Not surprisingly, as long as the time drags on longer, the situation will be more favorable to oneself!

And Wei Xing's face darkened suddenly, and there were two more Immortal Kings of the Xuanyuan Clan, which meant that the situation before him had gradually begun to show signs of a reversal.

This is not a good thing!

Fortunately, they still have an absolute advantage.

Thinking of this, Wei Xing knew that he couldn't procrastinate any longer, and immediately sent a voice transmission to the three remaining mysterious cloaked men behind him: "Three, the situation seems to be a bit wrong, let's do it together, and end this struggle as soon as possible. "

The only three remaining mysterious cloaked men glanced at each other, and immediately stood up, together with the previous three mysterious cloaked men, they confronted Xuanyuan Shao, Xuanyuan Fengchen, and Xuanyuan Tuobei in the distance.

Six against one also holds an absolute advantage!

This reassured Wei Xing a lot, but out of caution, he still sent a voice transmission to Zuoqiu Feng: "Patriarch Zuoqiu, the situation is not good. If you stand by and watch, I'm afraid the ending will not be what you Zuoqiu clan can do." I can bear it."

Zuoqiufeng's face was gloomy: "Mr. Wei, don't worry, we won't let this happen!"

When speaking, he also transmitted voice to Zuoqiu Huanglin and the others to get them ready to attack.

"Three against six, how do you two feel?"

On the opposite side, looking at the six mysterious cloaked men in the distance, Xuanyuan Shao suddenly smiled, and turned to ask the two Xuanyuan Fengchen beside him.

"is acceptable."

"I can only fight."

Xuanyuan Fengchen and Xuanyuan Tuobei answered very easily.

"Okay! Let's do it! That brat Hua Jiankong won't last long..."

While speaking, Xuanyuan Shao glanced at Hua Jiankong who was fighting fiercely in the sky, then withdrew his gaze, and then stepped forward, the breath in his body surged again, like a deep prison, like a startled dragon waking up.

"Senior, don't rush to act, the longer the better." Seeing this, Chen Xi couldn't help but said quickly, "It won't take long, and the situation will only become more and more favorable to us."

"Hmph! You kid, stay aside for me. If you are beaten and disabled, that girl Axiu will tear me apart!"

Xuanyuan Shao cursed with a smile, and immediately stepped out.


It was only a short step, but it was like thunder from the sky, shaking the sky and shaking the earth.

The battle is imminent!

However, at this moment, there was another lavender divine radiance that pierced the sky suddenly, and a graceful, slender and graceful figure was outlined between the purple awns, graceful and elegant, and beautiful beyond the dust.

Xuanyuan Shao and the others who were about to make a move stopped immediately, and almost at the same time, the figures of the six mysterious men in black also came to a standstill.

At this moment, all the eyes of the audience fell on this sudden beautiful figure.

Her face is clear and beautiful, her white forehead is full, she is shining with wisdom, her eyebrows are like willows, her star eyes are agile, she has a kind of supernatural beauty, she is just a little bit, that is, Immortal King Weiyang!

"Immortal King Weiyang!"

Everyone at the scene recognized the identity of the person, their eyes were fixed together, and everyone was not sure which camp Wei Young belonged to.

Only after Chen Xi was slightly surprised, he said pleasantly, "A little bit? You...why are you here?"

"You didn't inform me about such a big event, so I can only come by myself." Immortal King Weiyang gave Chen Xi a reproachful look, and floated to Chen Xi's side.

Chen Xi couldn't help feeling a little ashamed: "This happened so suddenly that I was a little caught off guard. By the way, aren't you in retreat?"

"It's only one line away, and you can step into the threshold of conferring gods, but you are in a hurry, why should I care about conferring gods or not?" Didian smiled and transmitted the sound, not intending to let other people know the news .

Chen Xi couldn't help feeling a touch of emotion in his heart. He knew very well how cruel it would be for an Immortal King who was attacking the Conferred God Realm to abruptly suspend the retreat, and might even completely lose that chance of Conferred God because of it.

And Diandian just did this in order to help herself, how could Chen Xi not be moved by this?

Seeing Chen Xi talking with Immortal King Weiyang, the relationship was obviously unusual, Xuanyuan Shao and the others were slightly taken aback, and then they were overjoyed to have an extra helper. They were delighted to see, especially that Immortal King Weiyang's abilities were extraordinary, With her joining, the situation will definitely become more favorable to them.

But Zuoqiufeng, Wei Xing and others' complexions darkened again, and they finally dared to confirm that this Immortal King Weiyang was invited by Chen Xi.

In other words, at this moment, Chen Xi has another Immortal King Realm helper!

This makes them feel shocked and angry. If this situation is allowed to continue, the absolute advantage they had previously occupied will definitely be broken!

"This Immortal King Weiyang, leave it to me and Patriarch Huanglin to deal with! Mr. Wei, let's do it, don't have any hesitation, otherwise the longer the time, the more variables will happen!"

With a gloomy expression, Zuoqiufeng gritted his teeth and made a decision.


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