divine talisman

Chapter 1456 The Way Is Like a Prison [Part 6]

With the arrival of Suirenting, Zuoqiu Beiyong and Zuoqiu Lenghua, everything seems to have come to light.

This is a conspiracy that has been carefully laid out!

When the internal contradictions of the Zuoqiu Clan were infiltrated by the power of the Supreme Master, their meaning has completely changed.

This reminded Hua Jiankong of the conversation he had with his master Meng Xinghe when he left the academy——

"The Taishangjiao has been secretly planning for these years, and wants to take advantage of this catastrophe to bring disaster to the world and re-establish the Taishangjiao's control over the Three Realms. Now that the five declines are coming, this is a sign. It won't be long before the shadow of the Supreme Master will spread in this fairy world..."

At that time, Hua Jiankong suspected that the Supreme Master took this internal strife in the Zuoqiu Clan as the first step to sweep the world, and comparing everything in front of him, it further confirmed this point.

Now, the vortex of doomsday appears, the way of heaven turns prisoners, and Suirenting appears in charge of the "Taishang Talisman". Everything indicates that the internal turmoil of the Zuoqiu Clan is only the first step of the Supreme Sect to take action. .

Not only Hua Jiankong, but other people also roughly guessed this point, and there was a haze in their expressions.

What is the ultimate goal of the Taishangjiao?

There is no need to speculate too much. From the moment the vortex appeared, it foreshadowed that the catastrophe that was about to sweep the Three Realms was about to erupt completely.

And behind all this, it all comes from the handwriting of the Supreme Master!

Of course, this catastrophe has long been foreseen, it comes from the power of heaven, and the Supreme Master cannot control it, but even so, they can add fuel to the flames and make this catastrophe break out in advance!


"Everyone, you must have guessed something in your heart, but unfortunately, it is still a bit late to understand. Now under the cover of this vortex of doom, everything can no longer be reversed, not even God."

After Suirenting arrived, he smiled and opened his mouth, as if he was in control of the world and had a chance to win.

The purple talisman on his head was filled with supreme power, faintly echoing the Namo Dharma vortex, forming a unique power, even though he was only at the Immortal King Realm, he didn't seem to be afraid of Zhao Taici and others at all.

"All of this has already been calculated by your grand master?"

Zhao Taici spoke coldly.

"That's right, otherwise, how could we use your hands to kill so many fairy kings, sacrifice their blood and souls, and thus trigger this vortex of doom?"

Suirenting answered very frankly, his words filled with absolute confidence.

"Among them are the nine immortal kings and seventy half-step immortal king masters of your grand master. Your grand master is really courageous!"

Zhao Taici spoke sarcastically.

"No, you're wrong."

Suirenting shook his head, still smiling, "They are just pawns of my Grand Master, their fate was already doomed when the Hierarch placed them in the Immortal Realm."

After a pause, he continued: "It's just a pity that Wei Xing is also considered a talent, but for the sake of my future glory after being taught, his sacrifice is justified."

In a few words, he shirked everything, appearing extremely ruthless and cold.

This is the teaching of the Supreme Master, the Supreme Master forgets his feelings, so he is ruthless!

"Zuoqiu Beiyong, Zuoqiu Lenghua, you two have also seen that, taking refuge in the Supreme Sect can only be reduced to pawns, and you are still willing to act as lackeys, how sad!"

Suddenly, Zuoqiu Feiming scolded sharply, with a piercing hatred in his voice.

However, Zuoqiu Beiyong in yellow robe and bearded and Zuoqiu Lenghua in plain clothes looked calm and unmoved.

"Early before the death of the previous Zuoqiu clan head, we were the elders of the Supreme Sect, and we are not comparable to those pawns. The reason why we have been dormant in the Zuoqiu clan for these years is nothing more than to seek benefits for my Supreme Sect That's all."

Zuoqiu Beiyong spoke indifferently, calmly.

As soon as these words came out, everyone felt chills in their hearts. They never thought that the existence of these two Conferred God Realms had been bribed by the Supreme Master a long time ago!

"So, you were behind the death of my eldest brother?"

Zuoqiu Feiming's heart trembled, and endless grief and anger appeared on his face.

"No way, who made him hesitant and unwilling to join the Supreme Master? We have to kill him and support the Patriarch who is willing to surrender to the Supreme Master."

This time it was Zuoqiu Lenghua who spoke.

Chen Xi's face also became gloomy. As far as he knew, the last Patriarch of the Zuoqiu Clan was the father of his mother Zuoqiu Xue, also his maternal grandfather.

Now that he heard that his grandfather died because he did not want to surrender to the Supreme Master, he also felt a bit of anger in his heart, feeling sad for his mother.

Because he finally understood why his mother Zuoqiu Xue was the heir of the Zuoqiu clan, but in the end Zuoqiu Feng took away the position of patriarch. The reason was because of Zuoqiu Beiyong and Zuoqiu Lenghua!

And the culprit behind all this is the Supreme Master!

"You guys... are so cruel!"

Zuo Qiufei's eyes were about to crack, and his teeth were about to be crushed. Immediately, he took a deep breath and asked the last question, "Since you supported Zuo Qiufeng to the top, why didn't you help them before? They have already taken refuge Master! Why?"

