divine talisman

Chapter 1465 Catastrophe Comes

After absorbing a lot of divine power, the power of the Eye of Punishment continued to rise, and the coercion of the heavens released seemed to be the end of the day.

The sky has collapsed and turned into a shattered turbulent, chaotic, in which time, space, laws... are all in a state of great collapse.

All of this was caused by the Eye of Punishment.

Looking up from the ground, that deep, cold, indifferent, and ruthless eye became the sole ruler of the chaotic and collapsing sky!

If the doomsday disaster is approaching, this scene is too terrifying. The land with a radius of tens of millions of miles has already been reduced to ruins, devastated and dead.

Apart from Chen Xi and his group, there is no trace of life in this world!

"Is it irreparable?"

Li Yang spoke with a heavy heart, as did everyone else, with a rare and dignified expression, feeling a sense of catastrophe coming from the Eye of Heaven's Punishment.

"Eldest brother said that this is a dead end arranged by the Supreme Leader. It has long been doomed. Looking at the entire Three Realms, no one can reverse it."

Tie Yunhai said in a deep voice, his body was filled with strong divine power, and he firmly defended everyone, thus avoiding the oppressive suppression of the Eye of Punishment that day.

"Fifty Dao, 49 Tianyan, the rest of the line is alive in the world, and everything in the three realms is like this, so why talk about a dead end?"

Li Yang frowned, puzzled.

"Little sister, you don't understand this. Tianyan 49, so keep one, this one is chaos, chaos breeds the way of heaven, Tao gives birth to one, one gives birth to two, two gives birth to three, and three give birth to all things."

The one who spoke was old and poor, his expression was pale and gloomy, but when he talked about Zhou Tian's mysterious principles, he was full of energy and radiant, "Everything has life and death, it is all good fortune, all beings in the heavens are greedy or killing, sad or happy , cause and effect are entangled, fate is intertwined, so catastrophe arises as the times require, catastrophe is immeasurable, and all living beings are regarded as ants..."

Li Yang was impatient for a while, and interrupted before finishing speaking: "Fourth senior brother, just tell me the result."

The old poor looked stagnant, curled his lips, and said helplessly: "That is to say, the glimmer of life left by Tianyan 49 this day is reserved for all living beings in the world, not my generation of cultivators."

Seeing that everyone still didn't understand the relationship between all this and today's death situation, Tie Yunhai immediately said bluntly: "Junior Junior Sister, look at today's disaster, whether you are trapped in the formation of the Supreme Gods or the Seven Killing Gods Falling, the result is the same, one's own blood, essence, and breath will all be swallowed by the Eye of Heaven's Punishment, and become a fuse that triggers catastrophe."

After a pause, Tie Yunhai continued: "This is the death situation arranged by the Supreme Master. The ultimate goal is to trigger this catastrophe that will affect the three worlds in advance. Only in this way can they get the most benefit from it. As for the life and death of the Seven Killing Generals, it cannot affect the will of the Supreme Leader at all."

Only then did everyone wake up, and an unstoppable chill suddenly rose in their hearts, like falling into an ice cave!

This Supreme Leader is too ruthless!

How terrifying is this kind of calculation that even the Seven Killing God Generals who have followed him for countless years have become a pawn in his layout?

At this moment, the only trace of joy in their hearts disappeared, and they felt a little depressed instead.

It is true that they won this battle and survived safely, but in the final analysis, they were still firmly restrained by the calculations of the Supreme Leader, and they were powerless to reverse the situation!

They even acted as pawns in the layout of the Supreme Leader!

This feeling of being manipulated by others is the most chilling feeling for everyone.

"Everyone, I want to go to Iris Immortal Prison."

Just when everyone's hearts were heavy, Chen Xi suddenly opened his mouth, and only then did they realize that Chen Xi's expression was extremely gloomy and full of anxiety.

Yes, Chen Xi, who had survived the catastrophe, suddenly realized a problem after he calmed down. His mother, Zuoqiu Xue, was still trapped in the Iris Immortal Prison!

It's no wonder that he only reacted at this time. What happened just now was too turbulent and thrilling. He was hovering on the edge of life and death step by step, which made him unable to calm down at all.

It was only at this moment that Chen Xi suddenly woke up, and when he realized this problem, his face was naturally extremely ugly, and his heart was filled with guilt and self-blame.

"Junior Brother, I'm sorry, this catastrophe is too serious, and there are inevitably some omissions in my mind."

Li Yang also reacted, with an apologetic look on her face, as she spoke, she grabbed Chen Xi's hand and said, "Let's go, let's go together."

"and many more!"

Tie Yunhai called them to stop abruptly.

Li Yang and Chen Xi turned their heads in a daze, and looked at Tie Yunhai.

There was a trace of strangeness in Tie Yunhai's expression, he pondered for a moment before saying: "Iris Immortal Prison was destroyed long before my fourth son and I came, but don't worry, little brother, your mother is still alive, I will tell you later all of these."

Chen Xi raised his eyebrows, remained silent for a long time, and finally agreed.

He didn't understand why third senior brother Tie Yunhai wanted to stop him, but since third senior brother said so, there must be a deep meaning, he can trust third senior brother.

