divine talisman

Chapter 1450 Unleash Mysterious Power [Part 2]

In an instant, Chen Xi's situation seemed to become dangerous, like a prisoner being imprisoned, there was no escape, no escape.

"not good!"

This caused Zuoqiu Feiming and the others who had witnessed all this to suddenly change their expressions.


However, before they could react, Chen Xi, who was already being suppressed from all directions, let out a cold snort, and lightly swiped with his hand.


Thousands of sword qi suddenly appeared out of thin air, and each sword qi was different, or it was the sword of five elements, or the sword of yin and yang, or the sword of wind and thunder, the sword of star annihilation, the sword of immortality, the sword of Taiji... ... all-encompassing, deriving infinite Taoism.

Moreover, each of these sword qi appeared in different positions, densely packed everywhere in the void, but at the same moment, they criss-crossed with each other, evolving into dense and mysterious sword arrays!

The most important thing is that these mysterious sword formations filled with the wonderful meaning of the talisman were actually bombarding and killing the four men in black cloaks from different angles at the same moment!

From the sword energy, to the sword formation, and then to smashing and killing all directions... All of these things are said to be slow, but in reality they were all completed instantly with a single swipe of Chen Xi's hand.

What is rare is that this few strokes are followed by all kinds of wonderful methods, the mystery is integrated into the sword array, and the sword array is integrated into the talisman way, and then controlled by the means of the sword god's perfect state, and is performed by the supreme law of time of "The Flowing Shadow of Time". out……

The fighting power demonstrated in this instant is enough to describe it as stunning the world and shocking the world!

And this is just the tip of the iceberg of the power that Chen Xi has controlled after advancing to the Half-Step Immortal King Realm...


A burst of terrifying collisions and fluctuations occurred, just like the collision of big stars, bursting into billions of light rains, and the terrifying aftermath spread, smashing and pulverizing the land with a radius of millions of miles, turning it into an unfathomable abyss.

Looking down from the sky, the ground looks like a big crater was smashed out by a comet from outside the sky!

The apricot-yellow fairy sword trembled and whined endlessly.

The slender and white glass bottle was dim, with mottled marks on the surface, and it was about to be shattered.

The blood-colored pentagram was like a rag, bubbling with dark blood, swaying weakly in the wind.

The gray mountain seal on that side was cut out with thousands of sword marks, and the divine brilliance on the surface exploded, which was shocking.

These four celestial treasures were damaged in different ways, but their owners were all in the same situation. The whole person was strangled into a meat paste by the swarming sword array. There were no bones left, blood rained down, and there would be no reincarnation for eternity. The possibility of rebirth.

On the other hand, Chen Xi's clothes were neat and tidy, he had a disdainful demeanor, his figure was unparalleled, and he was unscathed!

In short, with this blow, Chen Xi broke the predicament with a single swipe of his finger, beheading four half-step immortal kings!


Zuoqiu Feiming and the others gasped, shocked and excited. Chen Xi's combat power was beyond their imagination.

Wei Xing and other half-step Immortal King Realm existences were all frightened by this scene, their faces froze and their expressions changed. This person is not only troublesome, it is simply terrifying!

This made them unbelievable.

Because according to what they knew, Chen Xi had just set foot in the Holy Immortal Realm more than 70 years ago, but now he has not only advanced to the half-step Immortal King level, but even his combat power has become heaven-defying. Who would have imagined such an astonishing transformation before?

In the past, they had always treated Chen Xi as a younger generation, even if he became one of the seven scorching suns in the fairy world, even if he set foot in the holy fairyland and became the number one disciple in the inner courtyard of the Dao Emperor Academy, he still couldn't compare with the half-step fairy king. Compare.

But who would have thought that this junior in their cognition had already stepped into the half-step fairy king realm in just a few decades, and became an existence of the same generation as them, and even when it came to combat power, he was already Exceeded them too much!

The impact caused by this huge contrast can be imagined to be so powerful, it made them all feel awe-inspiring, and they couldn't help but shudder.

In an instant, the expressions of these half-step Immortal King Realm existences all became solemn, as if facing a formidable enemy, no one dared to underestimate Chen Xi anymore.

The battle is not over.

After Chen Xi obliterated the four men in black cloaks, he charged forward again without holding back.

Only this time, it was him who took the initiative to attack!



At this moment, Chen Xi's whole body was burning like molten lava, every inch of his skin was naturally flowing with strands of mysterious Dao charm, and even strands of Daoguang Tianyun were floating on his thick black hair.

The aura of his whole person is straight towards the bullfighting, shaking the galaxy, and in every gesture, he has an unrivaled demeanor of "passing the Qingming from the top, and moving the nine seclusions from the bottom".

Intersecting with this, his fighting style appears to be ruthless, domineering, powerful, without sloppy, crisp and decisive.

Without any hesitation!

Never frown!

His expression was indifferent and stern, like a sharp edge, wanting to cut through the whole world!

bang bang bang...

Under such a powerful attack, the mysterious cloaked figures were wiped out one by one, the blood rained down, the bones flew, and there were continuous mournful howls that resounded through the world, penetrating people incomparably.

Looking from a distance, Chen Xi's whole body is like an unparalleled sharp, indestructible sharp knife, invincible, no one can beat its sharpness!

This scene left Zuoqiu Feiming and the others stunned. They had seen Chen Xi's strength for all to see, but at this moment they realized that they had still underestimated this little guy.

