divine talisman

Chapter 1467 Fighting against the sky [Part 2]

Among the present, apart from Tie Yunhai and Lao Qiongan, Meng Xinghe, Li Yang, Zhao Taici, Ao Jiuhui, Chi Cangsheng, and Yuan Che, Kong Lin, Yuchi Wanhe from Nuwa Taoist Palace were the ones who had reached the level of the divine realm. Yun Su, Shi Yu, and Xiang Liuli.

A total of thirteen people.

The others are all under the divine realm.

According to Li Yang, when this catastrophe broke out, the first to bear the brunt was the existence of the divine realm. Unless all the existences of the divine realm in the three realms were wiped out, this catastrophe would not affect the level below the divine realm for the time being.

So as soon as Tie Yunhai's words fell, those beings in the divine realm all looked solemn, activated their cultivation, and sacrificed various divine treasures, ready to wait.

"Within the gate of the sky is the realm of the end of law. If you can break through, you will have a chance to enter the ancient gods. If you can't break through, you will either die or be imprisoned in it forever."

While Tie Yunhai was controlling the divine formation to defend against the divine chain of heavenly order that was constantly slashing, he quickly conveyed his thoughts, warning everyone to be careful.

"As for the younger brother, you don't have to be nervous, the power of order that day will not harm you for the time being."

As he said that, Tie Yunhai seemed to realize something, and sent a voice transmission to Chen Xi alone, "Junior Brother, although the Iris Immortal Prison has been destroyed now, there is a safe place in it. When this catastrophe subsides, you Then you can go, and you will understand all this by then."

Chen Xi's heart shuddered, and he nodded.

"Junior Brother, this is our Shenyan Mountain's 'Xingling Jade Document'. With this object, you can reach the area where the Shenyan Mountain Zongmen is located. We don't know when we will meet again this time. take care."

Suddenly, Li Yang opened his mouth and handed Chen Xi a jade document filled with clear star brilliance, with a look of sadness of farewell on his expression.

Chen Xi was shocked: "Senior Sister, you want to leave too?"

"It's not just me, our senior brothers and sisters at Shenyan Mountain are all leaving. In this catastrophe, no one will be spared after all..."

Li Yang sighed softly, feeling a little lonely.

Chen Xi suddenly had some complicated emotions in his heart, and finally took a deep breath, carefully put away the "Star Spirit Jade Document", and immediately said seriously, "Don't worry, Senior Sister, I will take good care of everything in the Shenyan Mountain Sect."

Li Yang smiled and said: "All these are just external things, don't take it too seriously, one day, this catastrophe will eventually affect you, maybe we will meet again in the ancient gods."

"Junior brother, I came down the mountain in a hurry this time, and there are still many classics left in the mountain gate. If you have time, please go and keep them properly, so as not to be annihilated in this catastrophe."

The old poor man exhorted.

"Brother, don't worry, leave it to me."

Chen Xi nodded in agreement without hesitation.

"Junior brother, there are still many natal bone patterns in the mountain gate that I have collected from various places in the Three Realms over the years, and there are many powerful magic arts in them. You should use them all to study, hahaha."

Tie Yunhai laughed and left his request.

"Junior Brother Chen Xi, after I leave, you have to take good care of the Dao Emperor's Academy. It was built by the Dao Emperor's lifelong painstaking efforts. You must not allow others to get involved. When you go to the realm of the end of the law, you should also find a reliable person to take over. To be in charge of the Academy, so that the inheritance will last forever, so that we can live up to the kindness that the Dao Emperor created in the first place."

Meng Xinghe also opened his mouth at this time, and handed over an incomparably ancient bronze jade seal to Chen Xi.

This jade seal is only the size of a fist, imprinted with grand patterns such as the sun, moon and stars, the longitude and latitude of the earth, etc., releasing a force of luck that hits the face, vast and boundless.

This is the treasure of the Daohuang Academy, the "Jiuyan Jade Seal", a heavy tool for suppressing luck. Since it has been passed down for countless years, this jade seal has long been conceived by the endless Dao luck and has become a fetish, which is mysterious and unpredictable.

Only the dean of Daohuang Academy can hold this jade seal.

Seeing this scene, Hua Jiankong, Zuoqiu Feiming, Xuanyuan Shao and the others were all shocked. They looked at Chen Xi with complicated expressions. Meng Xinghe handed the jade seal to Chen Xi, as if waiting to tell the entire fairy world, Chen Xi is the successor to inherit the post of dean!

Chen Xi didn't know what the "Jade Seal of Nine Yans" meant, but even if Meng Xinghe didn't do it, he would do it, because the Taoist Emperor Ji Yu was his uncle in the first place.

"Chen Xi, now you have stepped into the half-step Immortal King Realm. These are some of the experiences I have gained in the past few years when I was promoted to the Immortal King Realm. I have not taught or accepted disciples, and it is useless to keep them. Why don't I leave them to you."

Immortal King Weiyang also spoke at this time, and handed a lavender jade slip to Chen Xi.

"You... want to leave too?"

At this moment, Chen Xi was stunned. He knew very well that Immortal King Weiyang hadn't conferred a godly promotion.

"I'm only a hair away from breaking through, and I can feel that this realm of the end of law is where my opportunity lies."

Immortal King Weiyang said with a smile.

Chen Xi couldn't help looking at fourth senior brother Tie Yunhai.

Tie Yunhai pondered and said: "If you take the initiative to enter the realm of the end of the Dharma, all living beings in the world can go there, but... at this time, if you enter it with the strong in the divine realm, the catastrophe you will encounter is not something everyone can bear."

