divine talisman

Chapter 1482 The Sword Wants to Drink Blood [Part 3]

Imprisoned by time and space, the dragon-shaped pagoda overflowed with divine brilliance, and came to kill it.

This is obviously a remarkable fairy treasure, filled with terrifying divine power, interpreting one after another dragon-shaped phantoms, cruising around the void, steaming with majestic and oppressive power.


Chen Xi didn't even look at it, he just slashed with a sword qi, and with a bang, he forcibly sliced ​​open the dragon-shaped pagoda, causing the light rain to shatter.

The old man in the golden robe coughed up blood, his complexion changed suddenly, and before he could react, that wisp of sword energy remained undiminished, and he slashed at him head on!

"Junior dare!"

It was another strong man from the Zhongli clan who wanted to rescue the golden-robed old man. He sacrificed a bronze umbrella, flew into the air, and splashed billions of runes to block Chen Xi's blow.


The sword energy resounded on the bronze umbrella, bursting into blazing shattered light.

This attack was indeed blocked, but the person who made the attack was also coughed up blood, and his figure staggered backwards.


Chen Xi snorted coldly, his figure remained in place, and the five fingers in his hands bloomed like lotus flowers, and strands of majestic sword energy flowed out, tearing apart the void and blasting away.

These sword qi all linger with the power of the runes, carry the magic of order, evolve into mystery, and spread in the way of the sword. Such fierce power seems to be able to cut down Qing Ming.

There was a muffled groan. Although the old man in gold robe and the strong man holding the bronze umbrella fought hard, they were still pierced through the body protection treasure. They screamed on the spot and were wiped out by the sword energy.


The rain of blood splashed, the bones fell to the ground, and the disgusting blood filled the air.

All of this happened in the blink of an eye, it started too fast, and it ended too fast, giving people an extremely strong and shocking force, which made many people's expressions suddenly change, and they couldn't believe it.

This is too strong. In front of Chen Xi, the Half-step Immortal King is like a chicken and a dog, vulnerable to a single blow!

If you don't see it with your own eyes, who can believe it?

"court death!"

"Too much deceit, I miss you being young and ignorant, and I don't want to make it difficult for you, but you keep getting ahead and running amok, it's an unforgivable crime!"

In the scene, the Zhongli clan, Wanqi clan, and Jiang clan joined together, and they were the most powerful group present. Seeing all this, these big shots were all sullen and murderous, and they were ready to attack.

"Too much deceit? Most of you are not from my academy. Who invited you here? Who gave you the courage to destroy my academy and kill my teachers and students?"

Chen Xi was indifferent, his words sonorous.

Immediately, he turned his head. In the scene, there were not only a group of forces, but also big figures from the Buddha Realm, the Dragon Realm, the Phoenix Clan, and the Ji Clan.

Looking at these forces, Chen Xi said indifferently, "You... want to fight to the end?"

Because of the relationship between Zhao Taici, Ao Jiuhui, Ji Xuanbing, Zhao Mengli, Fozi Zhenlu and others, he still resisted the murderous intention in his heart and planned to give the other party one last chance.

"Resistance? You think too highly of yourself, don't you?"

An old man in the dragon world spoke with arrogance and conceit, showing a sense of indifference. Behind him, all the people in the dragon world sneered.

"Chen Xi, don't be rampant. If you didn't have a good relationship with Xuan Bing, how could I have tolerated you until now?" A man from the Ji family spoke, representing Ji's attitude.

"Amitabha, Dependence arises and extinction, and karma develops. Now it seems that this is not the luck of my Buddha world, and I will never interfere with it again." A monk wearing a crescent moon monk's robe spoke with a kind eyebrow and kind eyes.

"Okay, if you can win the position of dean, our Phoenix Clan will also withdraw. Before that, our Phoenix Clan will not harm you." A glamorous lady in a black palace attire spoke slowly.

All of a sudden, the four major forces all expressed their views, and Longjie and Ji's were unwilling to stop.

But the Buddha Realm and the Phoenix Clan chose to watch from the sidelines for the time being. In the end, it would depend on whether Chen Xi could win the position of dean by himself.

Seeing this, Chen Xi nodded: "That's right, your choice will at least make it so that I won't be fettered when I kill someone."

"What a big tone! Do you really think that no one in this world can cure you?!"

The old man in the dragon world shouted loudly, and many other big figures also looked gloomy.

However, Chen Xi never opened his mouth again, he didn't say a single word, he glowed completely, he gave birth to golden lotuses every step of the way, he stood upright, took a step forward, and forcefully pressed those forces, he wanted to enter the Dao Emperor's Palace head-on, no more hesitation.

"Presumptuous! Leave it to me!"

A young man moved sideways, holding a wooden sword, simple and unsophisticated, exuding a majestic majesty.

Everyone was overjoyed, this is Jiang Cangyun, an old antique from the Immortal King Realm of the Jiang family, whose methods are extremely terrifying, although his reputation is not as good as the Four Immortal Kings, he is still very impressive.

In addition, there was another old man standing out, dressed in gray clothes, half of his skin was like shining white jade, and the other half of his skin was withered and dead, showing a strange appearance of one withered and one prosperous. He was holding a copper mace, emitting wisps of black and white. The mist is very terrifying.

This old man is an old antique from the Zhongli clan, named Zhongli Gui, and it is rumored that he once proved the Dao God Realm.

"Two fairy kings?"

Chen Xi smiled, and with a touch of coldness, he glanced at the two of them: "Now that the God Realm doesn't exist, do you Immortal King Realm think that no one in this world can do anything to you?"

