divine talisman

Chapter 1455 Doomsday Vortex [Part 5]

On the Iris Desert, the sky is stained with blood, and the earth is devastated.

After a shocking duel, many fairy kings fell, golden blood soaked the universe, broken bones spread all over the earth, and many tyrannical fairy treasures were left behind, becoming ownerless things.

If Chen Xi and the others didn't exist, such an area would soon attract countless experts from the fairy world to come to hunt for treasures, and "look at the chance" from these fallen great figures.

Most of the many secret realms distributed in the Three Realms came from this.

No matter how magnificent the life-and-death grievances are in a duel, when the curtain falls, only those wreckages, ruins, blood-soaked fairy blood, and lost fairy treasures are left...it becomes a "treasure place" in the eyes of outsiders.

But it is clear that all this has not yet come to an end.

After beheading Zuoqiu Feng and putting away a bunch of bloody heads, Chen Xi's eyes fell on those leftover immortal treasures.

The hatred is over, now is the time to harvest.

And obviously, if the harvest can be achieved this time, it will definitely be beyond imagination.

After all, in this fierce duel that lasted for many days, too many great figures fell, among them there were more than ten Immortal King Realm existences alone, and there were no less than a hundred other half-step Immortal King Realm existences.

It is conceivable, how could there be less treasures in the hands of such a big man?

Not only will there be no shortage, but if every piece of fairy treasure is left outside, it will definitely attract countless people to compete for it!


But before Chen Xi could act, his whole body was suddenly enveloped by an obscure divine power, and then uncontrollably appeared beside Zhao Taici and the others.

As soon as he stood still, a deep and dark space-time vortex suddenly appeared above the area where he was originally standing!

"The vortex of doom! Sure enough, I knew that the Supreme Master would not stop here!"

When witnessing that dark vortex, Zhao Taici, who was a god-conferring existence, had his eyes fixed, a look of shock appeared on his face, and he suddenly shouted: "Quick back!"


Her figure flashed, together with Ao Jiuhui, Chi Cangsheng, and Chen Xi and others, she moved out of this area in an instant.

However, I don't know when this Iris Desert started, and it was shrouded in a terrifying and mysterious power, which made it impossible for Zhao Taici and the other three in the Conferred God Realm to break through the transcendence!

This made their expressions sink slightly, and they immediately stopped their figures and used their means to cover the surroundings with a light curtain transformed by divine power, defending everything.

"How could the vortex of doom appear here? Could it be that the catastrophe affecting the Three Realms will erupt from here?" Ao Jiuhui's face was gloomy, and cold currents flashed in his eyes.

"There is no way to move it. It seems that it is as rumored. Once the end of the Dharma comes out, the Dao is like a prisoner!" Chi Cangsheng frowned, and a rare solemnity appeared on his thin and violent face.

When the others heard this, their hearts thumped, and their expressions changed slightly.

A dark vortex that appeared out of thin air actually made the three Conferred Gods so fearful, so how terrifying is its power?

What is particularly frightening is that from what Zhao Taici and the others said, this vortex of doom seems to be related to the catastrophe that is about to sweep across the Three Realms. This is a bit shocking!

"Senior, what is the vortex of doom?"

Chen Xi couldn't help asking, just now that he had avenged his revenge, he encountered such an accident again, he couldn't help being a little bit surprised and uncertain, and vaguely felt that all this seemed to be a coincidence, but it seemed that someone had planned it long ago.

"A method of divine punishment with the power to destroy the world comes from the way of heaven. Once it appears, it will mean catastrophe. At that time, the way of heaven will be like a prisoner, enough to ban all laws! At that time, it may even be..."

Zhao Taici quickly explained, and at the end, she seemed a little unsure, so she stopped mentioning it immediately.

Ao Jiuhui who was next to him also reminded solemnly, "Everyone, be careful. Although all of this is just a rumor, but now it suddenly appeared. These signs are a bit strange. I am afraid that there is a terrifying person behind everything."

Knowing all this, everyone felt palpitations in their hearts again. Could all this be manipulated by someone?Could it be that the Supreme Master had already carefully planned it?


At this moment, the dark vortex hanging in the sky in the distance suddenly began to spin crazily, like a bloody mouth opening between heaven and earth, gushing out a terrifying and heart-pounding force, as if it wanted to swallow the universe, Store everything.

In an instant, the entire sky was suddenly filled with a layer of black, covering the sky and blocking out the sun. The original day was eroded by the eternal night, and the sky and the earth were suddenly plunged into darkness.

Immediately, an extremely oppressive coercion suddenly spread, causing everything to fall into fear, and there was a deathly silence, only the dark vortex was spinning crazily.

It can be clearly seen that in just a few breaths, the wreckage, bones, blood, and even the treasures left on the ground were all ingested and swallowed by that dark vortex!

"This is the power of blood sacrifice..."

When he saw such a thrilling scene, Zhao Taici's face instantly turned serious, and he gritted his teeth and said, "We seem to have been fooled by the Supreme Master. This Iris Desert has been arranged by people before!"

