divine talisman

Chapter 1453 Silent and Cold Revenge [Part 3]

Zuoqiufeng's roar resounded throughout the audience.

Two old ancestors?

Naturally, it was Zuoqiu's two Conferred God Realm existences - Zuoqiu Beiyong and Zuoqiu Lenghua!

Hearing this word, Zuoqiu Huanglin and the rest of the Zuoqiu Clan's high-ranking officials all lifted their spirits, and a glimmer of hope rekindled in their hearts that had been overwhelmed by fear.

Wei Xing and the disciples of the Supreme Sect were also moved in their hearts, and there was a look of hope on their faces.

Although the other party has three full Conferred God Realm existences, as long as the two ancestors of the Zuoqiu family appear, even if the situation cannot be reversed, it is enough to resolve this life-and-death crisis!

Even... It is always feasible to take them to escape together, right?


Hearing Zuoqiufeng's cry for help, Zuoqiu Feiming and the others also realized something, their faces darkened immediately, and their hearts were full of resentment.

This civil strife in the Zuoqiu family has developed to the point it is now. Although the two ancestors did not take action personally, they have always supported Zuoqiufeng's family behind the scenes. It is impossible to have any good feelings for these two ancestors.

Chen Xi didn't know about this, but when he learned all this from Zuoqiu Feiming, he couldn't help being surprised. He never expected that there were actually two Conferred God realms sitting in Zuoqiu's clan!

"Fortunately, Zhao Taici and his three seniors were invited to help out this time, otherwise, the consequences would have been unimaginable." Chen Xi glanced at Zhao Taici, Ao Jiuhui, and Chi Cangsheng beside him, secretly rejoicing in his heart.

And he has seen that the reason why Zhao Taici and the others have been slow to do anything is obviously waiting for the appearance of Zuoqiu Beiyong and Zuoqiu Lenghua.

However, to Chen Xi's surprise, following Zuoqiu Feng's cry for help, there was no movement at all in the field, and no one came to help for a long time!

How is this going?

Not only Chen Xi was puzzled, Hua Jiankong, Weiyang Immortal King, Xuanyuan Shao and the others also frowned secretly. At this time, the two Conferred God Realm of the Zuoqiu Clan hadn't appeared yet. Could it be that they really planned to watch helplessly? Zuoqiufeng and others were slaughtered?

No one answered for a long time!

This made the complexions of Zuoqiufeng and the others suddenly pale and pale, and the hope that had been born in their hearts was suddenly replaced by endless despair.

How could this be?

What about the two old ancestors?

Are they already planning to give up on me?

The only remaining pillar in Zuoqiufeng's heart also collapsed at this moment, and he couldn't help shouting: "Why? Why? You two ancestors, come out quickly! Don't you want to watch my Zuoqiu family's ten thousand-year foundation be destroyed? Yu once?!"

Crazy shouts resounded through the sky and the earth, endlessly, but still no one answered.

Seeing this, Zhao Taici also frowned, and a look of impatience appeared on the beautiful girl-like face: "Forget it, since they can't get out, let's kill these guys first."

Ao Jiuhui and Chi Cangsheng both nodded.

As soon as these words came out, it was like the last straw that broke the camel's back, completely breaking Zuo Qiufeng, Wei Xing and others.


"Run away!"

"Damn! Damn!"

A loud shout of panic resounded, whether it was Zuoqiufeng and the others, or Wei Xing and the disciples of the Supreme Sect, they all chose to flee by coincidence at this moment.

With such a look, I can't wait for my parents to have two more legs.

There is no other reason, the Conferred God Realm is too terrifying, even the Immortal King Realm can only escape for their lives in front of it, the difference is like the difference between an ant and a goshawk.

One is the highest existence in the Three Realms, and the other has already jumped out of the Three Realms and is not in the Five Elements. The two phases are compared, and the superior and inferior are distinguished.

Therefore, they can only escape!

"The grievances and grievances continue to add to the troubles, everyone, let's stay!"

All this seemed to have been expected by Zhao Taici, she suddenly sighed softly, and the next moment, she reached out and pointed at the sky.


An understatement of an action, but it is like a divine decree descended from the sky, and a divine breath suddenly permeates the world.

Time, space, flying dust, light... and even the aura of the great way, the power of heaven and earth, everything in the whole world is imprisoned by an invisible and obscure divine aura. Absolutely still, in a frozen state!

With one finger, the universe stands still, and the Dao surrenders!

Such shocking means can only be possessed by the legendary gods.

Those Zuoqiufeng, Wei Xing and others who originally tore through the void and moved away were like fish frozen in the ice at this moment, their figures froze suddenly and could no longer move!

Seen from a distance, they all have strange shapes, retaining the posture of running away, but they are motionless like sculptures, which is extremely funny.

But in Chen Xi's eyes, this scene shocked him endlessly.

You know, there are quite a few of them in the Immortal King Realm, and each of them has supreme power in the Immortal Realm, but now, they are no match for Zhao Taici's casual finger!

How terrifying is this kind of power?

In the past, witnessing the confrontation between immortal kings in the Conferred God Realm would have shocked Chen Xi's heart, and he felt a lot of confusion, but now he saw a being in the Conferred God Realm make a move. the point.

Yes, this is the first time Chen Xi has seen the power of a "god"!

