divine talisman

Chapter 1464 God's blood torrential [Part 4]

A sword of light and cold shocked the world!

With the sword of Lao Qiongan, he beheaded the three supreme gods, the life wheel of the heavenly way, and the divine way of the supreme master. It is invincible, and everything is invincible. Its power is so strong that it can leave a strong and colorful stroke in the long river of history from ancient times to the present. !

This is the power of the fourth master of Shenyan Mountain. He has a good head and poor scriptures all his life. He is like a pedantic scholar who does not go down the mountain for many years. Qiankun, a rare madness!

At this moment, the Taishang Zhushen Formation was destroyed, and Chen Xi and the others were rescued. After witnessing this scene, they were all shocked and speechless, unable to calm down for a long time.

This is the power and influence, shocking the crowd!

But some people don't think so, like Li Yang, when he sees the old poor man with pale face, listless spirit, and coughing violently, and the corners of his lips overflowing with divine blood, like a dying old man, he can't help feeling worried and angry.

"You old bastard! You don't take your own life seriously! If you knew this, how could the senior brother let you come?" Li Yang stepped forward and quickly helped the old poor.

She is very clear about the power of Confucianism and Taoism's sword purpose, and she also knows that after this blow, Lao Qiong'an has injured her own foundation and is no longer able to fight.

Even his injuries, without thousands of years of breathing adjustment, cannot be repaired at all. As for his **** life, it is even more irreparable unless he can make a further step on the way of God.

"No hindrance, no hindrance, it's so rare and happy, it should be clear!" The old poor waved his hands, pretending to be heroic, took out a wine gourd and started drinking.

Seeing this, Li Yang didn't stop him, but just looked at the sky.

"How dare you kill my three brothers! Damn you, poor man, I want to kill you all over the family!!" Almost at the same time, the sky was filled with the roar of the Chi Lian God General, filled with endless grief and indignation.

"Hmph! Forcing Lao Tzu's fourth junior brother to kill Shou Yuan and use the Confucianism and Taoism sword decree, let's do the math first!"

Almost at the same time, Tie Yunhai's furious voice resounded, equally angry. In his heart, it was obvious that old and poor Shouyuan was more important than anything else.


In the sky, the battle of gods is fierce, the sky is shattered, and there is chaos and nothingness everywhere. It is impossible to see the battle situation. At this time, even the Immortal King Realm dare not trespass easily, and it is destined to never return.

"Do you want us to help?"

Nuwa Daoist Yuan Che suddenly spoke, and the others also looked at Li Yang.

"No, the third child has a strong temper. If you go to help, you will be scolded by him instead. You will think that you look down on him. This is not right."

Lao Qiongan was the first to speak, and directly rejected the other people's kindness.

It's not that he looks down on other people, it's just that he is very familiar with Tie Yunhai, and he knows his strength enough to deal with those opponents.

"It stands to reason that if the Taishang Zhushen Formation is destroyed, the Eye of Heaven's Punishment should also be eliminated. How could it still appear until now..."

Li Yang suddenly murmured, with a trace of doubt shrouded in his expression.

Others also noticed this scene, and they all frowned slightly, puzzled in their hearts.

"Because this catastrophe... cannot be stopped after all."

The old and poor sighed, feeling waned.

"What's the explanation?"

Li Yang asked with his eyes fixed.

"Things that have long been destined will happen sooner or later, and there is not much difference."

The old man scratched his head, seemed to hesitate to speak, and finally gave a vague answer.

When the others heard this, their hearts inevitably became heavy.

Chen Xi didn't think anything of it, as long as people were alive, catastrophe would be a big deal, it was nothing more than life and death, but when he thought about everything that happened today, he couldn't help but feel a little hard to calm down.

First, he fought with Zuoqiufeng, Wei Xing and others, and attracted a group of powerful people such as Weiyang Immortal King, Xuanyuan Shao, Xuanyuan Fengchen, Xuanyuan Tuobei, Zhao Taici, Ao Jiuhui, Chi Cangsheng, etc. to come to help.

All of this ended with the deaths of Zuoqiufeng, Wei Xing and others. Chen Xi originally thought that the great revenge would be avenged, and everything would end. Who would have thought that the vortex of doomsday would come suddenly, and Suirenting, Zuoqiu Beiyong, and Zuoqiu Lenghua would also appear along with it? .

It wasn't until then that Chen Xi suddenly realized that this was a conspiracy carefully prepared by the Supreme Master!

Even this conspiracy was calculated on Shenyan Mountain, Nuwa Taoist Palace and other people to sacrifice the Taishang God Slaying Formation, kill the gods, sacrifice the blood of the gods, and trigger a catastrophe!

Fortunately, all of this has already been seen through by Shenyan Mountain and Nuwa Taoist Palace, and a turning point finally took place. The third Mr. Tie Yunhai and the fourth Mr. Old Poor of Shenyan Mountain came hand in hand. In the end, the situation was reversed and the crisis was turned into safety.

All this seems simple and simple, but the thrilling part can be described as murderous every step of the way, unpredictable, and more than two words can describe it as dangerous!

Encounters like this are like wandering on the edge of life and death, dancing on the tip of a knife, and if you are not careful, you will end up dead.

With the abilities of Zhao Taici, Ao Jiuhui, and Chi Cangsheng, they could only be reduced to a supporting role at that time, so one can imagine how terrible the doom would be.

As for Chen Xi, he just acted as a spectator, but it was also because of this experience that he deeply understood how terrifying the confrontation between the three great lineages was. The power of the fairy king, the power of the gods... all have a new understanding.

