divine talisman

Chapter 1469 Tempering Dao Foundation [Part 1]

Thank you "Tang Youyou" for the reward of girls' shoes~



Chen Xi made another move with ease.

The Da Luotian, which was crystal clear and permeated with clear star brilliance, continued to expand, hunting pieces of broken heavenly order chains one after another in the sky, and gifting them one by one to the other eight half-step fairy king realm elders of the Zuoqiu clan.

Those elders were overjoyed when they got such a great "luck of heaven", they didn't dare to be negligent, they all sat cross-legged and began to refine with all their strength, they didn't dare to be careless, for fear of wasting this opportunity.

"Junior Brother, we are waiting for you in the Ancient God Realm, take care!"

"Hahaha, goodbye, Junior Brother!"

"Little brother, please remember that what you read in reading is the truth. What is the truth of the way? There is no other, the original heart, so abide by the original heart, when you kill, you kill, when you retreat, you retreat. In this way, the ghosts and monsters of the heavens and the earth, and the ghosts and monsters of the heavens, also What's the point?"

Suddenly, there was a voice of farewell from the sky. It was the little senior sister Li Yang, the third senior brother Tie Yunhai, and the fourth senior brother, old and poor, saying goodbye to him.

Chen Xi suddenly stopped his movements, raised his head abruptly, and looked into the distance with his eyes like cold lightning, and saw that Tie Yunhai and his group had broken through the shackles of thousands of orders in a single leap, and entered that portal in the sky.

The voice is still lingering in the ears, but their people have disappeared.

Chen Xi had his hands on his back, his clothes were loose, his expression was dazed, and there was a complex emotion of farewell in his heart, and it took him a long time before he took a deep breath and stopped thinking about it.

He sat cross-legged, and began to meditate to refine the power of the god chain of heaven and order that was constantly roaring in his body.


Chen Xi knew that, whether it was to avenge the Jiuhua Sword Sect, or to resist this supreme catastrophe sweeping through the Three Realms, one day he would definitely step into the realm of doom.

Because the Supreme Sect has not yet been destroyed!

Moreover, in the realm of the end of the law, there is still a chance to enter the realm of the ancient gods. If a person does not die, the road will continue. His path is destined not to stop there!


In a mysterious realm of the Three Realms, there are many fairy mountains densely covered. These fairy mountains are majestic, solitary, or thick, dotted with stars, full of five-color spirits, full of colorful divine lights, reflecting the world, like dreams and illusions.

This is the place where Nuwa Taoist Palace, one of the three supreme Taoisms, occupies - the world of five aggregates!

Make up the sky.

This place is the hidden cultivation place of Nuwa, the founder of Nuwa Taoist Palace. It is rumored that it is refined from a real chaotic five-color stone, which is densely covered with supreme forbidden gods and contains all kinds of mysteries in the heavens. It is known as the first blessed place in the Three Realms. .

At this moment, a group of immortal men and women gathered together on the platform outside Butianyu, with solemn and respectful expressions, as if they were waiting for something.

Looking carefully, these men and women have breaths like abysses and emptiness, and they are filled with wisps of divine aura, just like gods standing upright, their power is shocking.

Obviously, this is a group of gods!

"Everyone, the Taoist master has an order, you can act now, and you don't have to wait any longer."

Suddenly, a white deer full of five-color divine brilliance appeared out of thin air, stood upright in mid-air, and spoke like a morning bell, which was miraculous and extraordinary.

"Lu'er, the Lord of the Four Spirits Palace and the two disciples Shi Yu and Xiang Liuli have not returned yet, so why not wait a little longer?"

It was the first purple-haired woman in neon clothes and a scarlet fire crown who spoke like still water.

Others also nodded.

"Everyone does not know that the Lord of the Four Spirits Palace, Shi Yu, Xiang Liuli and the others have followed the three Mr. Shenyan Mountain to the realm of the end of the Dharma at this moment."

Bailu replied.

"Then... we have left, what should the disciples in the mountain gate do?"

The purple-haired woman frowned, a little worried.

"The Taoist master has decided to use the supreme magic to seal the world of the five aggregates in the mustard seeds. In this way, the catastrophe can be avoided."

Bailu spoke calmly, as if he had already prepared everything.

Seeing this, everyone, including the purple-haired woman, felt relieved and left without hesitation.

"Lu'er, do you still remember the path leading to the Ancient God Realm?"

Just as everyone left, in the depths of Butian Que, a faint voice suddenly came out.

"Reporting to the Daoist Master, I never dare to forget it, but as far as I know, this road has been controlled by the Supreme Leader. For the current plan, it seems that there is only one road left in the realm of the end of the Dharma."

"The Supreme Leader... Forget it, just follow me for a while. Since Fuxi and the others used this as the way back then, there must be a great mystery in it."

"Does the Taoist want to start a war with the Supreme Leader?"

"No, the road can be controlled, but it can't stop me. Lu'er, you are going to seal the world of the five aggregates, and then leave with me. The cause and effect between the three worlds will eventually be broken in the ancient gods. It's..."



too classy.

33 above the sky.

"The catastrophe is approaching, the three popes are offering sacrifices, how are the preparations for the operation?"

A voice full of supreme majesty rumbled across the entire Taishang Realm.

At this moment, all the elders, disciples, and disciples of the Taishang Sect were shocked and knelt down on the ground.

