divine talisman

Chapter 1484 Shrine Contest [Part 5]



The Dao Emperor Shrine stands between heaven and earth, towering above Qingming.

This is the place of fate that suppresses the entire Daohuang Academy. One after another, the deans have sat here, comprehended the magic, and controlled the universe. It is the highest forbidden place of the academy.

In comparison, Chen Xi's figure was as insignificant as an ant, and he had disappeared into the portal leading to the shrine in an instant.

The Daohuang Shrine is huge, extremely vast and magnificent, and its palace seems to be able to accommodate the sun, moon, stars, and the latitude and longitude of heaven and earth.

Being in it is like being in a grand world.

The layout of the main hall is extremely simple, thick and ancient stone pillars stand upright, like supporting the backbone of the sky, carved with dragons, phoenixes, and statues of sacrifices.

The void is filled with the power of fairy spirits, the power of chaos, the air of good fortune, the air of primordial spirit, the air of auspiciousness... All kinds of Furui's power overflows, a haze, like a dream.

despair!despair! ...

When Chen Xi entered, there was only the sound of those empty footsteps, which seemed extraordinarily quiet, exuding a solemn aura.

At this moment, the Nine-Year Jade Seal that Chen Xi was carrying suddenly glowed brightly, emitting a lively aura that echoed the entire hall from afar.

It's like breathing in and out, connecting with each other.

For no reason, Chen Xi's heart was clear, his body and mind were ethereal, as if he heard waves of ancient scripture chanting, sermons, and sacrificial sounds, melodious and distant.

All of this comes from the power of luck suppressed by the shrine. After years of training, it is imprinted here. The luck is nothingness. It comes from the way of heaven, from the power of all living beings, from the blessing of all spirits, from the sacred ambition, and from the sacrifices of the ancestors ...

It is a kind of pure and auspicious power, mysterious and indescribable, but it is everywhere.

At this moment, Chen Xi could clearly feel this force, so majestic, so heavy, and so clean and lively, it made him feel like returning to chaos and attaining the Dao Fruit.

Even, under the traction of this force, he almost couldn't control his cultivation, and stepped into the Immortal King Realm in one step!

Chen Xi took a deep breath, suppressed this urge, and stood quietly. For a moment, he felt as if he had merged with the entire shrine.

"Sure enough, with the Jiuyan Yuxi, you can communicate with this shrine, and use the power of luck..."

Chen Xi was thoughtful, silent for a moment, and then strode forward.

This shrine is extremely vast, like a world in a secret realm. At this moment, Chen Xi no longer intends to hide his tracks, and stepped out in one step, shifting in the void, and changing the space.

Soon, they came to the depths of the shrine.

"That's right, I, Feng Xingwu, am no longer a member of the academy, but without the academy's preaching and teaching, I'm afraid that I will have no hope of stepping into the Immortal King Realm in my life. Therefore, as long as I am still alive, I will never get my hands on this ancient preaching cauldron!"

Suddenly, a voice full of endless chill came from the depths of the shrine, revealing a domineering arrogance that despises the world.

Feng Xingwu?

Could it be the Star Martial Immortal King?

Chen Xi raised his eyebrows, and his eyes were filled with divine light.

"Fellow Daoist Xingwu, why is this necessary? Now that the catastrophe is coming, Dean Meng Xinghe has already gone to the realm of the end of the law. The most urgent thing is to elect a new dean early, otherwise the college will be in chaos."

"Xingwu Immortal King, you have been seriously injured, I really don't want to embarrass you anymore, but if you are so stubborn again, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

"Hmph! Don't talk too much, I want to see how long this Star Martial Immortal King can last!"


In an instant, a burst of fierce fighting resounded, drowning out those conversations.

Chen Xi narrowed his eyes, and with a swish, he jumped forward.


In the depths of the palace, it is extremely vast and magnificent, comparable to a world.

This place was originally the place where the dean of the college practiced, and there were incense burners, futons, case books and other objects.

But now, the censer collapsed and burned, the futon has long been lost, and the copybook was also smashed into pieces and scattered all over the place.

All in all, it was a mess.

But at this time, there are one after another figures fighting in the arena, and every gesture is full of supreme power, with monstrous immortal power, shaking all directions.

If it weren't for the many restrictions placed inside the shrine, and the force of luck to suppress it, I'm afraid it would have been reduced to ruins.

The two sides in the battle are very different. One side is alone, covered in blood and disheveled, but still extremely brave, fighting vertically and horizontally, regardless of his own shocking injuries.

Undoubtedly, this person is Immortal King Xingwu, a supreme existence who proved the Tao in Daohuang Academy, enjoys a prestigious reputation in the fairy world, and stands side by side with the three immortal kings Weiyang, Bingqiong, and Daoxuan.

On the other hand, his opponents had as many as eight!

However, these opponents did not come from the same force, they were roughly divided into two forces, which did not cooperate with each other, and even faintly confronted each other. It was for this reason that they were unable to suppress the lone opponent in time.

Of these three forces, one comes from the Wanqi clan, Zhongli clan, and Jiang clan, a total of three fairy kings, and one comes from the Buddhist world, the Huang clan, the Ji clan, and the dragon world, a total of five fairy kings!

However, their forces also faintly confront each other, appearing extremely chaotic.

