divine talisman

Chapter 1463 Confucianism and Taoism Sword Purpose [Part 3]

While speaking, Tie Yunhai had an extra hammer in his hand.

The iron hammer was only four feet long, with a pitch-black body and a rather rough outline. It seemed ordinary, but it gave people a sense of dignifiedness like returning to basics.

When he held it in Tie Yunhai's big fan-like hand, his whole aura changed. A thick divine power pervaded from his bronze-colored skin like cast iron, coupled with his burly body like an iron tower , with the courage to swallow mountains and rivers.

When he said to do it, Tie Yunhai didn't hesitate at all, stepped on the void, and smashed Chi Lianshen with a hammer.


As soon as the hammer came out, the color of the sky and the earth changed, and a Kunpeng whizzed out, surrounded by hundreds of millions of divine lights of the underworld, and smashed away with a rumbling rumble, crushing the void into powder, the scene was terrifying.

"Too deceiving!"

God General Chi Lian's face was gloomy. Ever since Tie Yunhai and Lao Qiongan appeared, he had been ignoring their existence with a lofty attitude, and now he fought without saying a word, which completely angered him.

When he was speaking, his figure swung forward, and the red chains wrapped around his body danced wildly, and suddenly turned into a red axe, shaking with Tie Yunhai.


A burst of collision and roar resounded through the heaven and earth, and the divine power spread like a hurricane, faintly producing visions such as crying of gods and demons, torrential blood of gods, wailing of the avenue, etc., disturbing the secrets of all directions.

Chi Lianshen staggered his figure and retreated dozens of steps, his face turning blue and white.

"Hahaha, I'm a rough man. I don't know the rules, so I just trust the hammer in my hand. You, a Chilian general, are not enough to watch. You all go together."

With a successful blow, Tie Yunhai laughed boldly, his bronze skin was full of divine power, and he swung the hammer again, extremely fierce and fierce.

"Let's go together! Don't let them destroy the formation!"

General Chi Lian gritted his teeth, shouted sullenly, and suddenly rose into the air to fight Tie Yunhai again.

This Tie Yunhai is too strong, he is a famous warrior in Shenyan Mountain, he is proficient in many supreme magic arts, he really cannot fight against it with his own strength.

The other six god generals had already prepared their momentum, and seeing this, they all dispatched without hesitation.

The three gods, Qing Mo, Huang Zhong, and Jin Guang, dispatched together, and together with Chi Lian, joined forces to fight against Tie Yunhai.

And the remaining three generals, Hei Ling, Bai Ku, and Lan Cai, rushed towards the four disciples of Shenyan Mountain, Lao Qiongan, with a tacit understanding.

"Huh! Still want to divide and attack? You all get out of here!"

Tie Yunhai swung the hammer violently, forcing Chi Lian to retreat, and then his figure flashed, and the giant hammer smashed out hundreds of millions of times in an instant, unexpectedly enveloping the other six generals in it!

This kind of defiance of the heroes of the world with the majesty of one enemy, seems to be the only one in heaven and earth, which is astonishing.

"court death!"

"You damn thing, you don't know how to live or die!"

Tie Yunhai's extremely arrogant posture completely enraged the Seven Killing Generals, and they fought hard against him one after another, and they all used their killer's trumpet without mercy.

All of a sudden, the entire heaven and earth were filled with the figures of gods and gods, fighting fiercely above the nine heavens, until the sky was darkened, and the sun and the moon were darkened.

This is a confrontation between the gods, which has already jumped out of the scope of the Three Realms, and the methods used are all the inheritance of the supreme divine way. It is conceivable that this battle is against the sky.

At this moment, the entire Iris Immortal Continent was affected, the sky was dark, the void was broken, the earth collapsed, the sun fell and the moon fell, thunder and lightning were everywhere, and the divine power flowed, disturbing the world!

The hundreds of millions of sentient beings in the Iris Immortal Continent, no matter how high or low their cultivation was, were all so shocked that they fled and dodged one after another, wishing they could escape this chaotic and turbulent place as soon as possible.

Some timid people were so frightened that they lost their minds, and passed out directly, and there were chaotic disaster scenes everywhere.

All of this was triggered by a "War of Gods"!


"Rough, rude, extensive... The world is going downhill, morality is degraded, and you only know how to fight and kill. It's simply out of character!"

For this battle of gods, some people were not affected, like the white-haired old man in Confucian robes who was present, and even sighed angrily.

He is the fourth child of Shenyan Mountain, nicknamed Lao Qiongan, but no one knows his real name for a long time, because he is familiar with all the classics from ancient times to the present, and he likes to speak small things, so he has the nickname Lao Qiongan.

But immediately, he closed his mouth, put his hands behind his back, Shi Shiran came outside the Taishang Zhushen formation, looked up at the eye of punishment in the sky, couldn't help raising his snow-white eyebrows, and murmured: "If I don't spend some effort, I'm afraid it won't be easy to break this formation. It seems that today, I can only be rude once."

When he was speaking, he rolled up his sleeves, put the scroll in his hand on his waist, took a deep breath, and started to chant aloud!

"God's sword is aimed at killing evil, sharp blades fly out of ghosts and ghosts, but I am famous in the world, and immortals and gods fall from Qingming."

Accompanied by the sound, the beautiful and pearly words turned into a line of runes, transpiring with divine brilliance, and turned into unparalleled divine fronts, rushing into the calamity god formation.

In an instant, this supreme divine formation inherited from the ancient gods trembled violently under this blow!It can be seen how amazing the old poor man's reciting poem is!