"So, if these guys who died in the Iris Desert made wedding dresses for others?" Ao Jiuhui's eyes flashed with divine light.

"It's inevitable, hmph, Tai Shangjiao!"

Chi Cangsheng snorted coldly, "They are the only ones who put all their effort into arranging all of this, using the blood and souls that fell when these fairy kings fell, to perform the method of blood sacrifice, thereby drawing out the power of this vortex of doom!"

The expressions of the three Conferred Gods were a bit gloomy, they hadn't noticed this before, this made them all have a bad premonition in their hearts, a faint feeling of being calculated and manipulated.


As time went by, the vortex of doomsday became more and more crazy, producing a terrifying thunderous sound, which resounded between the heaven and the earth, giving people an extremely depressing feeling of heart palpitations.

That level of power was so terrifying that Chen Xi felt his scalp go numb, feeling that if he faced it alone, he would be torn to pieces by the vortex in an instant.

The faces of the others were not much better, even if they were either in the Immortal King Realm or the Conferred God Realm, they still felt a deep sense of dread when facing this vortex of doom.

"What should I do? You can't sit still like this."

Ao Jiuhui frowned, and frantically deduced the way to break the situation in his mind, but found that the secrets were confused, chaotic, and hidden all kinds of unknowable flavors.

"Although we have jumped out of the Three Realms and are no longer under the control of the power of the Three Realms, but now, the end of the law is rampant, the Dao is like a prisoner, and we are in the fairy world again. We are destined to be unable to avoid this calamity."

Zhao Taici sighed softly, and immediately there was a look of arrogance in his clear eyes, "However, even if this vortex of doom brings catastrophe, it may not be able to do anything to us."

"Have you forgotten what the dean said when we came here?"

Suddenly, Chi Cangsheng seemed to think of something, and a fiery look appeared on his thin face, "The chaos in the heavens has come, and the opportunity that has been waiting for many years is destined to follow!"

Zhao Taici and Ao Jiuhui were shocked when they heard the words, as if they realized something, there was a blaze of fire in their eyes, just like Chi Cangsheng.

But at this moment, their gazes towards that vortex of doomsday have become different, no longer afraid, no longer surprised, but with a trace of strange emotion.

Everyone else was puzzled and had their own thoughts.

Only Immortal King Weiyang, she was only a hair away from entering the Conferred God Realm. After hearing this, a pair of star pupils suddenly brightened, and she murmured: "Fate... Chance..."

"Hahaha, everyone, I'm sorry, I'm a step late and kept you waiting!"

At this moment, a loud and shocking laugh suddenly rang through the heaven and earth, with a domineering look in the voice, rumbling through the sky and earth like thunder.


Accompanied by the sound, three figures came teleporting through the air. The leader had a handsome face, his body was burning with raging flames, and his arrogance was wild, like a king who controlled all fires in the world.

This person is indeed Suirenting!

It's just that at this time, there is still a purple talisman floating three feet above his head, releasing a terrifying and eternal power, which has a unique connection with the vortex of Namo Fa, echoing each other from afar!

When he saw this person, Chen Xi's eyes suddenly shrank, and he immediately understood that, as Zhao Taici and the others had speculated, all of this was the mastermind behind everything.

Beside Suirenting, there are also an old man in yellow robe and beard and a woman in plain clothes with an indifferent face. The only thing in common is that both of them have a divine power lingering from top to bottom, possessing supreme majesty.

Obviously, these are two Conferred God Realm existences!

"Two patriarchs!?"

When they saw these two people, Zuoqiu Feiming and the others suddenly changed their expressions, and they all showed expressions of disbelief, and immediately their expressions all darkened, extremely ugly.

These two are the only remaining Conferred God Realm existences in the Zuoqiu Clan - Zuoqiu Beiyong and Zuoqiu Lenghua!

Seeing the reaction of Zuoqiu Feiming and the others, Chen Xi and the others also guessed the identities of those two people at once, and their expressions also changed slightly.

They didn't show up before, but now they show up with Suirenting, who ranks second among the seven disciples of the Supreme Sect, and even the blind can see that they have already joined forces.

This is not the point, the point is that the appearance of the Mo Fa vortex is obviously related to Suirenting and the others, especially when they saw the purple talisman floating above Suirenting's head, Zhao Taici and other three beings in the Conferred God Realm immediately confirmed this point.

Because that purple talisman is the "Supreme Talisman" held by the leader of the Supreme Sect today!

In other words, behind all this is even the shadow of the Supreme Master!

This is a supreme existence comparable to Fuxi, the master of Shenyan Mountain, and Nuwa, the master of Nuwa Palace. Since ancient times, he has personally planned countless disasters that have shocked the Three Realms. Fear the supreme legend!

It's no wonder they didn't notice a trace of clues before. If all this was calculated by the leader of the Supreme Sect, how many people in the three realms would be able to detect it?


ps: The fifth update will be delivered, and the sixth update will be at 3:[-] pm.


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