divine talisman

Chapter 1498 Fighting against the Kings [Part 2]

While talking, Jiang Taizhong pressed down with his palm again, covering the sky with his big hand, and it fell down, shaking so that all the restraints protecting the Daohuang Academy were dimmed, and there were faint signs of shattering.

"Sacrificial formation!"

In the big formation, the instructor shouted again.

With a buzzing sound, the entire formation was once again filled with forbidden fluctuations, the runes flickered, and an aura like an abyss like a prison was vaguely diffused. It was extremely blazing, and the entire Daohuang Academy shone like a round of scorching sun.

"Huh? It's really a waste of money, to use all kinds of strange fairy materials as the source of power to activate this formation. It's just a pity that it is obviously wasted here."

Behind, a fairy king chuckled thoughtfully.

This large formation is indeed extraordinary, with a myriad of majestic sights, blocking all the defenses of Daohuang Academy, like an extremely strong fortress.

This time, Jiang Taizhong stopped doing anything, but raised his voice and said, "Everyone in the Daohuang Academy, listen, today I am here to capture and kill Chen Xi, and I will give you one last chance to quickly let this scoundrel Chen Xi out, otherwise don't Blame me for stepping down this place and obliterating all of you!"

The sound was like a torrent of bells, stirring the surrounding fields and spreading throughout the academy.

It wasn't that they couldn't break through the formation, but that they didn't want to confront Chen Xi in the Dao Emperor Academy. After all, the last time Chen Xi killed the group of kings alone, he borrowed the power of luck from the Dao Emperor Shrine to make them Also had to be careful.

"The dean of my college, how can you just see him as soon as you say, it's really ridiculous!"

In the big formation, the instructor spoke, even though his face was pale from being frightened, he still gritted his teeth and spoke without fear.

"Hmph! In my capacity, even the previous dean, Meng Xinghe, has to come forward to greet me. That Chen Xi is just a brat, what right does he have to show off? Let him come out quickly, don't make mistakes!"

Jiang Taizhong spoke coldly, with an orderly tone, completely disregarding the teachers and students in the big formation, with a kind of conceit, and even a kind of contempt.

Hearing this, those teachers and students were all furious, and one of them said: "You wait for the evil guest to come to the door, and you still want my dean to come forward to deceive me that there is no one in Daohuang Academy?"

The words are sonorous, without any fear.

"Things like ants, dare to be rude? They don't know how to live or die!"

Jiang Taizhong's face darkened, and he scolded in a cold voice.

The voice was filled with the majesty of the Immortal King, and despite the restriction, it was able to shock those teachers and students, making their faces paler and trembling, but no one retreated.

"You say who doesn't know how to live or die?!"

Suddenly, Chen Xi's voice suddenly resounded, echoing outside the academy like thunder.

It's the dean!

All the teachers and students in the big formation were refreshed, and the depression in their hearts was dispelled a lot.

"Evil! Why don't you get out and die?"

Outside Daohuang Academy, Jiang Taizhong's eyes were like lightning, and he shouted in a cold voice.

One mouthful and one evil made all the teachers and students in the academy angry. This Jiang family head is too deceitful. To call their headmaster like this is simply arrogant and presumptuous to the extreme!

"A group of dogs from the Supreme Master dared to bark at the door. Do you really think that there is a shortage of dogs butchers in this world?" Chen Xi's voice came from inside the academy, with a majesty in the grandeur, and a sense of oppression in the clearness. The killing breath of people.

In a word, Jiang Taizhong and the rest of the Immortal King Realm were regarded as lackeys, which made them all look down.


Jiang Taizhong was furious, he stood there, but strands of Xuanjin Immortal King Qi gushed out from his body, turning into billions of divine rainbows, whizzing away violently, trying to break through the great formation.


The divine rainbow is like rain, wrapped in a powerful force, and the power of the fairy king is fully displayed. In an instant, the color of the world changes, and time and space are distorted and collapsed, turning into shattered black holes and turbulent flows.

Everyone in the formation was shocked and felt a deadly threat. This was the power of the Immortal King's anger, which made them feel powerless.

"What a reckless old dog! It really deserves to be killed!"

Suddenly a loud shout came out, and faster than the sound was a sword energy, which was simple, but covered the sky and the sun, with a light slash, hundreds of millions of divine rainbows were shattered inch by inch, and disappeared into nothingness.

Immediately, a long rainbow paved with golden lotus flowers shot out from the sky. Chen Xi was dressed in a green shirt and stepped on the divine rainbow. He held the dark and dumb sword in his hand casually. His eyes opened and closed like cold electricity, as if he wanted to see through the nine heavens. The mysteries of the ten places.

By his side, Zhou Zhili, Shen Haoran, Mu Rongtian, Xuanyuan Pojun, Zhao Lingxi and other Immortal King Realm existences followed, and they were mighty and mighty, making Chen Xi even more powerful and immeasurable.

Seeing this, all the teachers and students in the formation cheered and jumped for joy.

On the other hand, looking at Jiang Taizhong and other Immortal King Realm existences, they all squinted their eyes, and then all showed a sneer. Now that Chen Xi is forced to leave the Dao Emperor Shrine, naturally he can no longer rely on the power of luck in the shrine. , in this way, the threat of the opponent is greatly reduced.

"Nie Zhan, I didn't expect you to have some guts. I'll give you a chance. If you want to preserve the college's survival, you can remove your position as the dean and arrest me without a fight. Let me deal with it!"

Jiang Taizhong spoke coldly, his words were not polite.

"Jiang Taizhong, thanks to the fact that you are the head of the Jiang family in ancient times, you said such shameless words. You are not ashamed to join the Supreme Master, but proud of it. You have completely disgraced your ancestors!"

