divine talisman

Chapter 1457 Dean's Arrival [Part 7]

There are many rumors about the ancient gods, but they have long been annihilated in the endless river of history.

Even if Zhao Taici, Ao Jiuhui, and Chi Cangsheng existed in the Conferred God Realm, they only confirmed the existence of the Ancient God Realm, knowing that it was the place where the gods lived, and it was an eternal kingdom!

But they don't know where the ancient gods' domain is and what exists in it.

But the more this is the case, the more mysterious the Ancient God Realm is, and it has a fatal temptation for those beings in the Conferred God Realm.

This is like the fact that monks in the human world long for Xiaju to ascend to the fairy world. For the existence of the Conferred God Realm, they also long to transcend the three realms, reach the ancient gods, and seek the ultimate mystery of the divine way!


Now, Suirenting's words undoubtedly directly negated Zhao Taici and the others' thoughts, which made them feel a little hard to accept.

Yes, they had already realized from the words of Dean Meng Xinghe that this catastrophe was coming. For those of them who were in the Conferred God Realm, danger was accompanied by a ray of opportunity.

This chance is the way to enter the Ancient God Realm!

But now, Suirenting categorically denies all of this, how can they accept it?

Of course, they won't be discouraged by this, or affect their Dao Xin, but they just think that if they can't find that chance from this catastrophe, they may never be able to escape this catastrophe...

"Hmph, if we can't avoid this catastrophe, it doesn't mean that your grand masters can stay out of it!"

Chi Cangsheng turned his face and snorted coldly.

"Hey, frog watching the sky in a well, don't forget, my Supreme Master upholds the power of the heavens in the three realms, and inherits the destiny of the heavens. No matter what catastrophe or calamity, I can't help but wait for me. This is called acting on behalf of the heavens!"

Suirenting sneered, his voice full of disdain and contempt.

As soon as this remark came out, Zhao Taici and others were unable to refute it, because as Suirenting said, it is no secret that the Supreme Master can use the power of heaven.

The three disasters and nine disasters that monks have experienced, and the catastrophes that have erupted throughout the ages, almost all have the shadow of the Supreme Master behind them.

"What is doing justice for the heavens? In the final analysis, your Supreme Master is just a dog controlled by the heavens, so what is there to be proud of?"

Seeing this, Chen Xi spoke coldly, and his voice was also full of sarcasm. These words were said by Dao Emperor Ji Yu, but he misappropriated them on Suirenting.

As soon as these words came out, Suirenting's complexion suddenly became gloomy. It's just a small ant, but he dared to call them a dog.

Not only him, but also Zuoqiu Beiyong and Zuoqiu Lenghua's expressions darkened, revealing their murderous intent.

For a while, the atmosphere was oppressive and silent, as if a big battle was about to break out the next moment.


However, at this moment, a burst of crisp applause suddenly sounded from a distance, full of rhythm and rhythm, giving people a pleasant and relaxed feeling.

"That's a good point, but in my opinion, the people of the Supreme Master are not even as good as a dog. At best, they are nothing more than a group of monsters with no temperament."

Accompanied by the sound of applause, there was a wave in the void in the distance, and two figures appeared. One had an ordinary face and looked as young as a youth, but his eyes contained the color of ancient vicissitudes, as if he had gone through countless years of baptism.

From a distance, his whole person is like a vast starry sky, giving people an air of vastness and friendlessness.

And beside him, stood a handsome young man, with red lips, white teeth, and bright eyes, dressed in a brocade robe, with a natural flair.

These two people are the head of Dao Emperor Academy, Meng Xinghe, and Shen Yanshan's junior sister, Li Yang!


Zhao Taici and the others' eyes lit up, they didn't recognize Li Yang, but when they saw Meng Xinghe appearing, their hearts were instantly settled, and they were no longer as heavy as before.

"Meng Xinghe!"

Almost at the same time, Xuanyuan Shao, Xuanyuan Fengchen, Xuanyuan Tuobei, Zuoqiu Feiming and others also recognized the identity of the visitor, and their spirits were all lifted.

After so many years, the dean of the No. [-] Academy in the Immortal World finally appeared in the world again. His arrival can indeed bring people great confidence.

"Shenyan Mountain Liyang..."

In the presence, apart from Chen Xi, only Immortal King Weiyang recognized the identity of the beautiful young man in brocade clothes, and a strange gleam appeared on his expression for a moment, as if he was excited or fearful, and so on.

Of course, the one who was most excited was Chen Xi. Since he entered the fairy world, this was the first time he saw his little senior sister, so how could he not be excited?

It can be said that in Chen Xi's heart, the existence of the little senior sister Li Yang is no different from his relatives. Over the years, he has helped him a lot, and now that he meets unexpectedly again, it is naturally full of surprises.


He couldn't help calling out.

"Well, little brother."

Seeing Chen Xi, Li Yang, who was disguised as a man, suddenly squinted his eyes with a smile, his clear eyes were curved, his smile was amiable, and there was a kind of joy from the bottom of his heart.

When she was speaking, she had arrived out of nowhere, patted Chen Xi on the shoulder, and said with emotion: "We finally met, and I have wronged you all these years."

Chen Xi shook his head: "There's nothing wrong with it."

Seeing the two of them being so close, and even calling them brothers and sisters, Zhao Taici and others couldn't help being surprised. When did Chen Xi actually have an extra senior sister?

