divine talisman

Chapter 1471 Blood-Stained Remnant Sword [Part 3]


The fragments of the river map fluctuated violently in the sea of ​​consciousness, releasing an ancient, obscure and chaotic atmosphere, like the roar of Taoism, resounding through every inch of the sea of ​​consciousness.

In an instant, Chen Xi once again felt a continuously rotating vortex gushing out from the deepest part of his soul, which was deep and mysterious, glowing with brilliant light.

An indescribable mysterious power spewed out from his vortex eyes, covering his spirit and soul, as if putting a layer of armor on his soul.

Forbidden path secret pattern!

This familiar word once again appeared in Chen Xi's mind.

The soul vortex and the mysterious forbidden path secret patterns were created when the seventh river map fragment was fused last time.

This power is too obscure and mysterious, and I don't know what its magical effect is, but it made Chen Xi clear that under the cover of this forbidden secret pattern, even if the power of heaven came, it would be difficult to confine his soul!

And besides these, when the river map fragments were fused last time, a mysterious pattern was reflected on the surface of the river map fragments. There were strands of mysterious handwriting flowing in the pattern, but unfortunately it was extremely blurry. No matter how Chen Xi recognized it, he could only vaguely recognize it. Recognize the four ancient characters "Huang, Ruins, Shen, Gu".

But this scene only appeared for a moment, and then disappeared. Chen Xi was puzzled for a long time at that time, and he still hasn't figured out what kind of mystery is hidden in it.

For example, what is the soul vortex?What is the forbidden secret pattern?

How could such a mysterious pattern emerge from the fragments of the river map?

What kind of secrets are recorded in the obscure ancient handwriting?

All of these, Chen Xi could not deduce a single clue, and even because of the appearance of the forbidden path secret patterns, he lost most of his soul power in a short period of time and was extremely exhausted.

And at this moment, when fusing the eighth river map fragment, this scene reappeared again!

The constantly rotating soul vortex, the radiant secret pattern of the forbidden path, and the shining river map itself...

Finally, after a while, the mysterious pattern reappeared!

This time, Chen Xi was already prepared, he held his breath and concentrated, and immersed all his mind in the mysterious pattern for a moment to carefully perceive it.


A majestic and obscure force impacted Chen Xi's mind, and a series of mysterious ancient texts and patterns appeared interlaced, like a fleeting image, which he couldn't catch at all.

Because all of this was too vast, complex, and happened too quickly, he tried his best to recognize five ancient scripts and an incomplete pattern again.

The five ancient characters are "Emperor, Territory, Ji, Lord, Extreme", plus the four ancient characters he had recognized before, "Desolate, Ruin, God, and Ancient", there is no clue at all, let alone Not to mention what was derived from it.

And on that incomplete pattern, there is a broken iron sword branded on it, half of which is blood-stained, bright red, and half of which is scorched black, as if it has been severely injured.

This pattern was obviously incomplete and extremely simple, only a few broken iron swords were imprinted on it, but when Chen Xi engraved it in his heart, he felt a tremor from the bottom of his heart!

It was an emotion similar to awe and fear, as if this incomplete iron sword possessed unimaginable horror, even if it was broken, it was enough to disturb the galaxy and kill the heavens and myriad ways!

In front of this level of aura, Chen Xi felt like an ant, and the "Sword God" who was so proud of his Perfect Realm swordsmanship cultivation base also appeared so pale and powerless at this moment!

Because the aura of the blood-stained and broken iron sword is too terrifying, it cannot be possessed by the Three Realms at all, and Chen Xi even doubts whether the existence of the gods can possess such a terrifying treasure.

"Emperor, Territory, Ji, Lord, Extreme, Desolation, Ruins, God, Ancient... What do all these represent? How can there be such mysterious words in the fragments of the river map?"

"As well as this incomplete pattern, what kind of fetish is the blood-stained and damaged iron sword in it? The breath is so terrifying, how can it suffer such heavy injuries?"

One doubt after another came to Chen Xi's mind, with his current vision and knowledge, he was unable to see a trace of the mystery!

what does this mean?

It means that the mysteries hidden in the fragments of the river map cannot be possessed by the Three Realms at all!

In other words, everything in this fragment of the river map may have something to do with the legendary ancient gods!

After all, among the nine ancient characters that Chen Xi recognized, there were the three characters "Ancient, God, Domain". Naturally, people couldn't help thinking of such a legendary place as the Ancient God Domain.


It's a pity that he was not allowed to perceive it at all, and a familiar feeling of exhaustion flooded his soul, which made him wake up suddenly, his face was already pale.

Then I went to the sea of ​​knowledge, only to find that the soul vortex, the secret pattern of the forbidden path, and even the fragments of the river map had fallen into silence, without any movement.

However, after merging the eighth fragment, Chen Xi could still feel that the current river map has undergone a great transformation, the luster on the surface has become more and more translucent, clear and clear like glass, floating quietly, sprinkling Under the blurred and illusory Shenze.

"Now there is only the last fragment of the river map. When I collect the complete river map, it may be enough to see all the mysteries in it!"

Chen Xi took a deep breath, and could only suppress all kinds of doubts in his heart here.

But now he can vaguely judge that the mystery in the river map is probably related to the legendary ancient gods, and this can be regarded as his only harvest.