Then, he sized up Immortal King Weiyang, then nodded and said: "You already have the foundation of conferring gods, if you insist on going through this, then follow me."

"Thank you, Daoist Brother, for fulfilling the mission!"

Immortal King Weiyang saluted happily.

This time, even Hua Jiankong, Xuanyuan Shao, Xuanyuan Fengchen, Xuanyuan Tuobei, Zuoqiu Feiming and other Immortal King Realm existences were all moved.

Although this catastrophe is extremely horrific, and there is only a chance to find, but if you can follow Shenyan Shansan, Mr. Tie Yunhai and the others, then it will undoubtedly be much safer, and the chance of getting a chance will be much greater!

Even if they exist in the Immortal King Realm, what if they advance to Conferred Godhood in the Realm of Doom?What if they entered the Ancient God Realm?

Sometimes, knowing that the front is full of thorns and murderous opportunities everywhere, but for the opportunity of seeking the Tao, no one can refuse such temptations.

Tie Yunhai glanced at Hua Jiankong and the others, and said, "You guys have to think about it carefully."

Everyone's eyes lit up, didn't they refuse?

They agreed almost without any hesitation, and their expressions were extremely firm. The catastrophe was terrifying, and the realm of the end of the law was also extremely terrifying, but in order to go farther on the road of the Great Dao, they had to fight once!

Under the catastrophe, the gods are vying for the front, and thousands of sails are competing for that ray of fate. If you don't fight, you are doomed to stop, look at the ocean and sigh, and do nothing from then on!

All the immortal kings present are people with great perseverance and will, and they will never miss this opportunity.

"You can't, your own Immortal King foundation is too worn out, and if you go there, you will be looking for a dead end."

Suddenly, Tie Yunhai opened his mouth and looked at Zuoqiu Feiming, his words were not very euphemistic.

In an instant, Zuoqiu Feiming's face was pale and gloomy. He tried to blew himself up twice in the previous fierce battle. Although he failed in the end, he had already damaged his foundation.

He himself also understood this point, but when he thought of missing that thread of fate, he couldn't help feeling extremely disappointed.

"Senior, there is still a chance in the future."

Chen Xi comforted the other party.

Zuoqiu Feiming nodded and forced a smile, but his heart was still miserable. There was indeed a chance in the future, but how could there be Mr. Shenyanshan San accompanying him all the way?

While they were talking, Tie Yunhai had been resisting the divine chain of heavenly order that kept coming, until now, the power of the divine chain became more and more frightening, and it turned into a dancing dance all over the sky, drowning the world!

Bang bang bang!

The formation fluctuated violently and was on the verge of collapse.

This made Tie Yunhai's face suddenly become serious, full of awe-inspiring expression: "Fourth brother, junior sister, are you ready?"

I am finally coming!

Everyone's heart trembled, they didn't dare to think too much, and they were ready to wait.

"Wait a minute!"

Li Yang seemed to think of something, and took out a folded pocket, which was crystal clear, exuded wisps of clear starlight, dreamlike, soft as nothing, and exuded an intoxicating aura.

"Junior Brother, I will give you this piece of Da Luotian. When we go to the realm of the end of the law, you will sacrifice this treasure and absorb those broken chains of heaven and order..."

Li Yang handed this treasure to Chen Xi, and said via voice transmission, "Remember, you must seize the opportunity. This is an unprecedented catastrophe in the Three Realms, and it is also an unprecedented great fortune. Maybe you can use this to build a fairy Wang Genji, otherwise, if you miss it, you will have to wait for another great fortune to come, and you don't know when it will be."

Chen Xi's heart was shocked, he was both moved and pleasantly surprised.

He recognized this treasure, which was refined from star soul sand and chaotic five-color stones. It was an innate spiritual treasure left by Fuxi, the master of Shenyan Mountain. Under the treasures, even illusory things such as Taoism, laws, and luck between heaven and earth can be captured!

Back then when he was in the Xuanhuan Domain, the world experienced a great change, and Li Yang used this to hunt for him a broken power of the heavenly law, which made him completely build the foundation of becoming a fairy.

But now, it is obvious that Li Yang intends to let Chen Xi acquire this treasure, hunt for the Divine Chain of Heavenly Law Order, and win a piece of great luck from it, so as to build the foundation for advancing to the Immortal King!

With such gifts and care, how could Chen Xi not be surprised?

"Young Junior Sister is still thoughtful, everyone, let's start to act!"

Tie Yunhai looked up to the sky and laughed loudly. Without hesitation, he abruptly withdrew the magic formation, picked up the sledgehammer, and stepped into the air.


When the divine formation disappeared, in an instant, countless thick chains of heaven and order shrouded down, like tens of thousands of cages made of steel, trying to imprison everyone.

"Go away for me!"

Tie Yunhai yelled loudly, his eyes were like lightning, his divine power was overwhelming, and a terrifying aura of divinity reverberated from his tanned skin like copper cast iron, his whole body was like a god who defied the sky.

With one blow of the hammer, the thousands of gods of heaven and order were smashed to pieces!

This scene was so powerful and fierce to the extreme.

Those who entered the realm of the end of the Dharma with all their heart were shocked and did not dare to hesitate, and followed closely behind Tie Yunhai, fearing that if they were a little slower, they would miss today's opportunity.

"Little brother, do it!"

Almost at the same time, Li Yang scolded and reminded Chen Xi to take action to collect those broken heavenly order chains.


ps: On the second day of the first month, ask for a guaranteed monthly pass~·~


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