Zuoqiu Feiming and the others were also stunned for a moment. The reason for this girl disguised as a man to come with Meng Xinghe might be unusual, but they never thought that she would be the other senior sister!

Who is she...

"Hmph, Meng Xinghe of Dao Emperor Academy, Li Yang, the thirteenth disciple of Shenyan Mountain, you really appeared."

In the distance, regarding the arrival of Meng Xinghe and Li Yang, Suirenting just shrank his eyes and immediately regained his composure, as if he wasn't too surprised.

But upon hearing his words, Zhao Taici and the others were shocked, and they fully understood that the beautiful young man disguised as a man was actually Li Yang, who ranked No.13 among Shenyanshan's personal disciples!

Shenyan Mountain!

That is the most mysterious supreme existence among the three Dao lines. There are only a few dozen or so disciples. Although they are not as powerful as the Nuwa Dao Palace and the Supreme Sect, no one dares to underestimate them. This in itself is enough to prove that Shen Yan How powerful is the foundation of the mountain.

The most important thing is that Shenyan Mountain has always given the impression of mystery to the Three Realms. Its disciples have rarely appeared in the Three Realms. In the middle of it, it became more and more mysterious.

Now, Li Yang, a disciple of Shenyan Mountain, appeared on the spot, and he was also with Meng Xinghe from Daohuang Academy. How could this not shock people.

But also because of this, they quickly understood why Chen Xi called her senior sister, because they knew a long time ago that Chen Xi had a great relationship with Shenyan Mountain, but no one thought about it , he will be the direct disciple of Shenyan Mountain!

If this spreads out, I'm afraid it will cause a sensation in the world.


In the distance, there was a vortex of doomsday roaring and spinning, and on one side there were three people from Suirenting staring at each other. At this time, it was obviously not suitable for reminiscing about the old days.

Soon, everyone turned their attention back to their eyes, but because of the arrival of Meng Xinghe and Li Yang, the atmosphere was completely different.

This is the invisible influence, which can reassure and inspire people.

"It doesn't matter if you guessed earlier, this catastrophe has nothing to do with your grand master after all. At best, you just used some means to advance this catastrophe for a period of time. If your grand master can completely control the way of heaven, Then I shall resign myself to my fate, but now... who will win the battle is still unknown!"

When Li Yang opened his mouth, there was a calm look on his handsome face, his eyes were shining brightly, and his gestures were full of convincing confidence.

Even now that Chen Xi has stepped into the half-step Immortal King Realm, he is still unable to see what level of cultivation the little senior sister Li Yang has reached!

"Hmph, the catastrophe is coming, and all living beings are like ants and dogs, and they can survive for a while, but for you Conferred God Realm and Immortal King Realm, it is no less than the end of the world. Don't you think it's just because of your little ability? Want to go against the way of heaven? Regardless of your status, under this way of heaven, you are just prisoners waiting to be slaughtered!"

Suirenting snorted coldly, but did not deny Li Yang's words.

In other words, their Supreme Masters can indeed only use the power of heaven, but cannot fully control it. Otherwise, their Supreme Masters may have controlled the entire Three Realms in ancient times.

"Words are useless after all. When catastrophe comes, let's try it out."

Li Yang replied calmly, and when she said this, she suddenly raised her eyebrows, and said with a half-smile, "Sui Renting, do you still want to delay on purpose?"

While speaking, she conveyed to everyone with her thoughts: "This catastrophe is irreversible. Please be patient, the situation is not as bad as you think. This confrontation has continued until now, and it has long been separated from the scope of the Three Realms. In a confrontation between my Shenyan Mountain, Nuwa Taoist Palace, and the Supreme Sect, even if a catastrophe comes, there must be a ray of luck like you."

Hearing this, everyone was shocked and relaxed a lot.

Especially Zhao Taici, Ao Jiuhui, and Chi Cangsheng, the three Conferred God Realm beings, when they heard that they could get a ray of luck, they all moved in their hearts and gave birth to a touch of fiery hope.

What do you want?

Naturally, it's that ray of luck, if you can get it, it means that you can find a way to enter the ancient gods in the catastrophe!

As for Chen Xi... These are beyond his cognition, the only thing he can do is to wait quietly, it seems like he has been reduced to a supporting role, but only those who are truly caring will find out.

Without Chen Xi, Xuanyuan Shao, Xuanyuan Fengchen, and Xuanyuan Tuobei would not have appeared here, and Immortal King Weiyang would not have come here when he was retreating to attack the Conferred God Realm.

Even Zhao Taici and the others in the Conferred God Realm existed, so they might not be able to wade into this muddy water.

And then look at Meng Xinghe, that is Chen Xi's senior brother, and then look at Li Yang, that is Chen Xi's senior sister, it can be said that he is now a core hub-like existence, and what he lacks is only his cultivation base That's all.

Even Suirenting will not underestimate Chen Xi, because the Dao E sword on his body is a nemesis inherited by the Supreme Master, and the fragments of the river map on his body can even cover up the secrets of heaven, and possess many supernatural powers Against the heavens.

Therefore, Chen Xi didn't seem to have a strong sense of presence, but without him, it would be absolutely impossible!


ps: The seventh update is delivered, and the eighth update is at 5:[-] p.m.


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