divine talisman

Chapter 1487 Divine Might Boundless


After making a decision, Jiang Tingfang took the lead. With a wave of his sleeve, the immortal gang roared, and three thousand immortal soldiers rushed out!

Each of these immortal soldiers was so imposing, as if they were real, each of them had no less than half a step of cultivation in the Immortal King Realm, and each held an immortal treasure, shouting and charging towards Chen Xi.

This is similar to the method of "Scattering Beans into Soldiers", but it is even more terrifying. It is a supreme method of the Jiang family in ancient times, called "Calling Spirits as Servants".

Using this method, as long as enough spirits are refined, enough servants can be derived. The higher the strength of the spirit, the stronger the servants will be!


Like the shouts of gods and demons, three thousand half-step Immortal King Realm servants roared and rushed towards Chen Xi like a tidal wave. The huge number was like black clouds oppressing them, and it was shocking.


Chen Xi's expression was indifferent, he just raised one hand, and pressed it forward violently, billions of immortal power burst out, the sky and the earth roared, and that big hand quickly grew bigger, entangled with rune chains, like clouds hanging from the sky, covering the world Down.

Bang bang bang!

Before those three thousand servants approached Chen Xi like a tide, it was as if they were pushed horizontally, crushed and exploded, and turned into light and rain that filled the sky. In an instant, they lost seven or eighty eight!

Such a scene is really devastating, crushing everything.

The big hand disappeared, and the mysterious energy was transpiring. Chen Xi was as steady as a rock, standing there, his eyes were cold and deep, overlooking the kings, as if he had done an ordinary thing just now.

"What an amazing momentum!"

Many people in the Immortal King Realm were shocked. Compared to just now, when Chen Xifu made a move at this moment, he carried a forceful "momentum", vast and lofty, which made one's heart palpitate.

They knew that it was Chen Xi who had controlled the "Ancient Preaching Cauldron", and the luck of the entire Dao Emperor Shrine was blessed on him. Such power cannot be underestimated.


Even though they thought so in their hearts, they didn't move slowly. They used various methods, sacrificed immortal treasures, and the rays of light transpired, and they wanted to deal with Chen Xi together.

Almost at the same time, Chen Xi moved, and he stepped forward. In an instant, the power of luck turned into giant dragons, wrapped around his body, raised his head and chanted, and blessed him, making him majestic and majestic, like an emperor. Look down on the world.

Although he is alone, he is like a master who patrols the world according to the fate of heaven and earth. He has the posture of a dragon and a tiger, has the spirit of deterring the world, and is calm and unhurried.


An old woman came violently, with a silver snake stick wrapped in the power of the Immortal King in her hand, smashing through the air towards Chen Xi.

This old woman is from the Wanqi clan, named Wanqiying, with extremely high seniority and boundless magic power. She is also an old antique who has been famous for an unknown number of years.


The Silver Snake Staff pierced through the air, turning time and space into balls of thunder, pouring down in torrents, trying to smash Chen Xi into powder, its power and power were extremely frightening.

That is the thunder of time and space, even the breath is enough to kill many half-step fairy kings!

"Old thing, you still have some guts!"

Chen Xi suddenly raised his head, a divine light flashed in his eyes, and a blazing light erupted all over his body. At the same time, a bloody sword rose into the air, and slashed away.


The sword intent rushed up, thick and reaching the sky, overflowing with the luster of runes, order, and luck, easily breaking through the thousands of time and space thunders, and shaking the silver snake staff with a clang.

With a swish, Wan Chengying's face changed slightly, and his figure disappeared in a flash.


Almost at the same time as Chen Xi forced this attack, attacks came again from the void, terrifying immortal treasures and supreme magic techniques gathered together, enveloping them from the sky.

This was the other five Immortal Kings joining forces, and all their attacks were focused on the front, attacking Chen Xi who had just inherited the position of dean.

Chen Xi stopped walking, the light in his eyes soared, his black hair fluttered all over his head, his aura roared like an abyss, and if it dispersed like a void, it shook the entire shrine.

At this moment, the heaven and the earth seemed to have returned to silence, creating a scene of "big sounds are faint, and elephants are invisible", and there is a palpitating silence in the empty space.

At this time, only Chen Xi's aura was roaring, like a dragon's chant, like a Dao's voice, it was astounding for nine days!


Countless runes that were as dense as the starry sky rose from Chen Xi's body, turning into beams of brilliant sword energy, constructing mysterious sword arrays, and whizzing away, there was an earth-shattering power!


An earth-shattering collision resounded, like a hundred thousand volcanoes erupting, and the unparalleled and terrifying airflow spread loudly, shaking the entire shrine.

This time the collision was too terrifying, if it happened in the outside world, countless cities would definitely be smashed to pieces.

Amidst the smoke and dust, Chen Xi's figure remained motionless, unscathed, and giant luck dragons entrenched around his body, making him look like a god and demon from chaos.

On the other hand, many of the six Immortal Kings were panting slightly and their faces were pale and pale. Although they were not injured, it was obvious that they had been impacted by this collision.

This was shocking, Chen Xi was able to force the six immortal kings to fight together by himself, and he was even unscathed!

The expressions of the crowd of immortal kings became gloomy, and their eyes became serious. They knew that all of this might be related to the "Preaching Ancient Cauldron". !

One must know that Chen Xi is still only a half-step Immortal King Realm, and with the power of this luck, he can forcibly overwhelm the six Immortal Kings. If he is allowed to grow up, it will definitely become a serious disaster!

