divine talisman

Chapter 1494 Raging Undercurrent [Part 2]

Seeing Axiu's appearance like this, Chen Xi panicked immediately, reached out and hugged her in his arms, patted her on the back and comforted her: "What happened, don't cry, just tell me slowly."

This was the first time Chen Xi took the initiative to hug A'Xiu, and the soft fragrance fell into his arms, but he didn't have any longing in his heart, only apology and heartache.

Axiu likes to laugh. In my impression, she smiles brightly every time she appears. It seems that nothing can make her sad. But now, Axiu is about to cry, which makes Chen Xi understand immediately. During the day, Axiu must bear a lot of pressure.

On the other hand, since I returned to the academy, I haven't cared for Axiu carefully, and have been running around in various combat trainings. I can't help feeling a little apologetic in my heart, feeling that I have really neglected Axiu these days.

Axiu was hugged by Chen Xi, her body froze suddenly, and her head was a little dazed, but immediately felt an unprecedented peace of mind.

The broad shoulders, the powerful heartbeat, and the familiar smell all made her feel happy, and she couldn't help but comfortably tilted her head on Chen Xi's shoulder, and narrowed her eyes, crooked like the moon in the sky.

After a long while, she murmured: "I thought you would change after you became the dean. It turns out that you are still the Chen Xi I am familiar with."

Chen Xi was stunned, but there was an indescribable feeling in his heart. It seemed to be pity, but it also seemed to be distressed. He rubbed Axiu's little head with his hand, and said with a smile, "No matter how I change, I will never forget Ah. Show."

The corners of Axiu's lustrous lips curled up, like a docile young animal, she laughed silently for a long time, then pushed Chen Xi away, took a deep breath, looked up into Chen Xi's eyes, and said, "Thank you."

Very abrupt two words.

However, Chen Xi was a little unexpected. He suddenly stared at A'Xiu viciously, and threatened, "If you say these two words again in the future, I will settle the score with you, the Xuanyuan Sect!"

Axiu burst out laughing, like a flower bud just blooming after the rain, fresh and refined.

Then, Chen Xi also laughed.


Axiu did come here this time because of the Xuanyuan clan's affairs. The current Supreme Master has set his sights on the seven great families and seven colleges in ancient times, and the Xuanyuan clan is no exception.

Especially recently, the Xuanyuan Clan suffered from various bloodsheds frequently, and a lot of elders and children were killed and injured strangely. This made the senior officials of the Xuanyuan Clan smell the danger and knew that the Supreme Master had already laid its claws on it.

But helplessly, Patriarch Xuanyuan Shao, Xuanyuan Fengchen, and Xuanyuan Tuobei all left, leaving only Xuanyuan Poxiao in the clan, once a conflict broke out with the Supreme Master, there would be no need to think about the consequences.

Under such circumstances, Axiu could only come to seek help from Chen Xi.

Knowing all this, Chen Xi's face also became icy cold, but helplessly, the current Dao Emperor Academy also needs him to sit in charge, lest the Supreme Master take advantage of it.

In the end, Chen Xi made a decision to let Axiu return to the Xuanyuan Clan, and tell her clansmen that if possible, they could move their entire clan into the academy. In this way, all problems would be solved easily.

And with the addition of the Xuanyuan family, it is equivalent to adding a boost to Daohuang Academy, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

Axiu got Chen Xi's consent, and left in a hurry because she cared about the safety of her clansmen.

"The Grand Master...just wait, one day, I will reach the Supreme Realm and wipe you all out!" Chen Xi watched Axiu leave, and the temperature in his eyes suddenly became extremely cold.

Axiu's visit made him suddenly realize a problem. Today's Immortal World is suffering from the crazily invaded by the Supreme Sect. Now even the Xuanyuan Clan is not immune, so what about the Zuoqiu Clan?What about the Mu family?What about the Phoenix clan?What about the Buddhist world?

As soon as he thought of this, Chen Xi no longer had the mood to retreat, and hurried away. He wanted to find some teachings related to these great forces and give some instructions.


On this day, Chen Xi announced in the name of the principal that Daohuang Academy decided to unite with other forces to resist the invasion of the Supreme Sect forces.

In the list of allied powers, only Xuanyuan clan, Mu clan, Zuoqiu clan, Buddha Realm, and Huang clan are the top ones for the time being.

Of course, it does not rule out other forces joining, but the premise is that they must obtain the approval of the headmaster, Chen Xi, and obey all orders of Daohuang Academy.

As soon as this news came out, it immediately caused a sensation in the entire fairy world, causing an uproar.

Since the catastrophe broke out, forces in almost every region of the four thousand nine hundred continents in the fairy world have been invaded by the Supreme Sect. Until now, most of the forces in the fairy world have fallen and are controlled by the Supreme Sect.

It can be said that in the current fairy world, the Supreme Sect has ruled half of the country, and only those areas that have not been controlled by the Supreme Sect are still in turmoil and bloody.

Those forces that were unwilling to submit to the Supreme Sect had long been looking forward to gaining some strong support and help. The news released by Chen Xi undoubtedly gave those forces a glimpse of hope.

But the heart is still moving, but there are many forces who are hesitant. The reason is also very simple. They are worried that even Daohuang Academy cannot resist the invasion of the Supreme Master. Apart from.

