divine talisman

Chapter 1459 Taishang Zhushen [Part 9]

Chen Xi was particularly interested in the fact that the Great Master Chi Yanshan, Wu Xuechan, the second Mr. Ji Taoist, the third Mr. Tie Yunhai, and the poor old man... are they his senior brothers?

Seeing that General Chi Lian mentioned Shenyan Mountain, Li Yang suddenly smiled, and said word by word: "If my elder brother was here, the seven of you together would not be enough to watch, but unfortunately, he has no heart to deal with such dirty things. If my second senior brother were here, most of you would be dead by now, but unfortunately, as you said, his whereabouts are still unknown."

After a pause, she continued: "If my third senior brother was here, he wouldn't come here, he would only kill your Taishangjiao 33 Chongtian, if my fourth senior brother was here... Hehe, he will tell the church what you should do." Be a human again."

Speaking of this, there was a touch of arrogance in her voice, "As for the other senior brothers and sisters, apart from Fifth Senior Brother Li Fuyao rebuilding the Immortal King Dao, and Seventh Senior Sister Gu Liangqin swore not to kill, who can't overwhelm you?"

Every word, every sentence is proud!

It was a kind of arrogance that came from the bottom of his heart, and it belonged to every disciple of Shenyan Mountain.

Indeed, including Chen Xi, it is well known that there are only 14 direct disciples in Shenyan Mountain. When it comes to the number, it is far from being able to compare with the Nuwa Dao Palace and the Supreme Sect.

But when it comes to background and strength... who dares to say that Shen Yanshan can overwhelm him?

Didn't you see that the master of Shenyan Mountain has passed away for many years, but Shenyan Mountain still stands in the ranks of the three highest Taoisms, and its foundation has never been shaken?

This is the foundation!

And this kind of background is now reflected in their direct disciples, so all of this is worthy of Li Yang's pride.

Chen Xi who was on the side could only hear his heart surging and his blood surging. He could feel the pride in Li Yang's tone, and he couldn't help feeling a sense of pride in his heart.

Those descendants of Nuwa Taoist Palace did not show any emotion, because they knew that Li Yang's words were not false.

Zhao Taici, the three beings in the Conferred God Realm, Xuanyuan Shao, Zuoqiu Feiming, Hua Jiankong and others clicked their tongues. Only the disciples of Shenyan Mountain have the confidence to say such words in front of the Seven Killing Generals. ?

Hearing all this, Chi Lianshen made their faces all the more serious, with angry fire dancing in their eyes, but they didn't try to refute anything.

This kind of verbal dispute is very unnecessary. Ask yourself, they are indeed quite afraid of many disciples of Shenyan Mountain, such as the first Mr. Wu Xuechan, the second Mr. Taoist, and the third Mr. Tie Yunhai, but this does not mean that they will be afraid of each other.

What's more, there are many disciples in the Supreme Sect who can fight against the disciples of Shenyan Mountain!


While talking, the Dharma-ending vortex under the distant sky has been spinning, from the initial roar like thunder, to now gradually become silent.

But the vortex was still spinning crazily, but there was no sound, and there was a palpitating power of death, especially in the depths of the vortex, there was a faintly terrifying power to destroy the world.

If it continues like this, I believe it won't take long before the power to destroy the world will burst out from the vortex of doom!

Seemingly aware of this change in the situation, Li Yang's expression suddenly became calm, with a trace of fear on his brows, and said: "This confrontation seems to have come to a winner, what do you think?"

As soon as these words came out, the audience was filled with chills!

"Actually, what you said is roughly correct, but it's a pity that those disciples from Shenyan Mountain didn't come."

Suddenly, the general Chi Lian showed a mysterious smile, which was intriguing.

As soon as his voice fell, suddenly, Suirenting on the side stretched out his arms suddenly, and the purple Taishang Talisman floating above his head suddenly rose into the air.


A terrifying and supreme black beam of light rushed straight to the sky above the sky from the Taishang Talisman, arousing winds and clouds in all directions, and changing the color of the world.

In just a split second, twisted and berserk black divine chains surged out of the entire Iris Desert. Each divine chain was several feet thick, with extremely dense and obscure runes imprinted on its surface.

Looking from a distance, the entire Iris Desert seemed to be imprisoned by hundreds of millions of black chains in an instant!It turned into a cage covering the eight poles and ten directions!

The Iris Desert is so huge that it covers tens of millions of miles, but at this time, it is covered by dense black god chains, each of which is filled with the aura of destruction and disaster, imprisoning the whole world forcibly , That kind of scene is simply terrifying to the extreme.

This scene happened too quickly, from Chi Lian Shen's voice down, to Suiren Ting's sacrifice of the Supreme Talisman, the whole process did not leave any chance to react.

Even Li Yang, Meng Xinghe, Yuan Che and others were caught off guard.

