divine talisman

Chapter 1495 Soldier Attacking the City [Part 1]

Star world.

In the mysterious space, the Promise Divine Talisman floats, exuding desolate, vast, and mysterious fluctuations.

This place is the true inheritance left by the Lord of Shenyan Mountain, a Wuji divine talisman, which has interpreted the infinite mysteries of Talisman to the extreme.

Back then, Chen Xi had comprehended the inheritance of the "Five Elements Sword", the inheritance of the "Yin-Yang Sword", the inheritance of the "Wind and Thunder Sword", the inheritance of the "Star Oblivion Sword"... and so on.

In other words, the Wuji divine talisman is not a real divine talisman, but a kind of inheritance!

This kind of inheritance is extremely unique, and it is known as boundless. How much one can understand does not depend on how high one's understanding is, but on how many Daoes one controls and how profound one's attainments in Talismantic Dao are.

At this moment, Chen Xi's expression was solemn, and he sat cross-legged in front of the Wuji divine talisman. He kept making secret formulas with his hands, and condensed out one after another obscure and profound methods.

In front of him, there is a simple, dark and dull sword with a shiny surface, reflecting a series of divine talisman patterns.

These talismans are Qingdi Wooden Emperor talisman, White Emperor Golden Emperor talisman, Black Emperor Water Emperor talisman, Red Emperor Fire Emperor talisman, Emperor Earth Emperor talisman, Fenghou Xunhuang divine talisman, Demon Ancestor Linghuang divine talisman. Divine talisman, Donghuang Ziwei divine talisman, Xuandi Leihuang divine talisman.

There are a total of nine divine talismans, each sitting inside the sword talisman. At this moment, they are sacrificed by Chen Xi, and phantom images of gods and emperors suddenly appear on the sword body. Each of them has a majestic majesty, and its majesty is like a god.


Almost at the same time, blazing light clusters resembling small suns circulated in mid-air, and each light cluster represented a rare fairy material in the world, which was now refined by Chen Xi with complex techniques, becoming the most Pure refining material.

Among them are the powerful and powerful Taixu rank top-grade immortal treasures such as the refined Poling Qingmai Spear, Linglei Jinruyi, etc., and now they have also been transformed into pure refining materials, presented in the form of light clusters, blooming brilliant.


Suddenly, Chen Xi's eyes snapped open, his tongue burst into thunder, and he uttered an obscure and strange syllable.


At this moment, hundreds of millions of runes were suddenly released from the surface of the sword talisman suspended in the void. These runes were like a dense and vast starry sky, densely packed and almost endless.

They are constantly circulating, combining, and constructing arrays, and then these arrays are constantly evolving and echoing, and finally combined into brand-new gods!

The divine talisman of light.

Dark magic talisman.

The Divine Talisman of the Stars.

Immortal talisman.

God of good fortune.

Annihilation divine talisman.


In an instant, on the surface of the sword talisman, a whole new pattern of divine talisman appeared!

However, those divine talismans are only in shape, in other words, there are only traces of runes, but the power and power of the five divine talismans.

Very soon, Chen Xi mobilized all the immortal power of the universe in his body, and began to form seals continuously. In an instant, thousands of methods filled with endless mysteries poured into the clumps of refining materials like a tide.

Immediately, the entire space was brightly illuminated, and groups of materials released colorful divine light, like a swarm of brilliant meteors, rushing into the patterns of the new divine talismans.


All of a sudden, one after another of the divine talismans was revolving loudly, shining brightly, shooting out a rain of hundreds of millions of divine radiance, reflecting this mysterious space brilliantly and gorgeously.

Among them, there is light, there is darkness, there is blurred and illusory starlight, there is quiet and faint light of annihilation, there is clear and immortal color, and there is a changeable interpretation of the spirit of good fortune, which is gorgeous and blazing to the extreme.

Such a magnificent scene can be called a wonderful workmanship, which is rare in the world.

This is smelting the divine talisman, which is the most critical part of sacrificing talisman weapons and dao treasures. Once the sacrifice is successful, all the new divine talismans will be branded into the sword embryo and turned into a part of the sword power, adding infinite power!

This process lasted for a month.

And during this process, Chen Xi had been restless and sleepless, all his mind was focused on the refining tool, his complexion also became solemn and pale with the passage of time, and a layer of sweat stains appeared on his forehead.

This time he sacrificed and refined the sword talisman, he engraved all the various avenues he had mastered into divine talismans, and even sacrificed all the rare immortal materials that could be used, hoping to use this to unleash the power of the sword talisman in one fell swoop. It can be promoted from the Zhouguang stage to the Taixu ultimate stage.

It is conceivable what a huge project this is, and the consumption of itself is naturally extremely amazing!

Even, in order to avoid any mistakes during the sacrificial training process, Chen Xi did not dare to slack off at all times. At this point in the sacrificial training, even his Dao Xin cultivation at the "heart baby" level was too much to bear.

You must know that the current Chen Xi exists in the Immortal King Realm, and the foundation of the Immortal Dao is extremely solid, but when he sacrificed the sword talisman, he still felt a bit overwhelmed, even more tiring than fighting against several Immortal King Realm. When the talisman is truly successfully sacrificed, how amazing is the power.


During these times, in the deserted and deserted Douxuan City, groups of ascetics suddenly emerged, among which the three most conspicuous ones belonged to the three ancient families of Zhongli, Wanqi, and Jiang, as well as Kuji, Dahuang, Daoxuan and Changkong, the four major academy forces.

