divine talisman

Chapter 1474 Defeating King Realm [Part 1]

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No matter how shocked he was, Wu Ting, as an existence in the Immortal King Realm, naturally reacted quickly.


In an instant, Wu Ting's body glowed with an indigo-colored glow, which was dazzling, and a set of indigo-colored fairy clothes appeared on his body. At the same time, there was an extra black-blue spear in his hand, which was full of terrifying sharpness.


With just a light swipe of the Xuanqing spear, the sword energy that Chen Xi slashed out was directly shattered, and it was invincible, killing Wushuang chillingly.

Obviously, this Xuanqing spear is a terrifying fairy treasure with extraordinary origin!

"Hmph, with the strength of a half-step Immortal King, you can force me to sacrifice [Spirit-breaking Green Nightmare Spear], you can rest in peace!"

With a gun in his hand, Wu Ting's aura changed again, he was as domineering as anyone else in the world, and his words were even more aggressive and arrogant.

Chen Xi narrowed his eyes, and tentatively sacrificed an immortal treasure, which was a Taiwu rank dagger.


Wu Ting swung his long spear, and the black-blue edge slashed across, and the dagger was instantly shattered, turning into light rain and flying away.

"Skills stop there?" Wu Ting snorted disdainfully.

Chen Xi remained expressionless, staring at the black spear in Wu Ting's hand: "This treasure is not bad, why don't you give it to me for safekeeping? It can be used as a fairy material and be integrated into my treasure."

"Hahaha, what a crazy little guy! Although the fairy treasure is good, you have to live to get it!"

Wu Ting laughed loudly, holding a long spear in one arm, pointing at Chen Xi, a murderous aura suddenly boiled over, covering the sky and covering the earth, at this moment, the world was chilling, time and space seemed to be at a standstill, and wailed endlessly.

"My life has always been good. Since you agreed, then I will come to take it!" Chen Xi's eyes flickered with a gleam, and he disappeared out of nowhere with a swish.

"I don't know how to live or die!" Wu Ting made a move, stabbing with his long spear, like a blue lightning, and like a vast blue sky, with a murderous aura.

Chen Xi's figure flashed, dodging this blow, this treasure was too sharp, disrupted time and space, and stirred up thousands of murderous intentions, so he had to be careful.


Wu Ting killed again violently, the blue light soared into the sky, and the murderous aura was like a tide. With such terrifying power, his breath alone was enough to kill the life of an ordinary half-step fairy king.

This is the power of the Immortal King, an assistant and even a treasure, one can imagine how frightening it is.

However, all of this seemed to have no effect on Chen Xi. His figure flickered frequently in the void, moving and tossing, and then dashed forward. With a swipe of his fingers and a chirp sound, a wisp of sword energy shot out.


The sword energy collided with the Xuanqing long spear, burst into turbulent flow, and spread in all directions, turning this place into a chaotic place.

Wu Ting was startled, a mere swipe of sword energy actually made his arm ache, this is the strength that a half-step Immortal King Realm can possess?

He didn't dare to keep it any longer, the Xuanqing spear vibrated, and hundreds of millions of laws of immortal kings poured out, covering the world, and wanted to kill Chen Xi quickly, so as not to have long nights and dreams.


The long spear pierced through the air, as if it wanted to pierce through the universe, filled with supreme power, and shocked all directions.

Chen Xi's face was slightly dignified, his palms and fingers changed again and again, chopping out all kinds of supreme sword energy, permeating the power of order, deriving infinite runes, turning this place into a sea of ​​runes.

This is the fighting method he has clearly realized after refining the "Heavenly Order God Chain". It takes the power of the supreme inheritance in the "Wuji Divine Book" as the core, integrates it into the holy way of talismans, and assists with the wonderful truth of time and space. The complex is simplified, combined into one, and completely integrated into the way of swordsmanship.

In this way, each of his seemingly simple sword qi actually contains all the peak powers he has mastered, and the power is so powerful that it has reached the point of astonishing the world.

Clinking, sparks flying everywhere, the next battle was very fierce, Wu Ting fought with Chen Xi with the [Spirit Breaking Green Nightmare Spear], fiercely fought the world, and turned the whole tens of millions of miles of Iris desert into a battlefield.

All of a sudden, terrifying visions such as howling ghosts and howling gods, lightning and thunder, raging waves, heaven and earth weeping blood, etc. appeared in the heaven and earth, shaking the nine heavens and ten places.

If this scene is seen by the world, it is absolutely unbelievable. A half-step immortal king exists, and he can kill as much as a supreme immortal king. This is simply unbelievable!


During the fierce battle, Wu Ting's face darkened a little bit, and there was even a throbbing in his heart.

So far in the battle, he has used secret treasures and used all kinds of killing moves. If he were an ordinary half-step fairy king, he might be wiped out in minutes.

But all of this can't help the damned ant in front of him!

If it was just that, Wu Ting wouldn't be too alarmed, but the key point is that the opponent is still fighting with bare hands, and has not sacrificed any immortal treasures!

what does this mean?

Just thinking about it makes my scalp tingle!

This was Wu Ting's first encounter with such a heaven-defying existence since he was promoted to the Immortal King Realm, and it almost broke all his previous cognition of half-step Immortal King Realm.

"Martial arts will, cultivation base, dao realm, fighting skills, swordsmanship...I'm afraid this kid has even surpassed the existence of the Immortal King in every aspect, otherwise how could he fight himself with bare hands?"

