divine talisman

Chapter 1485 Silent Night Buddha Lord [Part 1]

Thanks to Teacher Doudian and Tiger for their support~


Chen Xi's dominance made all the immortal kings present change their expressions once again, feeling that their dignity had been seriously challenged!

After all, when Chen Xi first entered the Dao Emperor Academy, these old fellows had already stepped into the Immortal King Realm many years ago, intimidating the world, being supreme, possessing the power and authority enough to make all beings in the Immortal Realm tremble.

And at that time, Chen Xi might not have been born yet!

Now, it is disrespectful for such a little guy to dare to talk to them like this!

It is true that the road of cultivation is not based on age or seniority, but on the basis of one's own strength. However, in the perception of these Immortal King Realms, how many years has Chen Xi only stepped into the Half-Step Immortal King Realm?

Where do you have the guts to challenge them?

But what happened in reality made these Immortal King Realms furious, but they didn't dare to act rashly.

Before Chen Xi set foot in the Dao Emperor's Palace, he shocked all directions with his sword, knocked them all back, and even raised his hand with a sword, forcing back the old man with white beard and hair.

The old man is an extremely senior existence of the Jiang family, named Jiang Tingfang, who has lived for tens of thousands of years, and his strength is even more unfathomable. He is an existence of the same generation as Zhao Taici, Ao Jiuhui, and Chi Cangsheng.

Now, they were knocked back by Chen Xi's sword, and they didn't take advantage of it. All of these made the presence of the Immortal King Realm startled and smelled something extraordinary.

After all, for a half-step Immortal King Realm to be able to fight across borders and forcibly overthrow the existence of an Immortal King, this in itself is too unimaginable and unprecedented.

"My heart is concerned, and I can't let it go after all. I also ask the almsgiver to enlighten me, to end the cause and effect here, and to break the grudge in my heart."

Suddenly, the Immortal King of the Buddha Realm opened his mouth. He was dressed in sackcloth and barefoot, with a resolute face and eyes as deep as the vast sea, revealing a firm and empty Zen flavor.

His Buddha name is Jiye, and he is a great Buddha Lord in the Buddhist world. He sits on a twelve-stage golden lotus, recites the past and future Dharma, and is honored as a "Bodhisattva" in the Buddhist world.

"If I want to beat you, I quit."

Contrary to Ji Ye, after hearing Chen Xi's unceremonious words, the Immortal King of the Phoenix Clan not only didn't get angry, but fell into deep thought. Until then, he made a decision.

After that, she turned around and left without delay.

This was unexpected, but unstoppable.

Chen Xi cupped his hands and watched the other party leave. In his opinion, the Immortal King Realm of the Phoenix Clan is obviously more admirable than that of Silent Night. If you are willing, if you are willing, you will get something if you give up.

"Are you sure you want to start?"

In the next moment, Chen Xi returned to indifference, and swept towards Lonely Ye.

The atmosphere suddenly became chill and silent.

The other immortal kings were silent. After witnessing this scene, they planned to stand on the sidelines and take a closer look at Chen Xi's strength.

"Please enlighten me."

Ji Ye proclaimed the Buddha's name, the whole body suddenly filled with immeasurable golden light, and twelve golden lotuses were transpired under his feet, burning strands of pure karmic fire, the precious appearance was solemn, and there was a terrible "power".

In the void, Sanskrit chants resounded faintly one after another, and there were also visions such as flying dragons and falling golden flowers, which looked holy and grand.

This is the power of Buddha's cultivation. The real diamond is indestructible, and the fire of karma lasts forever. The other shore is my body, also known as the golden body of a Bodhisattva.


In Chen Xi's hand, the sword of Doom groaned, filled with obscure and chilling blood, "Old guy, if it were normal, I would respect you, but now, I have completely chilled my heart."

The voice was filled with chill and contempt.

Under the current situation, Immortal King Xingwu was seriously injured and dying, and only he, Chen Xi, faced the crowd of immortal kings alone. At such a moment, Ji Ye still couldn't let go of the obsession in his heart, and wanted to fight with himself. What is the difference between others?

One must know that Chen Xi had already opened his mouth before, intending to have a fight with the Phoenix Clan Immortal King, and he did not even intend to care about the other party's crime of breaking into the academy and acting recklessly. This is enough to bear!

But Ji Ye didn't appreciate it, and was obsessed with preaching the ancient cauldron. Such actions were obviously challenging Chen Xi's bottom line!

"Please enlighten me."

Ji Ye's face was resolute, without any emotional fluctuations, his whole body was burning with karma, and the lotus platform under his feet released great light, and his momentum became more and more magnificent.


He took the initiative to make a move, clasped his hands together, and proclaimed the Buddha's name "Amitabha!"

There are only four words, but it is like a decree from the gods, revealing a power that reaches people's hearts. In an instant, the fire of karma in the void burns and turns into a phantom of a bodhisattva.

If these bodhisattvas have real substance, they can release the supreme majesty, or have three heads and six arms, or the vajra's glaring eyes, or hold flowers and smile, or be merciful to others, holding a magic pestle, dust whisk, wooden fish, bell, jade bottle, wisdom sword, rosary, etc. Wait for Buddha.

"Neither empty nor silent, the world is like Bodhi, lingering forever, hard to reach the ashes of kalpa..."

"The world is impermanent, the mind is impermanent, the dharma is impermanent, the Buddha is impermanent, and empty."

"If the root of wisdom is clinging, it should be cut; if there is fear in the heart, it should be suppressed; if the world is turbid, it should be destroyed. The Buddha has no dirt, so the freedom is immeasurable!"

