divine talisman

Chapter 1479 Boiling Killing Intent [Part 2]

On that magnificent building, a middle-aged man in black stood upright with a stern look.

"Presumptuous! Yue Wenhai, who are we waiting for? Hurry up and get out of the way, don't mistake yourself!"

Wang Daolu and the other teachers shouted loudly.

"Everyone, are you going to wade into troubled waters too? I advise you not to make mistakes, and wait for the new dean to be elected with peace of mind. It is better to stay honest!"

That Yue Wenhai had a gloomy face, and his words were not polite.

While speaking, he activated the restraint, and a wave of terror enveloped this magnificent building.

"Who is this person?"

Chen Xi frowned, and murderous intent gushed out of his eyes.

"There is an instructor in the Sutra Pavilion in the inner courtyard. He has always been friends with the Jiang family of the ancient family. Now it seems that he has obviously joined the Jiang family's camp."

Wang Daolu angrily explained.

The other teachers are also sullen, this Yue Wenhai is usually not visible, never thought that his appearance is so hideous now.


Suddenly, Chen Xi made a move, and unleashed a thick, heaven-reaching sword energy, shining brilliantly, releasing infinite runes, and slashed away from the sky.

"Hmph, you dare to do something, you are simply stupid!"

That Yue Wenhai snorted coldly, disdainful to the extreme, thinking that the restriction here was strong, he never took Chen Xi's blow seriously.


But the next moment, his face changed suddenly, and the sword energy fell, shaking the entire restriction, and the dense runes permeating the sword energy abruptly "tear apart" the restriction!

In just an instant, the entire grand building was split open, shattered and collapsed, filled with smoke and dust.

Caught off guard, Yue Wenhai was eroded by the sword energy, spurted out a mouthful of blood, and his figure fell from the air all of a sudden.


A figure pierced through the air, stepped on Yue Wenhai's chest, and smashed him to the ground, every inch of his bones were shattered, bleeding from all seven orifices, his face was ferocious, showing endless fear.

"As a professor of the academy, I don't want to contribute to the academy, but I collude with outsiders to trample on the academy, I should be killed!"

Chen Xi opened his mouth, and with strength in his feet, he completely obliterated the opponent's life.

From breaking the ban to killing people, it was only a blink of an eye. When Wang Daolu and others realized it, Yue Wenhai had already been killed on the spot.

At this moment, everyone finally saw the strength that Chen Xi possessed now, and they were all shocked in their hearts. With a sliver of hope, maybe Chen Xi could really smooth out the civil strife and suppress everything?

Once the obstacles were cleared away, Chen Xi didn't stop for a moment, and strode forward. Since he came today, he had no intention of doing anything wrong. As long as he could restore the stability of the academy, he would not hesitate to kill at worst.


As the inner courtyard goes deeper, there are piece after piece of secret and forbidden areas, the depths of which are unknown, boundless and boundless.

Chen Xi moved forward all the way, and once again beheaded more than a dozen opponents who blocked him, without exception, all of them were killed with one blow, appearing extremely ruthless and decisive.

Wang Daolu and the others followed behind, originally planning to help, but in the end they found that they couldn't keep up with Chen Xi's killing speed, and they couldn't help being shocked again.

Soon, a brilliant shrine appeared in the distance.

That shrine stands between the sky and the earth, emitting light golden radiance all over the body, presenting a majestic, solemn, and peaceful atmosphere.

Around the palace, there are majestic towers, thick walls, and a layer of sacred luster. Looking from a distance, one can even see the faint power of luck lingering around the shrine, which is extraordinary.

Dao Emperor Shrine!

Chen Xi's eyes were like lightning, and he saw from a distance that this divine palace was extremely vast, standing tall in the sky and earth, connected to the universe and the Milky Way.

Among them, there is an aura of awe, the stronger the strength, the more obvious the feeling.

That is the power of luck. Standing here, the Dao Emperor's Palace is like a sea needle, suppressing all the luck of the entire Dao Emperor Academy that has survived since the ancient times!

It can be said that this place is the heart of Daohuang Academy, an important place of the core center. It has been passed down from the ancient times to the present, and it has many magical places.

But immediately, Chen Xi frowned.

Between this place and the Dao Emperor Shrine, it seems that they can be directly accessed, but in fact there are many spaces between them, like superimposed worlds, for ordinary people, it would be difficult to reach them in a lifetime of speeding.

Because this is the power of time and space, and there are many terrifying prohibitions in it.

As for this, Chen Xi couldn't be bothered, but he was keenly aware that there were many murderous intentions distributed in that layer of space and restrictions, which were looming, obviously to block people who came, and to buy time for other forces to compete for the "inheritance of the ancient cauldron".

"Forget it, whoever dares to block my way today will be killed without mercy!"


Chen Xi broke through a layer of restrictions with one foot, and entered a space with unparalleled divine power.

But just as soon as he entered this space, a wave of murderous intent rushed in, and immediately a group of ascetics emerged, with cold expressions, looking towards Chen Xi from afar, with murderous intent lingering around them, constantly rising.

Many of these people are college professors, and there are also some unfamiliar faces.

"It's the Jiang family's power!" Wang Daolu whispered, reminding Chen Xi.

