divine talisman

Chapter 1486 New Dean [Part 2]


The moment Xingwu Immortal King took out the ancient preaching cauldron, the Jiuyan jade seal on Chen Xi's body was also fluctuating, overflowing with auspicious luster, as if calling.

However, Chen Xi didn't take over the ancient preaching cauldron. He looked at the "Karmic Fire Barrier". There, the kings roared and fought with all their strength. The Buddha Lord Ji Ye sat cross-legged, silent and solemn, and his whole body radiated Wisps of pure karmic fire.

From a distance, his whole body seemed to be burning, trying to burn everything with his own fire.

"If you hesitate any longer, not only Ji Ye's sacrifice was in vain, you and I may also fall, and this imperial academy will also fall into the hands of others!"

Immortal King Xingwu spoke in a deep voice, reminding Chen Xi.

Chen Xi pursed his lips, remained silent for a moment, and finally withdrew his gaze, but said softly in his heart: "Karma is born because of birth, and after death, the entanglement remains. Senior, I will help you completely end it."

Then, he turned around and took the preaching ancient cauldron in his hand.


A wave of resolute will surged out from Chen Xi's body, turned into a spiritual imprint, and poured into the ancient preaching cauldron, producing bursts of invisible humming.

This is refining this thing, and imprinting it with one's own will is equivalent to controlling it.

Seeing this, Xingwu Immortal King's pale and bloodless face showed a touch of relief. This is the heir chosen by the headmaster, and he has also obtained the inheritance of the Dao Emperor. This thing should be controlled by him!

"How courageous! Chen Xi, you are playing with fire! Quickly put down the ancient preaching cauldron, otherwise no one in the sky and on earth will be able to save you!" An angry roar came from the karmic fire barrier.

Obviously, someone noticed all this.

"You bastard! You bastard! It's simply unreasonable to let a young thing take over the position of dean, Xingwu Immortal King, Lonely Night Buddha Lord, you all deserve to be killed!"

The other immortal kings were also furious, and they used all their means to attack the "karmic fire barrier", intending to rush out, obliterate Chen Xi, and prevent all this from happening.


With a bang, Jiye Buddha uttered the Buddha's name again, and his whole body was ablaze, enveloped by pure and vast karmic fire, spreading the immeasurable Buddha's light, and severely suppressing it.

Chen Xi looked at all this indifferently, and the aura in his body became stronger and stronger. He was working hard to refine the ancient cauldron of preaching. The power of inexhaustible luck surged inside this thing, and there was even a terrifying will.

It was left by the past presidents of the academy, and if one wanted to refine it, one had to obtain the approval of this terrifying will.

With Chen Xi's current cultivation level, it would take at least ten days and a half months to achieve this. After all, in the final analysis, his realm of Taoism is only half-step fairy king level.

But now that the situation is urgent, it is obvious that he will not be given any more time.

"Chen Xi, I will entrust this academy to you, don't put too much pressure on it, just do everything according to human affairs and obey the destiny, that's enough."

Suddenly, Immortal King Xingwu raised his head and smiled, with a look of relief.

Chen Xi's heart shook violently, and a bad premonition arose, he blurted out, "Don't!"

But it was still a step too late. After finishing those words, Immortal King Xingwu had cast some kind of secret method, and his whole body burst into pieces, turning into a stream of red gold blood, bubbling.


This stream of pure gold blood was as hot as the sun, and contained the original power of Immortal King Xingwu. It was majestic and vast, and all of it poured into the ancient preaching cauldron at this moment.

He actually chose self-termination, sacrificed his whole body, and helped Chen Xi completely refine the ancient cauldron of preaching!

Looking at the entire Three Realms, how many immortal kings can do this kind of courage and courage to kill one's life and become benevolent?

But now-

Lord Silent Night is like this.

The same is true for the Star Martial Immortal King!

At this moment, Chen Xi was completely shocked, his head was blank, and his heart seemed to be tightly blocked by something. He was so aggrieved that his whole body trembled, and he couldn't help but shouted to the sky!

The sound was like thunder, filled with endless unwillingness, bewilderment, anger, and hatred. It rumbled and stirred up the entire Dao Emperor Shrine, like the roar of gods and demons who would not yield to their destiny!


The shrine shone brightly, and a mighty force of luck suddenly gathered towards Chen Xi from all directions, enveloping his entire body.

Almost at the same time, the Nine-Yan Jade Seal on Chen Xi's body floated in the air, glowing brightly, and suddenly poured billions of auspicious powers to contain the ancient preaching cauldron.

In an instant, the ancient preaching tripod suddenly disappeared, and at the bottom of the Jiuyan Yuxi, there was an extra round and simple bronze tripod with three legs, two ears and one mouth!

Obviously, at this moment, it is said that the ancient tripod and the Jiuyan jade seal have merged into one.



Suddenly, angry shouts came out, it was those fairy kings, they had already sensed that the situation was not good, they were all unwilling, and tried their best to break the "karmic fire barrier" in one fell swoop at this moment!

As for this matter, Buddha Lord Ji Ye suddenly got up, stood in the raging karmic fire, turned his head and glanced at Chen Xi, clasped his hands together, bowed his head and proclaimed a Buddha's name in his heart.

Then, he showed a relieved smile, so pure and happy, like the smile on the face of an ignorant child.


His whole body turned into pieces of karmic fire, drifting with the wind, and faintly, there was a Buddha voice floating - "All conditioned dharmas are like dreams and bubbles, like dew and like electricity, and should be viewed in this way, Amitabha."