The fact is exactly the same, they all come from different forces, and they all want to fight for the control of the "Ancient Preaching Cauldron", so they will not cooperate so tacitly.

But no matter what, Immortal King Xingwu is now in a precarious situation, and he will be in danger of dying at any time!


Sure enough, not long after, an old man with beard and hair like snow suddenly stepped forward, holding a thunder hammer, and slammed through the defense of Immortal King Xingwu, smashing his whole body into the air.

This blow actually landed on Xingwu Immortal King's body. There was a sound of bones breaking, and his whole body was smashed to the point of blood spurting, and his chest collapsed!


Seeing this, the old man showed murderous intent in his eyes, and pressed forward every step of the way, intending to take the opportunity to completely obliterate the Xingwu Immortal King and snatch the ancient Taoism cauldron from him.

"Hmph! Let me come!"

"Go away, kill whoever dares to rob!"

"It's ridiculous, let's see what we can do!"

At this moment, not only the old man, but everyone else rushed to move out, trying to seize the opportunity to win the ancient preaching cauldron, it seemed extremely crazy.


But at this moment, a terrifying sword energy surged out, like an angry sea, containing infinite chilling power, suddenly appeared in front of Xingwu Immortal King, and spread out.

This sword, as if it appeared suddenly, seemed to pierce through the gods and shake Xinghan!

This sword is unstoppable, mighty, and contains majestic murderous intent!

As soon as the sword is released, the power of luck in the entire hall seems to be summoned, and they swarm over, gathering in the sword energy, generating a majesty that dominates the world and sweeps the mountains and rivers!


In an instant, the kings were shocked back, dodging again and again, not daring to touch their edge!


"Damn it! It's just the last step!"

"Huh? It's you little brat, Chen Xi!"

The crowd of immortal kings were frightened and furious, their expressions were uncertain, and they saw clearly that the person who came was Chen Xi, but they couldn't believe that the blow just now came from Chen Xi's hand.

All of a sudden, there was a little bit of surprise in my heart, thinking that there were masters in the dark, so I didn't dare to go forward easily.

"Heh, I didn't expect that you would be the one who saved me in the end... As expected... As expected of being personally appointed by the dean... The heir is amazing."

On the ground, Immortal King Xingwu, who had narrowly escaped from death, was coughing up blood, his face was pale, and when he looked at Chen Xi, there was a rare sense of relief in his eyes.

"Senior, you don't need to say too much. Please meditate quietly. Leave it to me to deal with it."

Chen Xi opened his mouth quietly, without any surprise, except that his eyes, as deep as the starry sky, were burning with fierce murderous intent. He looked at those fairy kings, as if he was looking at a group of dead people, without any emotional fluctuations.

This feeling of being provoked made the faces of the fairy kings suddenly darken.

"Young man, who brought you in?"

The old man with white hair and beard said that he was the one who severely injured the Star Martial Immortal King with a hammer just now, and he had managed to gain a chance to obtain the ancient Taoism cauldron, but he was destroyed by Chen Xi, which made him extremely furious.

"Old man, I should be the one to ask you, who gave you the guts to trespass on the restricted area of ​​my academy!"

Chen Xi spoke indifferently, domineeringly, and made no secret of his loathing and murderous intentions.

"Junior, court death!"

The old man was so angry that his lungs almost exploded. He came from the Jiang family in ancient times. He was very powerful and powerful in the clan. How could he have been provoked like this?

Immediately, unable to hold back anymore, he slapped Chen Xi across the air with his palm.

"I don't know how to live or die!" Chen Xi snorted coldly, the blood sword slashed at will, and with a bang, it easily split the palm force, without any loss of force, and crushed the old man fiercely.

Then there was a bang, and the old man was shocked and staggered backwards, his face turned pale and pale, he was both shocked and unbelievable.

The other Immortal Kings were also very sullen, but when they saw this scene, they were all startled, their eyes shrank, and their expressions became serious. The strength of this son is too weird!

Even though he is only half-step in the Immortal King Realm, his combat power is so tyrannical that it is impossible to know how deep it is.

If Mu Rongtian and the others were here, they would definitely find that Chen Xi in this Emperor's Palace was much stronger than before!

All of this comes from the Jiuyan Yuxi, from the ubiquitous blessing of luck in this shrine!

Regarding this, Chen Xi would never explain it to others. He suddenly looked at the two immortal kings, and said coldly, "Before I came, everyone from the Phoenix Clan and the Buddha Realm had already decided to withdraw. I can give you two There is a way out, leave now, or you will be killed!"

The two immortal kings were from the Buddha Realm and the Phoenix Clan, their expressions immediately changed when they heard the words, they never expected that such a change would happen outside the Dao Emperor's Palace.

"Why should we trust you?" The Phoenix Clan Immortal King asked with a frown.

Chen Xi immediately frowned, and said coldly, "I have explained everything myself for being able to reach this place. As for whether you believe it or not, it doesn't matter, it depends on whether you spare your lives!"

The words are unceremonious, and I don't bother to explain to them. If you believe it, you will leave. If you don't believe it, you will die. It's very simple.

This also showed from the side how powerful and domineering Chen Xi was at the moment, as if he looked down on the immortal kings of the world.


ps: 5 updates are complete!Sleepy!Sleepy!Sleepy!Please allow the goldfish to ask for a monthly pass before going to bed~~~


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