It's just that a bad premonition arises inexplicably in my heart, it seems that even if my mother Zuo Qiuxue is alive, I am afraid that this time the mother and son will not be able to see each other...

It's an indescribable feeling.

Li Yang raised his head and glanced at Tie Yunhai, and finally resisted asking, but whispered to Chen Xi: "Don't worry, as long as Third Senior Brother says that Lingtang is still alive, he will definitely not lie to you."

Chen Xi nodded, and said with a smile, "I understand, senior sister doesn't need to worry about me."

"Little brother, drink!"

Suddenly, a wine gourd was handed over to him. He was old and poor. He smiled and looked at Chen Xi with a look of relief on his face, "Our Shenyan Mountain has finally added another disciple. Although we met for the first time, the senior brother still I hope that you can abide by your heart, reflect the will of God, and read more books of sages and sages when you have time. Let me borrow you to study it, even if it is an ancient magical art such as Confucianism, Taoism and sword decree, you can take it and read it..."

After rambling on for a long time, hearing that Chen Xi could only quickly take the wine gourd, he said with a smile, "Thank you fourth senior brother!"

After all, raise your head and drink.

The wine was strong and strong, and a ray of heat surged through his body, which greatly eased Chen Xi's mind and dispelled the haze in his chest and abdomen a lot.


While they were talking, the Eye of Punishment in the sky suddenly froze and suddenly changed!

A void and blurry figure suddenly appeared in the eye of punishment that day. He was slender, with red hair shawl, handsome face, and a purple talisman in his hand. It was Suirenting!

"Is this guy still alive?"

When they noticed this scene, everyone shrank their eyes.

"This guy is already dead. If my guess is correct, he should have been taken away by a wisp of the Supreme Leader's will. In other words, what we see before us is the Supreme Leader!"

Tie Yunhai's expression became serious for the first time.

Supreme leader!

As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked and their scalps went numb.

Chen Xi narrowed his eyes slightly, and when he looked carefully, he found that although the figure in the Eye of Punishment that day was Suirenting, the aura around him was completely different.

Suiren Ting looked down, wanton, domineering, flying like a king in the fire, but at this moment the aura exuding from his body was empty!

It is an empty, faint, invisible and colorless aura. Looking from a distance, it seems that what you see is not a person, but a piece of supreme heavenly power!

With just one glance, Chen Xi's heart was inexplicably moved, and his whole body was terrified.

He suddenly remembered that in the Conferred God Realm, when he was affected by the fragments of the River Map and defeated the Eye of Punishment, he had seen a blurry figure.

At that time, that figure inadvertently glanced back, causing Chen Xi's aura of fragments of the river map that was covering him to be severely hit, and collapsed in an instant!

But at this moment, seeing the aura displayed by "Suirenting" and comparing it with the blurred figure he saw at that time, Chen Xi suddenly discovered that the aura of the two was as if they were the same person!

"Could it be that the blurry figure back then was the Supreme Leader?"

Chen Xi roughly judged something in his mind, and he couldn't help feeling a storm in his heart. He could clearly remember that at that time, from the Eye of Heaven's Punishment, he also saw a chaotic space, which was densely covered with cages that seemed to be infinite.

In each cage, there are beings imprisoned who are filled with monstrous divine aura. They roared and shook the sky, some stood silently, some sat on the ground and lamented, and some went crazy like crazy... They formed a scene that made people feel ashamed. Heartbreaking picture.

"The cage, the gods, the Supreme Leader, the Eye of Heaven's Punishment... What kind of astonishing secrets are hidden in it?" Chen Xi vaguely grasped something in his heart, but he had no clue at all.

"Be careful! The catastrophe is about to begin!"

Suddenly, fourth senior brother Tie Yunhai's voice came to his ears, and Chen Xi suddenly woke up.

When he looked carefully again, he saw that in the Eye of Heaven's Punishment, "Suirenting" suddenly sacrificed the purple talisman in his hand, bursting with mysterious and obscure halos, spreading to the depths of the Eye of Heaven's Punishment.

Immediately, that purple talisman burned fiercely, and the whole person of "Suirenting" seemed to be engulfed by an invisible force and disappeared...

"The era is changing, the fortune of the heavens, the avenue is like a prisoner, and catastrophe is approaching!"


At this moment, in the world of the human world, the world of the nether world, the world of immortals, the world of dragons, the world of phoenix... and even in many other mysterious realms and spaces in the three worlds, at the same time, a voice of supreme majesty, indifference and no emotion resounded. sound!

At this moment, the entire Three Realms of hundreds of millions of beings, countless creatures, cultivators, demons, demons, gods... all felt something in their hearts, their complexions changed suddenly, and they suddenly raised their heads and looked up at the sky.

"This catastrophe is coming!"

At this moment, one after another similar voices resounded in different areas of the Three Realms, there were anger, sorrow, despair, madness...

At this moment, the three realms were shaken, and all living beings were shocked. This supreme catastrophe that was speculated many years ago is finally about to start sweeping and descending!


ps: I struggled too hard yesterday, and I got this chapter done by stumbles, everyone, let me take a break, and I will resume normal updates tomorrow?Finally, I wish you all a Happy New Year!


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