divine talisman

Chapter 1452 Riding a Dragon [Part 2]

The content of the first update has been modified, friends who didn’t pay attention to it can take a look, the author’s system had a problem in the early morning, sweat~~~


Zuoqiu Huang resurrected from death!

When witnessing this scene, the audience was shocked.

But looking carefully, it can be found that Wei Xing, Zuoqiu Feng, and those pawns placed by the Supreme Master in the fairy world are not much moved, as if they had expected this scene.

Only Hua Jiankong, Weiyang Immortal King, Xuanyuan Shao and others were extremely surprised by this.

Immediately, their faces all became serious.

A fairy king was killed, but he was able to be resurrected in an instant, which made them also aware of a possibility-the calamity rebirth pill!

Therefore, without Chen Xi reminding them, they understood the seriousness of the situation.

It's very simple, if all of these opponents have Calamity Rebirth Pill, there is no possibility of winning this unequal battle!

Because even if the opponent is killed, he can be reborn instantly, how can he fight this?

But no matter what, the battle cannot be shifted by their will at all, and can only continue.

It's just that the atmosphere has become depressing.


Regarding this, Chen Xi didn't say much, what he could do was to kill those opponents as soon as possible, and then take the opportunity to help.

Because only he himself knows that if he wants to kill those guys who have the Calamity Rebirth Pill, the finishing power he has is enough to come in handy.

It's just that the scene that happened next disrupted Chen Xi's plan, and even surprised everyone present.

After Zuoqiu Huang came back from death, he didn't continue to attack and kill Immortal King Weiyang with Zuoqiu Feng, but turned around and killed Chen Xi suddenly!

Apparently, this old guy has already seen that, just because of the existence of Wei Xing and their Zuoqiu Clan's half-step Immortal King Realm, it is impossible for him to be Chen Xi's opponent.

So as soon as he was resurrected, he had to deal with Chen Xi first!


An Immortal King came out, what a terrifying momentum, and Zuoqiu Huanglin's movement was extremely fast, beyond imagination, he pressed his palm across the air, and in an instant, blocked all the escape routes of Chen Xi in all directions.

Chen Xi didn't even have time to react, he felt that time and space were imprisoned in the world he was in, and he was like an insect that fell into the king's kingdom, being firmly stuck in it, no matter how much he struggled, he was unable to move anymore one cent!

This made his complexion change suddenly, and he felt an extremely dangerous sense of panic in his heart. It was the breath of dying, and he had experienced it countless times in his practice.

But it was never as strong as this time, even he could smell the smell of death!

At this moment, Chen Xi even saw that Wei Xing and the others secretly breathed a sigh of relief, looking at him ferociously and complacently, as if they were looking at a dead person.

But Hua Jiankong, Diandian, Xuanyuan Shao and the others showed anger on their faces, and they wanted to get rid of the entanglement of their opponents and came to rescue themselves...

Unfortunately, all this seems to be too late!

Zuoqiu Huanglin's attack was too fast, too sudden, and he used all his strength to wipe out Chen Xi in one blow, leaving no opportunity to take advantage of it.

For an existence in the Immortal King Realm, if you want to kill a half-step Immortal King Realm existence with all your strength, it is as easy as crushing an ant.

Even in this instant, Chen Xi saw the look of pity in Zuoqiu Huanglin's eyes...

What is he pitying?

Are you laughing at yourself for being overwhelmed?

Or are you laughing at yourself that all your struggles are useless?



At this critical moment of death, Chen Xi suddenly discovered that the expression of pity in Zuoqiu Huanglin's eyes suddenly changed, covered with panic, and then became flustered and frightened...

What is he afraid of?

At this moment, Chen Xi felt a shock all over his body. All the pressure and restraints disappeared like a tide, and he regained his freedom. After that, his body was picked up and disappeared in place.


At this moment, Chen Xi only felt as if he was traveling in the universe, piercing through the clouds and fog, whizzing through the blue sky and the earth, and he almost couldn't open his eyes.


Then, a heaven-shattering dragon chant resounded throughout the nine heavens and ten earths. Chen Xi only felt his figure tremble, and he woke up immediately. Looking around, he did not know when he had arrived beyond the nine heavens.

And the place where I stand is actually on the back of a dragon!

This is an ancient black dragon!

The body of the dragon, which is [-] miles long, is like a stretch of mountains stretching across the nine heavens. The dragon's beard flutters like a galaxy falling from the universe. Each of the scales on it has an area of ​​tens of acres, imprinted with countless dense dao patterns.

This dragon is so mighty that it can only carry its physique if it is entrenched in the nine heavens!


The next moment, Chen Xi felt his feet tremble, and the body of the blue dragon suddenly transformed into a gold-robed old man who was nine feet tall, had a strange face, and a dignified and proud demeanor.

There is no doubt that this golden-robed old man must be Ao Jiuhui, the patriarch of the Dragon Realm, a terrifying existence who has practiced for an unknown number of years.

Obviously, it was Ao Jiuhui who made the move just now and saved Chen Xi from Zuoqiu Huanglin.

"Fortunately, it's not too late."

Ao Jiuhui glanced at Chen Xi, then said with a smile, "It's fine, don't be nervous anymore."

As he spoke, his figure flashed, and he led Chen Xi down nine days suddenly, to the sky above the Iris Desert.

