divine talisman

Chapter 1496 Taishang Special Envoy [Part 2]

Thank you Daochang for your support~


The sword chant was like a tide, shocking the world!

But in just a split second, everything fell into silence, making one feel in a trance, thinking that there was an illusion.

But people knew that it was not an illusion. The terrifying power generated by the sword chant at that moment had already disturbed their Dao Hearts, so how could it be an illusion?

Even because of this sword chant, Jiang Taizhong's cruel words were drowned out, making his power disappear!

What kind of fairy sword came from this sword chant?And who made it?

Everyone is curious.

Only Wang Daolu, Zhou Zhili, Xuanyuan Pojun and others knew that the sword chant came from the Dao Emperor's Palace!

In other words, all of this has a great relationship with the dean Chen Xi.

They all looked at the gate of the Divine Palace together, and they all had a premonition that Chen Xi was going to break through the gate and come out, which made them all feel excited.



A faint luster flashed on the mirror-smooth sword, and it fell into silence, making the whole three-foot-long jet-black sword look more primitive, with a taste of returning to basics and losing all prosperity.

Chen Xi held the re-sacrificed sword talisman in his hand, looked at it carefully, and could clearly feel that the aura of the sword talisman had changed. In the calmness, there was an incomparably compelling power.

Especially when the mind is immersed in it, one can even see that the divine talismans are constantly circulating in it, echoing each other from a distance, creating a unique connection. The inside of a few swords is so vast that it seems to be able to carry a big world!


Chen Xi placed the sword talisman in the void without using any power, but the void and time around the sword talisman were torn apart by an invisible sharp ray, which made a cracking sound and turned into shattered ripples. The cycle of birth and death creates a strange scene.

In other words, just the power of the sword talisman itself can easily tear apart the void and disrupt time now!

This kind of power has even surpassed the power of the top-grade immortal treasure of the Taixu rank, and only the legendary Houtian Lingbao can match it!

The Houtian Lingbao is also a divine weapon, but there is clearly no trace of divinity on the sword talisman.

That is to say, the current level of the sword talisman is still equivalent to the highest level of the Taixu rank, but its power is enough to be compared with the Houtian Lingbao!

This change made Chen Xi very gratified, and he thought to himself, "It's not in vain that I spent a lot of top-grade celestial treasures of the Taixu rank as celestial materials, and combined more than a hundred other rare celestial materials. It is also reasonable, otherwise it will be a big loss."

What made Chen Xi especially happy was that there were many divine talismans imprinted in the sword talisman. Once used as a sacrifice, it could be perfectly integrated with the talisman dao under his control, which was enough to make him exert even stronger power.

This is what Chen Xi values ​​most.

The other immortal swords might be astonishingly powerful, but after all they couldn't give Chen Xi a unique feeling of being connected by blood. Only the sword talisman seemed to be a part of his body.

Of course, the sword of Dao'er can be regarded as a unique existence, and there is a mysterious power in it. Once activated, it can release hundreds of millions of clear sword lotus, which is also immeasurably powerful.

What's important is that when dealing with the Grand Master, the Dao'e Sword can faintly play a nemesis-like role, and it can completely act as a big killer.

After scrutinizing it carefully for a long time, Chen Xi put away the sword talisman, stood up contentedly, left the world of stars, and returned to the Dao Emperor's Palace.


As soon as he arrived at the Dao Emperor Shrine, Chen Xi immediately noticed that Wang Daolu, Zhou Zhili, Xuanyuan Pojun and a group of people were waiting outside the Shrine.

"I've only been in seclusion for less than a month. Could it be that something major will happen?" While thinking, Chen Xi had a thought, and the gate of the divine palace suddenly opened.

"Everyone, please come in and talk."

Seeing this, Wang Daolu and other important figures were all refreshed and entered one after another. They didn't stop until they saw the figure of Chen Xi sitting cross-legged in the deepest part of the shrine, and they bowed their heads one after another.

"I've seen the dean!"

When they really faced Chen Xi, these big figures who dominated the side all restrained their minds and did not dare to show any disrespect. The reason is very simple. The scene of Chen Xi beheading the group of kings by himself was still vivid in their minds, and they dared not bring it up again. Chen Xi treated him as a junior.

In addition, Chen Xi is now the dean of the largest college in the fairy world, and his prestige is so high that it represents the majesty of the entire Dao Emperor Academy, so they didn't dare to disrespect Chen Xi.

"Don't be too polite, everyone, what happened now?"

Chen Xi waved his hand, and futons appeared one after another in the void, asking all the big men to sit down, then he turned his gaze to Wang Daolu, and asked,

Wang Daolu thought about it for a while, and then told Chen Xi everything that happened in these days.

"Heh, are you using those powerful forces as cannon fodder? This Supreme Master is really saving his life."

Knowing all this, Chen Xi couldn't help sneering, there was already a chill between his brows, which was extremely frightening, "How many powerful immortal kings did the other party gather this time?"

"Currently there are about ten of them, most of them come from the three major clans of Zhongli, Wanqi, and Jiang, and the four colleges of Kuji, Dahuang, Daoxuan, and Changkong."

Wang Daolu calmly replied, "As for other forces, half-step immortal kings are the main force. As long as those immortal kings are killed, other forces will not be a concern."

Chen Xi nodded, his eyes filled with wisps of cold lightning, he was silent for a moment before asking, "Have you ever found any traces of the disciples of the Supreme Sect?"

