divine talisman

Chapter 1480 Force Town Immortal King [Part 1]




In the layers of spaces in front of the Dao Emperor Shrine, Chen Xi stepped forward step by step. Wherever he passed, sword qi crisscrossed and blood spattered, cutting off all those who stood in his way.

From the beginning to the end, his expression was chilling and cold, without any fluctuation, and he never took a step back.

It was nothing more than a catastrophe, but it caused chaos within the Taoist Academy, and it was ridiculous!

It's just a position in the academy, but it makes the major forces in the academy ready to move and fight each other. For this reason, they even don't hesitate to bleed into rivers and harm the teachers and students of the academy.

To Chen Xi, this was the foundation left by his senior uncle Ji Yu, and it was a heavy responsibility entrusted to him by his senior brother Meng Xinghe, but now it was destroyed by someone, causing such a turbulent situation, so he couldn't help being angry!


A golden dao bell flew into the air, spreading huge sound waves, and surging towards Chen Xi from one side, disrupting time and space.

Chen Xi turned his head, the divine light in his eyes opened and closed, and burst out a ray of sword energy, cutting the sound wave ripples to pieces, and then piercing through that golden dao bell with a bang.


A figure staggered and fell to the ground, shouting in horror: "Chen Xi! Don't kill me, don't you forget that I gave you advice in the dojo?"

Chen Xi's expression was indifferent, and he showed no mercy at all. With a swipe of his fingers, he cut off the opponent's head, staining the void with blood.

He remembered the other party. Back then when he and a group of disciples from the outer court were discussing Dao in the dojo, this person was in charge of the overall situation. Unfortunately, the other party had now joined the Zhongli clan, and immortality was not enough to vent the hatred in Chen Xi's heart.

After killing this person, Chen Xi continued to move forward, passed through several layers of space, and came to a very vast land, which was about to approach the Dao Emperor Divine Palace.

But here, he only saw one opponent.

This is a young man in black clothes, with a pair of bewitching phoenix eyes, majestic and majestic, he stands there casually, and wisps of the power of the fairy king emerge from the nearby void, turning into a divine rainbow, guarding his surroundings, making his whole body Full of supreme power.

This is an Immortal King Realm existence!

Chen Xi's expression remained motionless, but his eyes narrowed slightly. This person's aura was very unusual. Although his aura was calm, it gave off an unfathomable feeling, like a calm vast sea. Once he went mad, he would be very terrifying.

According to Chen Xi's speculation, this person's strength should be higher than that of Wu Ting and Wan Tengqing, but he is not impossible to fight against.

"You are Chen Xi? I can't help being a little surprised to be able to come here alone. No wonder Linglong has a good impression of you."

Seeing Chen Xi, the young man in black actually smiled.


Naturally, it was the wood spirit!

Suddenly, the figure of a pure and pure young girl flashed into Chen Xi's mind. That girl could not fight, and her heart was clean and flawless. She was a friend he had made when he first stepped into the fairy world, and she was also the daughter of Mu Junlin, one of the six scorching suns in the fairy world at that time. younger sister.

"Are you from the Mu clan?"

Chen Xi frowned, but he didn't relax because of this. His friendship with Mu Lingwu didn't mean he was friendship with the Mu Clan of the ancient family. Since the other party dared to intervene in this confrontation for the position of dean, he would not be polite because of it. up.

"Not bad." The young man in Xuanyi casually reported his name, Mu Rongtian.

"You Mu clan want to stop me?" Chen Xi said coldly, his aura was strong and powerful, like a boiling volcano, it would erupt at any moment.

"Whether you believe it or not, my Mu family doesn't have much greed for the position of dean, but I just don't want to hand it over to other forces." Mu Rongtian sensed Chen Xi's murderous intent, but he still smiled, showing his Absolute confidence.

"Now that I'm here, your Mu family can quit!" Chen Xi said indifferently.

Mu Rongtian smiled, and suddenly said: "Chen Xi, if you wish, my Mu family can support you to ascend to the position of dean!"

"It's ridiculous, the position of dean is mine, so why use someone else's hand to win it for me?" Chen Xi's expression turned cold, and he was extremely strong.

"Obtaining the inheritance of the Dao Emperor may not necessarily lead to the position of dean, what's more, now that you are alone and weak, without the support of a powerful force, even if you sit on the position of dean, you are still just a puppet controlled by others That's all." Mu Rongtian said with a faint smile, not caring about Chen Xi's attitude at all.

"Puppet?" Chen Xi also laughed, but there was no emotion, "How about we give it a try?"

This time, Mu Rongtian finally restrained his smile, frowned and said, "Chen Xi, do you really think that you can settle everything by yourself?"

"Get out of the way!"

Chen Xi was too lazy to talk nonsense, he had limited time, and he didn't have the patience to argue with the other party.

There was a flash of light in Mu Rongtian's eyes, and he said in a deep voice: "Alright, then let me try what you are capable of."


Before he finished speaking, his figure flashed, like a divine dragon pounced, protruding a huge palm shadow, powerful and terrifying, locking the four directions and eight poles.

With this grasp, the void exploded, revealing a terrifying vision of the avenue collapsing and the burning of all ages, as if to capture the world and the earth into an endless abyss of destruction.

Chen Xi was awe-inspiring, this Mu Rongtian's power was indeed extremely powerful, and he showed transcendent power as soon as he made a move, which was stronger than both Wu Ting and Wan Tengqing.


