divine talisman

Chapter 1500 Repeated Killing [Part 1]

The old man with a broken arm was beheaded, his body was divided into two halves, golden blood was flowing, and his screams pierced through the universe.

A generation of immortal kings died just like that. There was confusion in their eyes, and there was also a great fear in their eyes.

Everyone present saw their scalps numb, it was difficult to breathe, and they were all shocked. It was difficult to accept the facts of what happened. How could it be so?This is beyond their imagination.

Under the siege of twelve Immortal King Realm, Chen Xi counterattacked forcefully and suppressed an existence of Immortal King in one fell swoop. What kind of power is this?

This is the Immortal King Realm. In one thought, the sky is turned upside down, the universe is easy to change, and it can destroy ninety thousand miles of mountains and rivers in one breath. It is extremely powerful and high above.

In today's Three Realms, the God Realm does not exist, and the Immortal King is already the highest existence, able to roam the Three Realms and be invincible, but at this time, he was easily suppressed and killed here!

Many people clearly saw that during the process of killing the old man with the broken arm in Chen Xi Town, there was no one to save them, but they were all shaken away by Chen Xi's force, and no one could save everything!

Who wouldn't be shocked by this look of disdain?

If it was said that not long ago in the Dao Emperor's Palace, Chen Xi's single-handed killing of the group of kings was an unparalleled record in the world, then today is another miracle.

This is even unbelievable and unacceptable. He has just set foot in the Immortal King Realm, and without the help of luck from the Dao Emperor's Palace, he can have such a world-defying fighting power. What will happen in the future?It's hard to imagine, maybe it will really shock the ancients and shine the present, and look down on the kings of the world!

Only a small number of people understand how terrifying Chen Xi's combat power has reached.

Because as early as when he was still a half-step Immortal King, he was able to kill the Immortal King Wan Tengqing without relying on the luck of the Divine Palace, and he was able to shake the old Mu Rongtian of the Mu clan, making him retreat in the face of difficulties!

When he was in the square outside the Dao Emperor Shrine, he was the one who forced Jiang Cangyun and Zhong Ligui to join forces with the Immortal King Realm, and finally killed the two Immortal Kings one by one.

At that time, he was still only a half-step Immortal King Realm cultivation base!

But now, he has advanced to the real Immortal King Realm, and his combat power has already undergone an earth-shaking transformation. He has embarked on the Immortal King Avenue of the Perfect Realm, and has condensed the power of the original source.

This is an extremely terrifying power. Among the thousands of Immortal Kings, it is difficult to find one who can condense the original Dao source!

Then assist the sword inscription that has been re-sacrificed and compared to the Houtian Lingbao. Looking at the entire Three Realms, who is his opponent in the same realm?

At this moment, not only the people in the academy were shocked, but even the forces that came to attack were also stunned. They were stunned and couldn't calm down. This Chen Xi was too terrifying. He was a peerless enemy, and it was simply unreasonable!


A group of people shouted, their faces were full of fear, they were old antiques of their family, and now they were killed, making them completely lose their asylum.

The existences under the other Immortal King Realms are all horrified, and they can't help but retreat and panic. Even if they have a large number of people on their side, they can't make them feel absolutely safe.


In the sky, the old man with a broken arm was beheaded. Eleven immortal kings including Jiang Taizhong were already on the verge of facing a formidable enemy. Each of them was operating at full cultivation level, and their bodies were filled with radiant immortal king spirit, like divine mountains juxtaposed there, blooming blazing light Responding to each other, the sky and the earth are filled with endless light, and light rain is everywhere.

After this incident, they completely understood that Chen Xi's combat power was so powerful that it was beyond their knowledge, and it did not match the situation they had received.

It's dangerous!

Originally, they were confident, thinking that Chen Xi had just advanced to the Immortal King Realm, and without the help of luck from the Divine Palace, the twelve Immortal Kings would be able to kill him with ease, but now... Chen Xi's shock that cannot be measured by common sense The fighting power in the world has made the situation dangerous.


All of this didn't affect Chen Xi at all. After beheading the old man with a broken arm, he kept moving, his figure flickered between time and space, the sword in his hand trembled, and once again, a ray of brilliance was chopped out, and he pressed away with a bang.

Goal, Jiang Taizhong!

This wisp of sword energy is too blazing, accompanied by the patterns of divine scriptures, overflowing with infinite light, which makes every fairy king feel dignified.

"The evil is rampant!"

Jiang Taizhong's face was gloomy, and he roared angrily. The "Yin Yao" sword pierced the air in his hand, and strands of divine sword light evaporated, and he shook it away.


The sky is turned upside down, it is gorgeous, light and rain are densely covered, piercing through Qingming, this place becomes an ocean where sword energy spreads, the momentum is unparalleled, and it compels people's souls.

With a pop, Jiang Taizhong coughed up blood, and his face was extremely livid. This further proved that in a one-on-one situation, he was no match for Chen Xi at all.

This made the other immortal kings not dare to be negligent at all, and together with Jiang Taizhong, they launched an attack at the same time, going all out, like eleven divine mountains moving sideways, trying to suppress and kill Chen Xi.

In an instant, this world was filled with the light of the Xuanjin Immortal King, powerful and supreme, producing terrifying oppressive force, crushing towards Chen Xi together.

This kind of joint attack and killing is so terrifying that it makes people's hearts tremble, and it is difficult to generate the power to resist.