Those mysterious cloaked figures are important pawns placed by the Supreme Master among the top powers in the fairy world. Each of them has a half-step Immortal King Realm cultivation, and each of them is placed in the seven colleges, which is enough to serve as a teacher. The disciple respectfully called him Old Antique.

But now, these "old guys" who have stepped into the half-step fairy king level, have no power to resist under Chen Xi's conquest!

In just a short moment, more than twenty mysterious cloaked men lost their lives at the hands of Chen Xi!


Suddenly, a transparent and formless big one, entwined with the power of space and time, suddenly opened above Chen Xi's head. In an instant, the big big one lit up with incomparably blazing Dao pattern patterns, releasing terrifying and frightening power.

This blow was silent, and it was only when it landed on top of Chen Xi's head that his fangs were exposed, enveloping Chen Xi's entire body in one fell swoop.

"Hahaha, little bastard! No matter how powerful you are, you can't escape the old man's 'Heavenly Formless'!" A mysterious man in a cloak appeared and laughed triumphantly.

This is his trump card, a Taixu-level treasure that contains the magic function of "space fire". Once trapped in it, time and space will lose their effectiveness, and the space fire in it can instantly incinerate the soul of the enemy Drop, the end is extremely vicious.

Over the years he relied on this treasure to kill countless powerful enemies, so when he saw that Chen Xi had been tricked, he immediately couldn't help laughing triumphantly, as if he was sure of winning.

But immediately, his laughter stopped abruptly.

Because Chen Xi, who was trapped in "Tian Luo Wu Xiang", didn't seem to be affected in any way, not only that, he took a deep breath, flicked his fingers, and a piece of bright runes flew out, and with a chirping sound, he tore the fairy into pieces. crack!

Not to mention the owner of Tianluo Wuxiang, even the other half-step fairy kings nearby were also shocked by this result. How powerful one must have to shatter a Taixu Immortal Treasure with bare hands!


Chen Xi escaped from the trap, and slapped the mysterious cloaked man through the air. The whole body of the mysterious cloaked man was blasted to pieces, and the plasma surged, and in the next moment, it exploded into blood foam, flying across the sky and the earth.

At this point in the battle, the strength Chen Xi displayed, as well as his rich combat experience, had already made half-step immortal kings like them tremble.

But soon, a man in a black cloak stood up, covered in mist, the rain was overflowing, and his breath was like thunder!

This is a master!

The aura was obviously different from the others, Chen Xi didn't dare to be careless, just now he relied on thunderous means to quickly approach the dead and destroyed, and only then did he succeed repeatedly, but now the situation is different, the other party is obviously prepared.

However, the person who stood up right now has not yet reached the point where Chen Xi is afraid.


Hundreds of millions of raindrops fell, accompanied by lightning and thunder, all falling on Chen Xi's body, but amidst the clanging, Chen Xi was unscathed, and rushed straight forward, fighting fiercely with that man.

"Go together!"

Seeing this opportunity, the others rushed up together, and each of them used the supreme method to sacrifice the immortal treasure.

However, the result made them terrified. This young man was so powerful that he seemed to have stepped into the peak of the Half-Step Immortal King Realm. Even though he was besieged, he was still immeasurably powerful.

Not only that, but many people who besieged him were killed by him repeatedly!

It was like an unkillable monster against the sky. In the end, he forcibly suppressed and killed the mysterious cloaked man whose breath was like thunder, and died suddenly on the spot.

This is too powerful, shocking the audience!

Wei Xing, who had been standing behind the battle, was also shocked and angry when he witnessed all this. He couldn't believe that there were seventy half-step immortal kings, but there was no such thing as a young descendant! ?

Up to this point, they had lost a total of 39 people!

This is not rotten cabbage, but a total of 39 half-step Immortal King Realm existences, and they are important pawns in the Immortal Realm arranged by the Supreme Master!

Now that he has lost so much at once, Wei Xing's eyes are tearing apart, and he doesn't know how to explain it to his master.


It was another celestial treasure that fell down, but it was still crushed by Chen Xi's simple and direct palm, turning into crystal rain that filled the sky and scattered in all directions.

Many people were terrified and wanted to escape, but were stopped by Wei Xing sternly, so they could only bite the bullet and fight.

For all of this, Chen Xi saw all of this, and he didn't stop at all. In just a short moment, he once again beheaded six half-step fairy kings in a row!

Its sharpness and combat power made those mysterious cloaked people tremble and shudder, and they didn't even dare to confront it head-on.

As for Zuoqiu Feiming and the others, their blood pulsed and their blood boiled, and they felt great joy. Some elders even had their eye sockets wet and hot with excitement, unable to restrain themselves.

How could they have fallen to such a state if it hadn't been for these high priests to step in?How could those people of their tribe suffer misfortune?

Seeing Chen Xi displaying his might now, trying his best to turn the tide, and killing those bastards screaming in agony, their hearts were naturally extremely excited.


ps: It's gone tonight, Jinyu will stay up all night and start saving manuscripts!A little friend asked about tomorrow’s explosive update, so let’s explain it again. The minimum guarantee is 10 updates, and the maximum is 14 updates. Why is it 14? Because it will be 15 years after tomorrow. This explosive update, let’s bid farewell to 14 years together to commemorate Take a moment~ In addition, the first update of tomorrow's outbreak will start at 10 am~ everyone will wait and see.


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