divine talisman

Chapter 1481 Although there are thousands of people, I will go [Part 2]

Daohuang Shrine is majestic, standing between heaven and earth, solemn and ancient.

On the square in front of the shrine, Chen Xi was alone, facing the forces from all sides, he seemed weak and weak.

If it were someone else here, I'm afraid their legs would be weak from fright, and they would not have the courage to resist this pressure. After all, the existences that can stand here are at least half-step Immortal King Realm.

The saints are here, and they have to be terrified, without any sense of existence.

However, Chen Xi seemed to be extremely different. Although he was alone, he was full of awe-inspiring aura. His upper body intersected with Qing Ming, his lower body blended with the earth, and his whole body was surrounded by Dao Qi. watch for.

Even, at this moment, the murderous intent in his heart moved, which immediately disturbed the situation in all directions, and caused many people present to change their expressions slightly.

"Unexpectedly, under the catastrophe, I failed to scare you, and the Taishangjiao made a comeback, and it also failed to make you vigilant. Instead, for my position as the dean of the Dao Emperor Academy, I went to war first!"

The indifferent voice suddenly resounded throughout the world. Chen Xi took a quick step, looking all around, his eyes were extremely indifferent, and he did not hide his murderous intentions at all.

Although there are only a few people, there is a strong posture that is worthy of everyone.

When everyone heard the words, they were either disdainful, or ashamed, or gloomy, or shook their heads and smiled, or frowned endlessly. They seemed to think that Chen Xi had lost his mind, and they actually said such innocent words.

Regarding this, Chen Xi remained indifferent.

"Destroy my college's formation, kill my college's teachers and students, destroy my college's mountains and rivers, and disrupt my college's order and laws! You have intentions—be punished!"

Be punished!

With just a few words, murderous intentions are overflowing, reaching people's hearts, making many people look pale.

"What a crazy little thing, as a student of the academy, he doesn't know how to respect the teacher, but instead spouts wild words. After obtaining the inheritance of the Dao Emperor, he can be lawless?"

An old man couldn't hold back anymore, and scolded Chen Xi loudly.He is an Inner Academy instructor, reprimanding Chen Xi in the name of a teacher.

Chen Xi suddenly turned his head, his deep and icy pupils were like thunderbolts, locking on to the other party from a distance, and the corners of his lips curled up in an indifferent arc.

"Aiding the tyrants, wanting to use external forces to get involved in the power of the academy, and turning the world upside down, I will give you one chance at the end. If you know your way back, you can avoid death, otherwise, you will be killed without mercy!"

These words are obviously not only a warning to the old man who spoke, but also an announcement of his attitude to those teachers who have taken refuge in external forces!

Its voice was like howling swords, clanging and vibrating, resounding through nine heavens and ten earths, causing everyone's expressions to change again and their hearts to shake.

It had only just arrived outside the Dao Emperor's Palace, and Chen Xi was so decisive and ruthless, which really surprised everyone present.

Immediately, there was an uncontrollable sullen feeling in the hearts of everyone!

Yes, they were enraged by Chen Xi, and felt that this young man was too arrogant, that he dared to despise them with a half-step Immortal King Realm cultivation, it was simply reckless!

And after saying all this, Chen Xi didn't say much anymore, his eyes swept over everyone present, with a force like a blade, a kind of indifference, and a kind of determination, looking down like a god, overlooking the world.

The arena was silent, and the atmosphere was rather strange.

"Hehe..." Someone suddenly laughed. Although there was no real content, the sarcasm and ridicule in it was so ear-piercing.

"Young man, before the catastrophe, based on your performance in the academy, everyone will respect you, but this is not the past, without those old antiques to take care of you, you are just a baby with no hands, the old man advises you , don’t rush your blood, otherwise you will only bury your life.”

Someone sneered, showing a sense of arrogance.

"Although you have obtained the inheritance of the Dao Emperor, logically speaking, you have the qualifications to inherit the position of dean, but now that the catastrophe is coming, the academy has no leader. Under such circumstances, you must choose someone with high morals and respect to sit in the academy, not you Such a young man with inexperienced qualifications, weak foundation, and lack of power."

Some people opened their mouths without haste, and spoke righteously, which seemed to be reasonable, but in reality they only scolded Chen Xi for being a sucker, and that he was not qualified to be the head of the academy at all.

All of a sudden, Chen Xi seemed to be a sinner who was accused by everyone!

However, Chen Xi turned a deaf ear to all of this. He looked at the Dao Emperor's Palace in the distance with deep eyes, and stood quietly with his hands behind his back, as if he had fallen into deep thought.

The whole body of this shrine is built of ancient bluestone, exuding Zhuangsu's ancient Taoist rhyme, solid and immortal, standing forever, it has witnessed many vicissitudes and changes, and at the same time suppressed the eternal luck for the college.

It is magnificent, majestic, and silent, and the entire palace is surrounded by spirits, filled with sacred and vast energy, just like a real palace of gods, which makes people feel awe.

Chen Xi wore the "Jade Seal of Nine Yans", and since he stepped here, he had echoed with that shrine in the distance, making him feel as if he had returned to his hometown, with a sense of kinship with him.

Even, this unique induction made his state of mind seem to be swept away, clear and clean, and faintly produced a unique feeling of returning to chaos, attaining the fruit of Taoism, immortality and eternity.

Chen Xi knew that it was the power of the Dao Emperor Shrine, the power of luck that had been suppressed here since ancient times, and it was unimaginably thick and vast!

If it can be used by the emperor, it will be in the realm of the gods, so what is there to be afraid of?

Chen Xi couldn't do this for the time being, but he had an intuition that if he set foot in the Emperor's Palace, he would be able to fuse with this force of luck.

