divine talisman

Chapter 1458 The Gods Are Like Rain [Chapter 8]

Hearing Li Yang's words, Suirenting's face darkened, and he said hesitantly, "Why, Fellow Daoist Li Yang is in a hurry to get on the road now?"

However, Li Yang seemed a little impatient, and frowned and said, "If you didn't know that the Seven Killing Generals of the Supreme Sect are nearby, do you think you can live up to now by relying on a Supreme Talisman?"

Seven Killing Generals!

Zhao Taici, Ao Jiuhui, and Chi Cangsheng's hearts were shocked. This is the existence of the seven Supreme Sects who have long been conferred gods. They have followed the Supreme Sect Master for countless years to kill and conquer the Three Realms. Their supernatural power is so powerful that they are not at all. These newly promoted Conferred God Realm powerhouses are comparable.

According to Li Yang's words, it is clear that the Seven Killing God Generals have already arrived here!

How can this not be shocking?

Even if other people have never heard of the name of the Seven Killing Generals, they may be named by Li Yang, which in itself is enough to prove that these seven generals must be extraordinary.

When Suirenting heard the words, his face also changed suddenly, and he could no longer maintain his composure: "Have you already guessed it?"

Li Yang said disdainfully: "You are the only one who treats me like a fool?"


Suddenly, there was a violent fluctuating sound resounding in the sky, and for a while, the sky rained gods, blurred and illusory, rendering the world a sacred and dazzling place.

Immediately, under the gaze of all the dignified eyes, the seven god-like figures stepped on the divine rainbow and bathed in the divine light. Zhou Yu!

That kind of power is not only overwhelming, it seems that even the world trembles and surrenders at this moment, not daring to show any disrespect to these seven gods.

Accompanied by their arrival, the world was filled with an extremely terrifying coercion, oppressing time and space into chaos, yin and yang reversed, the universe was in chaos, and everything was plunged into a deathly terrifying atmosphere.

Obviously, they are the Supreme Master's Seven Killers!

Even Chen Xi couldn't help but suffocate his breath, feeling an incomparably small oppressive aura, as if just one thought or one look from the other party could easily kill him!

Fortunately, Li Yang and Meng Xinghe were still standing beside him. In just a split second, this extremely terrifying and oppressive atmosphere was dispelled by the two together, which made Chen Xi's expression turn better.

But even so, this rare experience made Chen Xi realize that the Seven Killing Generals of the Grand Master, whose strength might be among the gods, belonged to that kind of terrifying existence!

Chen Xi was like this, and the others were not much better. In the field, only Li Yang and Meng Xinghe had a calm and unhurried attitude from the beginning to the end.

"Disciple Suirenting, met seven uncles."

Seeing the arrival of the seven gods, Suirenting, Zuoqiu Beiyong, and Zuoqiu Lenghua also became respectful.

"There's no need to be too polite, everything is down to business."

The leader was a burly middle-aged man wrapped in strands of red divine chains who spoke in a deep voice. He was extremely tall, standing there like a volcano, full of terrifying power like an explosion.

It's not just him, the six god generals beside him, male and female, are also supremely powerful, shrouded in divine brilliance, like the seven rulers and killer gods in the world.

"That is the God General Chi Lian, beside him are the God General Cyan Demon, the God General Huang Zhong, the God General Hei Ling, the God General Golden Light, and the God General Baiku, each of whom possesses the peak strength of the 'True God of Dongwei' , is the most loyal wolf dog beside the Patriarch of the Supreme Sect, and has been known for killing since ancient times."

Taking advantage of this time, Li Yang quickly introduced the other party's background.

"Like the calamity of killing saints in the ancient times, behind the catastrophe of gods and demons a million years ago, there are the figures of the Seven Killing Gods, who killed an unknown number of powerful people from the three realms, but they have always followed the Supreme Lord all the time. By the side of the leader, he has avoided many catastrophes just now, otherwise... maybe he would have fallen a long time ago.

"In short, you just need to watch carefully later, and don't move around without authorization. You are not able to fight against existences of this level."

After finishing the instructions, Li Yang specifically reminded Chen Xi, "Junior brother, remember to stay close to me later, don't try to be brave."

Having said this, let alone Chen Xi's inability to intervene, even Zhao Taici and the others in the Conferred God Realm can only be reduced to spectators...

The development of the world is so impermanent.

When the gap in strength between each other exceeds a certain limit, they can only face the reality and accept it passively.


"Li Yang, I haven't seen you for so many years, I didn't expect you to remember the seven people I was waiting for."

Suddenly, the Chilian God General spoke, and the strands of red magic chains wrapped around his body were like fire dragons, making him even more majestic and extraordinary.

While speaking, the gazes of the other six generals all fell on Li Yang and Meng Xinghe. As for the others, they were simply ignored.

Not only that, Suirenting, Zuoqiu Beiyong and Zuoqiu Lenghua can only stay aside at this moment.

"Who can forget the seven loyal dogs beside the Supreme Leader?"

Even in the face of the seven gods of killing who are so mighty and famous throughout the ages, Li Yang still doesn't change his face, and he speaks even more unceremoniously, bluntly saying that the other party is seven dogs!

God General Chi Lian snorted coldly, and calmly said, "Hmph! Don't talk nonsense, since we have shown up, can everyone from Nuwa Taoist Palace come out?"

