divine talisman

Chapter 1483 Who is the edge [Part 4]

With one blow, Jiang Cangyun, an existence in the Immortal King Realm, showed his defeat!

This scene is too amazing, unbelievable.

Previously, Chen Xi had captured and killed a half-step immortal king as easily as killing a chicken or an ox, so everyone recognized his extraordinaryness, thinking that among his peers, almost no one could compete with him.

But no one thought that his combat power was so strong that he could not only fight against the Immortal King Realm, but even faintly suppress him!

Looking at the ancient and modern times, how many people are as defiant as Chen Xi?

It is simply unprecedented, creating a precedent in history!

Jiang Cangyun's complexion was extremely pale, he was startled and angry, but he couldn't help but feel dignified, this kid was terrifying, he was extraordinary, and he couldn't be judged by common sense.


A wisp of sword energy strikes again, like floating light flowing into nothingness, so fast that it makes people feel dizzy.

Jiang Cangyun's expression was dignified, and a mysterious handprint was formed in both hands at a very high speed. With a buzzing sound, a golden light of the Dao emerged, covering his whole body.

"Thousands of ways to change, Daoguang protects the body!" Someone exclaimed, recognizing that this is an amazing secret technique, which combines with the source of heaven and earth, condenses ancient seals, and transforms into a great way.

This is an ancient secret technique inherited by the Jiang family. It is rumored that it was derived from a powerful magic technique "Infinite Daoguang", and it is infinitely mysterious.

This Jiang Cangyun is obviously very extraordinary, and he doesn't give way much compared to Mu Rongtian, otherwise how could he have such means?


With a violent collision, the sword energy slashed on the golden light of the avenue, but it never split open.

Chen Xi narrowed his eyes, and realized that this guy was quite capable.

Now, if he hadn't opened up the "primitive Dao source" and verified the Immortal King's Way of the Perfect Realm, he would be able to step into the Immortal King Realm at any time.

Even so, his own combat power is enough to fight across borders and defeat the Immortal King. All this is due to his solid foundation of immortality and the power of order refined from the "Heavenly Order God Chain".

Thinking this way in his heart, Chen Xi didn't move slowly, and charged away again.


The sword energy clashed with the golden light of the avenue, roaring continuously.

After a while, Jiang Cangyun couldn't hold on any longer, his face turned pale, and the golden light all over his body exploded, making him cough up blood again and again.

Seeing that he was about to be beheaded on the spot, suddenly——

A black and white image of Tai Chi appeared out of thin air, spinning continuously, distorting time and space, turning it into a deep and chaotic hole, as if it wanted to drag everything in the world into it.

This is Zhong Ligui's move, and if he doesn't make a move, he will use his most powerful ultimate move "Yin Yang Mixing Hole". Once this move is used, it can even swallow the sun, moon and stars, and break the bond between Qiankun and Zhouyu Contact, terrible to the extreme.

At this moment, not only Chen Xi was moved, but everyone else was shocked. This kind of secret technique is really amazing, even in the Immortal King Realm, it is considered rare.


Chen Xi didn't dodge or dodge, he shook it head-on, and made a dull sound, causing the sky to roar and explode into turbulent flow.

If it weren't for the supreme prohibition protection near the Dao Emperor Shrine, it would definitely be destroyed.

But the other powerful figures have all retreated far away, their expressions shaken. Once they are swept away by the fluctuations spread by such confrontations, the consequences will be absolutely unimaginable.

At this time, Chen Xi and Zhong Ligui had already been fighting together, constantly colliding, fighting for nine days, traveling in all directions, the battle was extremely fierce, and they used all their killing moves.

In just a moment, with a pop, Zhongligui coughed up blood, and flew out. After thousands of confrontations, he was finally defeated, and was injured by Chen Xi's sword energy, and he was defeated above the Nine Heavens.

Seeing this scene, everyone was so startled that their scalps went numb and their breathing stopped. This was too strong. If they hadn't confirmed that Chen Xi was half-step Immortal King Realm cultivation, they wouldn't be able to believe this scene even if they were killed.

That is a fairy king!

Possessing great luck and controlling the supreme power of the three realms, under this catastrophe, the divine realm does not exist, and should be respected by the fairy king, but now... two consecutive fairy kings have all lost in front of a half-step fairy king!

If this is spread, who would dare to believe it?

Only Mu Rongtian had already seen Chen Xi's combat power, and his performance was quite calm, but he felt more and more regretful that he hadn't been able to make friends with Chen Xi early.


The battle was not over yet, Zhong Ligui was defeated, but he did not die, Chen Xi would not hold back, and immediately swooped down, wanting to completely obliterate him.

At this moment, his whole body's aura is like boiling lava, the universe in his body is booming, resonating with the heaven and the earth, wisps of Dao Qi are lingering around him, and his power is extremely powerful.


Someone wanted to intercept, but was completely suppressed and killed by Chen Xi with a wave of his sleeves. The one who died was simply a snap.


In the end, Zhong Ligui could not escape death, and was beheaded by Chen Xi's sword, and the sky was stained with blood.

A generation of Immortal Kings has opened their eyes angrily up to now, unwilling to be reconciled to anger, and cannot imagine how a half-step Immortal King Realm ants can achieve this step.

This scene completely shocked the audience, making Zhongli, Jiang, and Wanqi's faces pale, and a wave of panic spread in their hearts uncontrollably.

The most powerful person among them is fighting for the control of the "Inheritance of the Ancient Cauldron" in the Dao Emperor's Palace. Now that Jiang Cangyun has been defeated and Zhong Ligui has been executed, there is no longer an immortal king among them. How can they fight Chen Xi? ?