Lord Lonely Night Buddha, just disappear from the world!

At this moment, Chen Xi was completely calm. After witnessing all this, his whole body was surprisingly calm, as if he no longer knew what joys and sorrows were.

His whole body became indifferent, as if out of anger, without emotion.

At this moment, those fairy kings had rushed over, their faces were full of sullenness, unwillingness, and unstoppable murderous intent, wanting to kill Chen Xi.


But at this moment, suddenly, the entire Dao Emperor's Palace shook violently, and a wave of substantial luck surrounded Chen Xi, making him look like an emperor who controlled the world.

At the same time, a grand Dao sound resounded through the shrine and spread above the sky——

"Pass the throne to Chen Xi!"

At this moment, all living beings in the entire Daohuang Academy shook. It was the voice of the headmaster, Meng Xinghe, who appeared at this moment and passed the throne to Chen Xi!

clang - clang -

In the outer courtyard, the silent "Zhengming Dao Bell" began to roar at this moment.

In the Daoist Academy, the "Shenyan Mirror of Tianyan" is filled with clear brilliance, shooting out the divine brilliance, falling down to the sky and the earth.

In Danzangyuan, the "Nine Miao Baoding" chanted in bursts, producing Taoist sounds like the sounds of nature, attracting thousands of auspicious lights, floating in the entire Daohuang Academy, nourishing the mountains and rivers, and shining auspiciously.

In the Sutra Library, the "Daoguang Jade Book" was opened automatically in the air, and the sound of chanting resounded, stirring every inch of space in the world.

At this moment, every restriction in the entire Daohuang Academy woke up from the silence, as if welcoming a new dean to the world!

"It's Chen Xi! He obtained the ancient preaching cauldron and took over the position of dean!" There were bursts of exclamations.

In the college, many professors, teachers and students who were hiding in the dark were all shocked at this moment, and their excitement was beyond words. The situation of the college without a leader finally came to an end at this moment!

"Chen Xi?"

"Chen Xi!"

"The new head of Daohuang Academy!"

"This dispute and turmoil is finally coming to an end!"

The loud sound resounded through the heaven and earth, spreading in Douxuan Immortal City, and all living beings heard it, and were shocked for a moment, and all looked towards the direction of Daohuang Academy.

They knew that for Daohuang Academy, Chen Xi's succession to the position of dean meant that after Meng Xinghe left, a new era was about to begin!

In the Dao Emperor Shrine at this moment.

The power of luck visible to the naked eye is like a series of blue dragons, wrapping around Chen Xi, roaming and roaring, blending with them, and becoming one with each other.

Standing there, Chen Xi became more and more powerful, his aura became more and more unfathomable, and he remained motionless, as if he was the master of the universe who had been in charge for eternity. His eyes were cold and indifferent, and he seemed to be able to penetrate the essence of all the nine heavens and ten earths. .Outside his body, luck is coiled like dragons, showing the inviolable majesty.

Witnessing all these changes, all the immortal kings stopped abruptly, their hearts were shaken, their faces were cloudy, they hated and were unwilling, all of this was irreversible.

Unless... kill Chen Xi!

The Immortal King of the Huang Clan left, the Immortal King Xingwu died as a sacrifice, and Lord Jiye Buddha killed himself and became benevolent. In the hall today, there are only six Immortal Kings left.

They come from the Jiang family, the Wanqi family, the Zhongli family, the Longjie family, and the Ji family respectively.

In today's Three Realms, the God Realm does not exist, and this kind of power is already invincible and supreme, not to mention there are as many as six.

Therefore, even though Chen Xi has now received the luck blessing of the entire Dao Emperor Divine Palace, these Immortal King Realm existences are still unwilling to leave, and they will kill Chen Xi at all costs and regain the ancient preaching cauldron.

"Chen Xi, you are so courageous! Take the ancient preaching cauldron by force and steal the position of dean, this is something that you, a half-step immortal king, can force yourself to occupy! Hurry up and grab it, don't mistake yourself!"

Jiang Tingfang, who came from the Jiang family in ancient times, spoke fiercely, because he knew that if this situation continued, Chen Xi's power would only become more and more powerful, so he had to act early.

"Everyone, what are you waiting for, are you willing to watch this son usurp the throne?"

Another fairy king spoke sharply.

This Chen Xi is only a half-step Immortal King now, and his strength is so terrifying, he can fight for an Immortal King across borders. If he is allowed to take over the position of dean, who will be able to subdue him in the future?

Now, they have completely offended Chen Xi, and the hatred has been planted, which cannot be redeemed. Therefore, at this moment, only by killing Chen Xi with all their strength, can they feel at ease.

"Your decision is correct, because I have already decided not to let any of you go." Chen Xi's eyes became colder and colder, and he spoke coldly as if he was a king in the world.

The voice was calm and ordinary, but it was like a killing thunder, stirring in the hearts of those fairy kings, making them pale and furious.

"Everyone, have you seen this, this son is rampant, if you don't capture and kill him, he will become a serious problem for you and me in the future, and even bring disaster to the clan behind him!"

Jiang Tingfang's face was livid, and he roared angrily.

At this moment, those Immortal Kings who were hesitant at first also completely made up their minds, their eyes showed murderous intent, and they locked on Chen Xi who was in the distance.

Six Immortal Kings join hands to attack, can't they capture and kill a half-step Immortal King?

They don't believe it!


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