divine talisman

Chapter 1489 Killing the Kings [Part 2]

In the Dao Emperor Shrine, the war broke out again.

Chen Xi was strong and disdainful, he used his own strength to fight against the five immortal kings, his courage was unstoppable.

At this moment, he was encircled by great dragons of luck, runes glistening all over his body, and bloody swords in his hands criss-crossing, just like a god and demon that dominates all directions, trying to calm down the world.


When the sword came out, all directions shook, Chen Xi and Wan Qiying shook hard, the blood sword and the silver snake staff collided, like two sacred mountains colliding, the immortal power surged, and the aura was terrifying.

In an instant, Wan Qiying was forced to retreat, coughing up blood again and again.

Before Chen Xi could make a move to kill them, the beautiful wife of the Zhongli clan rushed towards her. Her hair fluttered, her skin was crystal clear, and her fair and pretty face was full of dignity.

And in Qisu's hands, entangled with strands of Zhirou Dharma, known as "refining heaven and wrapping fingers", the power is astonishing.

It's a pity that he still lost to Chen Xi. His expression was indifferent, his palms glowed, and the surging "Sword Realm" gushed out, killing heaven and earth, killing ghosts and gods, destroying everything.

The beautiful lady was shocked and had to avoid her edge for the time being.

At this moment, Chen Xi became more and more calm. He moved his hands and feet, blessed with the power of luck, and the sword energy poured out in all directions, permeating the profound meaning of the runes and immeasurable divine power.

From beginning to end, he did not back down a step!

"Kill! The power of luck here is endless and inexhaustible. If you don't kill this son, the consequences will be disastrous!"

Seeing that Chen Xi's power was becoming more and more terrifying, Jiang Tingfang was frightened to the extreme, screaming again and again, and completely lost her previous composure and composure.

How could the other fairy kings not be aware of this, and they became more and more crazy in their actions immediately, as if they had reached the state of desperately fighting.


Regarding this, Chen Xi was not moved at all. When he made a move, he opened and closed, arousing the luck of the entire shrine, just like controlling the great way of heaven and earth, trying to suppress and kill the enemies here with the force of heaven and earth.

This is the frightening aspect of luck. After the fusion of the Jiuyan Jade Seal and the ancient Taoism cauldron, Chen Xi was recognized by the Dao Emperor Shrine, thereby mobilizing the luck here to suppress the boundless years.


Chen Xi's blood sword slashed, simple and simple, but it sent Jiang Tingfang flying far away at once, causing him to show pain. The power of this sword was too powerful, causing his blood to shake and he suffered a certain amount of trauma.

Everyone looked at each other in awe.Luck is added to the body, and ten thousand dharmas are invulnerable. Could this little thing really overwhelm the Immortal King and sweep the world?He... he's only halfway to the Immortal King Realm!

If he waits for him to set foot in the Immortal King Realm, will he still have to cross the border to slaughter gods?


At the moment when everyone's hearts were palpitating, Chen Xi jumped up, his figure flickering frequently in the void, and suddenly appeared in front of that old woman, Wan Chengying, and cut off her silver snake staff with a single sword, forcing her to tremble all over. Crashed to the ground.

"Evil barrier dare you!"

There was a bang, and at this critical moment, that Immortal King of the Ji clan approached with five colors of divine light, and slashed towards Chen Xi from one side.


The strange thing was that Chen Xi seemed to have been waiting for him long ago, before he could get close, the blood sword in his hand trembled with a buzzing sound, it swung through ten thousand layers of space, and swept away viciously.

All of this happened too quickly. In other words, Chen Xi's target was not Wan Qiying at all, but Immortal King Ji!


The five-color divine light exploded, gorgeous and dazzling.


The momentum of the sword remained undiminished, and Immortal King Na Ji was caught off guard, and it forcibly slashed into his chest. There was a sound of bone shattering, and blood splashed.

If the Immortal King Ji hadn't dodged in time, he would almost have been cut in half by this blow!But even so, he was seriously injured and could no longer display his combat effectiveness in a short time.

Everyone was in palpitations, the situation was not good, not only could they not suppress Chen Xi anymore, but they were crushed by them one by one, and the pressure was getting bigger and bigger.

"Hmph! This time I just killed you alone. If it wasn't for Ji Xuanbing's relationship, the Ji family should also atone for your bad deeds!"

Chen Xi frowned, he didn't expect this blow to fail, he rushed forward immediately, intending to finish it off completely.

At this moment, with a bang, a bronze halberd swept towards him, but it was Jiang Tingfang who came to rescue him.

In desperation, Chen Xi had no choice but to turn around, and fight again with Jiang Tingfang.


Chen Xi shouted loudly, the power of luck surged, and he shook Jiang Tingfang away, and fought with other fairy kings.

Amidst the terrifying roar, he was like an invincible master, pointing at the sky and hitting the earth, runes flowed, and hundreds of millions of sword qi swept across all directions, using the strongest power.


A moment later, someone was injured again, but it was the beautiful lady of the Zhongli family who was accidentally shattered by a sword, and her entire right arm was almost crippled.

At this point, there was an unstoppable chill in everyone's hearts. This kid is too strong. At this moment, the three of them were seriously injured, and only two of them were still fighting.

Such a situation is already seriously unfavorable to them, on the verge of being dangerous and fatal!

"Everyone, if you don't use forbidden techniques, I'm afraid you will have to confess to this place today!" Jiang Tingfang roared angrily. Chen Xi's power and influence made him terrified.


While speaking, the bowl flew into the air, white light surged, and divine radiance flowed, terrifyingly powerful, it was crystal clear, and wisps of obscure divine aura surged within, enveloping Chen Xi.