Not only their side, but other big figures from the Ji family and the Dragon Realm felt their hearts tremble when they saw all this, and their bodies felt as if they had fallen into an ice cave.

The previous disdain, contempt, and contempt for Chen Xi... were all replaced by a wave of fear at this moment, and they couldn't believe it.

Only Mu Rongtian, Huang Clan, Buddha Realm and other powerful figures secretly wiped off a cold sweat, thankfully, it was definitely a wise move not to get involved in this muddy water just now.

"Go back!"

Jiang Cangyun roared angrily. He clearly recognized how terrifying Chen Xi was, and knew that with those people present, he was no match for Chen Xi at all.Under such circumstances, the only option is to stay out of the way.

While speaking, the other person had already torn apart the void, moved away, and escaped neatly.


Chen Xi had been on guard for a long time, he slashed out with a sword, the void shattered, and he slashed far away towards the boundless depths of the crack.

Outside a layer of space, the void suddenly exploded, splashing blood rain, and then a shattered corpse fell out, it was Jiang Cangyun!

This also deserved his bad luck. Outside the Emperor’s Palace, there was a dense layer of spaces and restrictions, so that when he moved, he was frequently blocked. In the end, he fell short and died under Chen Xi’s sword energy.

At this time, the others had already woken up from a dream and retreated abruptly.

"Escape? Since you dare to come to my Taoist Academy to play wild, there is no reason to leave casually!"

Chen Xi was indifferent, and the sword in his palm was rushing, tossing and turning, killing them all in just a few moments, leaving no one alive.

The scene was completely silent, as silent as a chilling cicada!

What is invincible?Chen Xi gave the best explanation, invincible in the same realm, fighting across borders, seeing all directions, who can compete with him?

On the square, the mottled and ancient bluestone ground was blood-stained, filled with blood, and the atmosphere of killing and killing lingered everywhere, which was tragic.

The three ancient aristocratic families Zhongli, Wanqi, and Jiang joined forces, but none of them were Chen Xi's opponents. Instead, they were all beheaded, shocking the remaining forces. How could they fight against it?

Especially those big figures from the Dragon World and the Ji family, their faces turned pale and their hearts were terrified. They never expected that the situation would develop to such a degree.

One person, against all forces, no one can beat him. How many people like this can be found in the sky and on the earth?


At this moment, Chen Xi's gaze swept over like cold lightning, making Ji's and everyone in the Dragon Realm feel their scalps go numb, each one of them was very unnatural, and their faces were extremely ugly.

"Chen Xi, I am willing to support you in taking over the position of dean!"

A teacher who had taken refuge in the Ji family trembled, wanting to surrender to Chen Xi in exchange for forgiveness.

"I used to help the evildoers, and I was obsessed with my obsession. Now I am unwilling to surrender to me. I have no integrity. What's the use of such a capricious soft-boned like you?"

In an indifferent and cold voice, Chen Xi flicked his fingers lightly, a wisp of sword energy flew out, and chopped off his head with a puff!

"I'll know what I'm wrong!"

Some of the professors who took refuge in other forces were terrified to the extreme. They were really frightened and regretful in their hearts.

As for those outsiders from the Ji family and the Dragon Realm, they all chose to remain silent. They each represent a powerful force, and they will not succumb to this.

"Chen Xi, now that catastrophe is upon us, the Supreme Sect is staring at it, and turmoil in people's hearts is inevitable. If you want to take over the position of dean, it is not appropriate to kill at this time, so as not to damage your vitality and be detrimental to the situation of the academy."

Suddenly, Mu Rongtian sent a voice transmission to remind Chen Xi.

"What catastrophe, what is too high, in their eyes, they will never compare with their own interests, such obsessed people, it will be a disaster sooner or later!"

Chen Xi was displeased, he frowned and glanced at Mu Rongtian.

He didn't intend to stop here. Since it was Li Wei, he had to eliminate those who harbor evil intentions. Only in this way could the inside of the academy be completely stabilized and jointly resist the catastrophe and the invasion of the Supreme Master.

It is true of the saying that one must first settle down in order to fight against the outside world.


At this time, suddenly there was a simple and melodious tripod sound spreading from the Dao Emperor Shrine, revealing a mysterious force that made the world tremble.

Chen Xi's face suddenly sank, and his eyes looked far away at the Dao Emperor's Palace in the distance.

He vaguely guessed that the competition for the "Ancient Evangelism Cauldron" might be coming to an end soon.

Without any hesitation, Chen Xi turned around and rushed towards the Dao Emperor's Palace, because he sensed that the Nine-Yan Jade Seal worn on his body was faintly showing signs of being out of control.

This is definitely bad news.

Seeing this, everyone present breathed a sigh of relief for no reason, and watched Chen Xi leave with complicated expressions. No one dared to stop him, and indeed no one dared to provoke him again.

Before that, Chen Xi had already completely frightened them with his iron-blooded ruthlessness.

"Then all of them exist in the Immortal King Realm, and I don't know if this guy can hold it..."

Mu Rongtian murmured, as far as he knew, in order to control the "Preaching Ancient Cauldron", no less than ten Immortal King Realm existences had already gathered in the Dao Emperor Shrine at this moment.

Three of them came from the three ancient families of Wanqi, Zhongli, and Jiang, and the others came from the Dragon Realm, the Phoenix Clan, the Buddha Realm, and the Ji Clan.

In addition, there is another existence that cannot be ignored-Xingwu Immortal King!


ps: After 5 o'clock in the morning on the 12th, I'm a little tired~~


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