All of this happened in a blink of an eye. It is slow to say, but it is actually a matter of an instant.


A rough middle-aged man with his upper body shot out, using a mysterious method, which evolved a five-color divine light, gorgeous and illusory, and ruthlessly killed Chen Xi.

This is the supreme inheritance of the "five-color divine light" of the Ji family in ancient times. It is known as "maximizing the five elements and restraining all treasures in the world", and its reputation has been shaken through the ages.

Chen Xi's eyes were quiet, he didn't underestimate such secret techniques, but he wasn't afraid!


He used the power of swordsmanship to slash at the opponent with his fingers parallel to each other. This sword energy was simple, but full of indestructible connotations. It was densely covered with the three rare and supreme mysteries of immortality, devouring, and good fortune.

The Tao is immortal, so it can devour the infinite, and the infinite power can deduce the infinite wonderful truth, repeated in sequence, so it is called immortal!

This sword can be called the "Indestructible Sword". Although the five-color divine light can max out the invisible and restrain all treasures in the world, if the sword's intent is indestructible, it will be useless.


The Ji Clan Immortal King's eyes were fixed, and he knew that Chen Xi was far stronger than he imagined!As soon as he comes up, he will break his secret technique and suppress and kill him.


The five-color divine light roared, smashing time and space, invincible to nothing, and extremely powerful, but the collision with that sword intent was hindered, and it was even about to be smashed and wiped out!

This made Immortal King Ji's expression change again.


Before he could react, Chen Xi had already charged again, every pore in his body was filled with sword energy, and his whole body seemed to turn into a sea of ​​swords, roaring towards him.


Caught off guard, Immortal King Ji had no choice but to shake him head-on, but was thrown backwards by the blow, his face turned pale, his body was tumbling with blood, and he almost staggered to the ground.

This series of changes was so fast that it was completed in a thousandth of an instant, making it too late for other immortal kings to rescue them.


Chen Xi charged again, but this time he was blocked and stopped by one person.

It was a beautiful lady from the Zhongli clan who made the move, pinching the lotus seal with her hands, so yin and soft, it was like a wisp of ethereal soft wind, entwining towards Chen Xi.

This blow was as gentle as water, like a lover looking back affectionately, but the murderous intent bred in it was even more terrifying than the five-color divine light!


Chen Xi snorted coldly, raised his hand to grab it, and gave it a hard blow, and then spat out violently from his palm, and a world that seemed too imaginary emerged, as if it was formed by nature.

This is the "Sword Realm" derived from the power of the sword. It is constructed from endless mysterious runes and released with the power of the sword, which is amazing.

This kind of method is similar to "Buddha Kingdom in the Hand", and it is absolutely difficult to display it without the existence of the power to control "time and space".


The gentle and murderous lotus seal was directly shattered, causing the beautiful lady to frown, with a look of pain on her face, she felt extremely strenuous and had to dodge.

Chen Xi's blow was too powerful, his sharpness was sharp, and everything was invincible, so she didn't dare to stop it.

But she wanted to retreat, but Chen Xi took the initiative to kill her. The "Sword Domain" in his palm raged across time and space, as if a world surrounded by a single sword was slashing and killing enemies from all directions, with boundless power.


All of a sudden, as long as the Immortal King was close to Chen Xi, no matter how many methods he used, they would all be knocked back, and it would be difficult to stop Chen Xi by a single point.

At this moment, they had a deep understanding of Chen Xi's fearfulness and divine power, which forced them so hard that they couldn't take advantage of it.

This made their hearts palpitate, and they felt unprecedentedly dignified. They didn't dare to be distracted anymore, so they had to use all their strengths to suppress and kill Chen Xi together.

A half-step Immortal King who had just taken over the position of Dean forced the six Immortal Kings to go all out. If this was seen by outsiders, their jaws would drop in shock.

This is no longer as simple as shocking the world, it is simply truly against the sky!It breaks the cognition from ancient times and cannot be measured by common sense.


Suddenly, a gigantic and immeasurable fairy formation rose into the sky, and a cluster of stars evolved, densely packed, descending on Chen Xi in all directions, communicating with the power of the heavens, creating infinite murderous intent.

These six immortal kings have joined forces to set up an ultimate killing formation!

Obviously, they knew that Chen Xi would be useless by using ordinary means, so they used such means just now.

Seeing Chen Xi's figure being submerged in the grand formation, the six immortal kings all heaved a sigh of relief, because this formation came from the "Dragon Realm" and had slaughtered real gods before. Even if the little monster against the sky goes in, it will also suffer heavy losses.

Everyone has great confidence in this battle, thinking that the general situation is settled, and this is already the most powerful killer in their hearts.

However, the facts were beyond their expectations. Chen Xi, who was trapped in the big formation, turned his head up to the sky and laughed loudly at this moment, and stepped out abruptly.


The entire formation was like paper. Not only did it fail to trap Chen Xi, but it exploded under this kick.

The light and rain were swirling and blazing, against which Chen Xi striding out was like a god, and all the methods in the world were ineffective in front of him.

The six Immortal Kings were shocked immediately, this...how is it possible?


ps: It’s gone tonight. The motherboard of the notebook that I’ve used for 4 years burned out and was completely scrapped. I’m so overwhelmed. I’m going to go to the computer city tomorrow morning. Oh, I really want to swear...


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