Beside Chen Xi, Mu Rongtian spoke, without concealing his disdain, "Dean, why don't you let me take action and capture and kill this old dog!"

With that said, he was about to make a move.

But was stopped by Chen Xi, and said, "It's just a bunch of mad dogs, leave it to me to deal with it!"

Chen Xi really hated it to the extreme. He didn't expect that the one who came to the door was not the Grand Master, but the power of these great forces in the fairy world. This made him feel chilled, and made him even more angry.

As soon as these words came out, not only Mu Rongtian and others were stunned, but Jiang Taizhong and other immortal kings also turned pale with anger, this kid is simply too rampant!As if they didn't take them seriously, that supercilious and contemptuous attitude also deeply stimulated them.


As he said that, Chen Xi's figure flashed, and he left the big formation voluntarily, and came outside the Dao Emperor Academy.

Under the bloody sunset, he was alone, facing Jiang Taizhong and other immortal kings, with thick black and long hair flying, and the aura of the whole body was like an abyss of emptiness, and he had the might of a man who was invincible.


The sword talisman chanted clearly, tore apart time and space, and shocked the heavens. In an instant, Chen Xi's whole body seemed to be transformed into a sword god, and his brows were filled with a murderous and fierce aura.

"Hahaha, how courageous! Nie Zhan, are you sacrificing yourself in exchange for the continuation of Daohuang Academy?"

"Heh, you are really young, and you can't stand being provoked. Now that you have come out, you can't look back!"

"This evil obstacle is really crazy. Could it be that he can't wait against me alone? Hahaha, could it be that he thought he could kill the kings like last time? It's ridiculous!"

Seeing Chen Xi running out of the academy unexpectedly made Jiang Taizhong and the others both surprised and delighted. Could it be that this kid is really impatient?

All the teachers and students in the formation were nervous, they didn't understand why the principal had to face all the enemies alone under such circumstances.

Even Shen Haoran, Mu Rongtian, Xuanyuan Pojun and other Immortal Kings existed, they couldn't help their hearts skipping a beat when they saw this, they marveled at Chen Xi's courage, and couldn't help worrying about it.

After all, the opponent has many forces, and under such circumstances, only the existence of the gods dared to go deep alone.

"One, two, three... Twelve old dogs in the Immortal King Realm, yes, these powers are indeed available, but don't let me down too much."

Regarding all of this, Chen Xi seemed not aware of it, his expression was calm and indifferent, his eyes swept over Jiang Taizhong and the others one by one, and a word came out of his lips lightly.

What is strength!

This is called strength, being alone, yet daring to ignore the immortal king of the world!

"Sinister! If you dare to be so presumptuous just after stepping into the Immortal King Realm, die quickly!"

Jiang Taizhong's expression darkened, and he struck out violently. A fairy sword entwined with purple electricity emerged in his palm, and he slashed down like a galaxy of thunder, accompanied by a burst of peerless and violent power, killing Chen Xi.

Almost at the same time, the figures of the other Immortal King Realm existences flashed, and they respectively sat in all directions, sacrificed their celestial treasures, and blocked Chen Xi's way of retreat.


With a swipe of Chen Xi's sword talisman, a gleam of radiant sword energy gushed out, meeting the blade light in an instant, and when the two met, it exploded like a big star, the sky and the earth violently moved, and time and space set off a shattering wave that exploded and spread turbulently.

Fortunately, Daohuang Academy has a large array of defenses to imprison the world and seal this place, otherwise this blow may destroy most of the buildings of the academy, because the Immortal King's random blow has the power to burn mountains and seas, and move the universe .

Jiang Taizhong's face darkened. This evil barrier had just advanced to the Immortal King Realm, and he was able to take a hard blow from him. It seemed that he had a bit of ability, which moved his heart, but he didn't dare to be careless.


At this time, Chen Xi had traveled through time and space, and came with a step forward. Every inch of his skin was filled with sword energy, as if he had transformed into a vast ocean of swords, which was very astonishing.


Jiang Taizhong struck again, and the Zidian Immortal Saber went berserk, turning into a waterfall of hundreds of millions of thunderstorms, and came with the momentum of sweeping away thousands of troops.

The other Immortal Kings were sitting in command, protecting Jiang Taizhong, while blocking Chen Xi's retreat. They were not in a hurry to take action, and were spying on and sensing Chen Xi's flaws, looking for a chance to kill him with one blow.

In their view, Chen Xi had just set foot in the Immortal King Realm, and he had lost the blessing of luck from the Dao Emperor Shrine, so Jiang Taizhong was enough to suppress him.


Suddenly, the sword talisman in Chen Xi's hand crossed the sky, and a divine talisman was reflected, turning into a grand array of mysterious sword arrays, as if they were flying into the sky like rounds of scorching sun, bursting into billions of sword rays, crushing them away.


The Zidian Daomang Waterfall was easily crushed, and it was not blocked at all. It collapsed too quickly, unexpectedly, which made Jiang Taizhong's eyes shrink and he was a little caught off guard.


Before he could react, countless sword qi tore through time and space, and shot out, like a torrential rain, covering all directions and eight poles, smashing that piece of heaven and earth into a chaotic area of ​​sword qi.

And Jiang Taizhong was inevitably besieged in the middle of that area of ​​sword energy!

not good!

The faces of the other Immortal Kings changed suddenly. They never expected that the battle had just started, and the situation would undergo such an astonishing change in an instant, and the power Chen Xi displayed was too beyond imagination, which caught them by surprise.

In an instant, Jiang Taizhong's face turned pale, and he felt a deadly dangerous aura rushing over his body!


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