Only then did Chen Xi realize that not only Ao Jiuhui had come, but even Zhao Taici, the Patriarch of the Phoenix Clan, and Chi Cangsheng, the head of the inner court, were also standing proudly in the field at this moment.

Zhao Taici's snowy hair is in a bun, revealing a beautiful and incomparable jade face like a girl. When she stands up casually, she has a supreme aura that looks down on the heavens and looks down on all sentient beings, making it impossible to ignore her existence.

Chi Cangsheng was still as thin, violent, and perverse as before, but his aura was obviously different from before, with an extra divine aura that transcended things.

Not only him, but even Zhao Taici and Ao Jiuhui were filled with divine power. According to Chen Xi's judgment, the three of them must have stepped into the God Conferred Realm!

In other words, these three are the legendary "gods" who have jumped out of the Three Realms and are not in the Five Elements!

"Disciple Chen Xi, pay homage to the three seniors."

Chen Xi forced himself to suppress the excitement in his heart, and bowed in salute.

"There's no need to be too polite. It's not too late to settle the matter before you."

Zhao Taici smiled, and immediately turned his gaze to the field.


The three old antiques from Daohuang Academy, who had stepped into the realm of conferred gods, came together and changed the pattern of presence at once.

The battle of the fairy kings, which was fiercely contested, unexpectedly stopped at this moment, and they separated.

Those mysterious cloaked people gathered together with Zuoqiu Feng, Zuoqiu Huanglin, Wei Xing, and others, looking towards Chen Xi with solemn expressions, and their eyes fell on Zhao Taici, Ao Jiuhui, and Chi Cangsheng without exception. body.

The more they watched, the more frightened they became, and their expressions became more and more serious.

Hua Jiankong, Weiyang Immortal King, Xuanyuan Shao, Xuanyuan Fengchen, Xuanyuan Tuobei and others all joined Chen Xi and the others, and they were also looking at Zhao Taici and the three.

However, their expressions were mostly excited, astonished, and pleasantly surprised.


If it is said that the Immortal King Realm has established itself among the highest in the Three Realms, then those who are strong in the Conferred God Realm can be said to be supreme beings who have jumped out of the confines of the Three Realms and are not among the Five Elements. They are truly free and unrestrained. Can last forever!

The appearance of just one existence of this level is enough to frighten the audience, so that the existence of the Immortal King dare not make a mistake.

But now, there are three existences in the Conferred God Realm all of a sudden. If these are divine soldiers from heaven, they will reverse the situation at once, there is no doubt at all.

"Damn! How could this be?"

Zuoqiufeng's face was gloomy, and his heart was bleeding. Before, they had the absolute advantage and were about to kill all the rebels in the clan, but who would have thought that at the critical moment, Hua Jiankong and Chen Xi would be together. jumped out.

Before they could capture and kill these two people, Xuanyuan Shao, Xuanyuan Fengchen, Xuanyuan Tuobei also came one after another, and even Immortal King Weiyang didn't invite himself in the end.

Even so, their situation still had a lot of advantages, but who would have thought that Chen Xi would display an incomparably terrifying combat power, killing the half-step Immortal King Realm powerhouses on their side without the power to parry.

And in the duel in the Immortal King Realm, Zuoqiu Huanglin was wiped out by the Immortal King Weiyang in one fell swoop. If he hadn't possessed the Calamity Resurrection Pill, the game would have been completely over.

Fortunately, the situation at that time was still under their control, and Zuoqiu Huanglin was going to kill Chen Xi in one fell swoop, but at this critical moment, something happened again!

The magnitude of the change this time was completely beyond their imagination, and it was actually three existences from the Conferred God Realm from Dao Emperor Academy!

In this way, their advantages are completely destroyed, and the situation becomes precarious instead.

How could Zuoqiufeng accept all of this?

However, Zuoqiufeng felt resentful in his heart, Wei Xing was even angrier than him, even his teeth were about to be gnashed.

For this operation, he mobilized nine core pawns of the Immortal King Realm and 69 important pawns of the half-step Immortal King Realm, but Zuo Qiufeng was unwilling to cooperate with him and prevented them from intervening in the internal battle of the Zuoqiu Clan.

Fortunately, the rebels didn't kill them all, instead they provoked wave after wave of opponents, and now there are three terrifying existences in the Conferred God Realm, how can Wei Xing not be angry?

"Shuzi is insufficient and conspiracy!"

Wei Xing was so angry with hatred in his heart that under the current situation, he had already begun to feel hopeless, and he knew very well that under the eyes of the three Conferred Gods, there was almost no hope of turning the situation around.

Not only Zuoqiufeng and Wei Xing, facing Zhao Taici and other three Conferred God Realm beings at this moment, the mysterious cloaked people and Zuoqiu clan members behind them also felt extremely heavy.

"Hmph, you are really patient. Since this is the case, we have to deal with these guys first." Suddenly, Zhao Taici snorted coldly and said something inexplicable.

But the second half of the sentence was still understood by everyone present, and Zuoqiufeng, Wei Xing and the others felt a thump in their hearts, and their expressions changed suddenly.

"Two ancestors, please help quickly!"

At this moment, Zuoqiu Feng was overwhelmed by fear and completely lost his composure, he no longer dared to have any chances to hesitate, he raised his head to the sky and roared.


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