divine talisman

Chapter 1472 Various Past Life [Part 1]


With a wave of Chen Lingjun's sleeve, the light and shadow suddenly changed, and a mirage light curtain emerged, constantly changing.

In the light curtain, there is a vast sky, which has 33 heavens!

Each layer of heaven represents a boundless secret realm. A man in green clothes looked lonely and hurriedly walked across the layer of heaven with one step.

This man in Tsing Yi's eyebrows are like swords, and his outline is resolute, which is exactly what Chen Lingjun looks like!

But Chen Xi was keenly aware that the man in blue was clearly not his father, because the aura on his body was too obscure, full of supreme divine power, and with every gesture, it seemed to be able to open up the world and create the universe!

Even, that level of power is stronger than the third senior brother Tie Yunhai!

How could such a supreme figure be his father Chen Lingjun?

But unfortunately, the appearance of this man in Tsing Yi is exactly the same as Chen Lingjun...

A flash of inspiration flashed in Chen Xi's mind, and a thought came to his mind. He took a deep breath, stopped thinking about it, and continued to read.

After hastily taking 33 steps, the man in Tsing Yi has reached the 33rd heaven.

There is chaos here, whistling divine aura, the sun, moon and stars are ups and downs in it, the most conspicuous thing is, in the center of that chaos, stands a glorious throne!

On the divine seat, sat a figure of a man in a black robe.

That figure seemed to be infinitely tall, filled with supreme majesty, like the master of heaven and earth, the supreme of all things, releasing a terrifying aura that made the universe tremble.

He sits on the throne of God, and the throne of God is brilliant because of him!

Because this figure is too majestic and supreme, its aura is empty and faint, so bright that it is impossible to look at it, making it impossible to see its face clearly.

When he saw this figure, Chen Xi was shocked again, Supreme Leader!

He had seen the aura of this figure in the Eye of Heaven's Punishment, and he had also seen it in the body of the robbed Suirenting, so how could he not recognize it?

"Father... no, why did this man in Tsing Yi come here, and how did he meet the Supreme Leader? Could it be that there is still some kind of connection between them?"

Suddenly, countless doubts arose in Chen Xi's heart.

"Brother, I'm leaving."

After the man in Tsing Yi arrived at the 33rd day, he was silent for a long time, and finally looked at the supreme figure on the throne, and spoke slowly, with a look of determination in his expression.


Chen Xi's heart trembled violently. Could it be that he is the junior brother of the Supreme Leader?

"In these ancient times, gods are fighting for supremacy, all saints are fighting for power, and everyone wants to take the Three Realms as their own. You have a quiet temperament and don't fight against the world. I can understand it, and I will not go against your will and make you the Supreme Teach the South to fight the North, but why do you want to leave now?"

On the throne, the Supreme Master spoke, his voice was empty, without any emotional fluctuations, but full of supreme majesty.

"Different road non-phase plan."

The man in Tsing Yi was silent for a long time, before uttering a few words from his lips.

"Hahaha, what a way to disagree!"

The Taishang Sect Master looked up to the sky and laughed, his voice was like divine thunder, resounding through the chaos, and then he stopped laughing, suddenly raised his eyes, two divine lights looked directly at the man in Tsing Yi, and said indifferently, "Junior brother, what if I don't agree? "


The man in Tsing Yi didn't say much, but there was an extra sword in his hand.

"You want to fight with me?"

There was a strong sarcasm in the voice of the Taishang leader.

"Senior brother, you must have already understood that I am not from the Three Realms, and I have already understood your thoughts, but if you think you can keep me, then you are too naive!"

The man in Tsing Yi raised his head, his expression was solemn and unafraid.

"That's right, you're not from the Three Realms, and I've guessed about your identity a long time ago, but you ask yourself, how have I ever forced you to do so over the years?"

The Supreme Leader was indifferent, with anger in his voice.

"Persecution? Do you dare?"

A hint of sarcasm suddenly appeared on the expression of the man in Tsing Yi, "Needless to say, your thoughts can deceive the world, but you may not be able to deceive me."

"Really want to do it?"

There was a hint of murderous intent in the voice of the Supreme Leader.

At this moment, Chen Xi couldn't help feeling extremely nervous.


However, at this moment, the light curtain suddenly changed, and all the scenes disappeared.

Chen Xi was stunned for a moment, why did he disappear?Is there a fight between them?What is the result?

Immediately, he took a deep breath and began to carefully recall everything he saw just now, "The Supreme Master's junior is not from the Three Realms...Could it be that the man in Tsing Yi came from the Ancient God Realm? No, if that's the case, why would he Appeared in the Three Realms?"

"At that time, my Taoist name was 'Tai Ling', and I was the younger brother of the leader of the Supreme Sect. One person was below ten thousand, and he was revered as the junior uncle of the Supreme Sect. He was famous in the ancient times. It's just a lie after all."

Suddenly, the light curtain flashed, and Chen Lingjun's voice came out, "Xi'er, don't doubt it, it's me, but...it's just the first reincarnation after coming to the Three Realms."

Hearing this, Chen Xi's heart shook violently, reincarnation!It really is reincarnation!

He had guessed this a long time ago, but he didn't dare to confirm it, let alone connect the teacher and brother of the Supreme Leader with his father.