Almost at the same time, Chen Xi also made a move, using both palms and fingers, like opening chaos, like suppressing Taixu, this is a sword formation in the palm of the hand, covering the sky with a big hand, and the sword formation in the palm is derived, with infinite ingenuity.

At this moment, he is like an unrivaled king, as if he has evolved into a world of swords, his palm is densely covered with sword energy, surging vertically and horizontally, roaring across the universe.

There was a flash of divine light in Mu Rongtian's eyes, which changed frequently. He felt the horror of this blow. He didn't want to shake it hard with Chen Xi. His arms swept through the sky in a mysterious arc, like a dragon trailing its tail, across the sky, from one side He slashed down fiercely.


However, Chen Xi didn't dodge or dodge at all, the sword array in his palm overflowed and roared, releasing billions of sword qi, chopping, strangling, and pulverizing the opponent's strength, producing bursts of roaring and bursting sounds.

In the end, he broke through the siege and used the opponent as a hood!


Mu Rongtian's expression finally changed, his figure flashed, and he dodged quickly.

With a single point of Chen Xi's finger, the sword formations leaped into the air with a buzzing sound, combining to form a series of mysterious rune sword qi, tearing apart time and space, and chasing after them.

This blow was menacing, killing Wushuang, exuding an invincible and terrifying aura of killing the world, Mu Rongtian's face sank again, and he had to pause to fight against it.

With a bang, the divine brilliance spread, and Mu Rongtian's figure flickered, and he couldn't help but staggered back two steps, and his face became cloudy and uncertain.

What a surprise!

With the existence of a half-step immortal king, how could it be possible to have such a heaven-defying combat power?

Mu Rongtian couldn't figure it out, but he finally realized why Chen Xi dared to come here alone, it was obviously out of fear, not the passionate rush he imagined.


Chen Xi came violently again.

"Stop fighting! I quit!"

Mu Rongtian resolutely admitted defeat, unwilling to completely tear apart his face with Chen Xi.


In an instant, Chen Xi withdrew his hands, and his entire body returned to his body like a tidal wave.

"If it wasn't for Mu Lingyu's face, I would definitely kill you today. I hope your Mu family can do it, otherwise I don't mind killing people."

Chen Xi glanced at the other party, then turned around and left.

"This kid is really an asshole!"

Hearing Chen Xi's blunt words, the corners of Mu Rongtian's mouth couldn't help twitching violently, but in the end he smiled wryly and shook his head.

"Notify the rest of the family to evacuate Daohuang Academy!" Mu Rongtian conveyed a wave of will and spread it far away.

"Why is this?"

"What happened?"

In just a split second, thoughts came back one after another, asking why.

"This is an order!"

Mu Rongtian's face darkened, and he carried an undeniable power.

At the moment, no one dared to speak up.

"It doesn't matter whether my Mu family fights or not, but I want to see how far you kid can go under today's chaos..."

After pondering for a while, Mu Rongtian immediately made a decision, and chased after Chen Xi along the path he was walking forward.


Soon, Chen Xi finally arrived in front of the Dao Emperor Shrine.

There is a square here, the ground is paved with immemorial stubborn stones, it is not smooth, but mottled marks can be seen everywhere, giving off the atmosphere of ancient times.

At this moment, in that square, more than a dozen groups of people, large and small, gathered around the square, completely controlling the path leading to the Dao Emperor Shrine.

In other words, if you want to enter the Dao Emperor Shrine, you must first break through the guards of those forces in front of you.

There was silence in the field, and there was no sound of conversation, but the atmosphere was extremely chilling and silent. Although these forces controlled the path, they were also confronting each other at the same time.

The reason for this is also because they don't want to hurt each other's vitality because of this, but it is cheaper for others.

Most importantly, their respective leaders have also entered the Dao Emperor Shrine, and are fighting for the final control. There is the real battlefield!


When Chen Xi's figure appeared here, in an instant, almost all eyes turned to him.

"Chen Xi?"

"It's this boy!"

"Unexpectedly, he also came..."

"Damn! What are those bastards doing to eat? How dare you let this kid in here!"

Recognizing Chen Xi's identity, the major forces showed different expressions, some were surprised, some loathed, some disdained, some hated, some couldn't believe it, and so on.

Almost at the same time, Chen Xi also glanced at these forces in the square.

Among them are not only the combined forces of the Wanqi clan, the Zhongli clan, and the Jiang clan, but also other forces such as the Dragon Realm, the Huang Clan, the Buddha Realm, and the Ji Clan.

Even in it, Chen Xi saw Zuo Qiusheng, the chief instructor of Danzang Academy, and Zuo Qiuhong, the vice president of the Outer Academy!

These two old guys obviously did not participate in the civil strife that broke out in the Zuoqiu clan and survived their deaths. Now they are following the three major forces of the Zhongli clan, the Wanqi clan, and the Jiang clan.

The most important thing is that among these forces, in addition to those who teach in the academy, there are also powerful people from their respective clans!

These unfamiliar faces are their respective foreign aid.

Seeing this scene, Chen Xi's originally indifferent face suddenly became extremely cold and chilled to the extreme, and the flames of anger surging in his eyes almost incinerated the sky.


ps: Today's 5th update, the second update at 6:[-] pm, please ask for a monthly pass~~


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