divine talisman

Chapter 1449 The duel broke out [Part 1]

When Zuoqiufeng sensed that the situation was suddenly getting worse, he immediately made a decision to fight, and the battle broke out without any suspense.


Two figures broke through the air and charged towards Immortal King Weiyang.

These two are Zuoqiu Feng and Zuoqiu Huanglin respectively. The former has just stepped into the Immortal King Realm a few years ago, while the latter has been in the Immortal King Realm for an unknown number of years, and has already made plans to jointly kill the Immortal King Weiyang. Since there will be no mercy.

"Heh, two against one? You guys think highly of me, Wei Young, but unfortunately these powers are not enough!"

On the opposite side, Dian Dian's hair was flying, and there was a touch of arrogance and aloofness on her white and beautiful jade face.

The next moment, she had turned into a lavender shadow, rushed up to the sky, and challenged the opponent head-on. The three Immortal Kings opened up a new battlefield above the nine heavens, and competed fiercely.

The roar of fairy light, the interweaving of laws, illuminate the world in all directions!

The sound was terrifying.


At the same time, the six mysterious cloaked men also rushed out brazenly.

The opponents they chose were Xuanyuan Shao, Xuanyuan Fengchen, and Xuanyuan Tuobei.

Six against three.

The pattern was actually the same as the battle of Immortal King Weiyang, Xuanyuan Shao and the three of them each resisted the pincer attack of the two mysterious cloaked men.

And long before this full-scale battle broke out, Hua Jiankong had been fighting in the sky, with one against three, and the battle has intensified so far, and it seems that it is impossible to tell the winner in a short time.

That is to say, at this moment, apart from Zuoqiu Feiming, who had already suffered heavy injuries, all the existences in the Immortal King Realm, regardless of enemy or friend, launched a life-and-death duel together!

All of a sudden, the sky above the Iris Desert, which covered tens of millions of miles, completely turned into a chaotic battlefield. The void exploded everywhere, Taoism roared, thunder and electricity rushed, ghosts cried and gods howled, the sky was crushed, and the sun and the moon were dimmed. Light, crumbling.


It is an existence that stands proudly in the highest position in the Three Realms. It turns its hands into clouds and hands into rain. With a single thought, it can control time and space, reverse life and death, and is almost eternal.

And what is happening now is a decisive battle between a group of Immortal Kings!

That scene is more than horrifying, even shaking the world and crying ghosts and gods is not enough to describe one ten-thousandth of it!Throughout the ancient and modern times of the Three Realms, such a high-level confrontation is rare in the world!

The battle was fierce!

At this moment, because of this shocking duel, even the entire Yuanwei Immortal Continent was in a state of turmoil, the heavens descended into chaotic visions, gods and demons howled, blood rained, time and space turbulently flowed, and gods and thunders rushed... …

On the earth, disasters such as volcanic eruptions, floods, fleeing beasts, earthquakes and mountains can be seen everywhere.

All the hundreds of millions of living beings on the territory of Iris Immortal Continent were all frightened and panicked at this moment, and ran around, thinking that the catastrophe that swept across the Three Realms was about to come!

And only the person involved knows that all of this is caused by the ongoing duel in the Immortal King Realm.

On one side of them is the forces represented by Zuoqiufeng and Wei Xing, a total of eleven Immortal Kings exist.

The other side is the strength represented by Chen Xi, with a total of five Immortal King Realm existences.

Judging from the numbers alone, Chen Xi and the others are clearly at a disadvantage, but this is only a numerical advantage after all. In a duel between Immortal King Realms, the most important thing is to see each other's combat power!

The level of combat power is reflected in the cultivation base, the law of the immortal king, the power of the immortal treasure, the combat experience, the will to fight, the cultivation base of the Dao heart... and so on.

So in the face of this group battle between the Immortal King Realm, no one can give a clear judgment.

Therefore, in the end, whoever wins and who loses depends on their own abilities.

Wei Xing was also very aware of this, so he didn't even bother to pay attention to this duel between immortal kings.

In his opinion, as long as his own strength can firmly suppress the existence of the opponent's Immortal King Realm, it is enough, because his goal this time is not these, but... Chen Xi!

The Immortal King Realm is fighting, and it is impossible to fight. In this way, Wei Xing can just capture and kill Chen Xi without any scruples, and he is confident enough to capture Chen Xi!

Because at this moment, beside Chen Xi, only Zuoqiu Feiming and a group of remnants and defeated generals were left.

And on Wei Xing's side, there are still 69 half-step Immortal King Realm existences, plus Wei Xing, there are a total of seventy half-step Immortal King Realm powerhouses!

Under such circumstances, if Chen Xi cannot be captured and killed, then it would be called unreasonable.

"Taking this opportunity, do it!"

It was precisely because of this recognition that after the duel between the Immortal King Realm powerhouses, Wei Xing did not hesitate, and led those half-step Immortal King Realm mysterious cloaked men out together, swarming towards Chen Xi to kill.


Almost at the same time, Chen Xi also noticed Wei Xing's actions and thoughts.

He glanced at the other party, and the corners of his lips couldn't help showing a cold and murderous arc, and a pair of eyes as deep as the starry sky surged with a terrifying and pure murderous intent.

If left before, he may still feel helpless and fearful.

