divine talisman

Chapter 1451 The Fall of the Immortal King 【Content has been modified】

(The content has been modified...)

The battle is still going on.

Chen Xi was silent, chilling, and fierce. With the continuation of the battle, not only did his aura not weaken, but it rose steadily, with the potential to sweep the world and sweep the world.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, it would be absolutely hard to imagine that the current Chen Xi has become so powerful, he can be called a peerless monster.

In the battlefield——

Blood rained torrentially.

Shout out.

It's like the bloody purgatory is coming to the world again.

Until later, Wei Xing felt chills in his heart, and he didn't dare to hesitate any longer, and ordered other high-level figures from Zuoqiufeng's department to join the battle.

There are more than [-] of these Zuoqiu clan bigwigs in total, each of them has a half-step Immortal King Realm, and they were not willing to make a move at first, but they also knew that once Chen Xi was allowed to kill like this, they would wait for these dogs of the Supreme Sect After all are dead, it's their turn.

Therefore, they finally joined the battle.

All of a sudden, Chen Xi had more than thirty opponents again, and having these Zuoqiu clan elders join in, did put a lot of pressure on Chen Xi.

"These damned things! To deal with Axue's son with the lackeys of the Supreme Master!"

"It's shameless to the extreme!"

"I can't wait to kill all these bastards now!"

Witnessing this scene, Zuoqiu Feiming and the others were trembling with anger, and their hearts were full of anger and sadness. They were originally from the same clan, flowing with the same blood, but now they have turned against each other, fighting each other, killing each other...

How sad!

Even, in order to kill the clansmen, they did not hesitate to resort to the power of the notorious Supreme Master. If the ancestors of the Zuoqiu clan had spirits, they would probably be pissed off by this scene.


For Chen Xi, all of this had indeed increased the pressure a lot.

However, he was not surprised but delighted.

Compared with those important chess pieces taught by the Supreme Master, he hopes to kill these Zuoqiu clan's bastards with his own hands!

If it wasn't for them, why would his mother, Zuo Qiuxue, be imprisoned?How could it be possible for the members of the Chen clan to be slaughtered and almost wiped out?

Chen Xi came here originally to avenge the Zuoqiu clan, but now that they came to their door on their own initiative, Chen Xi would not refuse such an excellent opportunity for revenge.


The next moment, Chen Xi focused his attack on the Zuoqiu family and other high-ranking figures. His attacks were cruel and ruthless, and he did not leave any life for the other party!


An elder of the Zuoqiu clan couldn't dodge in time, and his neck was directly broken by Chen Xi's palm, and turned into a headless corpse, which flew out and died violently on the spot.

"Damn it! If I knew this, I shouldn't have spared your life back then!"

Another black-clothed old man roared furiously like mad. He stretched out his arm and cast the secret of space, turning into thousands of invisible palm shadows, blasting and killing Chen Xi.

Chen Xi didn't say a word from the beginning to the end, he was indifferent and stern, his footsteps slammed, the void exploded, and his whole body disappeared in place.

The next moment, his figure appeared in front of the black-clothed old man. He reached out his hand and grabbed the other man's neck, twisted it fiercely, and forcibly twisted the other's head off.

Wow, a stream of thick blood sprayed out from the black-clothed old man's neck, sprinkled all over Chen Xi's body, dyed his clothes red, and made his face even more indifferent and cold, revealing a smack of iron blood and ruthlessness.


After casually grabbing the head in his hands, Chen Xi's figure flashed, drawing an afterimage in the void, and once again slashed towards an elder of the Zuoqiu clan on the side.

The hatred accumulated in Chen Xi's heart over the years, at this moment, like an erupting volcano, surged all over his body, stimulating every inch of his skin to fight.

He needs to vent!

Because he has endured for too many years, paid endless sweat and blood for this, and has gone through countless killings and battles for this!

Now, he finally waited until this day, how could he hold back?

If it is not vented, all this hatred will turn into an unresolved knot in the heart, and even become a demonic obstacle for him, blocking his way!




At this moment, Chen Xi even forgot about the battle of immortal kings that was erupting above the sky, forgot how many opponents he had, and only had one thought in his mind, to vent!

Vent your hatred!

Only the blood and death of the enemy can heal the hatred in his heart!

Pieces of blood rain intertwined with severed limbs and arms, and the shrill screams were like a song of death calling for death. They continued to stir in the arena, stimulating Chen Xi to become stronger and stronger, like burning molten lava, about to incinerate the sky!

At this moment, whether it was Wei Xing and other members of the Supreme Master, or the elders of the Zuoqiu Clan, they were shocked to find that Chen Xi seemed to be another person.

His eyes were filled with bright red blood, his thick black long hair was flying, and his aura became stronger and more violent, as if an ancient beast had revived in his body, wanting to choose someone to devour!

Under such circumstances, they were constantly retreating and people were being killed. No matter how they struggled and resisted, they were unable to stop Chen Xi by a single sliver.

This is horrible!

It was frightening, everyone, including Wei Xing, lost their souls, and their fighting spirit also collapsed, almost unable to bear this deadly pressure.

