divine talisman

Chapter 1462 Kunpeng Divine Art [Part 2]

In the formation of Taishang Zhushen.

Under the leadership of Meng Xinghe, Yuan Che, and the others, Chen Xi and his group were shattered, and they were on the verge of breaking out.

Getting out of trouble is in sight. At this moment, everyone is full of energy and their fighting spirit is getting stronger.

Even with Hua Jiankong's silent and lonely personality, there was a smile on the corner of his lips at this moment.

However, at this moment, Li Yang raised his eyebrows suddenly, and his face changed suddenly: "Be careful!"


As soon as the voice fell, an incomparably terrifying aura suddenly spread around the surroundings. That aura was ruthless, indifferent, supreme, and full of awe-inspiring heavenly power.

Immediately, under the shocking gazes of everyone, an eye popped out of the magic vortex above the formation!

It is dark, deep, and cold, and it seems that there are endless runes flickering in it, as if the sky and the earth are up and down, the stars are changing, the years are changing, the weeks and changes... are all included in it.

As soon as it appeared, it completely merged with the Taishang Zhushen Formation, releasing a terrifying killing power, causing black chains to surge out in the surrounding area again, and each chain was stronger than before. More than double!


Hundreds of millions of black divine chains connected to the sky and earth, thick as a millstone, unleashed berserk divine power, and ruthlessly suppressed and killed Chen Xi and his party.


The four big Guangming Miluo swords trembled endlessly as if struck by lightning, and the force surging from them made Yuan Che, Kong Lin, Yu Chixue, and Yun Su all turn pale, and staggered backwards.


What was especially serious was Meng Xinghe. The Dao Emperor's Extermination of the World Scripture he sacrificed was terribly suppressed and killed. It seemed to bleed on the surface and shook violently.

This also caused Meng Xinghe to suffer, and a mouthful of blood suddenly spewed out of his mouth!

In just the blink of an eye, the advantages they had gained before were gone, and they even suffered a lot of trauma, so they could only retreat one after another.

"The Eye of God's Punishment!"

Li Yang's expression was surprisingly solemn, and he suddenly sacrificed a black animal skin that was steaming with mysterious light, and it floated above everyone's heads, barely resisting the terrifying attack.

This animal skin is an ancient divine object, with chaotic secret lines imprinted on it, and its power is overwhelming.

At this point, everyone just breathed a sigh of relief, but their faces all became extremely different. Seeing that they were only one step away from breaking through the barrier, who would have thought that such a shocking accident would happen, which suddenly shocked their hearts. The situation is once again in danger, even more dire than before.

"The Eye of Heaven's Punishment! Damn it, it smells like a sacrifice of divine blood. Could it be that the Supreme Master sacrificed a strong man in the divine realm in order to kill us?"

Meng Xinghe's face was livid, and he put away the Dao Emperor's Extermination of the World. This thing defies the sky and destroys the Dao, and it was hit by the power of heaven's punishment the most. If it weren't for this, he would not have been hurt before.

"It must be Zuoqiu Beiyong and Zuoqiu Lenghua who were killed."

Li Yang looked cold, with a hint of sarcasm on the corner of his lips, "Since ancient times, the Supreme Master has done this more than once."

When everyone heard this, they were shocked and cold.

Just to kill them, did he not hesitate to kill two god-level powerhouses and use their blood to trigger the Eye of Heaven's Punishment?

That is the existence of God Realm!

"This is the fate of betraying the clan and taking refuge in the Supreme Master!"

Knowing all this, Zuoqiu Feiming and the others reacted extremely strangely, both happy and sad, like crying and laughing, their emotions were complicated and entangled to the extreme.

"The Eye of Punishment..."

Seeing this thing again, Chen Xi couldn't help feeling a wave of loathing, madness, and violence in his heart again, and the fragments of the river chart in the sea of ​​consciousness seemed to wake up from the silence.

The last time he was in the Conferred Gods Domain, Chen Xi was affected by the fragments of the river map, and he was alone with the Eye of Heaven's Punishment, and finally defeated and retreated, winning a sliver of life for Shi Yu and the others.

However, this time, the fragments of the river map remained silent, and fell into silence again for just an instant, which made Chen Xi startled.

It vaguely felt that the fragments of the river map seemed to be aware that the power of the eye of punishment was too powerful this time, so they chose to hibernate!

This was a very subtle feeling, but it made Chen Xi's heart sink. Even the fragments of the River Map chose to lie dormant. What else in this world could compete with the Eye of Heaven's Punishment?


The Eye of Heaven's Punishment showed its power, suppressing and killing continuously, causing the animal skin to tremble violently, and the chaotic secret pattern on it flickered frequently, obviously fighting fiercely.

"No, if this continues, this chaotic animal skin will not be able to withstand the attack of the Eye of Punishment!"

Yuan Che's face changed again, and he was extremely anxious.

The others were even more at a loss, and there was a deep worry in their expressions.

The Taishangjiao's move was extremely ruthless, and directly trapped them in a desperate situation. If they can't find a way to break it, maybe they may really fall here today...

Both Shi Yu and Xiang Liuli looked at Chen Xi. They knew very well that the last time Chen Xi was in the Conferred God Domain, he had fought against the Eye of Heaven's Punishment.

For this, Chen Xi couldn't help but smiled bitterly, shaking his head endlessly.

This made Shi Yu and Xiang Liuli's hearts even heavier.

