divine talisman

Chapter 1454 Breaking the Shackle of Heart [Part 4]


Blood splashed, scalding scarlet, dyed the sky red.

There were no screams before death, no curses of anger and hatred, and no words of torture and humiliation. From the beginning to the end, there was only a dull sound of killing in the field.

Raise the knife and fall, harvest the head!

That dull sound was produced when the head was harvested, when the sharp edge cut into the bone and flesh, it was chilling to the ears of people.

Regarding all of this, Chen Xi seemed silent and indifferent.

At this moment, he was like an incarnation of a god of death without any emotional fluctuations, using the most precise and ruthless methods to harvest death and relieve the hatred in his heart.

This Iris Desert, after several days of shocking battles, has long been destroyed as a land of ruins, devastated, the world is soaked in blood, broken corpses, broken magic weapons, chaotic time and space, chaotic war haze can be seen everywhere...

Against this purgatory-like background, Chen Xi's killing method at this moment is obviously so silent and calm, but it falls into the eyes of everyone in the distance, but it makes them all feel various complicated emotions, and there is a kind of creepy throbbing Dynamic.

At this moment, Chen Xi seemed so strange!


Zuoqiu Feiming sighed, he couldn't bear to see it.

The other eight Zuoqiu elders beside him were the same, with gloomy expressions.

This scene was too tragic, it was a massacre, and the target of the massacre was their clansmen, even though Zuoqiu Feiming had long since denied each other, but after all...they had the same blood flowing in their bodies.

Seeing Chen Xi kill those clansmen with such cruel and bloody means at this moment, he couldn't help feeling a little uncomfortable in his heart, and he didn't want to witness it again.

They also knew very well that Zuoqiufeng and the others at this moment were not worthy of pity, because if Chen Xi and the others hadn't joined them today, they would have been killed by Zuoqiufeng and the others long ago.

If that was the case, would Zuoqiufeng and the others feel unbearable?

All of this was preordained after all, and could only end with the death of one party!

"The hatred in this kid's heart is too great. I don't know how he suppressed it all these years. It's really rare that he hasn't been invaded by the demons and his temperament has changed drastically."

Xuanyuan Shao was also shocked. The method Chen Xi displayed at this moment was too calm and indifferent, and because of this, the visual impact it caused was the most shocking.

Xuanyuan Shao had seen countless perverted and cruel butchers who became mad at killing since he began to cultivate, but it was the first time he had seen someone as calm and silent as Chen Xi.

If it was someone else, with so much hatred accumulated in his heart, his temperament would have changed drastically, but unfortunately, Chen Xi's Taoist heart was pure, and he did not have any demonic obstacles.

Under this comparison, Xuanyuan Shao was shocked a lot.

Xuanyuan Fengchen and Xuanyuan Tuobei who were beside him also nodded, deeply convinced by Xuanyuan Shao's words.

"Isn't it good not to be trapped by hatred, and not to violate the heart of Dao because of hatred?"

Immortal King Weiyang didn't take it seriously. She also saw a lot of life and death, and even saw many powerful beings. Just for a moment, they destroyed hundreds of thousands of mountains and rivers, slaughtered cities in all directions, and ruined countless innocent lives.

Relatively speaking, the current Chen Xi is just taking revenge, and it’s just that the means are somewhat unusual. Compared to those surly people who are mad at killing, it’s nothing at all.

Hua Jiankong pursed his lips and remained silent, but when he looked at Chen Xi, there was a complex sense of admiration. He had buried hatred in his heart for so many years, and he was able to maintain his Dao heart. Not as good.

Zhao Taici, Ao Jiuhui, and Chi Cangsheng, the three beings of the Conferred God Realm, also did not speak. They just witnessed the scene in front of them. But it was really unimaginable.

"Something's not right."

Suddenly, Zhao Taici stared and spoke.

"It's not right."

Ao Jiuhui and Chi Cangsheng seemed to have already noticed it, and after exchanging glances, they began to be vigilant about their surroundings.

Not only them, but even Hua Jiankong and the others felt something wrong in their hearts at this time.

The reason is simple, the atmosphere is too peaceful!

From killing Wei Xing and other disciples of the Supreme Sect, to now Chen Xi taking revenge with his own hands, during the whole process, everything in this world fell into a strange silence.

Zuoqiu Beiyong and Zuoqiu Lenghua, who were expected by Zhao Taici and others, did not show any signs of appearance from the beginning to the end.

Could it be that they are already planning to give up Zuoqiufeng's lineage?

I'm afraid things won't be so simple anymore!

Zhao Taici and others are very clear that this Zuoqiu Clan's internal conflict seems to be an internal matter, but in fact its destructive power has already affected the entire Iris Immortal Continent, and now it has become the focus of the whole world's attention.

After all, the Zuoqiu clan was one of the seven great families in the ancient times, with an ancient and profound background. Once such forces broke out in internal fighting, one can imagine the impact it would have on the entire fairy world.

And the infiltration of the power of the Supreme Sect has given this Zuoqiu Clan's internal struggle a layer of mystery. Anyone who is interested will find that this battle will even affect the structure of the entire fairy world.