Not everyone can have this kind of valuable experience!

In the future, with the help of such experience, Chen Xi will only walk more and more calmly and steadily.


On the sky, divine blood was suddenly sprinkled, pouring torrentially, soaking the sky.

"Hei Ling! Huang Zhong——!"

Chi Lian God resounded the roar of fright and anger again, and the grief and anger reached the extreme. It was the roar of God, which resounded through nine heavens and ten earths, shocking people's hearts.

Obviously, two gods will fall again, at the hands of Tie Yunhai!

"Scream! Keep screaming! It's useless to scream. You seven wolfhounds have been following the Supreme Leader for so many years, inseparable. You just avoided many murders. It's not because of your ability to survive until now. It's too much! Now that the Supreme Leader is not here, don't you think you can still survive?"

Then Tie Yunhai's disdainful voice sounded, "If it were the three popes of your Supreme Sect who came here, you might be able to compete with me, but you... are really terrible! Is the true god Dongwei amazing? ? It’s just something from the first level in the God Realm!”

"You... are too deceitful!"

Chi Lian Shen will roar.

"You're right, I've bullied you to the point of guarding the heavens!"

Tie Yunhai laughed.

Immediately, all sounds were drowned out by a fierce and terrifying roar.

"Mr. San is really amazing!"

Yuan Che and the others were amazed in their hearts, and the others were deeply impressed. This kind of courageous demeanor was beyond description.

Li Yang, however, has been paying attention to the changes in the Eye of Punishment, and said casually, "My third senior brother was a rude blacksmith who could not read a word at the beginning, and then he followed the master into the mountain."

"Yes, the third child is the most rude person. He doesn't understand etiquette, doesn't know how to teach, gentle, kind, respectful, frugal, and accommodating. He doesn't take any of it. It's like rotten wood that can't be carved, and mud can't support the wall."

The old man shook his head, feeling very sad.

Chen Xi couldn't help laughing when he saw it. This fourth senior brother was indeed as the little senior sister said, pedantic as a scholar, full of subtle words and righteousness, but he didn't attract people's dislike, on the contrary, he exuded an amiable aura.

"No, although the Eye of Heaven's Punishment is motionless, its aura is changing... Wait, it is actually absorbing the divine aura that has fallen from the heavens and the earth!"

Li Yang's face changed suddenly, "The blood of the fallen generals has all become sacrifices to the Eye of Heaven's Punishment!"

Everyone else was shocked when they heard the words, and felt an inexplicable chill faintly, feeling quite uncomfortable in their hearts, but they couldn't say anything.


On the sky, the blood of the gods rained down again.

This time, it was the Golden Light God General who fell, and almost at the same time, the roar of Chi Lian God General's anger resounded: "Tie Yunhai, I will fight with you!"

"Dog, want to die with me? You are not worthy!"

Tie Yunhai snorted coldly.

"Third senior brother, please stop!"

Li Yang suddenly reminded her loudly, but unfortunately it was a step too late.


As soon as Tie Yunhai's voice fell, Chi Lian's voice stopped abruptly. The next moment, the sky was once again billowed with divine blood, dyeing the sky and the earth red.


Almost at the same time, Tie Yunhai's burly body like an iron tower appeared out of thin air. At this moment, his beard and hair were stained with blood, his eyes were like lightning, and traces of battle remained on his bronze-colored skin like cast iron. His power was extremely terrifying.

Like a god of war, looking at all directions, it makes people tremble.

"Well, Junior Sister, you said earlier, you know, once I make a move, I won't be able to take it back at all."

When facing Li Yang, Tie Yunhai smiled, revealing a simple and honest smile.

"It's over now, we have finally fallen into the scheme of the Supreme Leader..."

Li Yang sighed quietly, staring at the Eye of Heaven's Punishment with complex expressions in his eyes.

I fell into the scheme of the Supreme Leader!

Everyone was shocked in their hearts, unbelievable, the Supreme Execution God Formation was destroyed, the Seven Killing God Generals were executed, everything ended in victory, how could it be said that they still fell into the scheme of the Supreme Leader?


At this moment, the Eye of Heaven's Punishment, which was originally silent in the sky, suddenly released a mysterious black light.

At that moment, the divine blood, divine weapons, and divine bones that permeated the heaven and earth... as long as they contained divine power, they were all ingested and instantly swallowed up by the eye of punishment that day!

It can be clearly felt that the aura of the Eye of Heaven's Punishment began to climb crazily, and continued to climb. In just an instant, the breath of God's Punishment permeated it, making everyone present suffocate!

"Sure enough, as expected by the elder brother, this catastrophe that swept across the Three Realms is destined to come today after all..."

At this moment, Tie Yunhai's expression also became serious, and he propped up a divine light curtain all over his body, covering everyone present, resisting the terrifying coercion that was constantly released from the Eye of Punishment that day.


ps: 14 is finally done! !Pushing the limits again!I was completely exhausted, but I breathed a sigh of relief in my heart. I planned to write a year-end summary or something, but my brain was already in a state of confusion and chaos, so I will stop talking nonsense. Thank you brothers and sisters who voted and rewarded today, even if we There is no change in the ranking, but everyone's efforts have made Jinyu very moved, thank you!

So many updates have exceeded the limit of Goldfish, there may be some omissions, everyone can forgive Goldfish, thank you very much.

In the end, a new year, a new day, a new struggle, the story between us and Emperor Fu will continue, and it will be even more exciting!Dear friends, please leave a beautiful guaranteed monthly ticket for Goldfish on the first day of the new year. Let us bid farewell to 14 and welcome 15!

Bow and exit~!


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