divine talisman

Chapter 1503 Changes Steep Rise [Part 1]

The divine ban was opened, and the runes were densely transpired.

After beheading eight Immortal Kings in a row, Chen Xi's movements were never affected by any external influence.

He was silent, stern, and walked with a sword, like a wind of nothingness, floating in every corner of God's Forbidden City.

This formation was laid out by Chen Xi himself, and every detail and change in each area of ​​the formation was clearly presented in his mind, making his actions particularly precise and swift.

At this moment, he is no longer alone in fighting against the immortal kings as before, but has changed into another faction. The remaining four immortal kings are trapped in every corner of God's Forbidden City, so that he can completely rely on his own strength to fight against the immortal kings. A town to kill these opponents.


In God's Forbidden City, the sword energy soared into the sky, blazing, accompanied by a tide of dense and obscure runes, turning it into a chaotic and turbulent ocean of light, making it difficult to see clearly.

All I could hear was the roar of the Immortal King, the sound of fighting, and the shrill shouts continued to stir up, resounding through the nine heavens and ten earths, making one's hair stand on end, and one's face changed in horror.

The sunset glow is like blood, dyeing the sky red, poignant and gorgeous.

In the distance, Daohuang Academy is majestic, shrouded in defenses under the great ban, solemn and sacred, flowing with golden brilliance.

The battle is still going on, tragically.

But everyone knew that the eight Immortal Kings had fallen one after another, Chen Xi already had the absolute advantage, and it was difficult for the remaining four Immortal Kings to reverse the deadlock.


A moment later, there was a dying howl from God's Forbidden City, full of unwillingness, anger, and panic, shaking the heavens and making one's scalp tingle.


In the academy, the hearts of all the teachers and students were shocked. They judged that another immortal king had died at the hands of Chen Xi, which made them all more excited and excited.

For these guys who came to offend the academy, they have absolutely no sympathy.

After all, this time they came in a vicious manner, with a large number of people, without Chen Xi sitting in command, it would be impossible to resist the opponent's attack just by relying on the teachers and students of their academy.

In that case, it would be them, the teachers and students of Daohuang Academy, who were killed and slaughtered!

And forces like Mu Rongtian, Zhao Lingxi, Zuoqiu Feiming, Dragon Realm, Buddha Realm, etc., after witnessing all of this, were shocked in their hearts by Chen Xi's fighting power, and secretly rejoiced in their hearts that they were able to fight with each other this time. It is definitely a wise choice to cooperate with Daohuang Academy.

Now that the powerhouses of the Three Realms are gone, the Immortal Kings rule the roost. Although the power of the Supreme Sect has swept the Three Realms, they now even have their hands in control of most of the Immortal Realms.

But don't forget that although the power of the Supreme Master is spread all over the three realms, it can be called the top combat power, and it is only in the realm of the fairy king.

Under such circumstances, the peerless combat power displayed by Chen Xi made them see a glimmer of hope. Perhaps, under the leadership of Chen Xi, they could really counterattack and wipe out the Supreme Master?

Thinking of this, the great figures of those forces are all very excited. If the Supreme Master can be completely eradicated, then these forces who fought side by side with Daohuang Academy will naturally get more benefits from it after this catastrophe that affects the three realms. Resources and forces!

At this moment, two miserable cries resounded in the God Forbidden almost at the same time.

"Another two immortal kings were beheaded!"

"There's only one left!"


In the dense rune divine forbidden, the sun overflows, and the obscure divine power pervades.

Jiang Taizhong looked like he was going crazy, his face was ferocious, his eyes were about to split open, and he was using the "Yinyao" sword in his hand to kill the gods.

He cursed wildly in his mouth: "Damn the Supreme Master! You dare not save him from death. I should have known that none of these ruthless bastards is trustworthy!"

At this moment, he no longer had the air of an immortal king to speak of, instead he was struggling like a cornered beast, unwilling to die just like that, appearing extremely pitiful.

As a fairy king, as the head of the Jiang family in ancient times, his status is so respectable and his authority is so great, but now he is reduced to the cannon fodder of the Supreme Master. Compared with the two, the strong sense of gap stimulates Jiang Taizhong to almost go crazy .

In the past, no one could have imagined that an immortal king would be reduced to such a state.

This is how the world is like chess, no matter how high or low, who dares to say that one day he will not be reduced from a chess player to a chess piece?

What about the fairy king?

Under the catastrophe of the Three Realms, even the strong in the divine realm were not spared, and were imprisoned and taken to the realm of the end of the law. Isn't fate manipulated by the catastrophe and unable to struggle?

All in all, nothing more than four words: the road is difficult!

Since ancient times, on the way of seeking the way of heaven, how many ascetics have died due to various causes and effects, and how many ascetics have been calculated by others and fell as pawns?

I can't even count them!

Compete with the sky, compete with the enemy, and compete with yourself, this is the way!Every step is difficult, and murderous intentions are everywhere!


Suddenly, the divine prohibition fluctuated violently, abruptly breaking through the numerous restrictions, and about to open up a way out.

This made Jiang Taizhong's spirit suddenly lifted, and his face showed ecstasy. Sure enough, the power of this forbidden god is rapidly draining, and it is about to collapse!

"Hahaha, as expected, the heavens will not kill me! When I get out of trouble this time, I don't want to interfere with this time, and when I watch your grand master fight with Chen Xi coldly, and when both sides lose, that is the day when I, Jiang Taizhong, make a comeback!"