But now, the Taishangjiao has lost nine core chess pieces of the Immortal King Realm and seventy important half-step Immortal King Realm chess pieces, but they have not made the next move for a long time, as if they have forgotten this matter. It seemed a little abnormal in itself.

Nine Immortal Kings were killed!

Even if the Supreme Sect is one of the highest orthodoxy in the Three Realms, this kind of loss can be regarded as huge!

How could they let it go?

Of course, it is also possible that the Supreme Master believes that the existence of the nine Immortal Kings alone is enough to help Zuoqiufeng clear all obstacles in the Zuoqiu Clan.

But don't forget, how could the Supreme Master spend so much effort to help Zuoqiu just out of kindness?

Obviously impossible, the Supreme Master must take advantage of this incident to plot something!And the plot is huge!

"Everyone is carefully prepared. With my deduction ability, I can only discover today's secrets, treacherous fluctuations, and turbulent chaos. Although I can't deduce any signs, it makes my heart throb. This is nothing. That's a good sign."

Zhao Taici looked at the sky from a distance, his expression gradually became serious, his clear eyes were like lightning, and two golden lights of divine flames surged out, as if he wanted to see through all the mysteries of the nine heavens and ten earths.

"That's right. From my point of view, today's secrets have faint signs of being manipulated. If this is the case, I'm afraid there are higher-level big shots involved..."

Ao Jiuhui opened his mouth in a deep voice, and a solemn look appeared on his ancient and old face!

Hearing this, the hearts of everyone present were terrified, so that the two beings in the Conferred God Realm could not deduce that there are other disasters coming today?


While the big figures were thinking about each other, Chen Xi had already arrived in front of Zuoqiu Feng. This time, his movements finally came to a halt.

He was holding a long string of bloody heads in his hand, and dragged them to the ground. There were more than twenty of them. The faces of those heads still had the expression of death, either frightened, angry, resentful, relieved, or ferocious, or unwilling...

But all of this could not bring about a slight change in Chen Xi's indifferent and quiet expression.

At this moment, he looked at Zuoqiufeng who was motionless like a stone statue, looked at the horror, despair, anger, and resentment in Zuoqiufeng's eyes, and finally, without saying a word, he raised his knife and dropped it!


The head was beheaded, blood spewed out, and the headless corpse fell to the ground.

This Zuoqiu Clan's current Patriarch, this Immortal King Realm existence in the Immortal Realm who possesses overwhelming authority, this... Chen Xi's nominal uncle, died suddenly on the spot!

So far, all the top leaders of the faction headed by Zuo Qiufeng have been executed.

But even now, Chen Xi still didn't show any emotion because of this, and tied Zuoqiufeng's head to the string of long head ropes as before, with steady and strong palms, and meticulous movements.

It feels like an old craftsman is weaving a rope for binding goods, with a focused and serious expression.

"Since the day I became sensible, I have been wearing a shackle, which makes it difficult for me to move."

"I don't dare to slack off a little bit, because I know that slack can be forgiven for others, but I can't. If I slack off, it means that I am closer to despair and death, because This shackle is too heavy! I don't even dare to let my younger brother bear it with me..."

While carefully putting away the bunch of heads in his hand, Chen Xi murmured in his heart.

"You are big figures in the fairy world, you can regard all living beings as ants, and you can decide the death of countless lives with a single thought, not to mention, back then, I was just a broom star in a remote small town in the human world, not even as good as ants... So, You probably won't understand the pain and hatred in my heart, since you don't understand, why should I talk nonsense?"

"This is hatred, and all the meaning of my practice at the beginning was just for revenge, but now...not anymore."

"For me, there are many means of revenge, such as abolishing all your cultivation bases, demoting you to miners, and being unable to hold your head up forever, such as extracting your souls one by one, and torture them with all my means all day long. Eternal life can't survive forever, can't seek death..."

"But all of this didn't make me feel at ease when you died, so you can only die."

The murmuring voice seemed very calm, not sonorous and forceful, but just stating a fact.During this process, Chen Xi had already put away the bunch of good heads, waiting to return to the Dao Emperor Academy in the future, and send them to Songyan City in the Nine Cauldrons World to pay homage to those Chen clan members who passed away back then.

And when he finished all this, it seemed that a shackle deep in his heart was completely broken, and he felt a kind of unprecedented ease from inside and outside.

It seems that life walks out of the darkness at this moment, bathed in light, and the whole person seems to undergo a transformation, like a phoenix nirvana, and regains new life!

As the saying goes-

The shackles have plagued the previous life, the Taoist heart will not fall into the evil path, all grievances and grievances are gone, and this body is molded from clay into gold.

Enlightenment is the moment to become righteous, and confusion is the sinking of ten thousand kalpas.Breaking through all the demonic obstacles and practicing true cultivation, where will the eternal sand of sin come from?


ps: The fourth update is here, continue to call for monthly tickets~~ In other words, there are so few monthly tickets, so few rewards, and the data is so bleak~~~ This is too much of a blow to enthusiasm...


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