Seeing that Chen Xi remained silent, those power cultivators present became more and more unscrupulous, and laughed again and again. Many people were even disappointed, feeling that Chen Xi's performance was too weak and wasted his reputation.

Suddenly, Chen Xi raised his head, his expression was calm and indifferent, and he said slowly, "You have to die at the imminent moment before you realize that you can't regret it. This is called self-inflicted crime, and you can't live."

"Today, I will also see who can stop me!"

As soon as these words came out, it seemed that there was an invisible pressure spreading, quickly pervading the world, and the expressions of all the forces in the field were all frozen, and the ridicule and sarcasm stopped abruptly.

In this utter silence, Chen Xi started to walk forward along the straight path leading to the Dao Emperor Shrine.

His pace is steady, neither fast nor slow.

He doesn't squint, his demeanor is majestic, and his gestures are full of arrogance. Although he is alone and alone, he has the might of the heavens and the earth!

Swallowing like a tiger, wanting to be the enemy of the world alone!

At this moment, no matter what kind of thought they had, everyone present was shocked, and couldn't help but think of the old Chen Xi.

Since he entered the Dao Emperor Academy, he has never been defeated, created one outstanding miracle after another, overwhelmed the invincible opponents of his peers, and his prestige shook the entire fairy world, and he was hailed as the leader of the younger generation of the fairy world!

Although he is only halfway to the Immortal King Realm now, but with his outstanding achievements in the past, among his peers, who would dare to compete with him?

In front of the majestic and majestic Dao Emperor Shrine, the corridor was three thousand feet long, and the mottled atmosphere was filled with ancient vicissitudes. Chen Xi, dressed in green, came step by step from the other end of the corridor.

With every step taken, a golden lotus will be born, and the golden lotus will sway and guard the surroundings of his body. The golden light is gushing out, and the divine brilliance is dense, like a miracle!

The complexion of all the great people present changed, and their hearts trembled. This was a vision of the supreme avenue, and their hearts merged with the Dao of Heaven. This Chen Xi was only halfway to the Immortal King Realm, how could he have such extraordinary attainments?It is not necessarily possible to have this performance in the Immortal King Realm.

"Chen Xi, you are too arrogant and domineering, if you get closer to the shrine, don't blame the old man for killing you!"

Seeing Chen Xi approaching step by step, an old man couldn't help but his face darkened, and he threatened harshly.

"Hmph! Everyone in the world now knows that Chen Xi has been recognized by the Dao Emperor's inheritance. Now that he has appeared, he should take over the position of dean!"

Suddenly, a cold hum resounded, it was actually Mu Rongtian.

Everyone was startled, none of them expected that the Mu clan would express their position at this moment, that they wanted to support Chen Xi as a leader.

The current Dao Emperor Shrine is in chaos, and the various forces are intricate. The teachers in the academy, together with foreign aid from the seven ancient families, the Buddhist world, the Dragon world, and the Phoenix clan, all want to seek the position of dean.

Now, a fairy king like Mu Rongtian suddenly expressed his position, making the atmosphere even more tense.

"Clan Mu? Hehe, none of you know what's on your mind. Don't you want to support this little guy as a puppet, with the intention of coercing the emperor to make the princes?"

A sharp and hoarse voice came out, erratic.

Mu Rongtian's face darkened, not waiting for him to speak.


Chen Xi suddenly waved his sleeves, and a piece of sword energy gushed out like a sea of ​​swords in his sleeves, blasting into a distant void in an instant, forcefully forcing a middle-aged man in gray to appear.

He was terrified, but he didn't expect Chen Xi to see through his tracks.


Before he could react, the sea of ​​swords had already enveloped his whole body, and then exploded with a puff, smashed and obliterated by hundreds of millions of sword qi, and turned into a blood mist.

This was a strong man from the Zhongli Clan, his cultivation base was extremely powerful, but he was decisively killed by Chen Xi just after he uttered a single sentence.

"No one can take away what belongs to me, Chen Xi, and I don't need help from others!"

Chen Xi spoke indifferently, even if he was alone with many big men, he was still fierce and disdainful, domineering and powerful.

Everyone's heart shuddered, and their faces became gloomy. They didn't expect Chen Xi to dare to do it right away. He was so arrogant and domineering to the extreme!

They also finally realized that the previous Chen Xi was not joking, he raised his hand to suppress and kill a half-step Immortal King, and obviously planned to fight to the end.

Seeing this, Mu Rongtian finally shook his head and said no more, but felt rather regretful in his heart that he could not form a good relationship with Chen Xi in time.

again and again!again and again!again and again!

After killing a strong man with a random blow, Chen Xi's expression remained calm, and he took another step towards the Dao Emperor's Palace in the distance. Every time he took a step, his whole body's aura increased by one point.

This is to declare his determination, but also to gather momentum, because he is very clear that today's chaos will inevitably lead to bloody battles.

For this, he is unafraid.

Even, the murderous intent and anger in his heart boiled like molten lava, and he could hardly contain it.

"Little thing! How dare you kill me, a member of the Zhongli clan!"

Finally, an old man in golden robe couldn't bear it any longer and jumped out, his expression was sullen and full of murderous intent.

With a bang, while speaking, he raised his hand and chopped out a radiant dragon-shaped pagoda, which shattered the void and charged towards Chen Xi.

This blow appeared to be extremely vicious, disturbing time and space, and shackling and imprisoning the void around Chen Xi. It was obvious that he wanted to completely suppress and kill Chen Xi, so as not to leave any future troubles.


ps: At 8 o'clock in the third update, Zuo Qiuhong in the previous chapter was a clerical error, and it has been revised~~~~


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