divine talisman

Chapter 1473 Fighting against the Immortal King [Part 2]

In the Iris Desert, the wind is howling, and the cracks are flickering all the time, flowing in all directions.

Above the heavens, the gate of the sky stands tall, never silent, and thick chains of heaven and order flow out of it, as if they are patrolling the three realms, trying to restrain the hidden existence of the gods.

This catastrophe that swept across the Three Realms will obviously not disappear in a short time.


A figure appeared out of thin air, walking on the Iris Desert, with loose clothes, thick black long hair fluttering, revealing a handsome face in a daze.

This person is naturally Chen Xi.

Until now, he still hasn't recovered from what he just experienced.

The experience in the Iris Immortal Prison allowed him to obtain the eighth fragment of the river map, and once again comprehended five obscure ancient characters, as well as a pattern with a blood-stained sword imprinted on it.

But most importantly, he finally learned the clues about his father Chen Lingjun, and the anger and incomprehension accumulated in his heart for many years seemed to be dispelled overnight.

But in Chen Xi's heart, it was still empty and uncomfortable.

After all, this time he still failed to meet his parents after all, which has to be said to be a great regret.

"In the first rebirth of the Three Realms of Reincarnation, you were the teacher of the Supreme Master, in the second reincarnation you were Mr. Ji Taoist of Shenyan Mountain, in the third reincarnation you were Yun Fusheng, and now, you are Chen Lingjun...but where did you come from? ?”

Chen Xi was stunned and fell into deep thought. He still remembered that his father Chen Lingjun said that he was not from the Three Realms, so where did Chen Lingjun come from before reincarnation?What kind of identity is it?

All of this is unknown.

But Chen Xi now knew that his father Chen Lingjun and mother Zuo Qiuxue had left, and they had already left the Three Realms by taking advantage of this opportunity of a catastrophe that swept across the Three Realms.

As for where they went and why they left in such a hurry, Chen Xi was unable to judge.

At that time, Chen Lingjun, who was the junior brother of the Supreme Leader, wanted to leave for some reason, but was suppressed and killed by the Supreme Leader. It was also for that reason that he fell in the second and third lifetimes.

Perhaps, it is this unknowable reason that is the key to why Chen Lingjun has to leave now?

Chen Xi took a deep breath, and silently felt the fragments of the river map floating in the sea of ​​consciousness. He knew in his heart that since his mother, Zuoqiu Xue, said when she left, she asked him to keep this object well, as long as he could unravel the mystery of it step by step, one day he would be able to reunited with them.


At this moment, Chen Xi's heart moved, and cold electricity overflowed in his eyes.


The next moment, his figure had disappeared.



On the sky far away from the Iris Desert, three figures suddenly appeared.

"Search carefully, the Seven Killing God Generals and Senior Brother Suirenting fell here. Now that the catastrophe has come and the God Realm is gone, we must catch those Zuoqiu traitors!"

The first young man in a blood robe with a pale face and dark blue lips spoke coldly. His name was Wu Ting and he was a true disciple of the Supreme Master.

Wu Ting himself is an existence in the Immortal King Realm, but he has not been among the ranks of the seven true disciples. The reason is that his strength is still lower than that of the seven top true disciples such as Suirenting and Jiang Lingxiao. There is a certain gap.


Beside Wu Ting, two old men bowed together, both wearing gray robes, with an obscure eye pattern branded on their chests, which is the symbol of the disciples of the Supreme Sect.

This also means that the two old men in gray robes are ordinary disciples of the Supreme Master Sect, their status is roughly equivalent to that of Wei Xing, and their cultivation is at the half-step immortal king level.

"Remember, you must seize and find that kid named Chen Xi!"

Wu Ting seemed to remember something, and asked again.


Immediately, two gray-clothed old men took orders to leave.

"This time my Grand Master sweeps the Three Realms, the Zuoqiu family should be destroyed first. If it weren't for them, how could seniors like Suirenting and the Seven Killing Generals be robbed here? Those who dare to fight against my Grand Master Everything that is against you should be killed!"

Wu Ting pondered, his expression extremely serious.

Unfortunately, he didn't know that the death of Suirenting had nothing to do with others, but was taken away by the will of the Supreme Leader.

"Senior Brother and Senior Sister Jiang Lingxiao don't know if they will be successful now. As long as we take down the Seven Great Families of Ancient Times and the Seven Great Academies of the Immortal World, they will be able to quickly control most of the Immortal World in the hands of my Grand Master..."

Wu Ting stroked his chin thoughtfully, the more he thought about it, the more excited he became.

In the past, their Supreme Sect was regarded as a public enemy by the Three Realms, so they could only forbear and hide in the Supreme Realm, and did not show up in the world for a long time.

Now that the catastrophe sweeping the Three Realms has finally come, their Supreme Sect can finally stand proudly in the Three Realms and become the sole ruler of the world. How can Wu Ting, who is a true disciple of the Supreme Sect, not be excited?


"Senior Brother Wu Ting..."

Suddenly, two screams came from the sky far away, and they stopped abruptly, causing Wu Ting to wake up from his contemplation, and his face was extremely gloomy.

