divine talisman

Chapter 1490

The war is over.

The six immortal kings were executed.

At this time, the gate of the Dao Emperor Shrine was open, filled with smoke and dust, and overflowing with blazing luster.

The true phoenix transformed by Zhao Lingxi dances in the sky, with its gorgeous wings flying billions of flames, with immeasurable divine power, illuminating thousands of flowers in the mountains and rivers.

But the most eye-catching one is the tall figure standing alone and proudly in front of the gate!

His thick long hair flutters in the air, his eyes are deep and cold, and between opening and closing, he seems to be able to spy on the mysteries of the nine heavens and ten earths. He holds a simple and bright red long sword in his hand at will, and drops of golden immortality flow freely. Wang blood stains.


The power of luck in the entire shrine turned into big dragons, lingering around his body, singing with his head raised, resounding through the heavens and the universe, making him look like the ruler of this world, holding the sun and the moon in his mouth, and controlling the universe!

At its feet were two bloody corpses of the Immortal King, adding a coercive force to it.

"Before I was too greedy, but now I have lost my way, I hope to forgive me." Suddenly, Zhao Lingxi, the real phoenix outside her body, opened her mouth, retracted her wings, and transformed into a slender figure with bright eyes and white teeth, blue hair like waterfalls, and a beautiful pretty face With a touch of apology.

Chen Xi waved his hand: "I already understand it in my heart, so there is no need to mention this matter again."

While speaking, he put away the blood sword, and looked at the square outside the hall suddenly.

"Meet the Principal!"

At this moment, a burst of cheers resounded like a landslide and tsunami, uniform and uniform, shaking the sky, it was magnificent, exuding a majestic and solemn atmosphere.

Before Chen Xi killed the six immortal kings, many people had already gathered in that vast and boundless square, densely packed.

Among them are not only outsiders such as the Mu family, Longjie, Huang family, and Ji family, but also teachers and students of the academy headed by Zhou Zhili, Wang Daolu and other professors.

In other words, from the moment he learned that Chen Xi had obtained the "Inheritance of the Ancient Cauldron" and took over the position of the academy, the teachers and students of the entire academy were excited and gathered together by coincidence.

The outer courtyard, the inner courtyard, the Buddhist scriptures courtyard, the Danzang courtyard, and the Taoist courtyard... as long as the teachers and students survived the disaster, they all arrived.

At this moment, they all watched the scene of Chen Xi beheading the two kings with their own eyes. That look of disdain was like that of an unrivaled emperor, shocking everyone present. At this moment, they all couldn't help but shouted loudly.

This is their new dean, the leader of the entire academy!

Seeing this scene, they all knew in their hearts that all the immortal kings of the Disaster Academy were beheaded and killed by Chen Xi alone. This catastrophe was resolved and they regained hope. Their hearts were naturally extremely excited. .

The cheers were full of sincere joy, gathered into an ocean, and shook the nine heavens and ten earths.

As for those outsiders from the Mu Clan, the Huang Clan, the Dragon Realm, and the Ji Clan, they were also extremely shocked in their hearts. They were taken by Chen Xi's aura, and they felt a little terrified.

In the past, they all had evil intentions, and only later did they know their way back. Now that they saw Chen Xi beheading the kings, calming down the turmoil, and returning to the world with supreme power, they couldn't help feeling a little uneasy.

In short, at this moment, Chen Xi, standing in front of the Dao Emperor's Palace, was surrounded by good fortune, and his every move was filled with the power of the world, and he became the focus of everyone's attention.

As for all of this, Chen Xi was surprisingly calm. His eyes swept over everyone in the square one by one, and he saw Wang Daolu, Zhou Zhili, Xuanyuan Pojun and other instructors, as well as Axiu, Ji Xuanbing, Zhao Mengli, Ye Tang. , Ling Qingwu, Fozi Zhenlv and other students.

They all looked excited and excited, and there was a touch of admiration and joy from the heart when they looked at themselves.

Similarly, Chen Xi also saw the outsiders from the Dragon Realm, the Ji family, the Mu family, and saw the apprehension and awe in their expressions.

At this moment, Chen Xi finally realized that he was already the headmaster of the number one academy in this fairy world!

"Meet the Principal!"

Another burst of uniform shouts resounded, shaking the whole field.

Chen Xi suddenly felt a heavy sense of responsibility, and even a sense of pride. He knew that from this moment on, his own destiny was closely related to the entire academy.


"Hehe, congratulations to Dean Chen Xi for taking charge of Daohuang Academy, congratulations!"

Suddenly, a melodious ding-dong laughter suddenly resounded from the sky, resounding throughout the world, breaking the solemn and solemn atmosphere.

Accompanied by the sound, a graceful figure appeared above the nine heavens. Her temperament was as gentle as water, and her brows shone with wisdom.

Everyone in the audience was stunned, who is this woman?How could it appear here without a sound?

"Jiang Ling smiled!"

When he saw this figure, Chen Xi's eyes suddenly became icy cold, and he was full of chills. That was Jiang Lingxiao, one of the seven true disciples of the Supreme Sect!

She... how did she appear in the academy?

"This time, I would like to thank Dean Chen Xi for helping my Grand Priest to eradicate those immortal kings. After my Grand Priest finishes handling other chores, I will bother Dean Chen Xi again. Farewell!"

