divine talisman

Chapter 1466 God Chain of Order [Part 1]

When that indifferent but supreme majestic voice resounded through the three realms, all the ascetics in the heavens were shocked, knowing that a supreme catastrophe would sweep across at this very moment!


At the far end of the sky, a dull and loud noise resounded, shaking the vast earth and resounding through every inch of the sky in the Three Realms.

"Are you coming?"

Chen Xi was terrified.

This bang is not limited to the fairy world, and ordinary cultivators in the heavens and myriad worlds are also aware of it at this moment.


Fourth senior brother Tie Yunhai's thick iron-like eyebrows showed a sharp edge, he picked up the giant hammer in his hand, and swung it hundreds of millions of times in an instant.

The shadows of the hammer arouse the energy of the heavens and the earth, communicate with the sun, the moon and the galaxy, spewing out endless divine power, the profound meaning of the divine way emerges in the void, and turns into dense runes, forming a large formation.

This array is exquisitely crafted, filled with chaotic divine power, reflecting the phantoms of the gods, reciting Zen songs, it can be called infinite, and everyone is enveloped in it.

"This is actually a magic formation formed by all kinds of divine scriptures containing the power of the divine way!"

Chen Xi could see the mystery of this formation at a glance, and couldn't help being shocked. The fourth senior brother's cultivation was so advanced that he had arranged such a supreme formation in an instant, it was simply unimaginable.

"Everyone, don't be impatient, and wait quietly. Although this catastrophe was launched in advance by the Supreme Master, it cannot be stopped, but once it comes, it has been out of the control of the Supreme Master. Among them, the number of killings is nine, and there is still a chance to find .”

Tie Yunhai ordered in a deep voice.

"What chance?"

Chen Xi was stunned.

"Naturally, it is the path through the Ancient God Realm."

Li Yang murmured softly.

As soon as these words came out, everyone's hearts were shocked, the way to the ancient gods!This is a great opportunity!

Especially for Zhao Taici, Ao Jiuhui, Chi Cangsheng and other beings in the Conferred God Realm, when they heard this, their eyes lit up and their hearts were filled with excitement.

"Although the chance is good, you have to fight for it. In this catastrophe, the chance is only a thin line, which is extremely slim. Most of them are killing and catastrophe. It is hard to say whether you can survive."

Li Yang sighed lightly.

One sentence was like pouring a basin of cold water on everyone, completely extinguishing the hopes in their hearts, and their expressions became dignified again.

"Junior Brother, don't worry. This catastrophe will last for at least a long time. Mortals and ants are innocent, so they will not be hit by the catastrophe. Although for us ascetics, this catastrophe is inevitable for no one, but the first thing to suffer Yes, only the God Realm exists."

Seeing Chen Xi's serious expression, Li Yang couldn't help but smiled and comforted him, "Unless all the god-level powerhouses in the Three Realms are completely wiped out in this catastrophe, they won't implicate existences below the god-level."

"So, this catastrophe is aimed at existences in the God Realm?" Chen Xi felt a little relieved.

"No, there will be a day when all the powerhouses in the divine realm will disappear. At that time, this catastrophe will befall the ascetics of the Immortal King Realm, half-step Immortal King Realm, and Holy Immortal Realm."

Li Yang shook his head, and said seriously: "This is the most terrifying catastrophe since the opening of the Three Realms. The heavens have fallen to five declines, and they want to re-open the era, so no one can escape the ascetic."

This time, Chen Xi finally understood the horror of this catastrophe.

The first to be robbed is the existence of the God Realm, followed by the Immortal King Realm, the Half-step Immortal King Realm, the Holy Immortal Realm, the Great Luojin Fairy Realm... and so on.

This catastrophe is not over, and no ascetic will be spared!


While talking, a crack in the sky suddenly tore open, and it continued to flow and spread. The heavens and worlds seemed to be shaken, extremely violent, like a hole in the three realms of heaven was broken, and all living beings trembled.

At this moment, all the ascetics in the three realms trembled with fear, the monsters in the deep mountains roared, and all kinds of fierce birds became restless and frantic.

Almost in the blink of an eye, on the sky of the heavens and worlds, cracks in the void were densely covered like spiders, and they were about to be fragmented, as if the sky was about to collapse, collapse, and cease to exist!


A moment later, a loud noise shook every corner of the Three Realms, as if the world had been re-opened, and the order of the Heavenly Dao that operated the Three Realms was turbulent at this moment, becoming chaotic and violent.

Then, on the shattered spider-like sky of the heavens and worlds, there was a strange fluctuation, and there was a faint door gathering and opening up!

That is indeed a portal, just like the gate of the sky, abruptly appearing in the order of the heavens. It seems to be extremely far away, but it is reflected in the heavens and worlds, so that every monk can see it clearly, and feel cold in his heart.

What is that portal?

The door to catastrophe?

All living beings are flustered, restless, and feel an unprecedented terrified and oppressive atmosphere. They are at a loss, and their minds are on the verge of falling.


When that portal of the sky was completely condensed and formed, suddenly, the sky and the earth shook, and all the heavens and myriad worlds trembled!

"It's on!"

Tie Yunhai took a deep breath, ready to wait.

Chen Xi stared nervously at that portal that opened above the sky, reflecting the heavens and myriad realms, and was shrouded in an obscure fluctuation, making it impossible to see what was inside.