In addition, there are other great powers in the fairy world coming one after another, all of them are giants and big powers in the [-] continents of the fairy world, mighty and powerful, and their momentum is astonishing.

In less than seven days, there were no less than a hundred forces gathered in Douxuan Immortal City!

All of this immediately aroused the sensation and attention of the entire fairy world, and everyone was nervous, knowing that this must come from the handwriting of the Supreme Master, who wanted to destroy the Daohuang Academy with absolute power!

After all, in the usual way, such a joint action of all major forces is enough to sweep any fairyland in the fairy world, but now, they are all gathered in the city of Douxuan, one can imagine how powerful it is appalling.

At the same time, the entire Daohuang Academy was also shaken, and the atmosphere became tense.

Fortunately, Chen Xi had asked Wang Daolu to prepare everything before, so that the people of the academy would not fall into turmoil because of this, and the situation of self-disruption was avoided.

But even so, all the teachers in the academy, as well as the Xuanyuan, Zuoqiu, Mu, Dragon Realm, Huang Clan, Buddhist Realm and other forces, still felt a heavy pressure.

To everyone's surprise, those forces controlled by the Supreme Master did not launch an attack immediately after they arrived in Douxuan Immortal City, but settled down, appearing very calm, obviously gaining momentum and preparing for everything.

The Daohuang Academy also did not launch an attack, because Wang Daolu, Zhou Zhili and other high-level officials of the academy knew very well that under such circumstances, it is the safest strategy to be prepared.

In short, the current Douxuan Immortal City is full of storms and undercurrents, and a big battle is imminent!

On this day, Wang Daolu, Zhou Zhili, Mu Rongtian, Zuoqiu Feiming, Xuanyuan Pojun, Buddha Realm, Huang Clan and other high-level figures all gathered in front of the Taoist Palace.

They were waiting for Chen Xi.

Now that the situation is urgent and swords are on the verge, they need Headmaster Chen Xi to make a decision.

It's a pity that since the last retreat, Chen Xi has never appeared in this world, which made this kind of big man feel a little anxious, but it can't be called worry and fear.

Although there are many opponents, once a battle breaks out, it is the supreme existence of the Immortal King Realm that really determines the outcome.

In other words, if this battle breaks out, the fight will be about the number of Immortal King Realm powerhouses that each has.

Now, on the Daohuang Academy side, Zhou Zhili, Xuanyuan Pojun, and Shen Haoran have all stepped into the realm of Immortal Kings after refining the fragments of the Heavenly Dao Order Divine Chain.

In addition, Mu Rongtian from the Mu Clan, Zuoqiu Feiming from the Zuoqiu Clan, Xuanji Buddha Lord from the Buddhist Realm, Zhao Lingxi from the Huang Clan... and so on are all existences in the Immortal King Realm.

Adding up everything together, the number of Immortal King Realm has reached about ten, this is not counting as Chen Xi, and under such circumstances, even if the opponent has a large number of people, they will not be afraid.

What really worried them was the Supreme Master, and the forces dispatched this time were all controlled by the Supreme Master, not from the Supreme Master.

Once the masters of the Taishang Sect also get involved, the situation is bound to become extremely dangerous.

This is also the reason why Wang Daolu, Zhou Zhili and the others came to visit Chen Xi together.

"What the hell is the dean doing?"

After waiting for a long time without any movement, Zhou Zhili couldn't help but ask. Others also looked sideways, showing doubts. As far as they knew, Chen Xi had just advanced to the Immortal King Realm, and this retreat was obviously not for the purpose of impacting the realm of cultivation.

"I don't know much about that either."

Wang Daolu shook his head. In the past, he might have asked Chen Xi about some things without any scruples, but now that Chen Xi is the head of the academy, he dare not go beyond the rules.

"Old man Jiang Taizhong, Patriarch of the Jiang Clan, quickly tell Chen Xi about that evil person, come out and meet this old man!"

Suddenly, a thunderous sound rumbled from the distant sky, spreading throughout the academy, with a sense of iron and blood.

The hearts of all the teachers and students trembled, are we going to start a war?

"Hmph, what a lofty status the dean of my academy is, who in this fairy world is qualified to meet him? I think you, Jiang Taizhong, are old and foolish!"

Suddenly, Zhou Zhili flew into the air, looked out of the academy, and spoke in a cold voice.

Outside Daohuang Academy, in Douxuan Immortal City, Jiang Taizhong remained silent and said no more. Chen Xi's power had already been established, and the dean showed all his majesty. He didn't meet him at all, and he didn't show any face. There was nothing he could do about it.

After a long time, he just opened his mouth and said: "That day he brutally killed my Jiang family, Zhongli family, Wan Qi family and other clansmen. This hatred is irreconcilable. Since he is unwilling to take the initiative to atone for his sins, three days later, we will step down the road in one fell swoop. Royal Academy, pay with blood!"

The voice is chilling, filled with endless coldness, and it makes people tremble.


At this moment, an incomparably magnificent sword chant resounded like a divine voice, resounding suddenly from the Dao Emperor's Palace, rushing straight into the universe, shaking the nine heavens and ten earths, and disturbing the wind and clouds in all directions!

That kind of power made the world tremble, and the situation changed, revealing a terrifying power that reached the hearts of the people, and it was terrifying to the extreme.

At this moment, not only everyone in Daohuang Academy, but also all the forces stationed in Dou Xianxian City trembled in their hearts, feeling an inexplicable panic!


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