Jiang Lingxiao's whole body was filled with a light blue fairy glow, like a dream, he smiled sweetly, and his voice was murmuring, as if he was talking to Chen Xi like a close friend.

After all, her figure flashed and she was about to leave.


At this moment, a big hand that covered the sky rose out of thin air, and grabbed it fiercely.

"Since you're here, why not hang around for a while longer!"

Chen Xi's chilling and compelling voice was accompanied by his memory.

"Not this time, but soon, we will meet again."

Jiang Lingxiao didn't know what kind of secret technique she used. Amidst a burst of coquettish laughter, her figure gradually faded, and she actually dodged Chen Xi's attack and disappeared.

Chen Xi soared into the sky, his immortal consciousness scanned all directions, and finally confirmed that the other party had escaped from the academy and could no longer be arrested, which made his expression darken all of a sudden.

It's really a good way for the Supreme Master to escape under his nose!

A cold light surged in Chen Xi's eyes, and his originally relaxed mood became a little heavy because of this accident. He could vaguely speculate that behind all the fairy kings in the Academy of Disaster, there was probably the shadow of the Supreme Master among them. Added fuel to the flames!

Otherwise, how could it be possible for Jiang, Zhongli, Wanqi, Ji, Buddha Realm, Dragon Realm and other immortal kings to come together?All this seems too coincidental.

Chen Xi could even guess that no matter whether the competition for the headmaster's position is successful or not, for the Supreme Master, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

If it succeeds, Daohuang Academy will be reduced to a pawn controlled by other forces, and there must be many hidden dangers, and the Supreme Master will take advantage of it.

If it fails, these fairy kings will be killed. In this way, it will be easier for the Supreme Master to deal with the forces behind those fairy kings.

Just like now, the Immortal Kings of Wanqi, Zhongli, and Jiang died here, so without these Immortal Kings in command, how can these powerful forces resist the invasion of the Supreme Sect?

Conversely, if Daohuang Academy is controlled by these forces, all the teachers and students in the academy may not be convinced, and many incidents will inevitably occur, and the Supreme Sect will invade it!

"Sure enough, it's a good plan, a good plan, but next time I come, I'll let your grand master come and go!" Chen Xi was silent for a moment, and an unconcealable hatred and murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

For the Supreme Master, he really hated it to the bottom of his bones.

At this moment, everyone in the square also felt palpitations, and their complexions changed suddenly, too good to teach!Behind all these disasters, there is actually the shadow of the Supreme Master!

Especially the foreign forces such as the Namu Clan, the Dragon Realm, and the Phoenix Clan were all shocked and angry at this moment. They never expected that their previous actions would be used as a weapon by the Supreme Master!

Especially when thinking of the six immortal kings who were beheaded by Chen Xi before, everyone present could not help but feel a chill in their hearts. It would be too terrifying if the Supreme Master was behind all these things to fuel the flames...

"Principal, at this juncture, the top priority is..." Wang Daolu and Zhou Zhili greeted him with respectful expressions, and even changed their address.

Chen Xi understood the other party's thoughts, and immediately turned his gaze to Mu Rongtian, Zhao Lingxi and other outside forces, "Everyone, our academy is currently in turmoil, and we don't have time to take care of our guests. Please leave."

The voice was flat, but filled with great power.

Not only did Mu Rongtian and the others not feel that it was too much, they secretly breathed a sigh of relief in their hearts. At least this proved that Chen Xi had no plans to settle accounts after the fall.

"Then respect is worse than obedience. I'll come back to bother the dean and fellow comrades in the future." Mu Rongtian cupped his hands, and after speaking, he turned around and left with a group of Mu clan members.

Seeing this, other forces also bid farewell.

Now they all know that Chen Xi killed a group of immortal kings by himself, and took over the position of headmaster, his power has reached unprecedented heights. Even the immortal kings here at this time would not dare to disobey Chen Xi's wishes.

This is power and influence!

Looking at the current Three Realms, there is no God Realm, so which immortal king would dare to confront Chen Xi?

Only Chen Xi knew that if he hadn't borrowed the power of luck from the Dao Emperor's Palace, he would definitely not be able to achieve today's battle results.

Of course, if he was facing one or two immortal kings, even without the help of the power of the Dao Emperor Divine Palace, Chen Xi would not be afraid.

"They wantonly destroy the academy, why let them go?"

Axiu came over, feeling a little resentful.

"As a result of the general situation, these forces are only being deceived by others. In the final analysis, our enemy is still the Supreme Master." Chen Xi said calmly.

Hearing this, Wang Daolu and the rest of the instructors were very pleased in their hearts. With just a few words, they had already seen that Chen Xi's eyes were no longer limited to the strife of various forces in the fairy world, but placed at the height of the entire Three Realms. superior.

And as the dean of Daohuang Academy, it is necessary to have such a bearing and vision.

"Next, I have to ask you all about the various matters in the academy. I need to retreat for a while, and try to step into the realm of the fairy king before the Supreme Master comes to attack!"

Chen Xi took a deep breath, looked at Wang Daolu and the others, and spoke slowly. He knew very well how powerful his enemies were, and only by making himself stronger could he survive in this troubled world.


ps: It’s gone tonight, Calvin, I can’t write it, I can’t hold it back, I need to sort out my thoughts~ everyone, please bear with me, I’m even more aggrieved if I can’t write it~`


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