divine talisman

Chapter 1493 Division of Realms [Part 1]

With one sword strike, the divine chain of order in heaven was chopped off and shattered inch by inch!

When the catastrophe that swept across the Three Realms came, almost everyone witnessed the terrifying scenes of beings in the divine realm being detained and taken away.

In the minds of everyone, it seemed that the Divine Chain of Dao Order was invincible, but no one thought that Chen Xi, who had just stepped into the realm of the Immortal King, would actually be able to cut through the Divine Chain with a single sword!

The audience was shocked, as dull as a clay sculpture.

The power of this sword has surpassed the scope of the Three Realms, surpassed everyone's imagination, it is like a stroke of magic, it is beyond any words to describe!


In the sky, after Chen Xi shattered the thick chain of the heavenly law with his sword, he waved his hand and sacrificed Da Luotian. The clear and dreamy Da Luotian leaped into the sky like a star, and instantly smashed those shattered chains of the heavenly law of order. Take it all in.

Seeing this scene, the teachers and students of Dao Emperor Academy were shocked again. Who would have thought that the Dao Order God Chain could be captured that day?

These methods simply broke all their cognition.

"Wang Daolu, Zhou Zhili, Xuanyuan Pojun, Shen Haoran... Wait and get ready, and quietly refine this 'Luck of Heaven'!" In mid-air, Chen Xi casually announced a string of names, and captured that The fragments of the God of Order chain that I received were given to everyone one by one.

These are all very experienced teachers in the academy, they are half-step Immortal King Realm cultivation bases, and the foundation of Immortal Dao is incomparably deep, and they only need a bit of luck to step into the Immortal King Realm.

The so-called lack of luck means not being king.

However, this kind of great luck is extremely rare, and it is hard to find in the world, otherwise their teachings would not have been stuck at the half-step fairy king level.

By doing this, Chen Xi also wanted to increase the peak strength of the academy as soon as possible, so that there would be a few more Immortal King Realm beings to sit in charge.

When Wang Daolu, Zhou Zhili and the others heard the words, they were all shocked in their hearts. They were both moved and excited for a moment. They never expected that Chen Xi would endow such "great luck" at this very moment!

"Thank you, Dean!"

Wang Daolu and the others took a deep breath, respectfully expressed their thanks, and showed their respect for Chen Xi from the bottom of their hearts.

Chen Xi smiled and signaled them to cultivate in peace, then turned his eyes to the heavens again. There, the portals of the sky stood tall and thick chains of order were entwined, which looked mysterious and frightening.

Originally, Chen Xi wanted to take this opportunity to absorb more of the Heavenly Dao Order God Chain, but to his surprise, after that blow, the Sky Gate seemed to have fallen into silence, and there was no more movement.

"Heh, you're really a typical bully. Knowing that you can't help someone like Chen, you can't shrink back?" Chen Xi's lips curled up in a sarcasm.

In his heart, he sighed softly. He knew very well that the gate of the sky was probably gathering strength to deal with the beings in the divine realm who were imprisoned and brought into the realm of the end of law, and he had no time to pay attention to himself for the time being.

Otherwise, you must not let yourself go so easily.

Until a long time, the vision of heaven and earth disappears, the gate of the sky is silent, and everything returns to its original state.

"Congratulations to the principal for being certified as the Immortal King Dao!"

Suddenly, a burst of cheers resounded in all areas of the academy, uniformly congratulating Chen Xi together, every teacher and student's face, apart from admiration and reverence, was filled with more pride and self-confidence.

Yes, confident!

Witnessing Chen Xi's promotion to the Immortal King Realm and his move to cut through the chain of heaven and order with one sword, the confidence of all the teachers and students in the academy was greatly increased, and their worries were swept away.

It seemed that as long as Chen Xi was around, even if the sky fell, it wouldn't be a big deal at all.

In the void, with a sweep of Chen Xi's gaze, he had a panoramic view of everything in the academy, and an unspeakable emotion welled up in his heart, and he smiled after a long time before turning back and landing on the ground.


This time, Chen Xi's promotion to the Immortal King Realm went very smoothly. It only took three months. Due to adequate preparations, he did not encounter any stagnation from the beginning to the end.

After advancing to the Immortal King Realm, the most notable change is the universe in the body!

When he was half-stepping into the Immortal King Realm, the universe in Chen Xi's body was just a prototype and hadn't completely stabilized, but now it's different, the universe in his body circulates on its own, repeating itself, densely covered with billions of stars, and filled with pure and supreme Xuanjinxian Wang Qi, showing signs of vitality and lingering avenues everywhere.

And the three supreme avenues of time, space, and life and death have turned into the cosmic order, covering every inch of the area, maintaining the operation and circulation of the entire universe in the body, and it is endless.

Especially in the center of the universe, there is a mass of pure, obscure, simple and primitive to the extreme black hole, from which wisps of mysterious power spew out from time to time, and then pour into the universe, changing the entire universe little by little.

That mysterious power is the original Dao source!

Among the thousands of Immortal King Realm existences, it is difficult to find one who comprehends and condenses the "Original Dao Source", which represents a perfect Immortal King Dao.

Throughout the ages, only those innate gods born in the chaos can have this kind of power, which can be integrated into their bodies, just like the original power born of the order of the universe in their bodies, which is extremely amazing.

