divine talisman

Chapter 1461 Invoking Heaven’s Punishment [Part 1]



Chi Chi!

The four great bright Mira swords soared into the air, unleashing immeasurable bright sword energy, powerful and powerful, cutting off and incinerating all the black god chains with a radius of thousands of miles.

As the saying goes, where the light is, all evils are warded off!

Under the control of Yuan Che, Kong Lin, Yu Chixue, and Yun Su, the four masters of the Four Spirit Palaces of the Nuwa Taoist Palace, these four inherited world-suppressing divine weapons exploded with supernatural power enough to burn the sky and the earth.


A volume of blood-colored Taoist scriptures was flipped through, and a series of obscure blood-colored ancient texts burst out from it-kill, cut, suppress, kill, kill, reverse, break... Every blood-colored ancient character is full of divine power, killing spirit, The power to destroy the world!

As soon as she appeared, the murderous intent was revealed every word, and the blood light shot up into the sky. Wherever she passed, everything was destroyed, time and space were destroyed, and she fell into death!

This is the Dao Emperor's Miserable World Scripture, and what he is doing is the way of destroying the world against the sky!


Led by Meng Xinghe, Yuan Che and others, the crowd charged away, and the divine power they erupted shook the entire Taishang Shenshen Formation, shaking violently and endlessly.

This impact even spread to the entire Iris Desert. The thick black chains filled with endless destructive power were smashed, destroyed, and pulverized.

Fortunately, this happened in the Taishang Zhushen Formation, otherwise, this kind of attack alone could destroy the entire Iris Immortal Continent in one fell swoop!

This is not an exaggeration, you must know that the one who did it was the existence of the "Dongwei True God Realm", the supreme gods who jumped out of the three realms, and each one possessed the power to destroy the world.

Now, with the help of such peerless divine treasures as the Great Bright Mira Sword and Daohuang Mieshijing, and attacking together, how can such power be more than terrifying?

Due to some unknown reason, the power of the Taishang Zhushen Formation suddenly weakened, which just happened to give Chen Xi and the others an opportunity to take advantage of. In just a few breaths, they had already stirred up the foundation of the large formation, and were about to break out of the encirclement and break through. Come out!


At this time, outside the Taishang Zhushen Formation, the atmosphere also became dignified.

"Uncle Chi Lian, what happened?" Suirenting was puzzled, with a serious expression on his face. He noticed the moment when the Taishang Zhushen Formation changed, but he couldn't identify the reason.

In addition, Li Yang and the others took advantage of this opportunity to take the initiative to break the formation, which immediately gave him a bad feeling.

"Just now I broke the restriction of Iris Immortal Prison."

Chi Lian was indifferent, with a terrifying cold light in his eyes, "You should be aware that Iris Immortal Prison is the core formation of the Taishang God Killing Formation, but it has been destroyed now. The Taishang Zhushen Formation has lost contact, and the power of the Divine Formation has also been affected."

Even up to this moment, he was still calm and composed, but there was a hint of ruthlessness in his words.

"Hmph! You dare to make trouble under our noses. If I find out, you will definitely be ashamed, and you will never be reborn forever!"

When Suirenting heard all this, his face darkened immediately, he gritted his teeth and cursed endlessly.

"Don't worry, Qing Mo and Huang Zhong have already gone to investigate, we just wait with peace of mind."

Chi Lian looked indifferently at the Taishang Zhushen Formation in the distance, "They can't escape, this catastrophe is already doomed, and no one can stop it!"


At this moment, there was a fluctuation in the void, and two figures appeared, they were the Cyan Demon God General and Huang Zhong God General, but there was a haze in the expressions of the two at the moment.

"What's wrong? Didn't find it?"

Chi Lian frowned and asked.

"When we arrived, people had already fled, and there were no clues. Most importantly, the restrictions in Iris Immortal Prison were completely destroyed and could not be repaired in a short time."

The Green Demon God General took a deep breath. He wore a black robe and a bronze mask, revealing a pair of incomparably bewitching blue pupils, making him extremely intimidating.

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of the others changed slightly.

You know, just among the seven killer generals, which one doesn't possess supreme divine power, which one doesn't cross the Three Realms and look down upon all living beings?

But now, someone actually destroyed the Iris Immortal Prison under their noses, and even made them unaware of it. Such methods are a bit terrifying!

Who will it be?

At this moment, even the general Chi Lian felt a little suspicious in his heart. He spread his will, swept across tens of millions of miles, and even used the secret method of God to investigate, but he found nothing!

"Uncle, that person shouldn't be hiding nearby, right?"

Suirenting opened his mouth solemnly, and Zuoqiu Beiyong and Zuoqiu Lenghua beside him also felt a little palpitating. It is inevitable that such a strange thing happened at this time.

"No, he has already left."

The Green Demon God shook his head, "If it weren't for this, even if Fuxi and Nuwa came in person, they would definitely not be able to hide it from my brothers and sisters."

"Leaving? Isn't that person with Shenyan Mountain and Nuwa Taoist Palace? But why did he destroy the Yuanwei Immortal Prison?"

Suirenting frowned.

This is exactly the doubt in the hearts of others.

"Now is not the time to pay attention to these things. Li Yang and the others are about to break out of the formation. The most urgent thing is to kill them in the Taishang Zhushen formation."

