divine talisman

Chapter 1497 Soldier's Forefront [Part 1]

For a special envoy of the Supreme Sect to stand on the territory of the Daohuang Academy, it really takes a lot of courage for Chen Xi to agree to cooperate with the Supreme Sect and dare to do such a thing.

But isn't this a kind of arrogance?

Obviously, this Sui Wenjing was self-confident. With his own identity and the powers currently displayed in Douxuan Immortal City, it was enough to make Chen Xi fearful and dare not act recklessly.

Unfortunately, to his disappointment, Chen Xi didn't say a word from the beginning to the end, his expression was indifferent, he sat on the futon with an expressionless face, although he didn't move, but surrounded by the power of luck in the divine palace, he reflected him There is a kind of great majesty, which is breathtaking.

For no reason, being stared at by Chen Xi like this made Sui Wenjing feel a little terrified, which made his expression become slightly solemn unconsciously.

"Dean, you should be clear that the existence of the three realms of the gods is now confined to the realm of the end of the Dharma, and I, the Supreme Master, taught me to uphold the way of heaven and act on behalf of the heavens. The general trend has swept the three realms and is unstoppable. It's just a mantis arm blocking the car, I'm too high to bear the scene of blood flowing into the river, and I ask the dean to think twice."

Sui Wenjing said again in a deep voice, "I think the dean will not just watch this number one college in the fairy world disappear in the long river of history, right?"

Chen Xi still didn't speak, but just looked at him. That invisible power actually made the other party feel terrified and trembling.

Sui Wenjing couldn't help being a little unbelievable. This Chen Xi had only just advanced to the Immortal King Realm, but the might he displayed was too terrifying, right?Just being silent made him feel a little suffocated.

Sui Wenjing was palpitating, vaguely aware of a bad feeling, and hurriedly opened his mouth, hoping to seize the initiative and relieve his own pressure, and said: "To tell the truth, this time, in order to express my sincerity, my Supreme Master dispatched twelve true disciples. Senior brother Yin Huaikong is in charge of the overall situation."

Finally, Chen Xi was no longer silent, and the corners of his lips suddenly curled up. It seemed to be mocking, but also sneered: "Finally, I heard a useful piece of nonsense."

"Hahaha, the dean is overrated."

Sui Wenjing didn't get angry at all, instead he laughed heartily, looking very calm, and then lowered his voice after a while and said, "In fact, in detail, you and our Supreme Master have a very deep connection, Dean."

After all, he showed a secretive smile.

Chen Xi narrowed his eyes, his pupils were like knives, and said coldly, "I'm not in the mood to beat around the bush with you, just speak up if you have something to say, otherwise I don't mind sending your head out of the academy."

In his words, he made no secret of his murderous intentions.

Sui Wenjing's heart trembled. Is this guy still a new king? How could he be so terrifying? It made his hair stand on end like falling into an ice cave. He knew that Chen Xi was not joking.

"Principal, you probably know by now that in the ancient times, my Supreme Leader had a younger brother named Tailing, who had a blood relationship with you." He didn't dare to hide any more, and said bluntly.

The Junior Brother of the Supreme Leader!

too spirit?

When the other people in the hall heard the words, they were all shocked. They couldn't believe it. They had never heard of such a thing, and they couldn't believe it. This Supreme Spirit Society had something to do with Chen Xi.

"Presumptuous! Full of nonsense!"

Shen Haoran yelled, and actually said that the dean of the Imperial Academy had something to do with the Supreme Master, this is simply blasphemy!

Sui Wenjing was a little aggrieved. He was one of the seven true disciples of the Supreme Sect, an existence who had already set foot in the Immortal King Realm for an unknown number of years, and his status was extremely respected. To be reprimanded by a teacher made him very angry.

Chen Xi waved his hand, signaling Shen Haoran to be calm, and then calmly said: "You are wrong, my father is Chen Lingjun, not Tailing, the junior brother of your Supreme Leader, although they are related, But it has nothing to do with me."

When it comes to Chen Lingjun, although he is calm on the surface, there are ups and downs in his heart. This is a knot in his heart. Although he has let go of it now, it cannot be completely erased.

All the other great figures were shocked when they heard the words, and only then did they realize that it turned out that Chen Xi's father actually possessed such a complicated identity, which was really unexpected.

"But no matter what, after all, you, dean, have a relationship with my Supreme Master. If it weren't for this, senior brother Yin Huaikong wouldn't have sent me here to express his goodwill."

Sui Wenjing tried his best to keep his tone calm, revealing a hint of kindness.

Hearing this, the expressions of all the important figures present became slightly uncomfortable.

"If I'm not mistaken, your Supreme Sect has probably begun to announce to the whole world that I, Chen Xi, is a pawn that your Supreme Sect placed in the fairy world, and my identity is the nephew of the Supreme Sect Master, right? ?”

Chen Xi narrowed his eyes slightly, his chills surged, revealing an undisguised coldness and murderous intent, "To sow discord, to turn black and white, these are the methods that your Supreme Master is best at, say, isn't it!"

The last three words rumbled like thunder. In an instant, Sui Wenjing was in a trance and almost fell headfirst in the shrine, completely dazed.

He never expected that Chen Xi would reveal their plan in a single word, which made him feel as if he had been stripped naked, and that every secret was being watched by Chen Xi, making him feel uncomfortable and at a loss for what to do. .