"Report to the leader, all the elders in the god realm have arrived in the realm of the end of the law."

"Reporting to the leader, the disciples of the Immortal King Realm in the sect have started their operations and are heading to the Immortal Realm."

"Report to the leader, many disciples in the religion have gone to the netherworld and the world."

Almost at the same time, the voices of the three Taoists, some strong, soft, or gloomy, suddenly resounded in the Supreme Realm, and they represented the three popes of the Supreme Sect to worship the Lord.

The three of them are not only unfathomable in strength, but also have such a high status and authority in the Supreme Sect that besides the Supreme Sect Master, they belong to the three of them, it can be said that they are under one person and above ten thousand people.

"How about the actions of Shenyan Mountain and Nuwa Taoist Palace?"

The supreme and majestic voice of the Supreme Leader resounded again, as if the ruthless voice of heaven reverberated, full of breathtaking power.

"I would like to report to the leader, among the disciples of Shenyan Mountain, except for the second disciple Ji Daoren and the fourteenth disciple Chen Xi, whose whereabouts are still unknown, the other disciples have now gone to the realm of the end of the Dharma."

"Nuwa Taoist Palace closed the world of five aggregates today. According to speculation, all the gods, including Nuwa Taoist, have already begun to act."

After answering, the entire Taishang Realm fell silent.

"Close the world of the five aggregates... This Nuwa is very courageous. She didn't care about compromising the origin of the gods, and used such taboo secrets to avoid catastrophe for her disciples. Unfortunately, it was futile after all."

The Taishang leader seemed to fall into silence, and he spoke after a long time, with a palpitating ruthlessness in his voice.

"The catastrophe is coming. From now on, there will be no God Realm in the entire Three Realms! This is the perfect time for my Supreme Master to regain control of the Three Realms! I hope that when I return from the ancient gods, all this will be done according to my Supreme Master's will." It's over!"

"Master Shengming!"

As the voice fell, there was a uniform sound of praise from the entire Supreme Realm.

"Three priests of the Pope, come with me!"

At this point, the Supreme Master didn't say much.

Everyone in the Supreme Sect knows that the leader has left and is heading to the Ancient God Realm to completely end the orthodox dispute that has lasted for endless years in the Three Realms!


Above the heavens, the portal of the sky stands tall, and from it surges out like a tidal wave of heavenly order chains, densely packed, ignoring the barriers of time and space, rushing into every area of ​​the Three Realms.

This indicates that the catastrophe sweeping the Three Realms is still going on, and there is no sign of silence.

But all cultivators feel fear and uneasiness in their hearts on this day. Under the catastrophe, the divine state is like grass, let alone those who have not yet reached the divine state, their hearts have already been overwhelmed by a great terror.

Only those ordinary people who have never seen this scene of catastrophe visions, live as before, and have no idea what kind of terrible catastrophe is erupting in the three realms.

These kinds of methods can be called terrifying, and they are only aimed at cultivators and isolate ordinary people. In a sense, this catastrophe is even specifically aimed at cultivators.

This is just like what the fourth Mr. Shenyanshan said, the Dao number is fifty, the Tianyan is 49, and the glimmer of life left is for all living beings in the world, not for those who practice Taoism.

Therefore, under the catastrophe, no matter how high or low the realm is, they will not be spared!

Chen Xi was completely unaware of all this.

He sat cross-legged in the iris desert that had already been turned into ruins, devoting himself to cultivation, constantly refining the chain of heavenly order in his body, seizing his own dao fate, and prying into the magic of heavenly order.


The wind was very strong, the world was blood-stained, broken and chaotic, there were constantly howling chains of heaven and order, and gods and gods were constantly being bound and swept away, making mournful roars, extremely shrill.

Under such catastrophe, Chen Xi remained motionless, his whole body was radiant and translucent, he lost himself in concentration, pondered with his heart, tempered with god, and the energy in his body became more and more boiling, as if he had transformed himself into a grand furnace.

This is not the improvement of cultivation, but the shaping and expansion of the universe in one's own body.

Chen Xi has now absorbed many shattered Heavenly Dao Order Divine Chains, which contain the original Dao Power of the Three Realms, and now he has refined them to refine the universe in his body and refine the Dao Foundation of the Immortal King. The harvest is so great that it can be called a A field of luck.

At this moment, his mind is clear, he understands the order of heaven, and explores the original rhyme of Tao. Everything in the three realms seems to be floating in his heart, and he has an indescribable understanding.


In Chen Xi's body, waves of great Dao power rushed forward, and the universe in his body, which was originally just a prototype, was also expanding continuously at this moment.

His internal organs, meridians and acupoints are like stars, constellations, and galaxies in the universe...

His blood, essence, soul, Taoism, laws... have become a kind of original force that runs the universe in his body.

The self-contained universe in the body is the most prominent feature of the half-step fairy king realm, but it is only a prototype of the universe. Only when the universe in the body is completely expanded and stabilized, it is ready to advance to the fairy king realm road base.

But at this time, Chen Xi had the great luck of ingenuity, and he was constantly tempering and developing the universe in his body with the power of the order of heaven. This was like building a foundation, using the most solid sacred stone to build the foundation of an immortal king!

Similarly, this is also a kind of transformation and sublimation of the avenue and self, only for the future to soar and open up your own fairy king avenue!


ps: The third update tonight, and the second update before 10 o'clock, please ask for a guaranteed monthly pass~~


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