"Damn it, where did this bastard come from? It's too monstrous, isn't it?"

"It stands to reason that with his ability, he can easily step into the ranks of the Immortal King. Why is he still stuck in the half-step Immortal King?"

"Could it be...he intends to condense the 'Original Dao Source'?"

When this thought appeared in Wu Ting's mind, it shocked him again, the original source of Dao!This can only be possessed by those who have opened up the most perfect immortal king's way when proving the way.

Once this level is reached, the universe in the body will melt into the chaos and contain the void, and that level of power will definitely be unbelievably powerful!

However, because this way is too obscure and difficult, if there is no unrivaled fortune, if there is no natural aptitude, and if there is no foundation of the world-shocking fairy king, it is impossible to comprehend and control it.

As far as Wu Ting knew, among the hundreds of Immortal King Realms, there was probably no one who could condense the "Original Source of Dao"!

Even in the Taishang Sect, there are only one or two true disciples who have mastered the "Original Source of Dao" through Shen Wu, including him, Wu Ting, who has not been able to control such power!

But now, this Chen Xi is only halfway to the level of Immortal King, and already possesses such abilities, and is even very likely to comprehend and control the "Original Source of Dao". This is enough to make Wu Ting feel a great threat.

"This son must be wiped out today!"

Thinking of this, Wu Ting's eyes surged with a resolute murderous intent.


The Xuanqing spear shakes the air, emptiness and reality, and the extinction of the underworld. It evolves the ruthless power of disaster, and drags the world into a hellish scene in an instant, with disasters raging everywhere and everything shattered.

This is Wu Ting's bottom-pressing method, called "Calamity Extermination and Killing Dao", it is the fifth method of the Supreme Master's ten inheritance powers, once it is used, it is so powerful that it can kill a big world in an instant!

Regarding this, the corners of Chen Xi's lips curled up coldly.

It seems to be mocking.

Wu Ting caught all this keenly, and was immediately enraged and crushed.

Almost at the same time, Chen Xi's body was full of celestial glow, building up the power of hundreds of millions of runes, if a divine ring enveloped his body, a slash would be like a sword, sweeping across Wu Ting's head.


Seeing Chen Xi rushing forward on his own initiative, Wu Ting couldn't help but let out a yell, his whole body glowed, and he shook with Chen Xi forcefully.


The two shook hard, like the sun and the moon colliding, shaking the universe.

Chen Xi's figure flashed, and he retreated far away, a trace of blood dripped from the corner of his lips, but his expression did not show any trace of discouragement, instead he became more determined and chilling.

In this blow, Wu Ting was also affected, his shoulder blade was shattered, as if it was broken, and there were bursts of severe pain, which made his face turn livid.

I... was actually injured!


Wu Ting roared furiously, one after another of the Immortal King's light sprang up from his body, and he had already used all his strength to charge out again, intending to completely suppress and kill Chen Xi.

With a buzzing sound, the calamity and killing power of this piece of heaven and earth soared, and the power was violent and astonishing.

At this moment, Chen Xi suddenly smiled, his confidence flying high.

This is his first confrontation with the Immortal King Realm. He didn't have much confidence before, but the battle so far made him finally sure that he has the power to contend with it!

Even, in his heart, the realm of the Immortal King is nothing more than this!

All of this comes from his enlightenment these days, witnessing the catastrophe of the doomsday, witnessing the confrontation between the existence of the gods, and then quietly refining many "heavenly order god chains", waiting for luck to be invincible, blessing himself!

All these perceptions, coupled with his nearly perfect foundation of the Immortal King, have caused him to undergo many transformations today. He can step into the ranks of the Immortal King at any time, and has the potential to fight across borders!

All these changes are now reflected in the fight against Wu Ting!

In other words, the previous Chen Xi completely regarded Wu Ting as a target, and was honing and recognizing his own strength through battles!

Wu Ting was surprised. He felt that the Chen Xi opposite him had changed, exuding boundless self-confidence, and the aura around him seemed to be able to shatter mountains and rivers and shake Zhou Yu!

This made Wu Ting not dare to hesitate any more, and rushed to kill with all his might, and the aura of calamity and killing that he displayed became even more terrifying, enveloping the world in the torrent of disaster.


At this moment, Chen Xi finally had an extra celestial treasure in his hand, which was a bright red translucent celestial sword.


With one sword strike, like a rising sun shining in the sky, it will shine brightly across the universe.

In an instant, the power of endless calamity was easily torn, shattered, pulverized, and disappeared without a trace, and the world returned to the heaven and earth, with only a trace of sword energy flying!


Wu Ting shook violently, and the blue spear in his hand flew away. He staggered backwards and coughed up blood. He roared in fright: "The sword of Dao! Damn it, this treasure is indeed in your hands!"

"Idiot, did Suirenting never mention this matter to you? It's really pitiful!" Chen Xi came again holding his sword, like a demon god in a sword, swiping his sword to kill.

Wu Ting dodged again and again, but in the end, Chen Xi seized an opportunity, slashed down with his sword, and cut off his right arm abruptly, leaving him drenched in blood and his fairy clothes shattered.


Chen Xi stepped on Wu Ting's chest, and the fairy clothes on his body immediately collapsed, immeasurably powerful!

An immortal king was defeated by a half-step immortal king!

If this is known by the world, it will definitely cause an uproar.


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