General Chi Lian spoke coldly, his eyes filled with undeniable power.

"How is this possible? That is the Taishang Zhushen Formation, assisted by the power of the doomsday vortex, how could they be able to destroy it?"

Suirenting screamed, even though he is an existence in the Immortal King Realm, he is very aware of the horror of the Taishang Zhushen Formation. Hearing that Li Yang and the others are about to break out of the formation, he might not be surprised.

"A set of Goddess Dao Palace's inheritance artifact, the Great Light Mira Sword, plus the Dao Emperor's Exterminating the World Scripture left by the sinner of the Three Realms, combined with their strength, do you think they can't do it?"

Chi Lian Shenjiang frowned and glanced at Suirenting, "Remember, don't underestimate the capabilities of Shenyan Mountain and Nuwa Taoist Palace at any time, otherwise the leader will not have arranged all this early, and sent me to wait for seven people Come and sit in town in person.”

Being scolded like this, Suirenting suddenly fell silent.

"For the current plan, if we want to kill them completely in the Taishang Shenshen formation, it seems that we can only use some bloody means to trigger the Eye of Heaven's Punishment in advance."

The Green Demon God on the side will speak calmly.

The other generals didn't say much, apparently acquiescing to this point.

"In that case, let's do it."

General Chi Lian spoke, with a strange smell in his voice, which seemed quite secretive.

Hearing this, Suirenting was still puzzled, but Zuoqiu Beiyong and Zuoqiu Lenghua beside him felt a shuddering feeling for no reason.

The two raised their eyes in unison, and saw that the Chilian God General, the Green Demon God General, and the other five god generals were also looking at them in unison at this moment.

The moment their eyes met, the two of Zuoqiu and Beiyong suddenly thumped in their hearts, secretly yelling that it's not good!


Almost subconsciously, the two figures exploded with a vast divine power, each sacrificed their favorite treasures, and looked at the Seven Killing Generals with vigilance.

"Seven senior brothers, what do you mean by this? Do you want to sacrifice the two of us? Back then, the leader of the sect personally promised that if the two of us worked for the Supreme Sect wholeheartedly, it would be guaranteed that the two of us could enter the ancient gods and be free from disasters forever." bitter!"

Zuoqiu Beiyong spoke coldly.

This sudden turn of events made Suirenting slightly startled, and immediately understood everything in his heart, and hid behind the Seven Killing Generals without a trace.

"As the elders of the Supreme Church, you should also be clear that according to the canon law, for the benefit of the Pope, everyone must be ready to be sacrificed at any time."

Regarding the vigilance and confrontation between Zuoqiu and Beiyong, Chi Lian didn't care about them at all, he was indifferent and ruthless, "This time the layout is very involved. Once the matter is completed, my Supreme Master can take over the ruling position of the Three Realms. Once the matter fails , the consequences are not something you and I can bear."

"But why sacrifice the two of us?"

Zuoqiu Beiyong and Zuoqiu Lenghua's faces became colder and colder, and their bodies felt like they had fallen into an ice cave. They joined the Supreme Sect a long time ago, so they naturally know the way the Supreme Sect works. Role.

Like the death of Wei Xing, the nine core pawns of the Immortal King Realm, and the death of 69 important pawns, they didn't take it seriously at all.

But they never expected that now that they were already gods beyond the Three Realms, and they even held the position of elders in the Supreme Sect, such a scene would still happen to them!

"Because only your blood power can trigger the Eye of Punishment. Of course, you can also understand that your status is not as good as the seven of us, so I can only sacrifice you. Even if the leader knows about this, he will definitely agree. "

Chi Lian will be indifferent and ruthless in every word.

The expressions of Zuoqiu Beiyong and the two changed again, cloudy and sunny, and in the end they suddenly flashed away and were about to teleport away.

"Since you have to sacrifice, why bother?"

For this, Chi Lian God General remained unmoved, appearing very calm.

But before his words fell, the other six god generals around him were dispatched together, chasing and killing them out of thin air.

In just a few breaths, two shrill screams resounded from afar!

Suirenting heard trembling all over his body, and secretly rejoiced in his heart. Fortunately, he is an existence in the Immortal King Realm, otherwise he would have to sacrifice himself today...

"God's blood has been brought."

The Blue Demon God General flashed out of thin air, and when he returned, he already had an extra jade bottle in his hand.

"Take action."

Chi Lian waved his hand, and looked at the vortex of doom in the distance, "The blood of the two strong men in the divine realm is enough to clear away all obstacles..."


The Cyan Demon God General took the order to sacrifice the jade bottle, and a illusory divine blood gushed out of it, like a shimmering blood-colored divine rainbow, rushing into the silently rotating vortex of doom .


It can be clearly seen with the naked eye that the vortex of doom suddenly lit up with wisps of obscure light, and then trembled violently, as if something was about to gush out from the depths of the vortex.

Every time it trembles, it disturbs the heaven and the earth, resounding through the terrifying thunder sound. In the end, the thunder sound becomes more and more dense, and the sound becomes more and more terrifying, even causing the sky to crack and collapse inch by inch. In great turmoil!


ps: The 12th update is around 11:12, so much has exploded, the monthly ticket has been ranked 2th, there is no change, let’s see if there are still monthly tickets, there are only [-] hours left at the end of the month, hurry up and vote~~


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