divine talisman

Chapter 1502 Killing the Kings to Tell the World [Part 3]

When Chen Xi's voice fell, Jiang Taizhong and the rest of the Immortal Kings changed their expressions. This villain actually wants to suppress and kill them all?

And those forces who followed behind them were all shocked, especially those who were weaker, they were so intimidated that they were about to tremble, and their hearts were chilled.

"What a big tone, Chen Xi, do you think the Supreme Church just watched all this happen?"

Jiang Taizhong took a deep breath and sneered.

He had already changed his title, and no longer slandered Chen Xi as an evil person. It can be seen that at this moment, his mood was also quite disturbed, and he had inadvertently revealed a trace of fear towards Chen Xi.

Too good to teach!

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere in the field suddenly stagnated.

Yes, whether it is Jiang Taizhong's Immortal King Realm, or the forces that came with them, they have now taken refuge in the Supreme Sect.

And their attack on the Dao Emperor's Palace this time has attracted the attention of the entire fairy world. Under such circumstances, how could the Taishangjiao watch all this happen and see this operation fail?

will not!

Anyone who has a little brain knows that the real power of the Supreme Master has probably been hiding in the dark, watching all this with cold eyes.

And this is exactly where Jiang Taizhong dared to speak like this.

"The Supreme Master is just a dog raised by Heaven, but you are still proud of relying on a dog. In this way, you are not even as good as a dog."

When Chen Xi opened his mouth, his expression was calm and indifferent, and he did not hide his sarcasm and disdain in his words, as if he didn't care about the threat from the Supreme Master.

The faces of Jiang Taizhong and the others suddenly turned ugly again. Chen Xi not only called the Supreme Master a dog, but even called them worse than a dog. In the past, how could they have been humiliated like this with their supreme status?


They are immortal kings, and they are the controllers of one of the top powerful forces. They dominate one side, call the wind and call the rain, and are respected and revered wherever they go. Who dares to desecrate their dignity with words?

"Chen Xi, if you do this, the entire Taoist Academy will be buried with you. Can you bear the consequences!" a skinny young man in a Taoist robe shouted sharply. He was a member of the Taoist Academy. Ragnarok antique.

"Hehe, you have come to offend my Dao Emperor Academy, and now you dare to threaten me with this, it's ridiculous!" Amidst a sneer, Chen Xi suddenly sacrificed his sword talisman, his figure swung forward, and launched an attack!

At this moment, he has already restored seventy-eight eighty-eight of the consumed immortal power in his body, and with the power of the forbidden gods, he can deal with various situations.

It was impossible for those in the Immortal King Realm to sit still and wait for death. Seeing Chen Xi break into the Divine Forbidden City, they all sacrificed the strongest immortal treasures, and prepared to take the opportunity to fight for a way out.


The skinny young man in Taoist robes from Daoxuan Academy was glowing all over his body, as if a god had come to the world. He suddenly sacrificed a black dust whisk in his hand, and made a strong impact, trying to break the divine prohibition.

Acquired Lingbao!

With a flash of light in Chen Xi's eyes, he recognized that this whisk was a fetish, and he couldn't help being secretly surprised in his heart. The value of these old antiques in the Immortal King Realm was indeed beyond imagination.


The divine breath of the dust whisk was transpiring, as if it was stirring a piece of chaos, obliterating and shattering many rune restrictions, it was unparalleled in its strength to break out of the formation.

Chen Xi smiled, and jumped forward to meet him, fighting against him.


The sword talisman pierced through the air, and the simple and dull sword body surged with divine talisman patterns, which actually blended with the divine forbidden in front of him, and borrowed the divine power from it, making Chen Xi's power suddenly magnified.

His blue shirt was fluttering, he was clear and refined, and he had an aura of supernatural power, as he confronted that skinny young man.

Boom~~~ Between the two, the treasures are formidable, and all the means are used. One is like a Taoist Tianzun coming to the world, and the other is like a sword-like emperor patrolling the sky, killing the world in a dark way.

It can be clearly seen that as soon as the battle started, the skinny young man was at a disadvantage and was completely suppressed by Chen Xi. If he hadn't relied on the magic treasure in his hand, he might have been suppressed and killed by Chen Xi long ago.


The skinny young man was also aware of this, spurted out a mouthful of blood, roared loudly, and for a moment a golden dharma body emerged from nothingness, turned into a glaring god, held a big seal, and suppressed and killed him.

In an instant, the gods hummed and began to tremble violently. The golden celestial figure was unmatched, with a big seal in his hand imprinting divine power, possessing power beyond imagination.


Chen Xi snorted coldly, his brows and eyes were sharp, he sacrificed a bowl, and with a buzzing sound, he blocked the blow of the Heavenly God's Dharma Body, while he himself was holding a sword talisman, like a humanoid Kunpeng, he rushed away violently, and slashed down with his sword.


He slashed on that big seal with a sword, the sword intent surged, time and space were distorted and exploded, and then with a bang, the big seal burst into pieces abruptly.

Immediately, Tian Zun's Dharma body trembled suddenly, and spider cracks appeared on the surface, which exploded with a click, and shook all directions.

Everyone was shocked. Chen Xi was so strong that he used his own strength to forcibly shake a Heavenly Venerable Dharma Body, and even cut it off. This is truly astonishing.


The skinny young man coughed up blood, staggered backwards, his whole body was extremely dim, and he was severely injured.