Although I haven't experienced it personally, looking at those figures in the distance who have fallen into a stillness, and seeing those Immortal Kings who can't struggle like prisoners in shackles, it is enough to prove how terrifying the power of God is.

In fact, this is also the case, this kind of power is not something that can be possessed by the Three Realms at all, but goes beyond the scope of the Three Realms, and has reached another height, its power will certainly not be ordinary.

Not only Chen Xi, but even Hua Jiankong, Xuanyuan Shao, Xuanyuan Fengchen, Xuanyuan Tuobei and others all showed shock, showing a bit of fear of such divine power.

Only Immortal King Weiyang has a blaze of fire in her eyes, because she is also only a hair away from being able to confer the gods and prove the way, jumping out of the three realms, not in the five elements, so she understands the terrifying power of gods better than others place.

Bang!Bang!Bang! ...

There was a burst of explosions, and it could be clearly seen that Wei Xing and the mysterious cloaked men near him, regardless of their cultivation level, at this moment, their bodies were all like fragile glass, all of which burst into pieces and turned into thick The rain of blood was wiped out in waves of invisible divine power.

Just a breath away!

Wei Xing and Taishangjiao's nine core chess pieces and 25 important chess pieces all died at the same time, and disappeared into ashes and ashes!

This scene is not only terrifying, it is simply appalling!

The sudden fall of nine existences in the Immortal King Realm, if this is introduced into the Immortal Realm, it will definitely cause a huge sensation!

Even Hua Jiankong and the others couldn't help being shocked when they saw this scene. It wasn't because they felt pity for Wei Xing and the others, but because they both existed in the Immortal King Realm, and they were revered and worshiped wherever they went in the Immortal Realm. But when facing a god, all pride, conceit, and supremacy are gone.

That's called the gap!

To all living beings in the three realms, they are immortal kings, existences that can only be looked up to, and these immortal kings can only look up to in front of the gods, no different from those ordinary beings who look up to them.

"I'll leave it all to you."

Suddenly, Zhao Taici turned his head and looked at Chen Xi.

In the arena, with Wei Xing and others being wiped out, only Zuoqiu Feng, Zuoqiu Huanglin and about twenty elders of the Zuoqiu clan remained.

They were restrained by a divine force, their thoughts were still there, but they couldn't move at all, not even a lamb waiting to be slaughtered, at least the lamb could struggle a bit, and they couldn't even move a finger!

Chen Xi's heart was shocked, and he immediately understood the meaning of Zhao Taici's words. He took a deep breath, and solemnly said, "Thank you, senior, for your fulfillment!"

After finishing speaking, he turned around and walked towards Zuoqiufeng and the others.This enmity is ultimately between him and the Zuoqiu family!Therefore, it is up to him to solve all this by himself, whether to kill or cut, depends entirely on his own mind.

Because this is a knot in his heart, a shackle in his heart, and only by breaking it can he get rid of his demons!


When they saw Chen Xi approaching step by step, Zuoqiufeng and the others couldn't help feeling a touch of despair in their hearts. They were both startled, angry and frightened, but they couldn't make a sound or move an inch at all.

In other words, at this moment, they can only watch death approaching step by step!

They have not experienced this feeling of being controlled by others for many years, but now they can only sit and wait for death. The taste of it cannot be described without personal experience.

Even, this feeling of helplessness, anger, fear, despair, and sadness stimulated them to collapse. If possible, they would rather die in a vigorous fight than wait for death in such a way.

These methods are more than cruel, they are simply cruel!

It seems to be silent and without any torture, but the shock and destruction to their hearts is like suffering in purgatory, and they wish they could commit suicide early and take their own lives.

The sad thing is...they are even deprived of the power to commit suicide at this moment!


Revenge began, an elder of the Zuoqiu clan was obliterated, his head was harvested, and held in Chen Xi's hands, his body crashed to the ground, completely dead.

At this moment, Chen Xi's expression was calm without any emotional fluctuations, as if he had completely transformed into a ruthless executioner, stepping out step by step, harvesting one bloody head after another.

From the beginning to the end, he didn't say a word, and he didn't show any trace of emotion after the hatred was rewarded. He seemed extremely calm, even indifferent.

With so many years of hatred accumulated in my heart, what else can I say?

If nonsense can revive those deceased members of the Chen clan, if mercy can soothe the hatred in his heart, why did he fight all the way so far?

So, he didn't want to say any more!

Therefore, he will never show mercy!

These hatreds need blood and death to wash away, there is no other way!

Even, to avoid any accidents at this moment, his movements appeared to be extremely crisp, precise and ruthless, without any hesitation at all, and without wasting any time at all.

Because what he wants is revenge!

That's it.


ps: After reading this chapter, perhaps many children's shoes will feel that Chen Xi's revenge is a bit hasty, or even boring, but in the eyes of Jinyu, the hysterical roaring of the enemy, the endless humiliation, and even the madness and enthusiasm of revenge. Slaughtering... All of this is ultimately not suitable for Chen Xi. This feeling is very subtle and cannot be expressed.

Finally, these explanations are free, no money is required, let’s explain more clearly, the explanations at the end of each chapter do not require money...

Issue 4 at 1:[-] p.m.~~~ Ask for a monthly ticket~~~ Friends~~~


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