"Damn it! Did something happen?"


Wu Ting didn't hesitate at all, his figure flashed, and he used the method of teleportation, and disappeared in place immediately.

Deep in the Iris Desert.

Two bloody corpses lay across the ground, their eyes wide open, their expressions terrified, and they were dying.

Not far from these two corpses, there are Zuoqiu Feiming and the eight half-step Immortal Kings. They are still sitting cross-legged in meditation, and there is no sign of waking up.

Coupled with the formation defense arranged by Chen Xi, they were completely unaware of everything around them.


There was a wave in the void, and Wu Ting's figure was reflected. This was the first thing he saw, and a hint of ferocity appeared on his pale face.

Under the sweeping catastrophe, there are still people who dare to attack their Supreme Master disciples!This is simply impatient to live!

"Oh, no wonder, I thought when the Supreme Master was so bold, he actually sent two half-step fairy kings to seek death, and it turned out that there was a fairy king behind him."

Suddenly, a cold and indifferent voice resounded, causing Wu Ting's face to darken again. With a sudden glance, he locked on to the source of the voice.

In the originally empty space, a figure suddenly appeared, dressed in a green shirt, with long hair flying, revealing a handsome and calm face, a pair of eyes that were as indifferent as cold electricity.

"Chen Xi!?"

Wu Ting recognized the other party at a glance, and the original ferocious expression suddenly disappeared, replaced by a look of mockery and excitement.

"Hahaha, no wonder my two junior brothers died so quickly. I heard that Wei Xing and his fellow No. 70 half-step Immortal King Realm existences fought together, and they couldn't do anything to you. Looking at it now, it really deserves its reputation."

Wu Ting suddenly burst out with a terrifying and violent power of the fairy king, and the whole person seemed to be a king who controlled the universe, looking down at the arrogant bank, and laughed, "It's a pity, no matter how good you are, you are only a half-step fairy king That's all! Today you died at the hands of my Wu Ting, you can be proud."

As he said that, he actually did it directly!


As soon as he took a step, the whole world suddenly changed.

The world, space, and time within a radius of [-] li all fell into a standstill, completely controlled by Wu Ting!

This is the power of the Immortal King Realm. With a single thought, manipulating time and space, turning the world around, is enough to force the opponent into a desperate situation without making any effort to struggle!

All of a sudden, Chen Xi's whole body seemed to be frozen, motionless.

"Hahaha, little thing, have you seen it? This is the power of the Immortal King! The supreme majesty controls time and space, no matter how you struggle, how can you escape the bondage of time and space?"

As soon as the blow was successful, Wu Ting couldn't help laughing again, he stretched out his arm suddenly, and grabbed from the air, trying to tear Chen Xi's chest cavity and take out his heart!

This is Wu Ting's favorite way of killing people. To take out the enemy's heart and swallow it, the taste is simply indescribable.


However, at this moment, the originally motionless Chen Xi suddenly raised his head, a cold arc appeared on the corners of his lips, and his eyes seemed to be staring at a dead person.

This sudden scene made Wu Ting's heart skip a beat.


Before he could react, Chen Xi had already made a move. A wisp of sword light steamed up, tearing apart the void, breaking through the shackles of time, and swept out with majestic and supreme rune power!


At this moment, the world was filled with a deafening sword chant, and time and space exploded like a turbulent flow, all collapsing in that wisp of sword energy.

This sword is simply horrifying to the extreme, full of the power of the obscure order of heaven and earth, but derived from infinite runes, full of the wonderful meaning of returning to simplicity and returning to simplicity.

Wu Ting's face changed again, and he felt an extremely dangerous aura from it!

How can this be?

How can a half-step Immortal King Realm display such combat power?


Wu Ting didn't dare to hesitate, and suddenly sacrificed ninety-nine and 81 dark black fairy knives, each of which was wrapped with the power of the fairy king, killing Wushuang.

This is a set of immortal treasures, called "Spirit Killing Formation Immortal Knife". Although it is only at the level of Taiwu rank, the power that can be combined is comparable to that of Taixu rank immortal treasures. The last wave of supreme terror.

Bang bang bang!

But what surprised Wu Ting was that in just a split second, this set of "Spirit Killing Formation Immortal Knife" was unable to stop the opponent's sword, but was completely chopped into pieces, turning into a burst of light rain, flying all over the sky!

Moreover, that wisp of sword energy remained undiminished, crossing the boundaries of time and space, and continued to slash towards him!

This... is this the combat power that a half-step immortal king can possess?

Wu Ting's complexion changed suddenly, and his heart was so shocked that he couldn't believe his eyes. When will even the half-step fairy king be able to intimidate the existence of the fairy king realm?

This is simply something that has never existed since ancient times!

You know, the gap between the half-step fairy king and the fairy king is simply a world of difference. One fairy king can easily crush the existence of half-step fairy kings, and there is no comparison at all.

But unfortunately, such a scene of cross-border fighting was staged in front of his eyes, and even Wu Ting felt a strong sense of danger!

Who would not be shocked if this switch made any existence in the Immortal King Realm?


ps: I don’t have it tonight, good night everyone~


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