Seeing this scene, Li Yang in the big formation couldn't help rolling his eyes, and said angrily, "Don't laugh at me, my fourth senior brother is just a nerd. Usually, I always like to study some ancient books and prose, and I am crazy about it."

How could everyone dare to laugh, a poem recited casually can possess such shocking prestige, how many of these three worlds can do it?

"Using characters to enter the talisman, using the talisman to enter the Tao, and using the Tao to connect the gods, Mr. Si really deserves his reputation, and we are also ashamed of ourselves." Yuan Che of Nuwa Taoist Palace praised and admired him sincerely.

Others also nodded.

Seeing this, Chen Xi couldn't help feeling proud, this was his fourth senior brother!

"Everyone, don't be careless, you still have to prepare everything and look for an opportunity to get out."

Li Yang reminded that they were still trapped in the formation at the moment, but the power of the Eye of Punishment that day was borne by the old poor outside the formation, which relieved them a lot of pressure.

Everyone's heart trembled, and none of them dared to neglect.

"No, this poem is full of murderous intent, but after all, the weather is a bit worse."

Outside the big formation, seeing that he could not break through the Supreme Punishment Formation with one blow, the old poor couldn't help but frowned, and recited a poem again——

"Qingfengwu rises and presents a light curtain, invincible and cuts in all directions, dares to be like a shooting star in the sky, and once the bright moon shines on the sky."

Accompanied by the sound, waves of terrifying divine power turned into a line of characters, each character was like a sword, permeated with supreme murderous aura, and unexpectedly produced a grand vision of the sword rushing to the sky and illuminating the world.

All of these rushed towards the Taishang Zhushen Formation!


The big formation roared violently, the earth shook and the sky shook, countless black divine chains were cut off at the waist, and shattered into nothingness, but the big formation was still not shattered.

But at this moment, from the eyes of heaven's punishment in the sky, a terrifying force of suppressing and killing suddenly gushed out, slashing and killing the old poor.

"Oh my god, the power of the sky is unpredictable, why make things difficult for me, a scholar? Go, go!"

The old man screamed strangely, and swung his sleeves violently, spreading out a wave of supernatural power, like a big sleeve covering the universe, unexpectedly dispelling that killing power silently and silently!

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Lao Qiongan suddenly shouted: "Sword!"

As soon as he said that, an invisible sword appeared out of thin air, surrounded by divine brilliance. In an instant, the color of the world changed, and the infinite divine power swarmed into the invisible sword.

In this dim void, there are words of swords, gold inscriptions twisted like earthworms, simple and unsophisticated inscriptions, obscure and mysterious words of gods and demons, and chaotic secret words with infinite meaning...

These ancient and different characters all represent a "sword" with different meanings and different periods, imprinted with the power of history, containing the power of time, as soon as they appeared, they all surrounded the invisible sword.

In just an instant, this invisible sword seemed to gain spirituality, exploded with immeasurable divine power, rushed beyond the sky, and shook billions of starry skies!

This kind of momentum is rare in the world!

Even all living beings in the entire fairy world, at this moment, are keenly aware that a vast and supreme power of the sword is permeating the boundless and lofty sky!

However, this blow obviously brought great backlash to Lao Qiongan. In an instant, his face turned pale, and his eyes dimmed, as if his strength had been drained.

"I haven't gone down the mountain for so many years, it's rare to be crazy, it's rare to be confused..." The old poor man didn't care, coughing violently while holding the invisible sword.

"Not good! This old thing actually damages his own longevity, and sacrificed the Confucianism and Taoism sword decree! Stop him quickly!"

Above the nine heavens, the voice of Chi Lian God General who was extremely angry sounded.

In the next moment, the mighty figures of the Three Paths pierced the air and killed the old man. They were the three generals, Qingmo, Lancai, and Baiku.

Almost at the same time, the Eye of Punishment in the sky also seemed to be enraged, releasing a terrifying black rim, round and deep, soul-stirring, beheading the old and poor, extremely terrifying.

Heavenly Dao Life Wheel!

A kind of supreme prohibition against killing, representing the majestic power of heaven in the Three Realms!

"Fourth, you are crazy!"

Tie Yunhai's loud shout came from the clouds, and when the voice was transmitted, a hammer had already pierced through the air, trying to intercept the three generals, Qingmo, Lancai, and Baiku.

"No, no, I just can't help it, I'm happy to be kind and hateful, why do I say crazy? Watch me kill these monsters and demons, and return the world to a bright future!"

The old poor man seemed not to be nervous, he shook his head and spoke, when he spoke, he suddenly pulled out the invisible sword and swept away.


In an instant, the sky collapsed, the earth cracked, and everything died!

The three god generals, Qing Mo, Lan Cai, and Bai Ku, were killed by the power of this sword before they could stop them in the future, and they disappeared without a sound!

There is no trace of resistance!


That day the life wheel was shattered and turned into dust.


There was another violent roar, and the Taishang Zhushen Formation was destroyed and collapsed!

The power of a sword is so terrifying!


ps: Many friends feel that the power system in these chapters is a bit messy, don’t worry, the specific details about the composition of the Immortal King, the God Realm, and the power of the three great lines will be revealed one by one in the next chapters~ It’s early morning, a new chapter On the first day of the year, ask for a guaranteed monthly pass. The 14th is more likely to be later. Now that the goldfish code is on the verge of collapse, my muscles are so sore that I need to take a breath~~ I can’t wait to watch it tomorrow morning.


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