"What do you mean? It's absolutely lawless to stop us on the territory of my Daohuang Academy!" Zhou Zhili shouted in a deep voice.

"Everyone, I'm just following orders, and it's not too late to come after today." An old man in gray said indifferently, full of aggression.

"Joke! This is the site of my Daohuang Academy. I wait to come and go, and I still have to listen to your orders?" Wang Daolu and others were all sullen.

"It doesn't matter whether you listen or not, but today, you don't want to trespass." The old man in gray was unmoved, with a cold expression.

Chen Xi frowned, stepped forward and said, "Among you, quite a few are professors at the academy. If you are thinking about the academy, get out of the way now. I will let go of the past. If you are obsessed with your obsession, and continue to help evildoers and ruin the academy, today I will be bloodbathed." Of!"

He had a calm expression and a handsome face, but at this moment there was a kind of coercive majesty, which made many professors of the opposite academy tremble and tremble all over, but none of them wanted to move away.

"Chen Xi? Hehe, what a big tone! You are half an Immortal King Realm, you dare to say such big words, and you are not afraid of being punished here today?"

The old man in gray had a gloomy face and sneered contemptuously.

"I have given you the opportunity, but unfortunately, you don't cherish it."

Chen Xi's voice was indifferent, and the other party's reaction made him completely understand that bloody killings must be used to establish his prestige in today's matter, otherwise it would be impossible to achieve any results.

Even, no matter how indecisive he is, he will be regarded as weak and deceitful.

"Little thing! In this case, Daoist will send you on your way today!"

The gray-clothed old man grinned ferociously, shouted loudly, and while speaking, he suddenly sacrificed a mouthful of blood-colored furnace, and unexpectedly released 36 thick blood-colored sword qi, slashing towards Chen Xi.


The blood was fierce and thunderous, pulling time and space into a bloody scene, and the 36 blood-colored sword qi, like magic blades from purgatory, were frightening to harvest souls.

Behind the gray-clothed old man, a group of ascetics also started at the same time.

Wang Daolu and the others' expressions darkened, and they tried their best to relieve Chen Xi's worries.

"Step aside!"

Chen Xi took the lead, and hundreds of millions of immortal clouds roared from within his body, soaring up into the sky, like a sky-shattering sword array, bursting with divine brilliance, sweeping away.

In an instant, this space was flooded with endless sword energy, and no one could see clearly what happened.


A miserable cry sounded.

The crackling sound was concussive.

The dark red blood poured down like a torrential rain, staining this space red.

When the smoke and dust dissipated, all the light disappeared, and the space returned to clarity, there was no opponent in the field, except for the academy professors in those opponents who were seriously injured and survived, and everyone else turned into a piece of broken corpses and bones!

With one blow, kill a lot of enemies!

Wang Daolu and the others were stunned for a moment. They could imagine the scene of Chen Xi killing everyone, but they didn't expect that this battle would end so quickly.

They didn't even intervene, and the curtain fell!

In fact, none of these opponents were in the Immortal King Realm, and before Chen Xi had refined the "Heavenly Order Divine Chain", they were enough to wipe them out.

Not to mention that now, his combat power can already kill the existence of immortal kings, so he will not pay attention to these half-step immortal kings.


A blood-colored spear suddenly sprang out, piercing towards Chen Xi's throat.

There are still enemies hiding here!

However, Chen Xi seemed to have expected it a long time ago. He reached out and grabbed it, and broke it abruptly. Then, with a wave of his sleeve, half of the spear flew upside down, pierced into a space with a puff, and a figure fell out of it.

This person is obviously the gray-clothed old man from before. At this moment, he is covered in blood, struggling on the ground and crying, his eyes are full of despair, he still can't believe it all, and finally died on the spot.

It has to be said that this old man was quite good, and actually avoided Chen Xi's previous blow, but unfortunately, he still couldn't avoid the end of death.

"No, don't kill me, I was forced to wait."

Those college professors who were seriously injured and fell to the ground were terrified, completely shocked, and begged for mercy.

"Chen Xi, why not..."

Wang Daolu and the others couldn't bear it, after all, they were from the same family in the past, and their friendship is still there.

"I spare their lives just so that when they die, they will understand that once they make a certain decision, they are doomed to pay for it, without exception."

Chen Xi remained indifferent, cold and heartless, spat out sword energy between his palms and fingers, hisses could be heard incessantly, and cut off bloody heads one after another, incomparably bloody.

When Wang Daolu and the others saw this, their hearts were shaken, and they all sighed.

"Everyone, please stay here to guard. If there are people who escape, they will be killed without mercy! As for everything else, leave it to me alone."

Suddenly, without turning his head, Chen Xi gave instructions, stepped on the bloody corpse, and set off to the depths. His steps were steady, his waist was straight, his clothes were not stained with blood, and he was filled with such a powerful force that no one dared to question him.

Wang Daolu and the others opened their mouths, but in the end they didn't say much, and they all followed suit. They knew very well that even if they followed Chen Xi, they would be a burden and would be useless.


ps: I planned to update at 5th today, but something happened in the afternoon. Alas, Goldfish himself is extremely manic, because I took half a day off from work today just for this 5th update!Forget it, don't say much, it will definitely be updated at 5 tomorrow, and everyone may criticize it casually.


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