But now, he has also stepped into the half-step fairy king level, and he is already at the same level as the opponent in terms of cultivation, so how can he be intimidated?

In an instant, his whole aura changed suddenly, the air around him whizzed through the heavens and the earth, swallowing the two qis of heaven and earth, and the immeasurable and incomparable black golden fairy light came out through his body, and went straight to the sky. The weather of the king of the sky.

"Seniors, leave these dog things to me alone to deal with,"

Before he finished speaking, Chen Xi teleported and disappeared in place.

Originally, Zuoqiu Feiming and the others wanted to help and guard Chen Xi behind them, but when they saw this scene, they couldn't help being stunned.

"This kid is too reckless, how could he be the opponent of those Taishang lackeys alone? No, I have to help him!"

An elder of the Zuoqiu clan frowned and spoke out in worry. He was about to move out, but was stopped by Zuoqiu Feiming.

"Let him go, let us also take a look at what kind of abilities Axue's son has possessed. Don't forget, he is now the most dazzling star of the younger generation in the fairy world. He has already stepped into the half-step Immortal King Realm, maybe he will stage some surprises for us."

Zuoqiu Feiming took a deep breath, and there was a look of anticipation on his old and calm face.

"Are we just watching like this? The current situation is still quite serious!"

Someone frowned, worried.

"Of course not, you help me protect the law. The two self-explosions just now failed, and my original power of the Immortal King has been injured. After I suppress the injury in my body, it will not be too late to do it!"

Zuoqiu Feiming took another deep breath and said firmly.

Seeing this, the other eight Zuoqiu elders all nodded in agreement.

After these days of fierce fighting, there are only nine of them left in their lineage, and even their physical strength is already on the verge of exhaustion. Under such a situation, being able to survive until now is simply the same for them. The field is miraculous.

At this time, seeing the signs of a reversal in the situation, they dared not slack off, and began to seize the time while repairing their injuries, while helping Zuoqiu Feiming protect the law, while vigilantly watching the distant battlefield, and making preparations to rescue Chen Xi at any time.


As early as when Zuoqiu Feiming and the others were talking, Chen Xi had already started the battle!

Above the sky is the place where the strongest in the Immortal King Realm compete for battle.

And under the sky, it became the area where he and the 69 half-step Immortal King Realm powerhouses led by Wei Xing confronted each other.

Without any nonsense, the battle broke out.

Both of them are aware of the urgency of the situation, and they will not waste any time.

"Child Chen Xi, suffer death!"


The man in the black cloak who was the first to rush over yelled sharply, and smashed billions of mines out of his palm. In an instant, it turned into an ancient Taoist book with lightning flashes, and killed Chen Xi head-on. His power was unparalleled.

For this, Chen Xi casually reached out and grabbed it, and a space vortex surged out, vibrating like ripples, abruptly turning this ancient Taoist book into dust, turning it into light and rain.

At the same time, with a step, Chen Xi broke through the shackles of the void, and pressed his palm on the opponent's chest.


The cloaked man in black had his breastbone shattered and sunken, and the cloak he was wearing was also pulverized. It could be seen that his seven orifices were bleeding, and his face was twisted into a ball due to pain.

"Boss Feng of Changkong Academy? So it's you!"

Chen Xi's turbulent eyes turned chilly, and he recognized the other party's identity. He had seen this old monster Feng as early as in the Seventh Academy Discussion Meeting, and he had already known that the other party had already joined the Supreme Master's camp, but he didn't expect that, He actually participated in today's fight.


When he was speaking, Chen Xi didn't hold back his hand at all, and kicked out, trampling the seriously injured old monster Feng fiercely. The latter's body exploded in an instant, and his soul was annihilated!

In an instant, a half-step Immortal King Realm was obliterated on the spot!

"Be careful! This kid is a bit weird!"

"Let's do it together!"

Old Freak Feng's defeat was so fast that the group of half-step Immortal King Realm beings who had rushed to kill them had no time to rescue them, and the combat power displayed by Chen Xi also made them tremble in their hearts and dare not be careless.

Especially Wei Xing, with a flash of brilliance in his eyes, retreated to the back without a trace.


Once again, four half-step Immortal King Realm powerhouses came to fight together, splitting up the positions of the four elephants, and each sacrificed their most powerful means.

A streak of apricot-yellow fairy swords across the sky turned into a scorching sun sword curtain, chilling and blazing.

A glazed bottle spun around, the body of the bottle was slender and white, and it released the pale white flames, which filled the sky and burned the sky.

A blood-colored pentagram fluttered in the air, transforming into gods and magic warriors, howling and roaring all over the world.

A gray mountain Yin Qing smashed down from the sky, like an ancient sacred mountain flying from outside the sky, suppressing and killing everything.

The four Taixu-level immortal treasures and the four half-step Immortal King Realm's all-out suppression, at this moment, oppressed Chen Xi from all directions, blocking all escape routes, and imprisoning both space and time!

Obviously, Chen Xi's blow just now made none of them dare to be careless, so as soon as they struck, they wanted to kill Chen Xi with a force of thunder!


ps: I know today that there are not many monthly tickets for the snowman hunting event. Goldfish recommends that those who join in the rewards choose to reward directly~~ Otherwise, you will lose a lot...


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