But just looking at it makes people feel horrified and terrified, as if the depths of the portal are the source of the catastrophe.

The sky was shattered, and a portal stood in it, making the world of the heavens and the worlds gloomy, as if they were about to fall into the darkness of eternal night and perish...

Chi la!Chi la!Chi la!

That portal of the sky was shaken suddenly, and countless obscure light rains fell, spreading in all directions. This is the power of the heavenly law that circulates the three realms, and finally turned into thick chains of order!

From a distance, those chains of heavenly order are endless, covering the heavens and worlds, as if a cage covering the three worlds was born out of nowhere!

Boom~~ With the emergence of these chains of heavenly order, the heavens and myriad worlds were shaken, and they were imprisoned by a terrifying and obscure force, giving people a sense of inescapable and inescapable horror.

"Prisoner of the Great Way!"

"The Domain of Doom has finally arrived!"

At this moment, Tie Yunhai and Lao Qiongan spoke together, with solemn expressions.

The others were also pale and anxious.

This kind of power is like the real doomsday coming!

All the ascetics in the heavens and worlds are in despair. How can there be any eggs in the nest?Is this going to end the world?Under such catastrophe, who can escape?

The endless chain of heavenly order continues to spread, like a cage covering, and the shadow spreads to every area of ​​the Three Realms, like a ruthless shackle, trying to imprison hundreds of millions of sentient beings!


Immortal world, in a boundless and mysterious space.

An old man stood up abruptly, looked up at the sky, with a look of grief and indignation on his face.

"After the old man became a god, he has been silent for countless years, and he is not greedy for opportunities in the ancient gods. Now he is about to perish under this catastrophe. This thief should be killed!"

He roared angrily, rushed out of the space he was in, and wanted to escape from the Three Realms, but before he could escape, thousands of thick chains of heaven and order appeared out of thin air and imprisoned him on the spot!

"I'm not reconciled!!"

The old man struggled desperately, but to no avail. He was instantly imprisoned into a ball and brought into the portal of the sky.


In the human world, in a vast cosmic galaxy, there is a vast land suspended.

But at this moment, this vast land "stands up" unexpectedly, with a slight shake, the rocks rustle down, and the smoke and dust fill the air, reflecting a tall figure standing upright against the sky.

He stepped on the starry sky, held the stars in his hands, and his pair of eyes were brighter than the sun, bursting with immeasurable divine brilliance.

Almost as soon as he appeared, chains of heaven and order suddenly frantically surged in this piece of cosmic galaxy, imprisoning him from all directions.

"The Land of Doom has finally arrived! I have waited a million years in vain. This time, I must not miss this opportunity no matter what!"

The sound of rumbling and roaring stirred Zhou Yu, and the stalwart figure looked up to the sky and laughed loudly. He didn't dodge or dodge, and took the initiative to be bound by those chains of order. Then he stepped out and rushed towards the portal standing above the heavens.



In the nether world, thousands of chains of heavenly order poured into the depths of the blood river, tightly bound a bloody figure, and brought it into the portal of the sky in an instant.


Scenes like this happened in every area of ​​the three realms of the heavens, and the chain of order of the heavenly way seemed to be everywhere, imprisoning every powerful person in the divine realm.

No one can dodge, no one can escape, no matter how hidden a place is, no matter how powerful it is, it will eventually be robbed!

In short, under this catastrophe that swept across the Three Realms, those in the divine realm were taken away by ruthless shackles like grass!

Although the sentient beings in the heavens had never witnessed this scene, they could clearly see that the majestic and vast figures were bound by the chains of the order of the heavens and entered the portal of the sky.

This is heartbreaking, like falling into an ice cave. In this catastrophe, even the gods are like ants, and there is no way to escape. Who else in this world can survive?

Chen Xi also witnessed this scene. While feeling chills in his heart, he recalled the scene he saw from the Eye of Heaven's Punishment again, where gods and gods were imprisoned in countless great way cages!

"Could it be that the existences in the God Realm who are trapped in this catastrophe will also be captured to a certain place outside the Three Realms?" Chen Xi felt a chill in his heart, and he didn't dare to think about it.


Zhao Taici's frightened and angry cry suddenly sounded in his ears.

When Chen Xi came back to his senses, he saw thick chains of heaven and order descending from the sky, densely packed and endless, rushing toward them.

At this moment, everyone present was suffocated, as if they were witnessing the imminent death!


At this moment, the divine formation that surrounded them began to function, and a piece of divine runes evaporated, turning into a brilliant cloud, and together with the divine chains of heaven and order, a burst of terrifying power burst forth fluctuation.

In the end, the Divine Formation shook violently and remained intact, while the Divine Chains of Heavenly Law and Order were blocked, making it impossible to advance an inch!

All of this was naturally written by fourth senior brother Tie Yunhai!

Seeing this, everyone couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, but their expressions were already filled with horror and lingering fear.

"Everyone, this formation can only hold back for a while, but it is enough for us to prepare. Later, those who are above the gods will follow me, and together we will break the prisoner of the Dao and enter the realm of the end of the law!"

Tie Yunhai spoke in a deep voice, with a look of disdain on his brows.


ps: The second is later, these two chapters are more important, so the writing is very slow.


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