It's not that they didn't notice all of this, but that this scene happened too abruptly, and the momentum it created was too terrifying, so that even if they wanted to make a move, they would subconsciously protect everyone instead of killing the enemy.

Because they have already perceived that this is a divine array that has been carefully arranged!As soon as the power erupted, they all smelled a hint of danger!

"This is the Taishang Zhushen Formation! It originated from the ancient God Realm, and it is not owned by the Three Realms. I didn't expect that the Supreme Sect Master even took out the Supreme Sect's Supreme Formation at the bottom of the box!"

Li Yang's eyes shrank, showing serious fear for the first time.

While speaking, she was full of divine brilliance, sacrificed a glazed pagoda, and forcibly set up a defensive light curtain around her to resist the strangulation of those black divine chains!

Now the places where they stand are all covered by countless black god chains. The surface of these black god chains is imprinted with obscure runes. Time and space are crushed and pulverized, which is extremely frightening.

Not to mention the Immortal King Realm, even Zhao Taici and others who had just stepped into the Conferred God Realm felt a fatal danger from it, so they dared not hesitate to sacrifice all kinds of fairy treasures to resist with all their strength.

"Taishang Zhushen Formation... A formation like this cannot be erected without spending a hundred years of work. It seems that we have been calculated before. For the victory of this confrontation, the Supreme Sect has long The layout has already begun.”

Yuan Che from Nuwa Taoist Palace opened her mouth. Despite what she said, her expression was still calm and solemn, holy and calm. She waved out a mouthful of bright jade bowl, released the blazing light power, and enveloped everyone around them.

When the others heard this, their expressions were extremely gloomy.

None of them expected that their situation would become precarious in an instant before they really started to do it. Such sudden changes made their hearts heavy.

Especially when I heard that this "Taishang Zhushen Formation" was not owned by the Three Realms, but was derived from the inheritance of the ancient gods. You know how dangerous it should be.

And obviously, all of this was arranged by the Supreme Master at least a hundred years ago. Such scheming and means are enough to make anyone feel chilling.

"It's such a method again!"

Chen Xi's face was cold, and he suddenly remembered that when he was in the Conferred God Realm, he, Shi Yu and others were also trapped by the "Nine Heavens of Calamity and Dao Destroyer Formation" arranged by Suirenting and others early on.

At that time, if it weren't for the help of the fragments of the river map and the sword of Dao'er, the group of them would have almost died in it.

But how similar is the current scene to the original one?

The only difference is that this "Taishang Zhushen Formation" is obviously more terrifying. Even he can't detect the slightest mystery of the power of God's prohibition, let alone break it!

From Wei Yang, Meng Xinghe, and Yuan Che's dignified expressions, it can be seen how terrifying the power of this divine formation is.

They are also temporarily helpless and can only defend passively!


A series of black divine chains soared into the sky, communicating with the heavens and the earth, like a series of whips of heavenly punishment controlled by the gods, continuously lashing at Chen Xi and the others fiercely, the power of divinity exploded, releasing a terrifying suppression killing force.

All of a sudden, their figures were covered by the endless black chains, unable to move, they could only stand still and resist with all their might.

"Something seems to be going wrong."

Meng Xinghe frowned, he held the star-covered pan in his hand, and stood side by side with Li Yang to defend against the killing from all directions, and he could clearly feel the horror of the "Taishang Zhushen Formation".

Although there is no danger for the time being, if it continues like this, I'm afraid it will be consumed to death!

"This move is indeed something I hadn't considered before, but... it's not just that they are too senior to leave behind, Brother Meng doesn't have to worry."

Li Yang remained calm and spoke softly, but her eyes were filled with icy cold anger. This time, she also planned for a long time, but she never thought that she would fall into the other party's trap before it started. This made her feel a little bit Angry.

When speaking, she also reminded the others, which made everyone feel at ease.

"Fellow Daoist Li Yang, if you are forced to break the formation at the end, please tell me. We have brought a lot of secret treasures with us this time, so we can use them."

Yuan Che of Nuwa Taoist Palace looked calm, and he transmitted the voice in an orderly manner.

"Then I would like to thank Fellow Daoist Yuan Che first, but it's hard to say whether it will be useful."

Li Yang smiled easily.

During the conversation, they had been trying their best to resist the suppression of the "Taishang Zhushen Formation". Those black god chains were too terrifying, densely packed and endless, full of obscure and terrifying destructive divine power.

Even, each blow is enough to easily obliterate the existence of the Immortal King Realm. Even Zhao Taici and the other three who have just advanced to the Conferred God Realm cannot guarantee whether they can survive without the protection of Li Yang and the others.

"Hahaha, fellow Taoists, how does it feel to be a prisoner? This divine formation was prepared for you by the leader himself, and it is by no means as simple as you imagined!"

Suddenly, Suirenting's triumphant laughter came from outside the big formation, full of ambition and arrogant.


ps: The ninth update is here, and the tenth update is at 8:[-] p.m., continuing to call for monthly tickets! !


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