Nuwa Taoist Palace!

Chen Xi and the others opened their eyes wide. The experts from Nuwa Dao Palace have already arrived?

Realizing this, all of them trembled in their hearts. Before, they never thought that the situation would develop to such a degree.

First, the Dharma-ending vortex appeared, and then the three of Suirenting jumped out together. Just when their hearts were heavy, Meng Xinghe and Li Yang also came together.

Originally thought that all of this would come to an end, but who would have thought that the Seven Killing Generals of the Supreme Master Sect were also nearby, and even the descendants of Nuwa Taoist Palace had already arrived!

Thinking that I didn't know anything about all this just now, even Zhao Taici and the other three Conferred Gods couldn't help feeling chills in their hearts.

Because of this, they finally understood why Li Yang said before that this confrontation had already gone beyond a certain category, and became a confrontation between the three supreme orthodoxy of Shenyan Mountain, Nuwa Dao Palace, and Taishang Sect.

"Since that's the case, everyone from Nuwa Dao Palace should come out together."

Li Yang chuckled lightly.

Before her voice fell, a simple and majestic treasure ship suddenly sailed in the distant sky. The whole body of the treasure ship was burning with fierce and bright divine fire, like a golden crow galloping from outside the universe, shining brightly for nine heavens and ten earths.

In just a split second, the treasure ship suddenly arrived here, and with a flash of light, six figures appeared.

The leader is a bright and beautiful woman wearing a crane cloak, wide sleeves and wide belt, shrouded in brilliant divine power, like a god walking out of the light.

And the three beside her are also women, with different appearances, all beautiful and dignified, full of divinity, and the last two are two familiar faces. Yu and Xiang Liuli.

The two had obviously advanced to the Conferred God Realm, but at this moment they could only follow behind the four women, with a sense of solemnity and respect in their expressions.

Obviously, the first four women must be big figures in Nuwa's Taoist Palace.

"Fellow Daoist Li Yang, Fellow Daoist Meng."

Nuwa Daogong's group, led by the woman in the crane cloak, walked over and bowed their heads to salute Li Yang and Meng Xinghe.

Li Yang smiled, but introduced it to everyone through sound transmission:

"These four are the masters of the Four Spirits Palace of Nuwa Taoist Palace. The leader is Yuan Che, the master of Dongling Palace. The other three are Kong Lin, the master of Xiling Palace, Yu Chiwan, the master of Nanling Palace, and Yun Yun, the master of Beiling Palace. white."

"The four of them also have the cultivation level of 'Dongwei True God', which is comparable to the Supreme Seven Killing Gods, especially Yuan Che, the master of Dongling Palace, is a ray of spiritual body in the chaotic light. , the strength is unfathomable."

As for Shi Yu and Xiang Liuli, Li Yang did not introduce them.

But even so, Chen Xi and the others were still shocked when they learned that these four beautiful and dignified women were actually an existence capable of competing with the Seven Killing God Generals.

This is the foundation of the three supreme orthodoxy. It is usually not visible, but when it really appears in the world, the power is enough to make hundreds of millions of living beings fear and dare not desecrate.

At this time, Chen Xi also greeted Shi Yu and Xiang Liuli, chatted with each other tacitly, and immediately turned his attention to the field.

After all, this is not a good time to reminisce about the past.

In fact, since Nuwa Taoist Palace and their group appeared, the atmosphere of the scene began to change suddenly. The air was filled with a chilling smell, with undercurrents surging, and a storm was about to come.

It seems that Li Yang and Nuwa Taoist Palace are greeting casually, but everything they do is confronting the forces of the Supreme Sect all the time, which can be described as murderous.

If it were an ordinary person who dared to say hello casually at this time, he would have been wiped out countless times already.


Seeing the group of Nuwa Taoist Palace appearing, the eyes of the seven Supreme Sect Gods all became much colder, with a hint of chill.

"Nuwa Taoist Palace's manpower has appeared, where is your Shenyan Mountain? The first Mr. Wu Xuechan, the second Mr. Ji Taoist, the third Mr. Tie Yunhai, old and poor... I'm afraid they won't be willing to be lonely, right?"

Suddenly, God General Chi Lian spoke again, his eyes roared with a terrifying aura, "Well, I remembered wrongly, the second Mr. Ji Taoist disappeared a long time ago, but no matter what, your Shenyan Mountain You won’t be allowed to take risks alone, will you?”

Speaking of this, he glanced at Meng Xinghe again, and said with a smile that was not a smile: "As for this one, he is the disciple of the sinner of the Three Realms, Dao Emperor, and he can be regarded as the descendant of Shenyan Mountain. It's a pity that you inherited, but It is the way to destroy the world against the sky, once the catastrophe comes, I am afraid that you will be the first to suffer."

For this, Meng Xinghe also smiled, disapproving, the cloud is calm and the wind is light.

But these words fell into Chen Xi's ears, but it made his heart move, what is the way to defy the sky and destroy the world?It seems that Senior Ji Yu and Senior Fuxi are taking two completely different paths.


ps: The amount of information in this chapter is a bit large, and the plots of the three main characters will be mentioned in detail in the future.On the last day of the month, give me all the monthly tickets!


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