divine talisman

Chapter 1475 Divine Treasure Level [Part 2]

After Wu Ting was trampled and fell to the ground, he struggled and flew up, and quickly flew into the air, wanting to fight again.


This time, Chen Xi casually pressed on the void, and an invisible force gushed out like a dark cloud, covering Wu Ting's whole body.

With a bang, this time, Wu Ting was slapped on the ground, his bones were broken, he coughed up blood, and couldn't struggle anymore!

An immortal king, completely defeated.

"Chen Xi, you can't kill me! My Supreme Sect is now sweeping the three realms. If you dare to oppose us, you are doomed to die forever!"

Wu Ting roared angrily, his expression livid and ferocious, revealing strong resentment and unwillingness.


Chen Xi didn't talk nonsense with him at all, he cut off his head with a sword, and the golden fairy king's blood flew, dazzling and beautiful.

But even so, Wu Ting did not die completely, and cursed sharply in his mouth: "Damn ants! How could you kill me? The disaster is endless, and the source is not dead!"

A shrill voice pierced the sky, and his broken corpse showed signs of healing and rebirth at this moment.

"Calamity Rebirth Pill? Hmph!"

Regarding this, Chen Xi was not surprised, he went straight forward, reached out and grabbed the opponent's corpse, and indiscriminately sprayed out a wave of ending intent from his palm, and invaded his corpse.


In an instant, Wu Ting's entire body seemed to be incinerated, all energy and vitality were terminated, and suddenly turned into a pile of ashes, completely annihilating the world.


In the void, Wu Ting's last voice before his death echoed, filled with endless panic and bewilderment, blown away by a gust of wind, and drowned without a trace.

"So what about the Immortal King? That's all."

With a clang, Chen Xi put away the Dao'er sword and began to clean up the battlefield.

This time, Chen Xi killed Wu Ting and his two half-step Immortal King Realm fellows. Unfortunately, the spoils did not satisfy Chen Xi very much. Except for a piece of [Spirit Breaking Green Nightmare Spear] which was extremely valuable, everything else was worthless. They are treasures such as fairy materials and panacea.

This is not to say that these treasures are not worth much, but that in the eyes of the current Chen Xi, they no longer have much attraction.

This is also very normal. If it was the beginning of the fairy world, every treasure would definitely make him ecstatic. It is difficult for things themselves to enter his eyes.

"This Spirit-Breaking Nightmare Spear is pretty good. Taixu's top-grade fairy treasure is only a hair away, and it already has the power of a divine weapon. It can be smelted into a sword talisman..."

Chen Xi held Wu Ting's blue long spear in his hand and looked at it for a moment, then put it away.

What he cultivates is the Dao of Talismans and the Dao of the Sword, not the Dao of the Spear. Although this [Spirit-breaking Green Nightmare Spear] is rare, in his eyes, it is just a rare piece of fairy material that can be sacrificed to the sword talisman.


Now Chen Xi already understands that among the immortal treasures, there are five grades: ordinary grade, Xuanling grade, Zhouguang grade, Taiwu grade, and Taixu grade, which correspond to Tianxian, Xuanxian, Daluojinxian, Shengxian and Xianxian respectively. King five levels.

However, the specific use of immortal treasures is not so strict. Like the existence of the Immortal King Realm, those with strong backgrounds can even have divine weapons, while those with weak wealth can only sacrifice to immortal treasures of the Taixu rank.

As for artifacts, they can be roughly divided into acquired and innate, and they are also called acquired spirit treasures and innate spirit treasures.

Acquired spirit treasures are refined from the existence of the gods, and their effects are also different, while Xiantian spirit treasures are naturally conceived from chaos, the number is extremely rare, and each one is something that can be encountered but cannot be sought .

Compared with the Xiantian Lingbao, the Acquired Spiritual Treasure seems to be slightly inferior, but it is not. The specific power depends on the power and magical effect of the fetish, as well as the strength of the person who worships the fetish.

Like the Nine Provinces Divine Cauldron, which is an acquired spiritual treasure refined by Emperor Yu of the ancient times, it seems inferior to the congenital spiritual treasure, but it has suppressed the luck of the entire primordial world!

Like the "Da Luotian" in Chen Xi's hands, it is an innate spiritual treasure conceived from the chaos. It was originally a treasure inherited by Fuxi, the master of Shenyan Mountain, to his younger sister Li Yang, and it was passed on not long ago. It fell into Chen Xi's hands.

Comparing the Kyushu Divine Cauldron and Da Luotian, it is obviously impossible to tell which is better.

Of course, with Chen Xi's current strength, it would still be difficult to unleash all of Da Luotian's power, but even so, it was enough for him to gain a lot of advantage in the battle.

The most important thing is that this Da Luotian is not only a fetish that can be attacked and defended, but also can capture and hunt luck, morality, auspiciousness...etc. The most incredible place.

As far as Chen Xi knew, the division of the level and power of divine artifacts would never be so simple. Third senior brother Tie Yunhai and Zhao Taici also existed in the divine realm, but the gap between the two was extremely large. On the one hand, it is because of the gap in cultivation level, but I am afraid it has a lot to do with the power of the magic treasure in hand.

Perhaps, only when Chen Xi reached the divine realm would he be able to truly understand the value of the divine weapon.

"Chen Xi, you...you beheaded an immortal king just now?"

Suddenly, a voice resounded in his ears, and Chen Xi turned his head to look, and saw Zuoqiu Feiming looking at him with a look of surprise and doubt, his brows were full of shock.

Obviously, Zuoqiu Feiming had been alarmed by the big battle just now.

And not only that, the eight Zuoqiu half-step Immortal King Realm elders were also awakened at this moment, standing beside Zuoqiu Feiming, looking at Chen Xi with strange expressions, as if they were meeting him for the first time.