A series of grand Buddha sounds filled the entire hall, the Buddha's light roared, and the phantoms of Bodhisattvas sat in the sky, arousing thousands of scenes!

In an instant, this piece of void seemed to turn into a "paradise of bliss", with Buddha's light shining everywhere, with boundless magic power.

And all of this is just from Ji Yexuan's Buddha's name!

At this moment, those Immortal King Realms nearby were also moved, avoiding one after another, unwilling to be affected.

Chen Xi's eyes were completely icy cold. The power of this blow was extremely terrifying, and it made his heart tremble, and he smelled a hint of danger.

This Silent Night obviously intends to use all its merits in one battle, and use the strongest blow to decide the outcome with himself!


Chen Xi took a deep breath, the universe in his body was running crazily, and the sword intent in his body surged again, reaching his peak state, and the Dao E sword in his hand was even bright red, and it was about to bleed.

But at the moment when Chen Xi was about to make a move——

Suddenly, the phantom images of bodhisattvas, the magnificent voices of the Buddha, and the power of the Buddha Dharma like "the world of ultimate bliss" all rushed towards the nearby fairy kings!

Chen Xi was startled for a moment, what is this?


In an instant, the immeasurable golden light turned into a "karmic fire barrier", covering all the existences in the Immortal King Realm!

And Ji Ye sat cross-legged in it, with a solemn treasure appearance and a quiet expression, revealing a sense of openness and emptiness. Hundreds of millions of Buddha lights surged all over his body, maintaining the "Karmic Fire Barrier".


"The old thief is bald! What do you mean?"

"We were fooled! This old thing is with that little guy!"

"Damn! Do it together and kill this bald donkey!"

All the Immortal Kings were furious, they were caught off guard by this blow, their expressions were extremely different, they were both shocked and angry, they couldn't imagine that such an accident would happen.

Not only them, but even Chen Xi was startled by this scene, unbelievable, why would Ji Ye do this?Could it be...

"Under the catastrophe, all living beings are suffering. This path of practice is about to collapse. This mortal cultivator will only gradually perish. Our Buddhist world will not be spared. At this time, the poor monk has no power to return to heaven, so he can only do his best I own everything, and help you fight for a cup of tea time."

"Go, take over the inheritance of the ancient cauldron, and you can control all the power of luck in the Dao Emperor's Palace. Then you can use it to kill kings, destroy bandits, kill thieves, and sweep the world."

In the ear, Ji Ye's voice came, which completely moved Chen Xi!

Only then did he finally understand that Silent Night had never meant to embarrass himself from the beginning to the end, and even, he was still buying time for himself with his life!


There were bursts of roaring from the "karmic fire barrier" in the distance, and a fierce duel was being staged, which was so terrifying that people couldn't see everything clearly.

Holding the blood sword in his hand, Chen Xi stared at all of this.

He understood what Ji Ye meant, and knew that he thought he was no match for those Immortal Kings.

He himself is also very clear that he does have the ability to fight across borders now, and he can forcibly conquer the Immortal King Realm. Coupled with the existence of the Jiuyan Jade Seal, he can mobilize part of the power of luck in the Dao Emperor Shrine, so Once it comes, it is enough to kill the Immortal King Realm.

Killing can be killing, but the opponent has six or seven existences in the Immortal King Realm. Once they join forces, even Chen Xi himself can't guarantee victory.

Perhaps, that silent night saw through this point, so he made such a move.

This made Chen Xi feel both shocked and bewildered. Why did he...why do this?

"Chen Xi, come here quickly!"

Immortal King Xingwu, who was lying on the ground dying of serious injuries, suddenly struggled to get up, and said to Chen Xi, "This Buddha Lord Ji Ye and the principal are close friends, if not for his secret help, I would not have survived until now."

He was telling the truth. Before Chen Xi came, in this duel for the "Preaching Ancient Cauldron", the Xingwu Immortal King was fighting against seven or eight Immortal King Realm existences alone. If it was normal, he might have been wiped out up.

The reason why he was able to persevere until now is that apart from the fact that these Immortal King Realms are not on the same page with each other, it is also because Lord Jiye Buddha is secretly helping each other. It seems that he has repeatedly attacked Xingwu Immortal King, but in fact it has helped him to prevent a lot of destruction. Ultimate move!

At this moment, Chen Xi completely understood the cause and effect, and felt extremely touched in his heart for a moment. He had indeed misunderstood Silent Ye before, but it was precisely because of this misunderstanding that he admired Silent Ye even more.

"I'm going to help him!"

Chen Xi suddenly made a decision.

"Chen Xi, if you don't want Ji Ye to sacrifice in vain, then take advantage of the present to refine this ancient preaching cauldron! At that time, the entire academy's restriction will be under your control, and killing kings and gods is no problem!"

Immortal King Xingwu took out an ancient bronze tripod and handed it to Chen Xi.

This tripod is round and thick, with three legs, two ears, and one mouth. It is simple and simple to the extreme, but when it is taken out, there is an indescribable aura, which makes people feel awe.

The three legs are the number of the three talents of heaven, earth and man, the two ears are the difference between yin and yang, and the one mouth is the principle of chaos.

This tripod is perfectly round, which represents the perfection of the Dao and the endless circulation.

This tripod is simple, representing the simplicity of the avenue, returning to the basics and returning to the truth without embellishment.

Few tripods are like witnessing the birth of chaos, the division of heaven and earth, the origin of the Dao, and the pattern of all living beings, just like people follow the earth, the earth follows the sky, the sky follows the way, and the way follows nature, pointing directly to the essence of the great way!

This is the "Preaching Ancient Ding".

The core ancient treasure of Daohuang Academy to suppress the fate of the endless years!


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