But obviously, all this is true!

"In the end, for some reason, conflicts inevitably broke out between me and the Supreme Leader. He thought he had completely wiped me out, but he never thought about it. Since I can reincarnate in the Three Realms, I can naturally reincarnate in the second life..."

Chen Lingjun spoke again, with a touch of arrogance in his voice, but soon became low again, "Forget it, you can see for yourself."

After speaking, a light curtain appeared again, and the light and shadow changed, and various scenes emerged.

After Chen Xi saw it, he couldn't help being shocked again, unbelievable.

Because Chen Lingjun in this life, Taoist Ji Taoist, worshiped under the gate of Shenyan Mountain, became the second disciple of Shenyan Mountain, and was honored as the second Mr. Shenyan Mountain!

Later, with the deepening of his practice, Taoist Ji recovered all kinds of memories of his previous life, and wanted to leave the Three Realms, but when he took this step, he was noticed by the Supreme Leader, who came to stop him with the "Eye of Heaven's Punishment", obliterated him, and died. Dao Xiao, reincarnated again!

"My father actually became my second senior brother?"

After knowing all this, Chen Xi felt many strange emotions in his heart, "No wonder even Third Senior Brother Tie Yunhai and the others don't know about Second Senior Brother Ji Taoist's trace..."

The light curtain flashed again.

Chen Lingjun, who was reincarnated in the third life, emerged. In this life, he entered the Daohuang Academy, practiced swordsmanship hard, and became a disciple of the inner court...

In the end, after recovering all kinds of memories of his previous life, he drifted away again, and finally failed to fulfill his wish, and died in response to disaster.

In this life, his name is Yun Fusheng!

"Yun Fusheng!"

This name is very familiar to Chen Xi. The moment he stepped into Daohuang Academy, many people compared Yun Fusheng to him. Even the "Sword Cottage Cave Mansion" in his inner courtyard used to be Yun Fusheng's place. have!

All of a sudden, Chen Xi's heart became complicated to the extreme. The Supreme Master's junior, Mr. Ji Taoist of Shenyan Mountain Er, and Yun Fusheng of Dao Emperor Academy...

These extremely dazzling figures in the past years are actually his father, Chen Lingjun!

This feeling is so complicated that it cannot be described in words. Chen Xi can't even recognize who his father, Chen Lingjun, is!

At this point, the light curtain flashed, and the figures of Chen Lingjun and Zuo Qiuxue reappeared.

"In this life, I, named Chen Lingjun, became a little monk in the mortal world. I never thought that I would have so many identities. Perhaps because of my shallow cultivation, I even thought about everything about my previous life. I can't get up."

Chen Lingjun said with a complicated expression, "It was only when I met Axue that I awakened a small part of my memory, but because my cultivation base was too weak, I once fell into the demonic barrier of my previous life and couldn't extricate myself, so that I made too many mistakes... "

Speaking of this, Chen Lingjun's expression was filled with pain, and his figure was trembling slightly.

"I failed to save the lives of the Chen clan, failed to raise you and Hao'er to grow up...I'm too selfish! Too useless! Too heartless!"

Chen Lingjun became agitated suddenly, and gritted his teeth, "But I know, I am Chen Lingjun! I'm not the teacher's younger brother of the Supreme Leader, nor Taoist Ji, nor Yun Fusheng!"

"I... am Chen Lingjun!"

After saying this sentence, it seemed that Chen Lingjun's entire body had been emptied, making him look haggard, lonely and painful to the extreme.

There have been many reincarnations, and each time represents a joys and sorrows. What he experienced, what he saw... How could it not affect his will?

In these years, why hasn't he also been at a loss, unable to tell who he is?

Who in this world can understand the taste of this?

Up to now, he has realized that he is Chen Lingjun. He no longer clings to the past life and puts down all the burdens in his heart, but unfortunately, he cannot escape the shackles of fate in the end.

Because he was not from the Three Realms, for some reason, he had to leave again!Otherwise, why did he have to reincarnate for several lives and struggle so far?

"Xi'er, you should understand by now that it's not easy for you, your brother and your father."

Zuo Qiuxue, who had been silent all this time, spoke, with a touch of sentimentality in her voice, and a touch of distress, "difficult", how much hardship was revealed?

Chen Xi pursed his lips, but his expression had gradually regained his composure. He could no longer tell whether he should hate or accept all of this, and his heart felt more bewildered than ever before.

Suddenly, the light curtain vibrated violently.

"Not good! Time is running out, the catastrophe has already broken out!"

Chen Lingjun's expression changed suddenly, and he was struggling.

"Lingjun, let's go! This is your only chance, and you must not miss it. If Xi'er and Hao'er knew about it, they would definitely understand all of this!"

Zuo Qiuxue opened her mouth with a firm expression, grabbed Chen Lingjun, her figure flashed, and with a bang, the entire light curtain completely shattered and disappeared.

In the air, there was only Zuoqiu Xue's last voice: "Xi'er, you must keep that fragment of the River Map safe, it is the hope of our family's reunion in the future!"

At this point, everything disappears.

And Chen Xi stood there in a daze, his heart was ups and downs, and he couldn't calm down for a long time.


ps: before 11 o'clock in the second update.


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