divine talisman

Chapter 1468

The heavenly chain of order is like a torrential rain, torrentially descending, one after another is incomparably thick, dancing wildly all over the sky, permeating the sky with the overwhelming power of the sky, descending on all heavens and myriad realms.

At this moment, the God Realm of the Three Realms exists like a piece of grass, unable to struggle, no matter where they hide, they are all bound and involved in the portal of the sky, and within that portal is the realm of the end of law!

However, when Tie Yunhai, the third master of Shenyan Mountain, soared into the sky, he smashed everything with the giant hammer in his hand, shattering the divine chain of order and order that day, showing his unparalleled might against the sky.


The divine chain of order shattered, turning into a rain of obscure light all over the sky.

Tie Yunhai led a group of people up against the sky, soared away, and rushed towards the portal of the sky above the heavens and worlds.


Tian Dao seemed to be enraged by this scene, and kept breaking down the divine chains of order, like cages imprisoning the world, densely packed and endless, as if he wanted to completely bind and kill Tie Yunhai and his party.


Tie Yunhai snorted coldly, endless runes sprang up from his burly iron tower-like body, reflecting a huge god's dharma, standing upright, magnificent and boundless, releasing supreme majesty.

Holding a sledgehammer in his hand, he kept smashing, forcibly smashing a bloody path through the thousands of god chains of order, and going upstream.That brave and unparalleled posture is like the only god in the world who is the only one in the sky and on the earth!

Judging from this situation, the group of them will definitely not be bound, and they can safely rush into the portal of the sky.

In the field at this moment, only Chen Xi, Zuoqiu Feiming and those Zuoqiu's half-step Immortal King Realm were left, and they were not affected by this catastrophe.

This also verified Li Yang's statement that in the catastrophe, the first to bear the brunt was the existence of the gods, and only when all the existences of the gods in the three realms were wiped out, it was their turn that the existences below the gods were robbed.

There is no need for Li Yang to remind again, taking this opportunity, Chen Xi sacrificed the big Luotian, which suddenly turned into a clear and flowing rainbow, and rushed into the sky.


The pocket is crystal clear, and suddenly expands and opens, releasing strands of starlight, like a dream and illusion, as if it can contain the eight wildernesses, and accept everything.

It can be clearly seen that those Heavenly Dao Divine Chains that are constantly being cut down from the sky seem to be unaware of this, and Da Luotian is allowed to shuttle through it without causing any waves.

Seeing this, Chen Xi was secretly amazed and shocked. This Da Luotian was worthy of being an innate spiritual treasure, and he could ignore all obstacles and move as he wanted, which could be called miraculous and unfathomable.


Soon, some broken Heavenly Dao Divine Chains were captured and collected by Chen Xi in the Great Luo Heaven.

But at this moment, the Great Luotian vibrated violently, and the broken Heavenly Dao God Chain that was hunted in it struggled violently, going on a rampage, as if it was about to break free, as if consciously.

With a pop, Chen Xi coughed up blood from his lips and suffered a backlash, and taking advantage of this opportunity, those trapped Heavenly Dao Divine Chains suddenly rushed out of Da Luotian.

"Damn it, the power of these broken heavenly chains is too terrifying. Although I can hunt them down with Da Luotian, I can't subdue them at all..."

Chen Xi's face darkened, and he finally realized how terrifying the power of the order of heaven was.

This also made him admire the third senior brother Tie Yunhai even more. Just the broken Heavenly Dao God Chain made him unable to surrender, but Tie Yunhai was able to step up the thousands of Heavenly Dao God Chains. It is conceivable that Tie Yunhai How terrifying the power is.

However, Chen Xi didn't give up. This was an unprecedented event of great luck. Since Li Yang handed over Da Luotian to herself, she obviously thought that with her present ability, she should be able to do it.

He put away distracting thoughts, took a deep breath, and sacrificed Da Luotian for the second time.


The transparent and crystal-clear pocket is like a dreamy light, diffused towards the sky.

This time Chen Xi was much more careful, he didn't spread it as widely as before, but chose a small piece of broken Heavenly Law Order Divine Chain, and wrapped it up!

Bang bang bang!

Even so, the struggling force of that small piece of shattered Heavenly Dao Divine Chain was still surprisingly strong, causing Da Luotian to tremble violently, almost unable to hold on.

Chen Xi gritted his teeth violently, activated all his cultivation bases, and released hundreds of millions of immortal glows from his body, forcefully enduring that terrifying impact, and took Da Luotian back!

It worked!

Just as this thought flashed through Chen Xi's mind, with a bang, a blazing and obscure torrent rushed into his body. This force was vast, supreme, contained the power of heaven, filled with all kinds of rhymes, and represented The majesty of the sky, the order of the sky!

Now, this power was absorbed by Chen Xi, and in an instant, it produced a terrifying heat flow that flooded his whole body, making his muscles, bones, membranes, blood plasma, meridians, viscera, immortal essence... at this moment. They all seem to be soaked in a vast sea, and that sea water is the power of the order of heaven.

The order of heaven is the power to operate and maintain the Three Realms!

And under this catastrophe, the chain of heavenly order and order that was shattered by Tie Yunhai even more represented a kind of supreme power, one can imagine how terrifying the power contained in it must be.