Chen Xi didn't hide anything, he was seen anyway, and he couldn't dodge it anymore.

Hearing this, Zuoqiu Feiming and the others looked dazed for a while, and their hearts were turbulent. Did they kill an Immortal King head-on at half-step Immortal King Realm?If word of this spreads, who in the entire fairy world would dare to believe it?

No wonder they were so shocked. After all, as we all know, the half-step fairy king seems to be only half a step away from the fairy king realm, but this half step is like a chasm between the two. Few could cross this chasm, save some terrifying characters born of Chaos.

But now, Chen Xi has done it!

This can simply be called an unprecedented miracle, the first of its kind in history!

"Seniors, have you completely refined that Heavenly Dao Order Divine Chain?"

Chen Xi had no choice but to open his mouth to break this silence. He was very unaccustomed to being treated like this, and made himself look like a monster.

Zuoqiu Feiming and the others woke up like a dream, and immediately showed gratitude and nodded.

"This time it was a coincidence, thank you very much."

"That's right, I'm going to get a blessing in disguise this time, and in the future, I will be able to easily step into the Immortal King's Way, and we are able to have such an opportunity, Chen Xi, you are indispensible!"

This time it was all right, these old fellows from the Zuoqiu Clan were no longer shocked, and began to express their gratitude to Chen Xi one after another, making the latter speechless again.

He could only change the subject again: "Those three Supreme Sect disciples came here just now, they must have come here to kill us. Judging from this, the situation in the fairy world is probably a little dangerous now. What are your plans, seniors?"

This was not due to Chen Xi's aimlessness. Above the heavens above his head, a portal in the sky stood upright, which meant that the catastrophe that swept through the Three Realms was not over yet.

The appearance of Wu Ting and the three of them meant that the Supreme Master had begun to take this opportunity to reappear in the world, which would definitely be an unprecedented disaster for all beings in the Three Realms.

It can be foreseen that the Supreme Master, who has worked so hard in secret for so many years, will inevitably stage bloody storms one after another when he comes to the world.

At that time, not only the major forces in the fairy world, but even the orthodoxy in the nether world and the human world will be regarded as targets of suppression and invasion by the Supreme Master.

Sure enough, as soon as these words came out, Zuoqiu Feiming and the others were shocked, and their faces instantly became serious.

"Sigh, my Zuoqiu Clan's great foundation has now become a victim of this catastrophe in the Three Realms. The high-ranking members of the clan died in sevens and eighties, but only a few people left behind. Facing this catastrophe, and How to get through it?"

An elder sighed, extremely worried.

The other elders were also silent, the current Patriarch Zuoqiu Feng was executed, Zuoqiu Huang was about to die, and Zuoqiu Beiyong and Zuoqiu Lenghua, the two divine existences also disappeared...

It can be said that at the beginning of this catastrophe, the Zuoqiu family's vitality was seriously injured, and even reached the point where their foundation was not guaranteed and they were in danger!

"The top priority is to return to the clan, stabilize the hearts of the people, and select the elite to take over the major affairs of the clan temporarily, so that we can avoid the situation of disintegration to the greatest extent!"

Zuoqiu Feiming took a deep breath, and said with a firm expression, "No matter what, the incense that the Zuoqiu family has inherited for countless years must not be extinguished!"

All the elders trembled in their hearts, and there was a hint of firmness in their expressions.

"Chen Xi..."

Zuoqiu Feiming suddenly turned his head and looked at Chen Xi, with a look of hope in his eyes, "Would you...would you like to return to Zuoqiu's with us?"


All of a sudden, the eyes of the other elders also looked at Chen Xi, with a hint of expectation.

Today's Zuoqiu Clan still lacks a Patriarch, but no matter how you look at it, Chen Xi is extremely suitable to take over the position of Patriarch!Even though his surname is Chen, half of Zuoqiu's blood is flowing in his body, and he is the grandson of the previous Patriarch. With the full support of these old fellows, he is more than qualified for this position.

Chen Xi was stunned, then shook his head and said, "I'm afraid the situation of Daohuang Academy is not peaceful now, I bear the entrustment of Senior Brother Meng Xinghe, so I can only return to Daohuang Academy first."

He understood what Zuoqiu Feiming and the others meant, but it was absolutely impossible for him to take over the Zuoqiu family. In the final analysis, he never had any good feelings for the Zuoqiu family.

Hearing this, Zuoqiu Feiming and the others couldn't help feeling disappointed.

"However, if you seniors encounter any trouble, you can come to Daohuang Academy to find me."

Chen Xi said seriously.

"Okay, that's it."

Zuoqiu Feiming took a deep breath, suppressed the disappointment in his heart, and laughed heartily.

Although the other elders felt disappointed, they also knew that this was already the best result. After all, Chen Xi was now very uncomparable. Not only was he about to take over the position of head of the Dao Emperor Academy!He is also a direct disciple of Shenyan Mountain!

How could the Zuoqiu Clan be able to keep such a peerless figure?


ps1: The karmic grievances before the catastrophe basically come to an end here, and the next... is the protagonist's all-powerful script in the three worlds!

ps2, today the Tengxiao boy rewarded a lord, and in the next two days there will be a 5 update explosion.

ps3, Goldfish plans to customize some gifts recently, to give back to the lords, v-group friends, and some friends who have supported Fu Huang for a long time. "Nangong Yameng" After a few children's shoes see it, check the vertical and horizontal private message and contact me~~

In addition, since the list I prepared will inevitably have omissions, children's shoes with a star value of more than 30000 genuine products can be added to the v group 85781763, and there will be small gifts, just chat with me privately with screenshots.


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