A moment later, Sui Wenjing was drenched in cold sweat, and hurriedly left the Dao Emperor Academy. His expression was in a daze, and his heart was terrified. That Chen Xi was so terrifying, he was simply more terrifying than wild beasts, and he felt unspeakable fear and embarrassment.

"It seems that this plan is no longer feasible, and the only option is to start a war!"

After a long time, Sui Wenjing gritted his teeth and made a decision to report the matter to elder brother Yin Huaikong.


"This Supreme Master really has ulterior motives! He actually wants to smear the dean's reputation and make the whole world suspect the dean!"

In the Dao Emperor's Palace, Shen Haoran must be furious, and spoke in a cold voice.

"Don't be annoyed, if I agree to them, I will fall into their tricks. Unfortunately, I, Chen Xi, have been walking all the way, but I have never known what compromise is."

Chen Xi waved his hand, but appeared extremely calm, "Aren't they trying to sow discord? Tomorrow, I will kill those who serve as lackeys for the Supreme Sect! If I can force those dogs of the Supreme Sect to jump out, then It couldn't be better."

Everyone was shocked, they all knew that Chen Xi was about to start a war!

However, before Chen Xi could take any action, the forces gathered in Douxuan Immortal City took the lead in taking action.


The setting sun is like blood, just at the very end of twilight.

The fiery sunset shrouded Daohuang Academy, exuding a solemn and sacred atmosphere.

The majestic ancient buildings, the beautiful mountains and rivers, flowing with golden luster under the setting sun, are dreamlike, grand and vast, and peaceful like a place where gods live.


But soon, this tranquility was broken, the earth trembled, and the air filled the void with a chilling air of iron and blood. A group of people moved out of nowhere in the distance, like a black cloud pressing down on the city.

The group of people were all extremely powerful, covered with the aura of the Xuanjin Immortal King, like a king visiting, patrolling the mountains and rivers, trying to clear away all obstacles, it was extremely compelling.

Behind him, there is still a group of ascetics following, the team is mighty, gathered together, like a startled dragon coming out of an abyss, just the aura radiating from his body disturbs the situation in all directions and changes the color of the world.

The three ancient aristocratic families, Zhongli, Wanqi, and Jiang, and the four colleges, Kuji, Daman, Daoxuan, and Changkong, came together!

Among them, there are more than a dozen Immortal Kings sitting in town, each of them is powerful and brilliant, and when they appear together, just that kind of momentum makes the world fall into dead silence and shocks people's hearts.

In the mountain guard formation that covered the entire Daohuang Academy, both the teacher and the disciples felt palpitations. This was not because of cowardice, but because of instinctive suppression, like an ant facing a goshawk, small and powerless.

The difference between the realms of each other is too great. When the Immortal King comes, this kind of majesty is so high that it is simply unbearable. What's more, there are more than ten Immortal Kings who gather together. The power makes many disciples almost collapse to the ground.

This is the existence of the Immortal King, standing proudly at the pinnacle of the Three Realms, aloof, and following the departure of the powerhouse in the God Realm, he has become the strongest existence in the Three Realms.

When the Immortal King was angry, the sun and the moon changed color, the earth sank, and everything fell into great terror. This is their power, although invisible, it is enough to determine the life and death of most creatures in the world!

On weekdays, the Immortal King Realm is invisible at all, mysterious and supreme, sitting on one side, although it is not in the world, it deters all directions and makes foreign enemies dare not invade.

But recently, more than a dozen Immortal King Realms came together at once, and their soldiers pointed directly at Daohuang Academy. This scene was like the collapse of the sky, which made people unable to restrain their fear.

The war is about to break out!

But today, this Imperial Academy, and even the entire Douxuan Immortal City, are destined to shed blood like rivers!

"Open the restriction, don't make unnecessary struggles."

Suddenly, a mighty middle-aged man from the Jiang family opened his mouth. He has thick eyebrows, bronze-colored skin, and cold currents in his eyes, full of coercive power.

He is Jiang Taizhong, the Patriarch of the Jiang Family, an existence in the Immortal King Realm!Jiang Tingfang who died in Chen Xi's hands that day was his clan brother.

A simple sentence, but filled with a terrifying coercion, some disciples in the restraint shook their bodies for a while, almost coughing up blood, and their faces suddenly turned pale.

"Activate the formation!" A teacher shouted.


In an instant, over the entire Daohuang Academy, all the restrictions that were originally set up were activated at this moment, releasing waves of terrifying restrictions, guarding the entire academy.

"Hmph! It's just stubborn resistance!"

Jiang Taizhong snorted coldly, without any hesitation, he reached out and grabbed it, a big hand that covered the sky wrapped around Xuanjin Immortal King Qi, came out across the sky, slapped it hard, and with a loud bang, it suppressed the prohibition in the distance, buzzing violently , about to fall apart.

"Then Chen Xi is really arrogant. With such a little restriction, he dares to block our way?" Behind him, all the beings in the Immortal King Realm sneered and didn't take it seriously.

With the arrival of the Immortal King, these teachers and students are simply not good enough, how can they control the big formation of the academy?In the eyes of Jiang Taizhong and others, these resistances are nothing more than dying struggles.


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