The Immortal King Realm exists, and because of the difference in controlling the Dao, it can also be divided into three, six, and nine classes.

One is the [ordinary] Immortal King Realm, which only controls the three supreme laws of time, space, and life and death, and does not integrate the path of the holy way opened by itself.

One is the [Peak] Immortal King Realm. This level not only controls the three supreme laws, but also completely integrates the path of the holy way opened by oneself with the three supreme laws. The power it exerts is far superior to than ordinary fairy kings.

There is also the [Peak] Immortal King Realm. This level is based on the top Immortal King Realm, and begins to break through the self and explore the perfect Immortal King Dao, that is, to condense the original Dao source.

The last one is [Peak Peak] the existence of the Immortal King Realm. This kind of existence is rare in the world, and there is no one in a million. The power of the original Dao source, at this time, it is necessary to explore the road to conferring the gods and understand the power of the divine way!

According to these divisions, Chen Xi, who controls the power of the original Dao source, can be called a [Peak Top] level existence of the Immortal King Realm.

However, his situation is completely different from other Immortal King Realms, because he has just stepped into the Immortal King Realm, and his control over his own Dao has just reached the level of the [Top] Immortal King Realm.

What is lacking is to bring all the avenues under one's own control to the point of perfection.

So, strictly speaking, the current Chen Xi, if divided purely by his cultivation, is at the level of an ordinary Immortal King Realm.

If it is divided by the realm of enlightenment, it is the level of the peak fairy king realm.

In terms of the power it controls, it is already comparable to the existence of the peak peak Immortal King Realm.

Combined together in the end, and divided by the final combat power, I am afraid that Chen Xi can reach the point where he is unique among his peers. It cannot be said that he can completely crush people in the same realm, but there are very few people who can be him. opponent.

In short, the power that Chen Xi possesses cannot be measured by common sense at all, otherwise it would be impossible for him to fight across borders and kill the existence of the Immortal King Realm when he was halfway to the Immortal King Realm.

Now that he himself is in the Immortal King Realm, the power he exerted cannot be compared in the past.

"Next, let's sacrifice the sword talisman..." Sensing the change in his own strength, Chen Xi couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

With the continuous improvement of strength, ordinary treasures could not satisfy Chen Xi at all. Ancient fairy treasures like Xuanhuang Gourd, Hentian Seal, and Qingdou Palace Lantern were strong enough to be used in battle, but they were not suitable for Chen Xi. Xi's mastery of swordsmanship.

In other words, these ancient immortal treasures may be used in some special battles, but they cannot become Chen Xi's most trusted fighting method.

Like now, he has collected all kinds of fairy materials that can refine the five fire and seven spirit fans, but he has not refined them for a long time. The reason is that Chen Xi feels that this kind of treasure can only be classified as "strange Only in some special combat environments can it exert unexpected power.

In short, regarding the treasures he possessed, Chen Xi roughly divided them into two categories, one is the main battle treasures, like the sword talisman, and the other is the special battle treasures, like the Great Luotian, Xuanhuang Gourd, Hentian Seal, etc. wait.

And if you want to exert your full power, obviously you must first increase the power of the sword talisman, at least to reach the ultimate level of Taixu rank.

So as soon as he reached the Immortal King Realm, Chen Xi put his mind on refining the sword talisman.

The sword talisman is a treasure of talisman weapons, an untold secret from Shenyan Mountain. In addition to having the characteristic of infinite advancement, it is also densely covered with many divine talismans.

In other words, if you want to sacrifice and refine sword talismans, on the one hand, you need many rare fairy materials, and on the other hand, you need to engrave and sacrifice more divine talismans in them.

On immortal materials, Chen Xi was fully prepared.

As for the preparation of the divine talismans, Chen Xi also roughly had an idea, that is, to deduce various divine talismans suitable for him from the "Wuji divine talismans" in the star world, and use them for sacrificial refining and engraving in sword talismans.

But just when Chen Xi was about to retreat again to sacrifice the sword talisman, Axiu hurried to find him, and a rare look of worry appeared on her bright and clear face.

"What's wrong, Axiu?"

Seeing Axiu's appearance, Chen Xi immediately put aside his plan, and quickly asked, "Who bullied you?"

Axiu shook her head, hesitated for a while, and then said: "Chen Xi, the current situation of my Xuanyuan Clan is not good, so I think..."

Chen Xi suddenly understood, patted her on the shoulder, and said in a warm voice, "I understand."

Axiu looked up in surprise, looked at Chen Xi, and said, "What do you understand?"

Chen Xi smiled and said, "It's not that simple. To make you so abnormal, it must be that Xuanyuan's family has encountered some troublesome things. According to my guess, I'm afraid it has something to do with the Supreme Master."

After a pause, he said firmly, "Don't worry, Axiu, with me here, I will never let anyone bully Xuanyuan."

In fact, when he said this, he had guessed roughly that under the catastrophe, the divine realm did not exist, and the current Patriarch Xuanyuan Shao, Xuanyuan Fengchen, and Xuanyuan Tuobei followed the third senior brother Tie Yunhai to the realm of the end of law.

Without these three Immortal King Realm sitters, one can imagine how bad Xuanyuan's situation is.

Axiuwan didn't expect that before she opened her mouth, Chen Xi would have already guessed all kinds of things. The feeling of being understood and cared for made the circles of her eyes turn red, and tears were about to drip.


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