Moreover, in this void, ghostly shadows of the gods emerged faintly, filled with divine light like tides, bright and blazing, and extremely compelling.

Obviously, this is a divine treasure!

Chen Xi narrowed his eyes. This divine bowl was obviously an acquired spiritual treasure, and its aura was not even as good as the Emperor Yu's Kyushu Cauldron. However, when it was unleashed by an immortal king, its power was still quite frightening.

He didn't dare to shake Dao'er's sword head-on, and sacrificed Da Luotian to catch it!

But at this moment, a sudden change occurred——

When Jiang Tingfang used the forbidden technique to suppress and kill Chen Xi with the fetish bowl, Wan Qiying on the other side actually dodged, turned around and used the method of teleportation, and rushed out of the shrine!

Obviously, she didn't intend to fight Chen Xi to the death, but wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to escape for her life.

This scene immediately made Jiang Tingfang furious, and his mind was affected. At this moment, with a buzzing sound, the Da Luotian had bound the bowl and wanted to take it away forcibly!

"you dare!!"

Jiang Tingfang was furious again, not daring to be distracted any longer, and used all her power to control the alms bowl.

Almost at the same time, apart from the seriously injured Immortal King Ji, the other two Immortal Kings rushed towards Chen Xi again to help Jiang Tingfang.


Chen Xi was indifferent, while controlling Da Luotian, he used the Dao'e sword to block other attacks.

All of a sudden, the immortal treasures confronted each other, and all kinds of methods confronted each other. The battle was extremely fierce, and there was a faint stalemate.

"Zhao Lingxi, damn it, you dare to ambush me!"

At this moment, a scream suddenly sounded in front of the gate of the shrine. It was actually made by Wan Qiying who had just escaped, and the sound stopped abruptly.

This shocked the hearts of all the fairy kings in the shrine, and their expressions became extremely ugly, Zhao Lingxi!Naturally, it is the Phoenix Clan Immortal King that Chen Xi let go before!

No need to think about it, they knew that Wan Qiying must have been killed, that is to say, after Ao Reng's death, Wan Qiying also followed in his footsteps!

Hearing all this, Chen Xi narrowed his eyes slightly, and suddenly raised his power again, fighting with all his strength. The current situation has given him an absolute advantage, and he must seize this excellent opportunity.


Chen Xi's whole body was glowing, and the universe in his body was boiling, completely merging with the power of luck in the entire shrine, and the blood sword in his hand suddenly released a lotus of pure color.

Each clear-colored lotus is composed of Mengmeng sword energy, which derives infinite obscure and mysterious power, which is unparalleled, and even accompanied by bursts of god-killing roars and shouts of gods and demons.

At this moment, Chen Xi actually aroused the power from within the sword of Dao'er!

This scene once appeared in the Conferred God Realm. At that time, it was to deal with the "Nine Heavens of Calamity and Dao Extermination Formation".

But at this moment, it is different. This attack was launched by Chen Xi on his own initiative. The power and power are different from before. The blossoming clear-colored sword lotus seems to come from the God Realm, and the aura that pervades makes those fairy kings change color. , felt a deadly threat.

Swish!Swish!Swish! ...

Blossoming clear-colored sword lotuses fell randomly, disrupting time and space, and streams of obscure and mysterious sword energy spewed out from the lotus heart, sweeping across the sky and shooting.

There was a muffled sound, and the seriously injured Immortal King Ji had no time to dodge, and was stabbed into a hornet's nest by countless sword qi, with blood holes all over his body, and died suddenly on the spot.

Almost at the same time, the beautiful lady of the Zhongli family whose right arm was crippled was also robbed. She was slashed by the sword energy and her whole body was scarred, her clothes were stained with blood.

With one sword strike, the two immortal kings were executed!

This scene was so horrifying that the only remaining Jiang Tingfang and two people were terrified, and their souls froze like falling into an ice cave.


This kind of power is no longer able to compete with Immortal King Realm.

"The situation is over, let's go!"

Jiang Tingfang gritted her teeth suddenly, turned around and fled with another Immortal King Realm, there was no chance of winning this battle, if she didn't escape, she would be called stupid.

"If you let you go, what's the point of my dean in front of you!"

Chen Xi snorted coldly, and jumped after him.


The gate of the shrine was blasted open, and Jiang Tingfang and the two were about to rush out, but a burning real phoenix suddenly blocked the door, its gorgeous wings wafted hundreds of millions of real phoenix flames, overflowing the sky, blocking all the way.

"Zhao Lingxi! You traitor!"

Jiang Tingfang roared angrily, his liver and gallbladder were almost torn apart, and he slashed away with the bowl in his hand.

However, at this moment, there was a star-like dreamy big cloud, which appeared out of thin air, enveloped his head, and forcibly bound the bowl.

Almost at the same time, the blossoming clear sword lotus swept in like a storm, completely engulfing Jiang Tingfang and another fairy king.


Terrifying fluctuations were produced, and there were bursts of screams and roars in the blazing turbulence, revealing unwillingness, resentment, panic, and despair.

After half a sound, the smoke and dust filled the air, and everything fell into silence.

In front of the ancient gate of the shrine, the true phoenix fluttered its wings, overflowing with flames, deep in the flames, a tall figure stood quietly holding a blood sword,

At its feet were two bloody corpses of the Immortal King!

So far, the six immortal kings who came to the Dao Emperor Shrine to compete for the position of dean have all been executed, and none survived!


ps: Old desktop codewords are disgusting!But fortunately, the six thieves were finally killed tonight, and this cross-border battle came to an end~~~~Scattering Flowers~~President Chen Xi finally deserved his name~~ Good night everyone, see you tomorrow.


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