As Li Yang said, there is also great luck in the catastrophe, and great fortune, if it can be captured, it will naturally be a great luck, which will have infinite benefits for future practice.

Now, Chen Xi was lucky enough to absorb a piece of broken Heavenly Dao Order Divine Chain. If he captured the Heavenly Luck and obtained great fortune, it would be of great benefit to him to build the Immortal King Dao Foundation.


Dao sounds like the roar of a lion and the chant of a dragon erupted from within Chen Xi's body, bursting out one after another, and the universe in his body suddenly began to revolve crazily, steaming up hundreds of millions of gods, surging mightily, rushing to every inch of the universe in his body corner.

At this moment, there was a force of luck circulating around Chen Xi's body, carrying the charm of Dao, washing away all the brilliance, making him ethereal and holy, without being tainted by the smoke and fire of the world.

And in his body, the infinite mysterious golden immortal essence, energy mechanism, essence, energy, spirit... all boiled and circulated endlessly, flowing and rushing with an indescribable breath of Tao.

This is building the foundation of the Immortal King with great luck!

The so-called no luck, no king!

How much of this kind of great luck has existed since ancient times?Looking at the number of Immortal Kings in the Three Realms today, one can see how difficult it is to achieve the realm of Immortal Kings.

Among the tens of thousands of half-step Immortal King Realm, I am afraid that only a few can step into the Immortal King Realm.

However, all these difficulties are no longer difficult for Chen Xi. He has already begun to refine his "Great Luck", and he has started to use the power of the Heavenly Dao Order God Chain to build the Dao Foundation for advancing to the Immortal King Realm. Once he succeeds, his power will definitely be extraordinary .

After all, this is an unprecedented great fortune. Among the three realms, how many people can hunt the gods of heaven and order with the big Luotian like Chen Xi?

What's more, even if the other half-step Immortal Kings have Da Luotian, I'm afraid it won't help, because how many people in this world can smash the chain of heaven and order like the third Mr. Shenyanshan?

As for the complete divine chain of order, even most masters in the divine realm can't compete, let alone go hunting.

It can be said that the great luck that Chen Xi has obtained today is definitely the only one in heaven and earth, and all of this cannot be separated from the help of Third Senior Brother Tie Yunhai, and cannot be separated from the big Luotian gifted by Li Yang...

"No, it's not enough! This opportunity is once in a million years, and I will never let it go to waste!"

Suddenly, Chen Xi opened his eyes again, disregarding the various forces that were crazily circulating in his body, he once again sacrificed Da Luotian, rushing towards the sky.

At this time, Tie Yunhai and the others had rushed to the very top of the sky, and were about to enter the portal leading to the realm of the end of law.

If they waited for them to fully enter it, then Chen Xi would no longer be able to hunt those shattered divine chains of order. The reason was very simple, without Tie Yunhai, it would be equivalent to losing those shattered divine chains of heaven.

So at this moment, if you want to get the most luck from it, you must seize any time, otherwise, if you miss it, you will never have such an opportunity in the future.

Crash!Crash! ...

For half an hour, Da Luotian continued to spread and shrink, hunting down one piece after another of the broken Divine Chain of Order, all of which were absorbed by Chen Xi, turned into a torrent, and poured into his body.

During this process, the universe time in his body continued to roar and expand, and hot torrents surged in it, dyeing every area of ​​the universe in his body with a thick layer of Dao breath.

And this power is still spreading and improving...


Just when Chen Xi was about to strike again, he felt his whole body tremble. Wisps of pure Dao breath spewed out from every pore, filled with billions of obscure radiances, and there was a tendency for the moon to overflow when trying to eliminate the space between heaven and earth.

This made Chen Xi suddenly understand that the power of the order of heaven that he had absorbed had reached the limit that his own foundation could bear, and if he continued like this, he would just waste this "great luck" in vain.

"Seniors, this opportunity should not be missed in vain. Please be ready to welcome the luck of the heavens into your body. I will help you hunt this opportunity."

Suddenly, Chen Xi turned his head and gave Zuoqiu Feiming and the others a word of advice, and then without stopping, he sacrificed Da Luotian again.

Zuoqiu Feiming is the elder of his mother Zuoqiu Xue, and the seven half-step Immortal King Realm Zuoqiu clan elders beside him have also always supported his mother Zuo Qiuxue.

Under such an opportunity, Chen Xi would not favor himself any more. Since he could no longer refine the Divine Chain of Heavenly Dao Order, he would hunt it down and give it to Zuoqiu Feiming and the others. and support too.

Hearing this, Zuoqiu Feiming and the others were all shocked, their faces were filled with joy, and they were very grateful.

They had witnessed all this before, and they were already envious in their hearts. After all, this was a rare and rare fortune. Looking at the entire Three Realms, who can ignore such a great temptation?

Seeing that Chen Xi actually wanted to give them some "Fortune", this naturally made them overjoyed, and they couldn't be more moved.

"Chen Xi..."

Zuoqiu Feiming took a deep breath and expressed his gratitude.


However, before he finished speaking, a shattered fragment of the order of the heavens came and poured into his body, making him stiff all of a sudden. How dare he hesitate, he sat cross-legged and began to concentrate on refining.

"Other seniors, you should be ready too."

Chen Xi smiled, and shot again.


ps: There is a problem with the preset plot, and the stuck ones cannot be written. Let's temporarily update it today.


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