divine talisman

Chapter 1492 Crowned King [Part 2]

Recently, the matter of Chen Xi beheading six immortal kings alone caused a lot of trouble in the fairy world, and became the hottest topic in the catastrophe.

During this period of time, Chen Xi chose to retreat.

Daohuang Academy also chose to close the gate of the courtyard and began internal rectification.

Dangling, three months have passed.

During this period of time, above the heavens, the portal of the sky stood upright. Although it was in a state of silence, it was like a sword hanging over the heads of all beings in the three realms. It was frightening, and it was uncertain when it would fall. .

During this period of time, the Supreme Sect has set off one bloody storm after another in the fairy world. In the four thousand and nine hundred continents, most of the forces have fallen and are controlled by the Supreme Sect.

In other words, under the catastrophe that swept across the Three Realms, the fairy world is no longer peaceful, and is in a turbulent and turbulent atmosphere.

Except for a few areas, there is nowhere to find a place of peace and happiness.


On this day, the sky is bright and clear.

A group of teachers in Daohuang Academy are preaching and teaching, with solemn expressions and meticulous.

Ever since Chen Xi quelled the civil strife, the academy has broken the previous rules and no longer set restrictions on areas such as the scripture library, star value hall, and performance hall, allowing all the students of the academy to enter and practice.

And as a teacher in the academy, he also took on the responsibility, not stingy instructing the students in their practice, and for some students who performed well, they even provided a lot of practice resources to support and reward them.

Everything they did was to make the people in the academy improve their strength as much as possible in this catastrophe, and prepare for resisting all kinds of disputes.

Even Ye Tang, Ling Qingwu, Nie Xingzhen, Gu Yueru and other children who have just advanced to the half-step fairy king realm have also taken on the teaching of the academy and do their best to contribute to the academy.

Just like now, Ye Tang is teaching his own practice experience, and the objects he is teaching are all members of the Chen League.

From the moment Chen Xi took over as the dean, due to his special status, he no longer served as the leader of the Chen League, but was handed over to Axiu to take care of it. Ye Tang and Ling Qingwu assisted Axiu in handling the Chen League. affairs.

"What I cultivate is the way of bravery, diligence, and decisiveness. The reason why I can get to where I am today is nothing more than a sentence. Cut off the cage of the Taoist mind, cut off the disturbance of delusional thoughts, and empty the inside and outside, so I can move forward step by step."

Looking at the disciples in Chenmeng, Ye Tang said calmly, "In short, it means that the mind can move freely, and the intention is not fake, so it can be free and unrestrained, and it can fly in all directions."

"Teach Ye Tang, how to kill delusions?"

A female disciple frowned and said in a daze.

"The upper body is the way of heaven, and abide by the heart."

Ye Tang was silent for a moment, before he said with emotion, "This is a sentence that the dean once said to me. Now that I think about it, it is only a few words. It seems easy to understand and ordinary, but it may not be so easy to do it. .”

Dean's words!

The eyes of all Chenmeng disciples lit up, and a look of reverence and admiration appeared on their brows uncontrollably, from the bottom of their hearts.

To them, Chen Xi is their dean, but even more so, their leader!

"However, now that the Dao of Heaven has evolved into a catastrophe, descending on the Three Realms, restricting the existence of the God Realm, and causing disasters to all heavens and myriad realms, how can we grasp the Dao of Heaven?"

A disciple spoke weakly, with some doubts, which immediately caused dissatisfaction among other people nearby.

But Ye Tang laughed dumbly, and said: "The way of heaven is inherently unpredictable. From what I have experienced, there are also good and bad. It is precisely because of knowing these that we can abide by our own heart, so as not to be in such a catastrophe. Dao heart is blinded, thus lost self."

Everyone suddenly realized.

For a moment, everyone thought about it.


At this moment, a shocking roar came from far away, like a divine voice from the sky, stirring up the wind and clouds in all directions, and immediately alarmed everyone present.

"What happened?"

"Hey, it's the movement from the Dao Emperor Shrine!"

Ye Tang and all the members of Chenmeng were terrified in their hearts, and they all looked towards the direction of the Dao Emperor Shrine. Immediately, a look of astonishment appeared on their faces.

On the sky above the Dao Emperor's Palace, hundreds of millions of mysterious golden clouds were transpiring, dyeing the sky into a dark golden color, and there were waves of grand and immeasurable Tao sounds, which evolved into obscure and mysterious runes. Floating, tumbling, and all kinds of visions that are rare in the world.

There are gods admiring, Buddhas and demons dancing together, sages chanting scriptures, all spirits applauding, auspicious auras, thousands of divine lights, endless fairy lights falling down on Qingming, and billions of golden rains permeating the universe.

Such a grand vision is rare in the world and has never been heard before!

At this moment, the entire Daohuang Academy was alarmed, and many teachers and students were looking forward to it, with shocked faces, not knowing what happened.

"Could it be... the dean has advanced to the Immortal King Realm?"

Someone spoke in a trembling voice, revealing an incomparable excitement.

This cognition has been recognized by the vast majority of people. Such a rare vision of heaven and earth is very rare even when one advances to the Immortal King Realm.