Who could have imagined that all of this was actually caused by Chen Xi alone?

In fact, they didn't know it at all. When it comes to cultivation, the current Chen Xi is more than a hundred times stronger than his peers in the half-step Immortal King Realm, and he has the help of the Cangwu Seedling himself, which guarantees that the immortal power will not be exhausted.

In terms of Dao Xin cultivation, as early as in the Holy Immortal Realm, he had reached the stage of "Heart Infant", which was comparable to the real existence of the Immortal King Realm, and it was not comparable to the half-step Immortal King Realm. The background of long-term combat.

In terms of swordsmanship cultivation, he has reached the Sword God Perfection Realm, and even most of the old antiques in Daohuang Academy are far behind by Chen Xi.

In terms of Taoism cultivation base, let alone, the "Sacred Way of Talisman" he developed by himself is enough to crush any holy fairyland existence in the world. Dao, time, space, and life and death are also integrated together, and one can imagine how terrifying its power is.

As for other aspects such as combat experience, fighting will, etc... Even if Chen Xi has not reached the top level, he is not comparable to ordinary people.

All of these combined together turned into the terrifying combat power that Chen Xi possesses today. Under such circumstances, facing a group of opponents who were in the same situation as himself, how could Chen Xi be afraid?

Even under the stimulation of hatred, his fighting power is three points stronger than usual!

And although Wei Xing and the others existed as half-step Immortal Kings, how could they compare with Chen Xi?In other words, at this moment, they are not qualified to compare with Chen Xi at all!


Once the fighting spirit collapses, it is doomed to be defeated like a mountain.

Facing Chen Xi, who was as unshakable as a demon god, the hearts of Wei Xing and other half-step Immortal King Realm beings had been replaced by a deep sense of fear.

At this moment, they are like camels on the verge of death. They only need the power of a straw to completely collapse them!


But at this moment, an extremely shrill scream resounded from the sky, the piercing sound not only made Wei Xing and the others tremble in their hearts.

Even Chen Xi, who was in a state of rage and almost insanity, was shocked at this moment, and regained a little sobriety.

Not only that, Zuoqiu Feiming and the others in the distance also all looked at the sky at this moment, with expressions of shock on their faces.


A golden rain of blood began to pour on the sky, shining brilliantly, illuminating the heaven and the earth.

"Patriarch Huanglin!"

In the sky, Zuoqiufeng roared in grief.

Only then did everyone realize that the golden rain of the Immortal King was actually flowed by Zuoqiu Huanglin, and Zuoqiu Huanglin's entire body had now turned into a bloody corpse floating in the air...

An Immortal King Realm exists, but has fallen!

Everyone gasped. It was obvious that Zuoqiu Huanglin was the one who uttered the incomparably shrill scream just now.

And the one who made all of this is naturally Immortal King Weiyang!

At this moment, her clothes were fluttering, her figure was swaying, and her unparalleled beauty was filled with a look of detachment. She was shrouded in a lavender radiance, like a goddess.

It is really hard to imagine what method she used to be able to kill Zuoqiu Huanglin in a one-on-two situation.

"Do you want me to help you?"

In mid-air, Dot smiled lightly and looked at Chen Xi.

"If you can, you should help him first."

Chen Xi shook his head, and then looked at the sky on the other side, where Hua Jiankong was fighting with one enemy and three, but the battle had progressed so far, and he had faint signs of being suppressed.

Not only Hua Jiankong's battle, but also Xuanyuan Shao, Xuanyuan Fengchen's, Xuanyuan Tuobei's battle continued, even if Zuoqiu Huang died, it didn't affect them.

However, in comparison, Hua Jiankong's situation is still a bit bad.

That's why Chen Xi suggested to help Hua Jiankong a little bit.

"Listen to you."

Little agreed, glanced at Zuoqiufeng inadvertently, and said, "Just now, this old guy blocked a blow for you, and he was killed by me. Now there is no one who can stand up for you."

As she said that, she waved her plain hand, and two rounds of purple axe steamed up, one round went towards Zuoqiu Feng, and the other round tore through the void, and went towards Hua Jiankong's opponent.

Seeing this, Chen Xi was determined, the situation was tilting towards them, and what he had to do was to take advantage of this moment to completely deal with these guys in front of him!

Thinking of this, Chen Xi didn't hesitate anymore, but at the moment when he was about to make a move, he glanced casually, and suddenly noticed that Zuoqiu Huanglin's corpse was enveloped by a strange force at this moment, as if His spirit, energy, and even his flesh and blood, and his thoughts are condensing and resurrecting little by little...

Calamity Rebirth Pill!

Chen Xi had seen this scene before when he beheaded Bing Shitian, how could he not understand that this Zuoqiu Huanglin must have also swallowed such an instant rebirth elixir!

Almost subconsciously, Chen Xi was about to dodge and leave out of thin air, and use his finishing power to completely wipe him out. Unfortunately, it was still a step too late after all.

Just when he realized this, Zuoqiu Huanglin was resurrected.

This scene shocked the audience instantly!




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