But Chen Xi, who was in the midst of the game, was like a dragon startling from an abyss. Instead of dodging, he went up to meet him. Together.


The world seemed to be collapsing, sinking, and collapsing. The terrifying collision and fluctuation turned this place into a chaotic area, and the roar of light and rain made it difficult to see everything inside.

Because there was no defensive power, the huge Douxuan Immortal City was completely reduced to ruins at this moment, and all the buildings collapsed and became a place of death!


This level of confrontation is too terrifying. No matter the teachers and students in Daohuang Academy or the hostile forces from outside, they all feel throbbing at this moment and cannot calm down.


Suddenly, in the battle situation covered by light and rain, there was a piercing roar.

Then, an incomparably horrific roar resounded—"Evil! How dare you destroy my treasure, this old man will fight you!!"

"Old dog, you still want to die with me, are you worthy?"

Almost at the same time, Chen Xi's chilling and quiet voice resounded.

Before the words were finished, in the field of vision of everyone present, they suddenly saw that Chen Xi, who was dressed in a green shirt, was glistening all over his body, transcending the dust and otherworldliness. He suddenly stepped into the void, and he had already arrived in front of a middle-aged man in a yellow robe.


A wisp of sword energy came out, like a ray of light coming from the depths of the starry sky, it swiped down suddenly, a head flew into the air, and the blood rained!

This head flew high, with horror, unwillingness, and perplexity and disbelief on his face.

In his last gaze, the young man was so aloof. After beheading him, he was calm and calm, decisive and fierce, and his whole body was enveloped by an invisible force.


The headless corpse fell to the ground, the flesh and blood exploded, another fairy king was beheaded, his body disappeared, and he died completely.

The blood of the Immortal King was very bright and golden, and soon turned into a void of light, spreading between the heaven and the earth, which was shocking.

This scene once again shocked the entire audience. It made people feel sluggish like a clay statue, almost wanting to suffocate. It was unimaginable that in just a moment, yet another immortal king died at the hands of Chen Xi!

Does this mean that even if a group of immortal kings join forces, they will not be Chen Xi's enemy?


The battle continued without delay.

Even, because of the death of the two Immortal King Realms, the battle situation became more and more tragic.

No one dared to be careless anymore, and Jiang Taizhong and the others no longer dared to have any reservations, and desperately challenged Chen Xi.

And Chen Xi, also without any hesitation, was alone in the pinch of the ten immortal kings, his long black hair fluttering, his eyes like cold electricity, wisps of rune patterns lingered all over his body with every gesture, and hundreds of millions of sword qi Shooting in ten directions, like an invincible king, looking down and proud.

Seeing that kind of martial spirit, everyone present was shocked again, their minds were shaken and they couldn't restrain themselves.


It didn't take long before Chen Xi seized a chance, jumped forward, and smashed the head of an Immortal King Realm with an abrupt kick!

Wow~~~ Blood rained, the fairy king didn't even have time to let out a scream, he was suppressed and killed on the spot, the tragic death shocked everyone present.


However, when Chen Xi killed the Immortal King, a flaw appeared in his back, he was bullied by an old man, sacrificed a bone-shaped fairy treasure, and smashed it on his left shoulder.

Suffering a heavy blow, Chen Xi's figure flickered, his whole body was writhing with energy and blood, and he almost coughed up blood.

However, to the surprise of everyone present, Chen Xi did not retreat but advanced. Taking advantage of this opportunity, his figure slammed headfirst into the old man's embrace.

The old man was ecstatic when he succeeded in the sneak attack, and wanted to take the opportunity to suppress and kill Chen Xi, but he never thought that the other party would not dodge or evade, but rushed forward on his own initiative, and was caught off guard.

Kacha, Kacha... There was a sound of bone breaking, and the old man felt as if he was being pushed horizontally by a divine mountain. Every inch of his skin, bones, and even his energy and energy exploded, making him unable to restrain himself from screaming.

Immediately, with a bang, his whole body exploded abruptly, blood and flesh flying everywhere!

All of this happened too quickly, from Chen Xi kicking the head of that fairy king to pieces, then to his left shoulder being injured, until now he killed the old man with his body, all in just a split second, it was so fast that people couldn't believe it. Too late to react!

When all these sudden and thrilling consecutive killings ended, there were once again two Immortal Kings missing in the field.

As for Chen Xi, his left shoulder was injured, his clothes were stained with blood, his expression was still chilling and calm, as if he hadn't been injured at all, and his aura was still monstrously powerful, extremely compelling.

So far, four Immortal Kings have been killed by Chen Xi in this battle.

Back and forth, not even a cup of tea!

"Damn evil!"

The remaining eight immortal kings including Jiang Taizhong roared, their faces were ashen and gloomy to the extreme, their canthus were tearing apart, and they were furious.

In just a split second, they were beheaded by Chen Xi in succession to kill two companions. Apart from feeling angry, they also felt an uncontrollable sense of horror and fear.

This is horrible!

They were caught off guard and unacceptable.

It wasn't just them, everyone present was so shocked that they almost lost their minds, their pupils dilated, and they were as dull as if their souls were out of their bodies. Chen Xi's power once again brought them a subversive and strong impact, which was unimaginable.


ps: This chapter makes up for what I owed yesterday, and there are 2 more updates tonight.


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