divine talisman

Chapter 1501 God Forbidden King [Part 2]

This time, Jiang Taizhong and other twelve immortal kings led the three ancient families of Jiang, Wanqi, and Zhongli, as well as the four major colleges of Changkong, Kuji, Daoxuan, and Daman, and they came aggressively, intending to sweep Daohuang Academy, completely eradicate it and disintegrate it.

They never thought that just the first confrontation, just dealing with Chen Xi who was alone, would cause them to suffer severe injuries, and four Immortal King Realm existences would be wiped out in succession.

This kind of accident was like a blow to the head, which made them feel cold all over, their faces were extremely ugly, and they felt an unspeakable horror and solemnity.

And for those forces who came here, they were even more frightened by this scene, as if falling into an ice cave, and only one Chen Xi was so difficult and terrifying, how could this battle be fought?

At this point, they were no longer as smug as before, as if they had been poured cold water over their heads, their bodies were cold, and their fighting spirit was gradually collapsing and dissipating.

On the other hand, Daohuang Academy's morale was boosted, and the cheers were like thunder, resounding through the sky. No matter the teachers and students, or Mu Rongtian and others, their faces were full of shock, joy, and disbelief.

Chen Xi's strength also exceeded their expectations, and it made them feel a kind of excitement and excitement that they had never seen before. Their blood was boiling, and they wished they could rush forward and fight side by side with Chen Xi.



The sword talisman sings clearly, as if longing for the sound of drinking blood.

In the sky, Chen Xi dispatched again, the enemy did not die, and the killing continued.

He has endured for a long time, he needs an absolute victory to establish his prestige, he needs to use blood and death to tell the whole world that if he takes refuge in the Supreme Sect, he will definitely be killed by someone like Chen with iron blood!

At the same time, the eight Immortal King Realms including Jiang Taizhong all dispatched, glowing all over, forming a sacred light curtain, covering all directions, a radiance, which is not only a defense, but also an offense.

The battle, inevitably, continued.


This time, in less than half a quarter of an hour, another Immortal King was suppressed and killed on the spot. He couldn't resist Chen Xi's suppression, and wanted to dodge to escape, but was sacrificed by Chen Xi to Da Luotian, and he was captured and killed in one fell swoop.

This was already the fifth Immortal King Realm existence that died at the hands of Chen Xi, so there is no need to repeat the shock caused by it.

What really shocked everyone was that when all the Immortal Kings were fighting with all their might, not only failed to turn the situation around, they were still forced to be suppressed by Chen Xi every step of the way. This made everyone feel the same thing. a thought -

In the Immortal King Realm, is Chen Xi already invincible enough to crush existences in the same realm?

Perhaps, even if he has not yet reached this level of uniqueness, the step that surpasses all kings, he may not be far away...

"Go! Retreat!"

Suddenly, in the sky, Jiang Taizhong yelled loudly and transmitted the sound to the other Immortal Kings. He knew very well that the loss of five Immortal King Realm existences in a row had made them lose their momentum.

On the other hand, Chen Xi fought more and more bravely, as if he was unshakable. Under such circumstances, it was impossible to reverse the situation, and the only option was to retreat.

The faces of the other Immortal Kings were ashen. Although they were extremely unwilling, they had to admit that their actions this time would indeed come to an end without a problem.

"Junior, next time you come here, you will definitely pay in blood!"

"Sinister! Let you be rampant in every possible way, and in the face of the will of the Supreme Master, you are nothing more than manipulating your arms to block the traffic and bring your own destruction! Just wait!"

Amidst the venomous and unwilling roars, a group of fairy kings used the method of teleportation, and they were about to retreat with their respective forces.

"Since you're here, why leave again!?"

Chen Xi let out a cold snort, and suddenly his figure flashed. In an instant, he walked thousands of times in the void. Every time he took a step, an obscure divine symbol pattern appeared in the void.


When he stopped suddenly, the world suddenly changed. One after another, grand oracles rose from the void, surging out endless runes, echoing each other and blending with each other, covering the entire area.

The runes here are like a vast starry sky, densely covered with symbols, mysterious and obscure, gushing wisps of divine aura, surging with monstrous divine light!

All of this was completed in an instant, and turned into a big ban made up of different gods, imprisoning time and space, so that those fairy kings were covered in it before they had time to dodge.


"This is forbidden by God!"

A burst of exclamation resounded, and those fairy kings were shocked, their faces changed completely, and they did not dare to move without authorization, recognizing that this piece of world had been shrouded in an obscure and mysterious divine restriction.

Divine Forbidden is a large formation full of divine aura, which can communicate the power of the gods of heaven and earth. Generally speaking, only the supreme existence of the level of conferred gods can be displayed, and it already has the power of the divine way.

But this is just generally speaking, for some talisman formation masters who have reached the pinnacle of talisman dao and have the title of "God of talisman", with some special means, they can also impose divine restrictions.

However, the existence of the title of "God of Talisman" is extremely rare, even rarer than real gods. The reason is that although Talisman Dao is the most common and common among the three thousand Dao, it is also the most complicated and obscure. It is difficult to find one among the thousands of masters who have attained the "God of Talisman".