"How is it possible, Zhouxu Liujia Tianzun's dharma body inherits the power of the gods, and I even compromised my ten thousand-year origin, and I couldn't resist your evil blow!"

He roared angrily, with horror on his pale face, and a deep sense of shock and bewilderment.


Chen Xi didn't open his mouth. What greeted the skinny young man was a wisp of sword energy, surrounded by dense runes, blazing and gorgeous, drowning his whole body.

The sound stopped abruptly, and a stream of golden blood of the Immortal King gushed out, staining the forbidden gods.

Another immortal king has fallen!

Although Jiang Taizhong and other immortal kings were trapped in other areas of the Forbidden God, they clearly sensed all of this. At this moment, they also felt a throbbing chill in their hearts, as if they were mourning, and felt a never-before-seen from the inside out. Anger and horror.

They didn't hesitate, as if they were going crazy, they used all their means to break out of the formation.


Regarding this, Chen Xi didn't even look at it, his figure flashed and rushed into other areas.

At this moment, once he makes a move, there is no room for maneuver. One is because the power of this divine prohibition is consumed too much and it will collapse soon. On the other hand, he is also worried that his actions will be disrupted by being cut off by the Supreme Master. .


In a certain place in God's Forbidden City, a short, fat old man in red robes was smashing the formation with a black iron rod in his hand, with a gloomy and ferocious expression, cursing in his mouth: "Damn, damn, why hasn't this Supreme Master appeared yet? If I had known this earlier, I would not have said anything to wade into this muddy water..."

Suddenly, his figure froze, and his heart became vigilant. Suddenly he raised his head, and saw a touch of blue shirt appearing, traveling towards him through time and space.

In an instant, the fat on his face trembled, his complexion changed suddenly, and he exclaimed, "Chen Xi!"

"It seems that I have kept you waiting for a long time. I am really sorry. I will send you on your way now."

Chen Xi made a cold sound, and jumped forward.

"try it yourself!"

The red-robed old man roared furiously. At this moment, his body seemed to be on fire, turning into infinite immortal light. With all his strength, he swung the black iron stick in his hand, wanting to fight Chen Xi to the death.


Chen Xi sneered, activated the power of divine restraint, and imprisoned the time and space in all directions, then waved the sword in his hand, and swept it away, a vast and brilliant sword energy gushed out.


The red-robed old man seemed even more unbearable. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't stop the restraint of the gods, let alone stop Chen Xi's sweeping power of the sword.

At this moment, the shrill scream sounded like a pig being slaughtered, resounding through the sky, and it took a long time before it disappeared.

The other fairy kings were shocked again, with a touch of despair in their hearts, how can they fight?The gods forbid blockade all directions, and Chen Xi is so powerful, who can compete with him?

"Let's do it together and fight him!"

"That's all!"

In God's Forbidden City, two immortal kings met together. After discussing, they both made the determination to fight Chen Xi to the death.

At this moment, Chen Xi's figure appeared out of thin air, and he said indifferently, "I said earlier, you shameless things that are worse than dogs are not worthy of living in this world, let alone dying with me!"

While speaking, Chen Xi pierced the sky with energy, and circulated the power of divine prohibition, sealing and trapping the ten directions. At this moment, he was ruthless, holding a sword in his hand, and opened the ring to kill!

After a while.

"Ah..." a fairy king yelled, and the fairy treasure in his hand was chopped into two halves together with his person, and the rain of light and blood was torrential.

"You...Chen Xi, I had a friendship with Dean Meng Xinghe back then, but now I know I was wrong, please let me live, I swear that from today on, I will change my past, change my mind, and I am willing to fight with you in the grand war. To teach, to go through fire and water, and not to hesitate.”

Another fairy king trembled, and at this critical moment of life and death, he actually mobilized and begged for mercy!

This was beyond everyone's expectations, and it made everyone in the Daohuang Academy look down upon him. A high-ranking fairy king who has dominated the world for so many years is now so frightened that he wailed and begged for mercy. This is indeed unbelievable.

Chen Xi's black hair was disheveled, his eyes were as menacing as cold lightning, his expression was calm and without any emotional fluctuations, he held the sword in his hand and pressed forward, never wavering at all from the beginning to the end.


Blood gushed out, and this person had no time to resist, so Chen Xi sealed his throat with a sword, his soul was shattered and crushed, and he was killed right there, dead on the spot.

"how so!"

There were bursts of screams in the distance, it was the power that followed a group of fairy kings, and now seeing one after another of the fairy kings, making them lose their protection, they all trembled suddenly, their faces turned pale from fright, and they almost Limp to the ground.

The Chen Xi on the opposite side was like a ruthless and ruthless ancient demon god, until now, he had killed eight immortal kings by himself, it was shocking!

These are the eight immortal kings, let's put them to death one by one!

Who could have imagined this before?

There is no doubt that at this moment, Chen Xi, with the help of God Forbidden, has gained an absolute advantage, frightening all directions, and his power is so powerful that it can even make people frightened!

At this moment, everyone in the Dao Emperor Academy was stunned, their hearts were filled with endless fluctuations, they were excited, shocked, excited, and even proud!

This is their dean!

Today, I want to kill the kings to tell the world!


ps: There is a kind of heartache, that is, the number of the monthly pass will not move even if it moves, what a painful realization... I will cry for a while, see you tomorrow~


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