Jiang Taizhong laughed wildly in his heart, and the movements in his hands became more and more violent, wanting to break a way out completely in one go.

"The god's ban is broken, can you escape?"

Suddenly, a clear and indifferent voice resounded in his ears, and Jiang Taizhong froze in shock, every inch of his hair stood on end, and his face instantly became extremely ugly.

Chen Xi!

He suddenly withdrew his hands, looked around, and sure enough, he saw that Chen Xi, who was wearing a green shirt and with thick black hair hanging down his shoulders, was looking at him coldly from a distance, with a vague sneer on the corner of his lips.

That kind of gaze, that kind of sneer, as if looking at a dying person, stimulated Jiang Taizhong's forehead to burst and twist into a ball.

"Chen Xi, I admit that I underestimated you before. If you let me go this time, I can hand over the entire Jiang family. You probably don't know that my Jiang family has existed since ancient times and has an incomparably rich heritage. If you want to fight against the Supreme Master now, it will definitely come in handy."

Jiang Taizhong took a deep breath, trying to control the panic and anxiety in his heart, and said, "How about it, is the price enough to exchange the whole Jiang family for my life?"

The sarcasm on the corners of Chen Xi's lips became more and more intense: "Even you don't believe this, right? You are just trying to delay the time. I can tell you bluntly, after 130 breaths, this forbidden god will be destroyed. Completely broken, but... can you still escape?"

Jiang Taizhong's complexion changed suddenly, and Chen Xi's words broke his mind. This made his heart sink, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Since you know this, why do you still talk so much nonsense?"

When Chen Xi heard the words, he fell into silence.

After a while, he suddenly raised his head and said, "Your death is already doomed. I'm just deducing when the Supreme Master's ultimate move will appear."

Jiang Taizhong's face became more and more embarrassing. He finally understood that it wasn't that Chen Xi didn't want to kill him, but that he didn't take him seriously at all. What really made Chen Xi wary was the Supreme Master!


Suddenly, a ruthless look flashed in Jiang Taizhong's eyes, and his whole body was ablaze with the power of the source of fire, and in an instant, he rushed headlong towards the forbidden god.

At this moment, his momentum was much higher than before, and he obviously used some kind of secret method, intending to complete his work in one fell swoop and get out of trouble in one fell swoop.


Chen Xi had long been prepared for this, and when Jiang Taizhongfu made a move, he swipe casually, and the sword talisman tore a terrifying gap in the void, spreading towards Jiang Taizhong.

The speed is so fast that it has reached an unbelievable level.

According to this situation, the moment Jiang Taizhong broke through the restraint, this sword edge would catch up in time and intercept him in one fell swoop.

Jiang Taizhong was obviously aware of all this, he roared again, bit the tip of his tongue, opened his mouth and spewed out a ball of golden original blood, with a bang, his action speed increased again, and he was ahead of the sword edge. Brutely break the divine prohibition!


At this moment, the corners of Chen Xi's lips suddenly formed a cold arc, and immediately, a sheet filled with star brilliance floated out of thin air above Jiang Taizhong's head like a dream, and enveloped it!

It turned out that Chen Xi had already prepared everything, and arranged Da Luotian on Jiang Taizhong's way, which happened to be a scene of waiting for a rabbit.

"Do not--!!"

The danger was imminent, and Jiang Taizhong was so excited that he roared in shock and anger. He was about to get out of trouble. Who would have thought that the glimmer of hope that he had worked so hard for would be wiped out. How could he bear such a huge gap.

At this moment, he violently sacrificed the Yinyao Divine Sword, sacrificing the origin of his body, and went all out to struggle from the Da Luo world, fighting to the death.

But at this time, Chen Xi had already appeared out of thin air with a sword in his hand, and he slashed across the air with his sword!

The current situation is doomed that Jiang Taizhong will be more and more vicious, and there is no room for turning around. However, at this moment, the sudden change——


A big white and slender hand suddenly covered it from outside the Divine Forbidden City, each finger was surrounded by strands of mysterious and strange black light, disrupting time and space, and in an instant, it directly grabbed Chen Xi!

All of this happened too fast, from Jiang Taizhong desperately breaking the formation, to Chen Xi's sacrificing the big Luotian siege, until now when he was about to kill Jiang Taizhong with his sword, all happened in an instant, but this big hand was bigger than that. Their speed is even faster!

In particular, the timing of the appearance of this big hand was exactly when Chen Xi's old strength had just emerged and his new strength had not been released. It was precise, ruthless, and tricky to the extreme, and it seemed to be the best interpretation of a one-hit kill.


In front of him, white and slender hands enveloped him, making Chen Xi's face darken, and he smelled an extremely dangerous aura, which stimulated every inch of his body to tremble.

The aura enveloped by this big hand was too terrifying, beyond imagination, it was the only thing Chen Xi had ever seen in his life, and at other times, he would not be afraid to fight with it, but now, the other party seized a weak spot, and suddenly killed him, making him Suddenly fell into a dangerous situation!

At this moment of urgency, Chen Xi's eyes flashed fiercely, and he was about to fight to the death, but at this moment, a verdant leaf appeared out of thin air, drawing a mysterious and unspeakable arc. Finally, he floated in front of that big hand!


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