The thatched hut remained the same, and the fenced courtyard was quiet, except for a fragment of a river map missing on the stone table, which seemed to silently confirm that what happened just now was not fake.

But immediately, Chen Xi's eyes narrowed, and he realized a problem. This is the Iris Immortal Prison. How could the eighth river map fragment appear here?

Could it be that all of this has something to do with my mother?

Thinking of this, Chen Xi's gaze fell on the stone table, looking at a piece of light blue jade slip that was quietly placed there, his expression was a little struggling for a while.

He had a strong premonition that the answer he wanted to get must be hidden in the jade slips, but he was afraid to understand it all.

This is a very contradictory mentality, as if as long as you open this jade slip, you will never be able to meet your mother Zuoqiu Xue again this time.

He was temporarily unable to accept this reality.

So when fourth senior brother Tie Yunhai vaguely told him all this, he had a bad premonition in his heart, but he didn't dare to think about it. Until now, he has been subconsciously avoiding this question.

In the final analysis, it was because he cared!

Ever since he obtained the Xingchen Cave Mansion for the first time when he was young, and when he learned that his mother Zuoqiu Xue was still alive, he had been longing to meet his mother again, and even took all of this as a goal of hard work.

Now, he has finally arrived at the Immortal Realm after going through endless hardships, he has succeeded in revenge, and finally it is the day when he can meet his mother Zuoqiu Xue, how can he accept such a result?

This kind of contradictory and struggling state of mind, I am afraid that other than Chen Xi himself, no one else can understand it at all.

It was silent for a long time.

Chen Xi's expression also fluctuated for a long time. Finally, he took a deep breath, and a look of determination emerged from his expression. Without hesitation, he slowly stretched out his hand, and carefully held the piece of light blue jade slip in his hand.


A wave of immortal power poured in, and the jade slips exploded suddenly, and a cloud of light evaporated, transforming into two figures of a man and a woman.

The man's eyebrows are like swords, his outline is resolute, and his expression is cold and indifferent, like a piece of ice that will never melt.

If Chen Hao's younger brother, Chen Hao, were here, he would definitely find that he and this man were [-]% similar in appearance. Apart from the difference in temperament, they were surprisingly similar in other aspects.

The woman next to the man was dressed in white, with picturesque eyebrows, delicate and elegant, dignified and quiet, with a soft smile on the corner of her lips, as warm as water.


The moment he saw this man and woman, Chen Xi felt as if he had been struck by lightning, his mind was completely blank, his whole body seemed to be out of his body, and he was in a daze.

The figures of a man and a woman are naturally Chen Lingjun and Zuo Qiuxue!

That is, the parents of brothers Chen Xi and Chen Hao!

"Xi'er, this time, after all, we are still destined to meet each other. I know that my father is very unqualified, even disgusting and hateful. I think you and Hao'er have doubted more than once in these years. What kind of thing is father, so heartless and ungrateful, he can't even take care of his own family..."

In the light and shadow, Chen Lingjun suddenly opened his mouth, and there was a touch of complex emotions in his eyes, shame, guilt, pain, struggle... and so on.

"To shut up!"

Hearing this voice, listening to the content of the voice, an indescribable anger suddenly surged into his heart, causing Chen Xi's expression to suddenly become ferocious, his veins burst open, and he couldn't help but yelled out loudly, The whole person fell into an unprecedented anger.

But at this moment, he looked so pitiful again, like a child who was extremely sad, no longer the calmness, calmness, and calm and wise demeanor of the past...

In the final analysis, deep down in his heart, he still harbors grudges against Chen Lingjun and is full of anger!

There are so many reasons to be angry!

These years have been deeply buried in Chen Xi's heart, until now, it finally broke out completely uncontrollably.

He couldn't control himself anymore, if he didn't know that this was only a phantom jade slip left by Chen Lingjun, he would have wanted to fight Chen Lingjun!

and many more!

Phantom Jade Jane! ?

Thinking of this, Chen Xi felt as if someone had poured a basin of cold water on him. He calmed down completely, bit his lips tightly, and stared at Chen Lingjun with his eyes like blades. There was a strong sarcasm on his lips, as if he wanted to hear what he was going to do next. how will it be explained.

"I know, you and Hao'er must hate me very much, hate that I failed to save the Chen clan, failed to save your grandfather's life, and also hate that I have been alive, but never met you..."

The pain and guilt in Chen Lingjun's expression became more and more intense, and his voice was also a little low.

"Lingjun, there is no need to say more, tell Xi'er everything, he has grown up, and he will definitely understand that some things cannot be resisted by humans after all..."

Zuo Qiuxue on the side sighed softly, feeling very sad.

"Even my mother is helping this ruthless man!"

Seeing this, Chen Xi couldn't help another surge of anger welling up in his heart, but in the end he still gritted his teeth firmly and restrained himself.

In the light and shadow, Chen Lingjun took a deep breath, smiled at Zuoqiu Xue, and signaled that she needn't worry about herself, then she looked solemn, looked at Chen Xi, and said in a deep voice: "Xi'er, don't you want to know this Everything, today, I will no longer hide it from you."

As he spoke, he waved his sleeve robe.


ps: This chapter is very important, so it is also difficult to write. For children who haven’t read it carefully, at least remember the clues emerging from the fragments of the river map~ The next chapter will reveal the identity of Chen Lingjun. In addition, the third update is over today, please ask monthly pass~~


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