The Grand Priest prepared so many means, the actions were ruthless, and the plot was so strict that they were impeccable and intertwined, so that even though they had already made all kinds of preparations, they still inevitably fell into his trap.

This feeling of being trapped like a beast is absolutely uncomfortable.

At this moment, Li Yang seemed to have noticed something, suddenly raised his head, looked up at the Eye of Heaven's Punishment in the distance, his eyes were shining, and the corners of his lips even curved with confidence and joy, and said: "Everyone, our turning point has come. "

Everyone was startled, turning point?


The Taishang Zhushen was outside the formation.

"Looking at the situation, there is no doubt that they will die within a cup of tea. Prepare everything, and when they fall, they will perform secret techniques and sacrifice their blood to completely trigger this catastrophe that sweeps the Three Realms. If all goes well, from tomorrow From then on, these three realms are the world of my Grand Master!"

Chi Lian Shen will look back at the big formation, and suddenly there is a hint of disdain in his expression. It is a gesture of victory, and there is a hint of arrogance that wants to sweep the world!

The other six generals all looked solemn, and there was a hint of fanaticism in their eyes, to control the three realms. This is the goal they have been striving for since the establishment of the Supreme Master. Now, after countless years, it is finally coming true!

Even Suirenting was very excited and proud at this moment, completely forgetting the horrified feeling that Zuoqiu Beiyong and Zuoqiu Lenghua were sacrificed just now.

"Master Shengming!"

Suirenting murmured, looking at the Eye of Heaven's Punishment, making no secret of his admiration.

When Chi Lian heard them, he couldn't help smiling. Indeed, without the leader's great talent and general guidance, how could they have the status they have today?

"Everyone, get ready!"

Chi Lian Shenjiang took a deep breath, discarded distracting thoughts, and looked up at the sky, where the Eye of Punishment glowed faintly, indifferently.

The others froze in their hearts, and their murderous intent was revealed in the eyes of the Taishang Zhushenzhen.

But at this moment, a very polite voice resounded between heaven and earth——

"If people are ruthless, they are like rotten wood; if immortals are ruthless, they are like dead things; if gods are merciless, pigs and dogs are not as good as them. Lambs kneel down to suckle, crows feed back, and animals know the meaning of filial piety. You and other leaders are ruthless and mess up the world at every turn. , frequently causing disasters, why did Sheng Ming say that? In my opinion, they are nothing more than pigs and dogs."

This voice is melodious and eloquent, with ups and downs, every word is like Hong Zhong Da Lu, every sentence shocks the mind!

Accompanied by the sound, a huge and incomparably divine aura roared from far away in the sky like a warm sun.

Wherever he passed, the world was clear, the chaos calmed down, and everything recovered, and in an instant, most of the aura of disaster that filled the world was diluted!


"Shenyan Mountain is old and poor?"

Chi Lian Shenjiang and the others suddenly darkened their faces, and they all looked into the distance, but in their field of vision, they only saw a Kunpeng rushing towards it with the power of heaven and earth and the momentum of swallowing up the wilderness!

It is indeed a Kunpeng, known as the number one fierce beast in the ancient world after the chaos, its body stretches across the universe, its wings are like hanging clouds, like a galaxy rolling down backwards.

As soon as it appeared, the whole world was filled with its body, as if it was about to burst the world!

"Kunpeng Divine Art! Mister Shen Yanshan!?"

In an instant, the faces of Chi Lian Shenjiang and others sank again. This Kunpeng magic technique was too terrifying. They didn't dare to neglect it at all, and they used all their cultivation bases one after another.


Kunpeng came from the north, with its giant tail curled upside down, and slapped down, forcibly shaking the Seven Killing God Generals backwards!The power of one blow can reverse the chaos of the world, time and space cannot stop it, and everything will be crushed!

Amidst the smoke and dust, the figures of Chi Lian Shenjiang and others emerged. Although they were not injured, their faces became frightened and angry, revealing a different kind of solemnity.


At the same time, there was a wave of fluctuation in the void, and two figures appeared.

One is tall and tall, middle-aged, with bronze skin, beard and beard, as mighty as an iron tower, and the other is white-haired in a Confucian robe, holding an ancient book.

"Tie Yunhai, old and poor! It really is you!"

When they saw the figure of the person coming, the expressions of the seven Supreme Master Gods were extremely cold, and there was a faint solemn look between their brows. Obviously, the arrival of these two people also brought them a lot of pressure.

"Sure enough, the third and fourth senior brothers came together."

In the big formation, although he couldn't see everything outside, he could hear the continuous sound, which made Li Yang judge the identity of the person coming.

Her eyes brightened suddenly, and she said with a smile: "Even the third senior brother came, it must be ordered by the senior brother, maybe this is the so-called turning point in the senior brother's mouth."

When the others heard the words, they all lifted their spirits. Mr. San and Mr. Si from Shenyan Mountain came together. This is definitely exciting news.

"Fourth brother, go break the formation and rescue the junior sister and junior brother. As for these bastards, leave them to me!" Tie Yunhai glanced around, and directly ordered the white-haired old man in the Confucian robe beside him, and he didn't even bother to answer. Seven Killing Generals.


ps: The 12th update is here, I wish you all a happy new year and all the best in advance!Around the early morning of the 13th, the goldfish will keep fighting!Fight till the end!Have a blast!


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