Under such circumstances, only the Mu Clan, Zuoqiu Clan, Phoenix Clan, Dragon Realm, Buddhist Realm and other top forces agreed to advance and retreat together with Daohuang Academy, forming an alliance relationship.

Soon, these news were fed back to the academy and reached Chen Xi's ears.

"Hmph, our academy provides them with a place of refuge, but instead they look forward and backward, fearing that they will be purged by the Supreme Sect in one fell swoop. It's really short-sighted and extremely ridiculous."

Wang Daolu snorted coldly, very dissatisfied.

He had just refined the shards of the Heavenly Law Order God Chain, and he was just short of being able to advance to the Immortal King Realm by a slight chance. He had nothing to do, so he helped Chen Xi take care of this matter.

"It's not their fault. After all, the current Supreme Sect has become a trend, and it is the most arrogant and domineering time. It is reasonable for them not to be optimistic about our academy."

Chen Xi smiled, not caring at all, and after finishing speaking, he asked about other things, "By the way, the forces like Xuanyuan Clan and Mu Clan have been settled properly now?"

Wang Daolu nodded: "They have all been placed in Douxuan Immortal City."

Immediately, he frowned and said: "However, these days, I heard a bad news, saying that the news released by our college has completely angered the Supreme Master, and the other party used the most powerful force that may be gathered in the near future. Power, intends to eradicate our academy in one fell swoop."

Chen Xi raised his eyebrows, and said coldly, "Very good, I wish they would come sooner!"

He was indeed a little annoyed, because he had to stay in the academy to protect the entire academy, and he couldn't go out alone to take the initiative.

Now, this Grand Priest actually dared to speak so brazenly, wanting to eradicate the Dao Emperor Academy, this has completely touched Chen Xi's bottom line, and enraged him.

"How much power are they going to send?" Taking a deep breath, Chen Xi asked slowly. Although he hated the Supreme Master quite a bit in his heart, he would not despise the other party anymore.

After all, in order to sweep the Three Realms, the other party abruptly launched this catastrophe in advance, so the accumulated power will definitely not be bad.

Wang Daolu pondered and said: "As far as I know, the Jiang family, the Zhongli family, the Wanqi family and other ancient aristocratic families should take the lead this time, as well as the three major college forces of Dahuang, Kuji, and Daoxuan. King Realm exists to sit in town."

A cold light surged in Chen Xi's eyes, and he said coldly, "These damned things really plan to serve as lackeys of the Supreme Master for the rest of their lives. If they dare to come, then don't plan to go back!"

Wang Daolu's expression also showed a hint of disgust. A while ago, Chen Xi angrily beheaded a group of kings, and among them were Jiang, Zhongli, Wanqi and other forces in the Immortal King Realm.

Such a disastrous lesson, not only failed to impress them, but intensified it, and even assisted the Supreme Master to commit crimes at the Dao Emperor Academy.

"No matter what, in the near future, let everyone in our academy and alliance forces get ready, enter the academy in advance, and gather together, so as not to be defeated by the Supreme Sect."

Chen Xi pondered for a long time before finally making a decision.

Wang Daolu also knew that this matter was related to the life and death of the college, so he could not be neglected, so he left in a hurry after taking orders.

Chen Xi also didn't delay any longer, returned to the Dao Emperor's Palace, and began to sacrifice and refine the sword talisman.


Recently, the atmosphere in Douxuan Immortal City has suddenly become strange, it is no longer bustling as before, even few pedestrians can be seen on the street.

All of a sudden, the whole city seemed to become an "empty city", exuding a depressing and tense atmosphere.

All of this comes from a piece of news - soon, the Taishangjiao will concentrate its forces to destroy Daohuang Academy in one fell swoop!

One stone stirred up thousands of waves, under such circumstances, who would dare to stay in Douxuan Immortal City?

Not only the Douxuan Immortal City, but even the entire Xingwu Immortal Continent were affected. Many ascetics had left one after another and went to other Immortal Continents to avoid this disaster, so as not to be affected.

On this day, the sky is clear and the clouds are curling up.

In the deserted and deserted Douxuan City, there was a buzzing sound, and there was a ripple in the void, and more than a dozen figures appeared, including men and women, old and young, all of them imposing, majestic and extremely high, extremely terrifying.

This is actually a group of Immortal King Realm existences!

Especially the leader, who was dressed in black, with his hands behind his back, and a dull bamboo hat on his head, making his face hard to see, and his aura was like a dark abyss. Accompanied by his appearance , on the originally clear sky, suddenly there was a touch of the color of eternal night, the black clouds were raging, full of endless calamity!

"Junior Sister Jiang, don't be in a hurry for this operation. For the time being, let those chess pieces charge the battle. If Chen Xi is really as powerful as you said, it won't be too late for 12 of our senior brothers to take action."

The man in the bamboo hat silently stared at the Daohuang Academy in the distance, and after a while, he spoke, his voice was low and feminine, filled with a strange and breathtaking magnetic aura.

"What the elder brother said is very true."

A gentle and quiet beautiful woman spoke softly. She was Jiang Lingxiao, one of the seven true disciples of the Supreme Master Sect.


ps: Good night everyone, see you tomorrow~~


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