And according to everyone's knowledge, only when Chen Xi advances to the next level, may he be able to reach such a level, disturbing the phenomena of heaven and earth, and crowning him king!

In other words, this dazzling and extremely rare vision of heaven and earth is like a crown, prepared for Chen Xi to step into the fairy king realm!

What kind of honor is this?


The avenue is loud!

The visions crown it king!

Everyone's guesses were correct, and in an instant, Chen Xi's tall and tall figure suddenly appeared on top of the Dao Emperor's Palace, his body was enveloped in billions of mysterious gold Immortal King Qi, resonating with the heaven and earth, echoing with the heavens and myriad phenomena. He, like a king who controls the world, is overlooking the world!

It can be clearly seen that with the appearance of Chen Xi, the visions of the heavens began to pour into his body, causing his power to rise steadily and become more and more vast.

Looking from a distance, it seems that even the sun and the moon are dimmed, and everything in the world surrenders under his feet, making him the most dazzling light in the world.


This is definitely Immortal Kingland!

That kind of majestic demeanor, the posture of controlling the world, and the aura of supreme contempt seem to be no different from the existence of the Immortal King Realm, and even stronger.

At this moment, all the teachers and students of the academy were shocked to the extreme, feeling an unparalleled impact from the inside out, and almost couldn't help kneeling down to worship.

Of course, this was just a feeling of shock. From this, one can also know how different Chen Xi was when he advanced to the Immortal King Realm, and what a strong shocking impact it brought to everyone.


However, at this moment, suddenly, above the heavens, the gate of the sky seemed to have sensed something, suddenly woke up from the silence, and spewed out a thick divine chain filled with the power of destroying the world!

It was a heavenly chain of order, hanging down from Qingming, straddling time and space, and rushing towards Chen Xi!

This scene happened too fast, completely out of everyone's expectation, causing their eyes to dilate, their originally extremely excited hearts to hang in their throats, and they were extremely nervous.

How could this be?

Dean Chen Xi is now in the Immortal King Realm, how could he trigger the Divine Chain of Heavenly Order to descend?

Could it be... is it because the dean's power is so powerful that he has already made the gate of the sky feel threatened, so he descended to the god chain and wanted to restrain him?


Just when everyone's emotions were tense to the extreme, suddenly, Chen Xi who was in the void raised his head, a coldness surged on his handsome and quiet face, and he suddenly reached out to grab it.


A big hand that covered the sky flew into the air, filled with the aura of the Immortal King of Xuanjin, and each finger was filled with strands of mysterious runes, releasing terrifying power, forcibly colliding with that thick black divine chain.

The sky-shattering roar resounded, and the divine chain was like an enraged giant python, swinging constantly, trying to pierce through and defeat the big hand that covered the sky.

"What catastrophe, don't bully other fairy kings, but just invade the moment I set foot in the fairy king realm, do you really think Chen is easy to bully?"

In the indifferent and calm words, Chen Xi pulled out the sword of Dao'er with a clang, and slashed at will.


A wisp of sword energy gushed out, it was obviously a simple strike, but when this wisp of sword energy appeared, the whole world fell into a kind of extreme fear, as if crying.

The originally dazzling and clear sky also fell into a darkness like an eternal night at this moment, and only the wisp of sword energy became a ray of light in the darkness.

Whether it is a professor or a student in the academy, when witnessing this scene, a great fear can't be suppressed in the heart, feeling like an ant, the cultivation base that he is proud of, looks so pale in front of this wisp of sword energy and powerless.

It's as if... as long as you want to, this sword energy can disrupt the galaxy and kill the heavens and myriad ways!

This level of sword power is simply beyond what the Three Realms can possess.

This sword came from the mysterious and incomplete pattern that emerged from the fragments of the river map, in which there was only an incomplete iron sword, half decayed and half stained with blood.

Chen Xi didn't know exactly what it was, but when he saw this incomplete pattern for the first time, he knew that his own "Sword God" perfect level of swordsmanship, compared to it, seemed incomparably insignificant and pale powerless.

Now, when he stepped into the realm of the Immortal King, he suddenly realized something in his heart. Only then did he comprehend a trace of the wonderful truth from it, integrate it into his own way of swordsmanship, and at this moment wield this wisp of sword energy!


In an instant, the thick divine chain of heaven and order, like paper paste, was easily cut off by this wisp of sword energy, and collapsed inch by inch.

So easy, so calm, and so terrifying!

You must know that under the divine chain of order, even the existence of the divine realm cannot escape, cannot struggle, and is finally captured and taken away. Only the existence of the third senior brother Tie Yunhai can swing the hammer to kill Jiutian and destroy the god of order. chain.

But now, just as Chen Xi had just stepped into the Immortal King Realm, he was able to cut through the chain of gods with a single strike, a step that even the vast majority of beings in the god realm could not do. One could imagine how terrifying this sword energy was.

It can be described as incredible and shocking!


ps: The update of this chapter is a bit late, sorry everyone, there are really some texts, I will try to update it earlier tomorrow~~


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