Wang Daolu shook his head: "Although no trace of them has been found for the time being, it is foreseeable that the Supreme Master will definitely not stay out of the matter."

"Dean, the eyes of the entire fairy world are now focused on this confrontation between us and the Supreme Master. It is of great importance. Please make an early decision and make a decision."

Zhou Zhili who was on the side suddenly spoke, and the other big shots nodded one after another.

The current situation has become tense to the extreme, making the entire Douxuan Immortal City the focus of attention in the fairy world. If no decision is made, I am afraid that the opportunity will be lost.

Chen Xi stood up, glanced at everyone, and said calmly: "If I remember correctly, in the current fairy world, those forces that have not been controlled by the Supreme Sect are all waiting and watching, worried that they will suffer from the Supreme Sect if they cooperate with us. teach blow."

After a pause, his eyes suddenly became cold, and he said slowly: "In this case, this time we will tell the outside world with actions, if they become lackeys of the Supreme Master, they will also be severely suppressed by my Taoist Academy! "

In the end, there was a touch of coldness and blood in his voice.

Yes, Chen Xi was extremely disappointed with those forces that were still on the sidelines. If he still had some enthusiasm and a bottom line, at such a moment, he would never look back and forth or hesitate.

After all, that Supreme Master is the public enemy of the Three Realms!Since ancient times, an unknown number of bloodbaths have been set off, and how many innocent lives have been killed!

Now that the Grand Priest Sect is sweeping back and wants to control the Three Realms and control hundreds of millions of sentient beings, under such circumstances, those forces would be afraid and afraid of the Grand Priest Sect's power, and hesitate. Such actions are not just stupid?

Of course, Chen Xi knew that they were also worried that if they cooperated with Daohuang Academy, they would be bloodbathed by the Supreme Master, but could they avoid such a tragedy by not cooperating with Daohuang Academy?

Chen Xi understood their worries, but he couldn't accept them. This was his attitude.

Everyone's heart skipped a beat, and they sensed an undisguised murderous aura from Chen Xi's words, and they knew that Chen Xi had already been agitated for a moment, and wanted to take advantage of the forces gathered in Douxuan Immortal City. .

"Principal Chen Xi, there is one more thing I have to say."

Suddenly, Mu Rongtian, the old antique of the Mu family, hesitated for a while, and spoke.

Chen Xi raised his brows: "Now that our major forces are allied together, we should advance together and retreat together. If you have anything to say, it's okay to say it."

"To be honest, there are still many people in the academy today who are in contact with the Zhongli clan, the Wanqi clan, and the Jiang clan. Although those teachers and students have no blood relationship with those clans, they have a close relationship with each other." Mu Rongtian spoke in a deep voice.

Chen Xi suddenly fell silent, expressionless.

Wang Daolu, Zhou Zhili, Shen Haoran and other college professors felt uncomfortable for a while. These things were supposed to be under their jurisdiction, but now they were exposed by Mu Rongtian, which made them feel ashamed.

All the other powerful figures sighed in their hearts. The Dao Emperor Academy was so powerful in the past, and it looked down on the major forces in the fairy world. Now that it is facing a catastrophe, some teachers and students in the academy are not hesitant to collude with other external forces, wanting to bring disaster to the academy. Compared with the two, It's amazing.

"When I killed the kings, I gave them a chance and didn't clean the academy thoroughly. But since they are still obsessed with it, no one can blame them."

Chen Xi spoke calmly.

Wang Daolu opened his mouth, but he didn't know what to say. This is indeed a tricky question, and some teachers and students are indeed too much. At such a moment, they are unwilling to give up, which is disappointing.

"Professor Wang, Dean Zhou, this matter is up to you to handle. My request is very simple. At such a moment, no spies are allowed inside the academy!"

Chen Xi made a decision that cannot be doubted.

Seeing this, Wang Daolu and Zhou Zhili looked at each other, and immediately took orders and left without hesitation.

At this moment, an old man dressed in gray came outside the Taoist Academy, announced his name, asked someone to report, asked to see Chen Xi, and said that he was from the Supreme Sect!

"Teacher? Oh, what a surprise, I thought they would immediately start a war with me, but I didn't expect to send a special envoy."

Chen Xi narrowed his eyes slightly, and after thinking for a while, he gave orders to allow that old man to enter the academy.

"Old man Sui Wenjing, the fourth of the seven disciples of the Supreme Master's true biography, I have met the dean."

That old man from the Supreme Sect entered the Dao Emperor Shrine, and when he saw Chen Xi sitting cross-legged in the center of the shrine, he was also secretly surprised. The legendary Chen Xi had indeed achieved great success, and had already stepped into the ranks of the Immortal Kings.

"I came here this time to represent the Supreme Master and convey a kind of goodwill to the dean. If you are willing to cooperate with my Supreme Master, there will be a place in the Dao Emperor Academy in this fairy world in the future. Please think again, the dean."

Sui Wenjing opened his mouth without being humble and silent, very direct, but full of courage, he seemed not worried that Chen Xi would spatter his blood five steps in a fit of anger.


ps: It’s the end of the year and I’m very busy~ A lot of work needs to be dealt with and summed up together. Trying to keep 2 more is already the limit of goldfish~~ Everyone, please bear with me. The most important thing is, please don’t forget to vote for the month... Finally, I wish Happy weekend everyone~


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