Everyone was shocked. How could this Chen Xi have such courage? It is true that he could easily kill half-step Immortal King Realm existences, but did he think that he could still compete against Immortal King Realm?

Many people even faintly admired Chen Xi's courage. After all, not everyone in this world could dare to ignore the majesty of the Immortal King like Chen Xi.

"You are brave, but you don't know how to live or die." Jiang Cangyun said.

"Two immortal kings against you alone are enough to make you die without regret." Zhong Ligui said indifferently.


There was an extra blood sword in Chen Xi's hand, it was as bright red as it was dripping, filled with ancient killing intent, it was the sword of Dao.

"This sword has been placed silently in my hands. So far, it has only drank the blood of two Immortal Kings. Today, I can let it have a good meal!"

With a bang, Chen Xi made a move, and with his own strength, he wanted to kill the two immortal kings!

The space between the sky and the earth was suddenly stained with blood, a red-haired wind blew, dark clouds billowed, and the murderous aura disturbed the sky, faintly heard the voices of gods and demons weeping, and gods howling in anger.


In the void, a piece of sword shadow transpired, turning into sun, moon and stars, and Jiang Cangyun made the first move.

At the same time, the bronze mace in Zhong Ligui's hand glowed, transpiring black and white qi, turning into a space-time black hole, unfathomably deep, swallowing ten directions, trying to trap and devour Chen Xi.

The two Immortal Kings attacked with precise timing and tacit cooperation, which has reached the point of seamlessness. Even if it is an Immortal King fighting against it, it cannot be avoided, let alone a half-step Immortal King.


Chen Xi didn't dodge at all, and was shocked by it. In other words, he didn't think about dodging at all!

The blood sword slammed into the air, filled with immeasurable radiant sword energy, and with a bang, not only the sun, moon and stars were shattered, but even the black hole of time and space was cut into two halves.

With one blow, the alliance between the two Immortal Kings was broken!

With a swish sound, almost at the same time, Chen Xi stepped on the Gangdou, and his figure flashed, like a Kunpeng soaring, it swooped to one side.

not good!

Quite a number of people present changed their countenance and quickly dodged. Chen Xi was obviously coming towards them.

In other words, at this moment, he was planning to start a big killing spree, not only to fight against the two immortal kings, but also to take the opportunity to kill other people and disturb this messy water!

Such a strong posture once again shocked many people present, beyond imagination.


The moment Chen Xi struck, a short, fat middle-aged man's complexion changed suddenly. It was too late to escape, but he was shrouded by a sword curtain, chopped into countless pieces, and blood flew everywhere.

That pudgy middle-aged man was none other than Zuoqiu Sheng, the chief instructor of Danzang Academy!

Blood was blooming, Zuoqiu Sheng's screams were still wafting, and the others had been completely obliterated. This happened too fast, and Chen Xi's fighting power was beyond imagination.

It was just a face-to-face meeting, not only shook the two immortal kings, but also took the opportunity to kill Zuoqiu Sheng. If there were other half-step immortal kings, who could do it?

"Sinister! Still not punished!?"

Jiang Cangyun's face was gloomy, and he was chasing after him with a wooden sword in his hand. The sword's intent was as majestic as it was imaginary, and it transformed into billions of visions, suppressing and killing Chen Xi from all directions.


Chen Xi backhanded his sword, and the blood shot through Qing Ming, and he withstood the blow, while his whole body was blown away.

But taking this opportunity, his figure flashed and disappeared into the void.

In the next moment, thousands of sword formations were formed in the void, like lotus flowers blooming in the sword formations, filled with dense runes, blazing and dazzling, and they rushed towards the Zhongli family, Wanqi family, and Mu family.


Everyone's expressions changed, the thousands of sword formations were too mighty, and it wasn't even half-step Immortal King Realm could resist them.

Puff puff……

But in the end, there were still seven or eight people who couldn't escape, and were wiped out by the thousands of sword formations, suppressed and killed into blood, and died suddenly on the spot, which was extremely miserable.

In the distance, Mu Rongtian, the Huang Clan, and the Buddhist world were shocked, and they all gasped, shocked by the terrifying combat power Chen Xi displayed.

"Stop trying to be fierce!"

That Jiang Cangyun came after him again, his face already gloomy, he was confronted by Chen Xi twice in a row, not only he failed to kill him, but he took the opportunity to kill many people, this made him lose face, and his heart was extremely angry.


The wooden sword in his hand flew through the air, and spread continuously, like a majestic mountain that suppresses and kills.

Chen Xi was awe-inspiring, but he wasn't afraid. On the contrary, a fierce fighting intent was born in his heart.

He stopped chasing and killing those fleeing half-step fairy kings, jumped up, and Dao'e's sword swept away angrily like a bloody river that rolled down backwards.

Under this sword, time and space are disillusioned, the world is in chaos, and a bloody sword purgatory is created. The purgatory is the sword cage, and the cage is the rune formation!


The confrontation between the two exploded with immeasurable power, spreading for nine days and ten places, covering the entire square.

The momentum was so terrifying that it triggered the restraint of the Dao Emperor Shrine, and it was only contained, so that the nearby buildings were not affected.

Otherwise, this single blow might destroy the entire Daohuang Academy!

Ding Ding Deng

Under the gaze of all the shocked eyes, that Jiang Cangyun was so shaken that he staggered backwards in the void. With every step he retreated, the void collapsed and shattered, and his face turned paler.

After retreating a full seven steps, he couldn't help but a streak of golden blood spilled from the corner of his lips!


ps: Around 4 o'clock in the 10th update, please ask for a monthly pass, everyone~ There are only 6 monthly passes until now...it can't be worse!crying blind~


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