But now, in an instant, Chen Xi has erected a divine ban, covering the universe and blocking all escape routes. This also proves from the side that his attainments in talisman dao are enough to be entitled to the title of "God of Talisman"!

This was unexpected, not to mention Jiang Taizhong and other immortal kings, even the people of Daohuang Academy had never thought before that Chen Xi had such extraordinary attainments in talisman dao.

In fact, they overestimated Chen Xi a little bit. It is true that his talisman cultivation had reached the level of "God of Talisman", but without the cooperation of the sword in his hand, he would definitely not be able to set up a divine ban in an instant.

After all, he is only in the Immortal King Realm and has not yet possessed the power of a god, but the sword talisman is different. There are many gods in it, and when they are cast out with formations, they can use the power of the gods between heaven and earth to condense into a real sword. God forbid.


The divine prohibition rotated, and the divine brilliance burst out, interweaving a dense rune pattern, which evolved into terrifying power fluctuations, flooding this place.

This made Jiang Taizhong and other immortal kings frightened. Although the forbidden power of the gods is terrifying, it can't help them in a short period of time. However, in this way, they have completely fallen into a situation where they are fighting on their own, and they can no longer join hands as before. , this is the most terrible thing!

At this moment, their minds were tense, their brows were furrowed, and they were more cautious while looking for a way out while trying to shake the constantly coming divine power.

"Everyone, don't panic, the old man also has a lot of experience in Talisman, at least he can rush out!"

Suddenly, an incomparably majestic tall middle-aged man spoke in a deep voice, his whole body was gilded and lustrous, and his immortal power was surging, like an abyss like a prison, and when his eyes opened and closed, runes loomed, as if he was deducing and breaking the formation.

Regarding this, Chen Xi's expression was calm and indifferent, there was no aura of fireworks in his body, and he did not continue to move, giving people a sense of inscrutability.

In fact, it's not that he is unwilling to take action, but that after setting up the divine ban, he has already emptied his body of immortal power, and now he is doing his best to run the Cangwu seedlings and restore his strength.

After all, this is forbidden by the gods, even if he can use the sword talisman to lay it down, but he is limited by his own cultivation and has not reached the level of conferring gods, he still feels a little too much.

But when he saw that these immortal kings, and even all the forces behind them were trapped in the divine restraint, Chen Xi felt that these sacrifices were totally worth the money.


In God's Forbidden City, the tall middle-aged man stopped the deduction and took a sudden step, and was about to break through the formation and open up an escape route.

Under its feet, the power of the Immortal King flows densely, and the golden rays of light bloom, paving a road, breaking through multiple runes, and leading far away.

"This forbidden disciple has a false appearance, but only so much!"

He laughed loudly, with his sleeves fluttering, and opened the way, and sent a voice transmission to the other fairy kings, indicating that the formation could be broken, and it was not as terrifying as the rumors said.

However, at this moment, suddenly, a row of dense rune patterns emerged, reflected in front of him, covered and blocked, and then evolved a series of phantoms of gods, suppressing and killing them.

"Huh? No!"

His expression changed immediately, and the danger came, which made him feel a warning in advance, and dodged to one side, and the attacks passed by one after another, making him dodge without any danger.

But it was unavoidable to encounter some Shanghai. An attack hit his shoulder, blood spurted out, and the bones were visible deep, leaving a shocking scar.

"This god-forbidden has been evolving all the time, possessing infinite power! This is the inheritance power of Fuxi, the Lord of Shenyan Mountain!"

This person exclaimed, his face changed suddenly, his hair stood on end in an instant, and he felt an unprecedented panic. He is quite accomplished in Talisman, how could he not recognize the inheritance of this divine prohibition, the power of inheritance born out of Shenyan Mountain?

Because of this, he just deeply understood that this divine prohibition is by no means as simple as it appears on the surface, its power can be described as limitless and immeasurable, and being trapped in the Immortal King Realm is like an animal waiting to be slaughtered!

Hearing this exclamation, the hearts of the other immortal kings who were trapped in the forbidden gods were cold, and they were as powerful as them, and they also began to feel uneasy at this moment.

It's like falling into a dragon's pool and a tiger's lair, unable to find a way out.

God's prohibition is not just talk, once it works, it can communicate with the power of the heaven and earth gods, and it already has the power of slaughtering gods and slashing saints, which is difficult to stop.

Even if they exist as immortal kings and are high in the Three Realms, they are still hard to stop them from killing such divine formations.

"Damn evil! You actually set up this killing array to surround us!"

At this moment, Jiang Taizhong and the other immortal kings knew that they had no way out, and they all stood ready to sacrifice the strongest immortal treasure to protect themselves.

His expression was already livid and unsightly to the extreme.

"The barking of a group of mad dogs, from the moment you turned to the Supreme Master to help the tyrant, your end has been doomed. Today, since you dare to come to offend my Taoist Academy, you should all be suppressed, otherwise Chen will be killed again!" How should I explain it to the whole world?"

Chen Xi spoke indifferently, his voice was calm, but there was a domineering arrogance that looked down on all sentient beings and looked down upon the ages.

At this moment, everyone in Daohuang Academy was full of excitement and blood, and couldn't help shouting and cheering for their dean.


ps: The 2nd update is here, please ask for a monthly pass, Goldfish continues to code the 3rd update~~


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