He wasn't complaining for Zuoqiufeng and others, it was just that he couldn't accept such a fact.

This time, both Zuoqiu Beiyong and Zuoqiu Lenghua didn't speak, they just looked at Zuoqiu Feiming indifferently and pityingly, as if they were looking at a stupid idiot.

"What they pursue is the way of ruthlessness. Since they are ruthless, it is easy to understand what they do to anger people." Chen Xi took a deep breath and spoke slowly.

Naturally, Zuoqiu Feiming and the others had already guessed this point, but they couldn't accept it for a while.

Just a few words of ruthless can sever the blood relationship, betray the clan, and harm the clan!This is more than treason, it is simply a crime worthy of death!

Whoever it is, I'm afraid I can't accept this kind of blow!

All of a sudden, the faces of Zuoqiu Feiming and the others turned pale to the extreme, revealing incomparable anger and hatred. A family strife has now become a conspiracy manipulated by the Supreme Master, which only made them mad with hatred .

"Hehe, in fact, Chen Xi, you should thank me, my grand master."

Suirenting suddenly locked his eyes on Chen Xi, and said with a smile, "If it weren't for us standing by and watching, how could you have revenge so smoothly? How about it, isn't that a very pleasant feeling?"

Chen Xi calmly said: "So, do I still have to thank you?"

Suirenting laughed loudly: "That's unnecessary, as long as you hand over the sword of Dao'er and the fragments of the river map, I will be satisfied."

Dao's sword!

Fragments of the River Map!

Many people present were not aware of this, so when they heard these words, they were all shocked. They did not expect that Chen Xi would actually have such a first-class secret treasure in the Three Realms.

Even Zhao Taici and the others were moved by the existence of the three Conferred Gods. Whether it was the sword of Dao'er or the fragments of the river map, they were all treasures that they dared not ask for extravagantly!

"As long as you promise to let me kill you one by one like Zuoqiufeng and the others, let alone these two treasures, no matter how many there are, I won't frown."

Chen Xi said calmly.

Suirenting's face darkened, and he suddenly laughed again: "Little guy, don't forget that your mother is still suppressed in the Yuanwei Immortal Prison, if something happens to her... I'm afraid you won't accept it, right? "

A cold light flashed in Chen Xi's eyes, and a murderous intent surged in his heart uncontrollably.

"Don't be alarmed by his words, I can sense that the Iris Immortal Prison is still there, and it hasn't been infiltrated by external forces yet." Zhao Taici's quick voice transmission undoubtedly gave Chen Xi a reassurance.

Since the conversation, the vortex of doom has been spinning and roaring endlessly, tearing apart and collapsing the void in a radius of [-] miles, turning it into a terrifying chaotic black hole.

And this destructive power is still spreading at an astonishing speed, and it won't be long before it will even engulf the entire Iris Desert.

"This guy has been stalling for time and can't wait any longer."

Ao Jiuhui frowned and transmitted the voice.

"Holding the Taishang Talisman, he communicates with the Dharma-ending vortex and becomes one with him. If he fights against him, he may not be able to kill him completely if he fights against the Dooming-dharma vortex."

Chi Cangsheng sighed, his voice was heavy, if it wasn't for this reason, he would have already started to kill the other party when Suiren Ting appeared, how could he have listened to his babbling till now.

"Be safe and don't be impatient. Although the vortex of doomsday is powerful, there is no way to wait for me for the time being. Maybe there is another turning point."

Zhao Taici suddenly said, "Don't forget, there is the shadow of the leader of the Supreme Sect behind this murderous intention, and when we came, the headmaster also told us that there are some opportunities hidden in it, no matter what, we just need to guarantee ourselves If you're alive, you don't have to worry about anything."

Ao Jiuhui and Chi Cangsheng were silent when they heard the words.

It is true that all they have to do now is to wait for a turning point, but will this turning point happen?

No one can be sure!

"Hahaha, why, do you think you can escape from this place today?"

Seeing this, Suirenting couldn't help laughing up to the sky, and his expression instantly became cold and ruthless, "The catastrophe is coming, the road is like a prisoner, no one can escape, so what if you become a god? In the end, you can only become a prisoner!"

After a pause, he glanced at Zhao Taici and the others, and said with a smile: "Of course, you must think that you might get a chance to enter the Ancient God Realm from it. I'm not afraid to tell you the truth, it's impossible!"

The faces of Zhao Taici and the others changed slightly, obviously their minds had been punctured.

But when the others heard this, they couldn't help feeling turbulent waves in their hearts again. Could it be that the coming of this catastrophe had something to do with the rumored Ancient God Realm?

Ancient God Domain!

That is the country where the gods live in the legends, and it only exists in the incomparably ancient classics. It is not owned by the Three Realms at all, but it existed long before the chaos was opened!

But since ancient times to the present, there have been few rumors of anyone who could reach the Ancient God Realm, so this rumor has long since been forgotten.

Only a handful of powerful beings standing at the top of the Three Realms know that the existence of the Ancient God Realm is not a rumor, but a real existence!


ps: The sixth update will be delivered, and the seventh update will be at 4:[-] pm.


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